#BSUB -L /bin/bash # uses the bash login shell to initialize the job's execution environment. #BSUB -J speedseq # job name #BSUB -n 20 # assigns 20 cores for execution #BSUB -R "span[ptile=20]" # assigns 20 cores per node #BSUB -R "rusage[mem=2700]" # reserves 2700MB memory per core #BSUB -M 2700 # sets to 2700MB per process enforceable memory limit. (M * n) #BSUB -W 48:00 # sets to 24 hour the job's runtime wall-clock limit. #BSUB -o stdout.%J # directs the job's standard output to stdout.jobid #BSUB -e stderr.%J # directs the job's standard error to stderr.jobid module load SpeedSeq/0.1.2-foss-2017A-Python-2.7.12 <<'README' - SpeedSeq manual: https://github.com/hall-lab/speedseq#usage README ################################### VARIABLES ################################## # TODO Edit these variables as needed: ########## INPUTS ########## pe1_1='/scratch/datasets/GCATemplates/data/miseq/a_fumigatus/DRR022927_1.fastq.gz' pe1_2='/scratch/datasets/GCATemplates/data/miseq/a_fumigatus/DRR022927_2.fastq.gz' reference='/scratch/datasets/gmod_genomes/Aspergillus_fumigatus_Af293/A_fumigatus_Af293_version_s03-m05-r05_chromosomes.fasta' ######## PARAMETERS ######## threads=20 sample_name='DRR022927' ########## OUTPUTS ######### outprefix="out_speedseq_${sample_name}" ################################### COMMANDS ################################### # command to run with defaults speedseq align -t $threads -R "@RG\tID:$sample_name\tSM:$sample_name\tLB:pelib" -o $outprefix $reference $pe1_1 $pe1_2 <