⭐ Honkai: Star Rail Relic Simulator ⭐ A simulator that is based on HSR's relic system. Randomization chances are based on actual in-game chances (based on statistics). ❗❗ This project may be slower on lower-end systems. Hardware Acceleration is highly recommended. Clicking buttons too quickly can mess up the simulator. ⚡ Click the Green Flag until it turns into a lightning bolt for faster performance. ✅ Your data is automatically saved in your browser. ⌨️ Keybinds ⏎ ENTER: Clear All Saved Data ⇨ R. ARROW: Create Custom Relic 💾 Exporting Relic Data To use Export relic, you must open the project in the Snap editor and enable JavaScript extensions. Alternatively, you can find the data in your browser's local storage. ☑️ Updated for HSR v1.6 ☑️ Includes data from v2.0 Beta -------------------------------------------------- 📊 Stat Distribution Data main stats: https://docs.qq.com/sheet/DYkFxSVFNSGp5YlVv?tab=metuhj sub stats: https://docs.qq.com/sheet/DYkFxSVFNSGp5YlVv?tab=rp4s89 Distribution data last updated: Oct 8, 2023 -------------------------------------------------- ©️ Legal tamuraki and Snap! are not affiliated with HoYoverse. Honkai: Star Rail, game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of HoYoverse.  ⭐ Honkai: Star Rail Relic Simulator ⭐ A simulator that is based on HSR's relic system. Randomization chances are based on actual in-game chances (based on statistics). ❗❗ This project may be slower on lower-end systems. Hardware Acceleration is highly recommended. Clicking buttons too quickly can mess up the simulator. ⚡ Click the Green Flag until it turns into a lightning bolt for faster performance. ✅ Your data is automatically saved in your browser. ⌨️ Keybinds ⏎ ENTER: Clear All Saved Data ⇨ R. ARROW: Create Custom Relic 💾 Exporting Relic Data To use Export relic, you must open the project in the Snap editor and enable JavaScript extensions. Alternatively, you can find the data in your browser's local storage. ☑️ Updated for HSR v1.6 ☑️ Includes data from v2.0 Beta -------------------------------------------------- 📊 Stat Distribution Data main stats: https://docs.qq.com/sheet/DYkFxSVFNSGp5YlVv?tab=metuhj sub stats: https://docs.qq.com/sheet/DYkFxSVFNSGp5YlVv?tab=rp4s89 Distribution data last updated: Oct 8, 2023 -------------------------------------------------- ©️ Legal tamuraki and Snap! are not affiliated with HoYoverse. Honkai: Star Rail, game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of HoYoverse.
Code Name | Full Name | Pieces | 2pc/4pc Effects
SPD HP ATK HP% ATK% DEF% Effect Hit Rate Outgoing Healing Boost CRIT Rate CRIT DMG Physical DMG Boost Fire DMG Boost Ice DMG Boost Wind DMG Boost Lightning DMG Boost Quantum DMG Boost Imaginary DMG Boost Break Effect Energy Regeneration Rate Main Stat | Base Value | Increase Per Lv. | Max Value
SPD HP ATK DEF HP% ATK% DEF% Break Effect Effect Hit Rate Effect RES CRIT Rate CRIT DMG Sub Stat | Tier 1 | Tier 2 | Tier 3
ca:desa clau: _ amb valor: _ al navegador
ca:dades desades al navegador
ca:esborra clau: _ del navegador
ca:esborra dades del navegador
Reports the value previously stored under the input key in the browser's local storage. Reports False if the key is not found.
ca:obté valor de clau: _ al navegador
Takes a text string as input, and reports a new text string containing all but the first character of the input.
pt:_ sem o primeiro caractere ca:_ sense la primera lletra All but first of empty word.
Takes a text string as input, divides it into words treating one or more spaces as a word separator (only spaces count; punctuation is part of the word) and reports a text string containing all but the first word, with one space between words and no spaces at the beginning or end. (Note: consider using SENTENCE➞LIST and processing the resulting list instead of doing recursion on sentences in text string form. List operations are faster.)
pt:_ sem a primeira palavra ca:_ sense la primera paraula All but first of empty sentence.
Takes a text string as input, and reports a new text string containing all but the last letter of the input.
pt:_ sem o último caractere ca:_ sense la darrera lletra All but first of empty word.
Takes a text string as input, divides it into words treating one or more spaces as a word separator (only spaces count; punctuation is part of the word) and reports a text string containing all but the last word, with one space between words and no spaces at the beginning or end. (Note: consider using SENTENCE->LIST and processing the resulting list instead of doing recursion on sentences in text string form. List operations are faster.)
pt:_ sem a última palavra ca:_ sense la darrera paraula All but last of empty sentence.
