// ==UserScript== // @name FreeAgent Budget Summary // @namespace http://outlandishideas.co.uk // @description Add a bar chart to the project summary page showing work and expenses against budget // @include https://*.freeagentcentral.com/projects/* // @include https://*.freeagent.com/projects/* // @version 2.0 // ==/UserScript== function init($) { //reinsert block if user switched tabs $('#tertiary_nav .tabs li a').bind('click', function(){ //try adding graph every 200ms var intervalTimer = setInterval(function(){init($);}, 200); //stop trying after 2s setTimeout(function(){clearInterval(intervalTimer);}, 2000); }); //check we're on the right page and not already loaded if (!$('#profitability_chart_block').size() || $('#glance_block').size()) return; //extract billing and budget var data = {}; $('#meta .panel .panel_data .detail').each(function(){ data[$('h4', this).text()] = $('p', this).text(); }); //can't convert budget days to money if (data['Budget'].indexOf('Day') > 0) return; var billingRate = data['Billing Rate'].replace(/[^0-9\.]/g, ''); var budget = data['Budget'].replace(/[^0-9\.]/g, ''); //allow for budget to be specified in hours if (data['Budget'].indexOf('Hour') > 0) { budget *= billingRate; } //can't scale chart if no budget if (budget == 0) return; //extract hours and expenses var hourBits = $('#breakdown_block li:first strong').text().split(':'); var hours = parseInt(hourBits[0]) + (parseInt(hourBits[1])/60); var expenses = parseInt($('#summary_profit li:eq(1) strong').text().replace(/[^0-9\.]/g, '')); //get currency symbol(s) var currencyPrefix = $('#summary_profit .summary_data:first strong').text().match(/^[^0-9,\.]+/); var currencySuffix = $('#summary_profit .summary_data:first strong').text().match(/[^0-9,\.]+$/); if (currencyPrefix==null) currencyPrefix = ''; if (currencySuffix==null) currencySuffix = ''; //add container block var $innerDiv = $('

At a Glance

' + '
') .prependTo('#income_data') .find('div div'); var chartHtml = '
'; var labelHtml = '
'; var spend = hours * billingRate + expenses; var scale = Math.max(budget, spend)/100; //add bar pieces $(chartHtml.replace('{color}', '649A23').replace('{left}', 0)).appendTo($innerDiv); $(chartHtml.replace('{color}', '87B354').replace('{left}', expenses/scale)).appendTo($innerDiv); $(chartHtml.replace('{color}', 'FFC726').replace('{left}', spend/scale)).appendTo($innerDiv); //add red chart piece and label if over budget if (spend > budget) { $innerDiv .append(chartHtml.replace('{color}', 'ff0000').replace('{left}', budget/scale)) .after(labelHtml.replace('{color}', 'ff0000').replace('{text}', 'Over Budget '+currencyPrefix+Math.round(spend-budget)+currencySuffix)); } else if (spend < budget) { //add remaining budget label $innerDiv .after(labelHtml.replace('{color}', 'FFC726').replace('{text}', 'Remaining Budget '+currencyPrefix+Math.round(budget-spend)+currencySuffix)); } //add other labels $innerDiv.after(labelHtml.replace('{color}', '87B354').replace('{text}', 'Labour '+currencyPrefix+Math.round(hours*billingRate)+currencySuffix)); if (expenses) { $innerDiv.after(labelHtml.replace('{color}', '649A23').replace('{text}', 'Expenses '+currencyPrefix+Math.round(expenses)+currencySuffix)); } } //set up graph init(jQuery); jQuery.noConflict(true);