# Unity3DReference Quick search Unity3D Script Reference - http://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/ ## Usage Highlight a word and `CTRL + '` (single-quote) to search the script reference using default browser. `CTRL + '` with nothing highlighted to prompt input to search. ### Configure ```json { "use_local_url": false, "local_url": "file:///Applications/Unity/Documentation/html/en/ScriptReference/30_search.html" } ``` If you'd rather use locally installed documentation set `use_local_url` to `true`. If the default documentation path is incorrect (you see a file/page not found error in your browser) you can update the `local_url` option. ## How to install 1. Clone or [download] git repo into your packages folder (Preferences -> Browse Packages) Or with [Package Control](https://sublime.wbond.net/): 1. Run "Package Control: Install Package" command. 2. Find and install `Unity3D Reference` plugin. ## Issues * Documentation & Code: https://github.com/talitore/Unity3DReference * Report issues / Request New Features: https://github.com/talitore/Unity3DReference/issues * Follow me on twitter: @tekems