Takes a text string as input, divides it into words treating one or more spaces as a word separator (only spaces count; punctuation is part of the word) and reports a text string containing only the first word, with no spaces before or after it.
pt:a primeira palavra de _ ca:primera paraula de _
Takes a text string as input, and reports the last character in the string.
pt:o último caractere de _ ca:primera lletra de _ 0
Takes a text string as input, divides it into words treating one or more spaces as a word separator (only spaces count; punctuation is part of the word) and reports a text string containing only the last word of the input, with no spaces before or after it.
pt:a última palavra de _ ca:darrera paraula de _ Last of empty sentence.
Takes a text string as input, and reports TRUE if the string has no characters in it of any kind, otherwise false.
pt:a palavra _ está vazia ca:paraula buida? _ 0
Takes a text string as input, and reports TRUE if the input contains no characters other than spaces (therefore, no words when the string is considered as a sentence), otherwise FALSE.
pt:a frase _ está vazia ca:frase buida? _
Like JOIN, takes any number of words (text strings) and reports a sentence with its inputs concatenated, but inserts a blank space between the inputs. Consider using SENTENCE (Lists palette) instead.
de:füge Wörter zusammen _ ca:uneix les paraules _ es:unir las palabras _ fr:fusionne les mots _ pt:uma frase com as palavras _ first bf first 1 1 1 bf
Takes a sentence in list form and reports the sentence as a text string.
de:Liste $arrowRight Satz _ ca:llista $arrowRight frase _ es:lista $arrowRight frase _ fr:liste $arrowRight phrase _ pt:uma frase com as palavras em _
report a list in which each item is one letter from the input word
de:Wort $arrowRight Liste _ ca:paraula $arrowRight llista _ es:palabra $arrowRight lista _ fr:mot $arrowRight liste _ pt:uma lista com os caracteres da palavra _
join all the items of the input list into a single word, and report it
de:Liste $arrowRight Wort _ ca:llista $arrowRight paraula _ es:lista $arrowRight palabra _ fr:liste $arrowRight mot _ pt:uma palavra com os caracteres em _
Helper function for word/sentence library. Reports its first input, unless that input is empty, in which case it gives its second input as an error message.
Takes a text string as input, and reports the first character in the string.
pt:a primeira palavra de _ ca:primera lletra de _
Code Name | Full Name | Pieces | 2pc Effect
Name Name Pieces Name of Piece={ Head Hand Body Feet Planar Sphere Link Rope } Musketeer Relics={ Hunter of Glacial Forest=Glacial Eagle of Twilight Line=Eagle Champion of Streetwise Boxing=Champion Thief of Shooting Meteor=Thief Passerby of Wandering Cloud=Passerby Musketeer of Wild Wheat=Musketeer Guard of Wuthering Snow=Guard Genius of Brilliant Stars=Genius Knight of Purity Palace=Knight Band of Sizzling Thunder=Sizzling Firesmith of Lava-Forging=Firesmith Wastelander of Banditry Desert=Wastelander Longevous Disciple=Longevous Messenger Traversing Hackerspace=Hackerspace The Ashblazing Grand Duke=Ashblazing Prisoner in Deep Confinement=Prisoner } Ornaments={ Space Sealing Station=Space Fleet of the Ageless=Ageless Talia: Kingdom of Banditry=Talia Sprightly Vonwacq=Sprightly Pan-Cosmic Commercial Enterprise=Cosmic Celestial Differentiator=Celestial Belobog of the Architects=Belobog Inert Salsotto=Salsotto Rutilant Arena=Rutilant Broken Keel=Keel Firmament Frontline Glamoth=Frontline Penacony Land of the Dreams=Dreams } Name Pieces Head Hand Body Feet Planar Sphere Link Rope false
pt:o texto multilinha _ ca:multilínia _
Reports the part of the first string up to the first instance of the second string inside it. If the second string isn't found, reports the entire first string.
pt:o texto de _ antes de _ ca:part del text _ anterior a _
Reports the portion of the first input string starting after the first occurrence of the second string. If the second string isn't found in the first string, reports an empty string.
pt:o texto de _ depois de _ ca:part del text _ posterior a _
Reports the character position (starting from 1) of the beginning of the first input string inside the second input string. If it's not found, reports 0.
pt:a posição de _ em _ ca:posició de _ en _
Reports the portion of the first input (string) starting at the position given by the second input (counting from 1, like LETTER n OF) and ending at the position given by the third input (also counting from 1). If the third input is empty, reports the portion from the first position to the end of the string. If a position number is negative, counts from the end backward, so -1 is the last character, -2 is the next to last, etc.
pt:o texto de _ entre as posições _ e _ , inclusive ca:part del text _ des de la posició _ fins _
Reports True if the first input string contains the second input string, otherwise false. Comparison is case-independent by default; use USE CASE-INDEPENDENT COMPARISONS to change that.
pt:o texto de _ antes de _ ca:text _ conté _ ?
