#BSUB -L /bin/bash # uses the bash login shell to initialize the job's execution environment. #BSUB -J cgat_bam2stats # job name #BSUB -n 1 # assigns 1 core for execution #BSUB -R "span[ptile=1]" # assigns 1 core per node #BSUB -R "rusage[mem=2500]" # reserves 2500MB memory per core #BSUB -M 2500 # sets to 2500MB per process enforceable memory limit. (M * n) #BSUB -W 1:00 # sets to 1 hour the job's runtime wall-clock limit. #BSUB -o stdout.%J # directs the job's standard output to stdout.jobid #BSUB -e stderr.%J # directs the job's standard error to stderr.jobid module load CGAT/0.2.4 <