{ "homepage": "https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/small-ships/files/all", "promos": { "1.20.1-recommended": "2.0.0-b1.2", "1.19.4-recommended": "2.0.0-a2.3.3", "1.19.2-recommended": "2.0.0-b1.2", "1.18.2-recommended": "2.0.0-b1.2", "1.16.5-recommended": "1.10.1" }, "1.18.2": { "2.0.0-b1.2": "fixed config errors, buffed cannonballs", "2.0.0-b1.1.1": "fixed ships not spawning", "2.0.0-b1.1": "added drakkar ship with shields, added sunken feature, added configs, added dis/mounting feature", "2.0.0a2.0": "added config system, added speed modifiers for ships based on different factors, added ability to set sail state with forward/backward keybinds, added the galley, added crafting recipes, added knockback and damage feature for ships, added ability to leash ships and boats, added ability to zoom out while in a ship, rework for cannon mechanics, various fixes.", "2.0.0a2.1": "fixed speed log spamming, fixed crafting recipes, fixed incorrect sail state sound playing, fixed toggle sail key issues.", "2.0.0a2.2": "added paddling modifier, fixed immersive portals and oh the biomes you'll go incompatibility, adjusted passenger positions for all ships, fixed sail sound firing twice.", "2.0.0-a2.3": "added client side config, added auto third person feature when entering ships, added config updating system, fixed arclight incompatibility, fixed wrong sail sound being played.", "2.0.0-a2.3.1": "fixed strange mixin crash." }, "1.19.2": { "2.0.0-b1.2": "fixed config errors, buffed cannonballs", "2.0.0-b1.1": "added drakkar ship with shields, added sunken feature, added configs, added dis/mounting feature", "2.0.0a2.0": "various fixes, added config system, rework cannon mechanics. added the galley, added leashing, added new sail control.", "2.0.0a2.1": "fixed sail-key issues, fixed crafting recipes, fixed speed log spamming.", "2.0.0a2.2": "added paddling modifier, fixed immersive portals and oh the biomes you'll go incompatibility, adjusted passenger positions for all ships, fixed sail sound firing twice.", "2.0.0-a2.3": "added client side config, added auto third person feature when entering ships, added config updating system, fixed wrong sail sound being played." }, "1.19.4": { "2.0.0-a2.3": "added client side config, added auto third person feature when entering ships, added config updating system, fixed wrong sail sound being played.", "2.0.0-a2.3.2": "fix creative menu tab issues.", "2.0.0-a2.3.3": "fix registry issues." }, "1.20": { "2.0.0-a2.3": "added client side config, added auto third person feature when entering ships, added config updating system, fixed wrong sail sound being played.", "2.0.0-a2.3.1": "fix crash on fabric by using proper forgeconfigapiport 1.20 update.", "2.0.0-a2.3.2": "fix creative menu tab issues, fix ship container menu texture." }, "1.20.1": { "2.0.0-b1.2": "fixed config errors, buffed cannonballs", "2.0.0-b1.1": "added drakkar ship with shields, added sunken feature, added configs, added dis/mounting feature", "2.0.0-a2.3.3": "fix registry issues." } }