Path of Drifting Glacial + Eagle=Path of Gelid Wind Champion + Thief=Path of Jabbing Punch Passerby + Musketeer=Path of Drifting Guard + Genius=Path of Providence Knight + Sizzling=Path of Holy Hymn Firesmith + Wastelander=Path of Conflagration Longevous + Hackerspace=Path of Elixir Seekers Ashblazing + Prisoner=Path of ??? Space + Ageless=World 3 Talia + Sprightly=World 4 Cosmic + Celestial=World 5 Belobog + Salsotto=World 6 Rutilant + Keel=World 7 Frontline + Dreams=World 8
Head Head Hand Body Feet Planar Sphere Link Rope https://docs.qq.com/sheet/DYkFxSVFNSGp5YlVv?tab=metuhj
Piece,Distribution,Main Stat,# of Sub Stats,Sub Stats
Musketeer Relics={ Hunter of Glacial Forest=Glacial Eagle of Twilight Line=Eagle Champion of Streetwise Boxing=Champion Thief of Shooting Meteor=Thief Passerby of Wandering Cloud=Passerby Musketeer of Wild Wheat=Musketeer Guard of Wuthering Snow=Guard Genius of Brilliant Stars=Genius Knight of Purity Palace=Knight Band of Sizzling Thunder=Sizzling Firesmith of Lava-Forging=Firesmith Wastelander of Banditry Desert=Wastelander Longevous Disciple=Longevous Messenger Traversing Hackerspace=Hackerspace Grand Duke Incinerated to Ashes=Ashes Prisoner in Deep Confinement=Prisoner } Ornaments={ Space Sealing Station=Space Fleet of the Ageless=Ageless Talia: Kingdom of Banditry=Talia Sprightly Vonwacq=Sprightly Pan-Cosmic Commercial Enterprise=Cosmic Celestial Differentiator=Celestial Belobog of the Architects=Belobog Inert Salsotto=Salsotto Rutilant Arena=Rutilant Broken Keel=Keel Firmament Frontline Glamoth=Frontline Penacony Land of the Dreams=Dreams } choose main stat DMG Boost choose random element for dmg boost # of Sub Stats 0.35 true 4 3 choose random amount of sub stats (3 or 4) 35% chance to get 4 stats (UNOFFICIAL CHANCE FOR 4 STAT) Sub Stats if the chance is true and sub stat does not already exist and sub stat is not same as main stat 1 3 SPD,2,2.3,2.6 HP,33.87,38.103755,42.33751 ATK,16.935,19.051877,21.168754 DEF,16.935,19.051877,21.168754 HP%,3.456,3.888,4.32 ATK%,3.456,3.888,4.32 DEF%,4.32,4.86,5.4 Break Effect,5.184,5.832,6.48 Effect Hit Rate,3.456,3.888,4.32 Effect RES,3.456,3.888,4.32 CRIT Rate,2.592,2.916,3.24 CRIT DMG,5.184,5.832,6.48 choose random sub stats Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters Pioneer's Heatproof Shell,Pioneer's Lacuna Compass,Pioneer's Sealed Lead Apron,Pioneer's Starfaring Anchor Increases DMG dealt to enemies with debuff by 12%.,"Increases CRIT Rate by 4%. The wearer's attacks against enemies with at least 2/4 debuffs deal 8%/12% CRIT DMG. Upon inflicting a debuff on an enemy, this skill's CRIT Rate and CRIT DMG bonuses are doubled for 1 turn(s)." false
HP SPD HP ATK DEF HP% ATK% DEF% Break Effect Effect Hit Rate Effect RES CRIT Rate CRIT DMG
pt:os dados JSON _ em formato de lista
pt:o valor com chave _ em _
pt:um par (chave: _ , valor: _ )
Musketeer Relics={ Hunter of Glacial Forest=Glacial Eagle of Twilight Line=Eagle Champion of Streetwise Boxing=Champion Thief of Shooting Meteor=Thief Passerby of Wandering Cloud=Passerby Musketeer of Wild Wheat=Musketeer Guard of Wuthering Snow=Guard Genius of Brilliant Stars=Genius Knight of Purity Palace=Knight Band of Sizzling Thunder=Sizzling Firesmith of Lava-Forging=Firesmith Wastelander of Banditry Desert=Wastelander Longevous Disciple=Longevous Messenger Traversing Hackerspace=Hackerspace The Ashblazing Grand Duke=Ashblazing Prisoner in Deep Confinement=Prisoner } Ornaments={ Space Sealing Station=Space Fleet of the Ageless=Ageless Talia: Kingdom of Banditry=Talia Sprightly Vonwacq=Sprightly Pan-Cosmic Commercial Enterprise=Cosmic Celestial Differentiator=Celestial Belobog of the Architects=Belobog Inert Salsotto=Salsotto Rutilant Arena=Rutilant Broken Keel=Keel Firmament Frontline Glamoth=Frontline Penacony Land of the Dreams=Dreams } Head Head Hand Body Feet Planar Sphere Link Rope HP SPD HP ATK HP% ATK% DEF% Effect Hit Rate Outgoing Healing Boost CRIT Rate CRIT DMG Physical DMG Boost Fire DMG Boost Ice DMG Boost Wind DMG Boost Lightning DMG Boost Quantum DMG Boost Imaginary DMG Boost Break Effect Energy Regeneration Rate 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 4 CRIT 3 CV 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 200 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -260 100 Displaying false
Musketeer Relics={ Hunter of Glacial Forest=Glacial Eagle of Twilight Line=Eagle Champion of Streetwise Boxing=Champion Thief of Shooting Meteor=Thief Passerby of Wandering Cloud=Passerby Musketeer of Wild Wheat=Musketeer Guard of Wuthering Snow=Guard Genius of Brilliant Stars=Genius Knight of Purity Palace=Knight Band of Sizzling Thunder=Sizzling Firesmith of Lava-Forging=Firesmith Wastelander of Banditry Desert=Wastelander Longevous Disciple=Longevous Messenger Traversing Hackerspace=Hackerspace The Ashblazing Grand Duke=Ashblazing Prisoner in Deep Confinement=Prisoner } Ornaments={ Space Sealing Station=Space Fleet of the Ageless=Ageless Talia: Kingdom of Banditry=Talia Sprightly Vonwacq=Sprightly Pan-Cosmic Commercial Enterprise=Cosmic Celestial Differentiator=Celestial Belobog of the Architects=Belobog Inert Salsotto=Salsotto Rutilant Arena=Rutilant Broken Keel=Keel Firmament Frontline Glamoth=Frontline Penacony Land of the Dreams=Dreams } Head Hand Body Feet Planar Sphere Link Rope SPD HP ATK HP% ATK% DEF% Effect Hit Rate Outgoing Healing Boost CRIT Rate CRIT DMG Physical DMG Boost Fire DMG Boost Ice DMG Boost Wind DMG Boost Lightning DMG Boost Quantum DMG Boost Imaginary DMG Boost Break Effect Energy Regeneration Rate 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | ,
a,Set,Main Stat,Piece,Sub Stats,Lv
error Set 1 Main Stat 2 Piece 3 Sub Stats 4 | Lv 5 b c b item Sub Stats
Data,Set,Piece,Main Stat,Sub Stats,Lv
Data Set 1 Piece 2 Main Stat 3 Sub Stats 4 Lv 5 15 1 3 SPD,2,2.3,2.6 HP,33.87,38.103755,42.33751 ATK,16.935,19.051877,21.168754 DEF,16.935,19.051877,21.168754 HP%,3.456,3.888,4.32 ATK%,3.456,3.888,4.32 DEF%,4.32,4.86,5.4 Break Effect,5.184,5.832,6.48 Effect Hit Rate,3.456,3.888,4.32 Effect RES,3.456,3.888,4.32 CRIT Rate,2.592,2.916,3.24 CRIT DMG,5.184,5.832,6.48 3 0 SPD=2,ATK%=7.776,CRIT DMG=11.664,CRIT Rate=9.396 Current Displayed Relic false
what's your name?
§_objectsMenu option
left left right hey!
open my definition to look at examples how to use the menu blocks
1 CRIT 4 1 3 CRIT Double CRIT main stat and sub stat false
Musketeer Relics={ Hunter of Glacial Forest=Glacial Eagle of Twilight Line=Eagle Champion of Streetwise Boxing=Champion Thief of Shooting Meteor=Thief Passerby of Wandering Cloud=Passerby Musketeer of Wild Wheat=Musketeer Guard of Wuthering Snow=Guard Genius of Brilliant Stars=Genius Knight of Purity Palace=Knight Band of Sizzling Thunder=Sizzling Firesmith of Lava-Forging=Firesmith Wastelander of Banditry Desert=Wastelander Longevous Disciple=Longevous Messenger Traversing Hackerspace=Hackerspace The Ashblazing Grand Duke=Ashblazing Prisoner in Deep Confinement=Prisoner } Ornaments={ Space Sealing Station=Space Fleet of the Ageless=Ageless Talia: Kingdom of Banditry=Talia Sprightly Vonwacq=Sprightly Pan-Cosmic Commercial Enterprise=Cosmic Celestial Differentiator=Celestial Belobog of the Architects=Belobog Inert Salsotto=Salsotto Rutilant Arena=Rutilant Broken Keel=Keel Firmament Frontline Glamoth=Frontline Penacony Land of the Dreams=Dreams } Head Head Hand Body Feet Planar Sphere Link Rope HP SPD HP ATK HP% ATK% DEF% Effect Hit Rate Outgoing Healing Boost CRIT Rate CRIT DMG Physical DMG Boost Fire DMG Boost Ice DMG Boost Wind DMG Boost Lightning DMG Boost Quantum DMG Boost Imaginary DMG Boost Break Effect Energy Regeneration Rate 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
SPD HP ATK DEF HP% ATK% DEF% Break Effect Effect Hit Rate Effect RES CRIT Rate CRIT DMG 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 Random
Reports the currently pressed mouse button's ID (i.e. middle click is 1, right-click is 2). If no buttons are currently being pressed, it will report -1. If multiple are pressed at once, it will report the ID of the button most recently pressed. This doesn't work for left clicks, however. For that you need to use 'mouse down?'.
Musketeer of Wild Wheat Relics={ Glacial=Hunter of Glacial Forest Eagle=Eagle of Twilight Line Champion=Champion of Streetwise Boxing Thief=Thief of Shooting Meteor Passerby=Passerby of Wandering Cloud Musketeer=Musketeer of Wild Wheat Guard=Guard of Wuthering Snow Genius=Genius of Brilliant Stars Knight=Knight of Purity Palace Sizzling=Band of Sizzling Thunder Firesmith=Firesmith of Lava-Forging Wastelander=Wastelander of Banditry Desert Longevous=Longevous Disciple Hackerspace=Messenger Traversing Hackerspace Ashblazing=The Ashblazing Grand Duke Prisoner=Prisoner in Deep Confinement } Ornaments={ Space=Space Sealing Station Ageless=Fleet of the Ageless Talia=Talia: Kingdom of Banditry Sprightly=Sprightly Vonwacq Cosmic=Pan-Cosmic Commercial Enterprise Celestial=Celestial Differentiator Belobog=Belobog of the Architects Salsotto=Inert Salsotto Rutilant=Rutilant Arena Keel=Broken Keel Frontline=Firmament Frontline Glamoth Dreams=Penacony Land of the Dreams } 1 2
relic 1 2 3 4 5
a Favorites favorites ,
item , false
a Favorites favorites ,
Reports a sorted version of the list in its first input slot, using the comparison function in the second input slot. For a list of numbers, using < as the comparison function will sort from low to high; using > will sort from high to low.
ca:ordena _ segons criteri _
The second input is an "association list," a list of two-item lists. Each of those smaller lists has a "key" as its first item and a "value" as its second. ASSOC reports the first key-value pair in the association list whose key matches the first input.
ca:associació _ _
This block carries out the given script for each item of the given list, like the primitive FOR EACH. What's different is that it provides the # variable, which will contain the item number in the list of each item in turn, 1 while processing item 1, and so on.
ca:_ per cada _ de _ _
Takes a (possibly deep) list as input, and reports a human-readable text form of the list (namely, Lisp notation). Will not work on circular lists.
ca:notació textual de _ ( )
SENTENCE is the main constructor for sentences, represented as lists of words. It takes zero or more inputs, each of which can be either a list or a text string. If a list, the input is assumed to be a list of words. If a text string, it is converted to a list of words using SENTENCE→LIST. Then all the lists of words are appended to form a new list of words. If the inputs are lists of lists rather than lists of words, SENTENCE, like APPEND, does only one level of flattening, reporting a list of all the items of all the input lists.
ca:frase _
ZIP takes any number of lists as inputs. The lists should all be the same length. ZIP reports a list of lists in which the first item is a list of all the first items, the second item is a list of all the second items, etc. Viewing the inputs as the rows of a matrix, ZIP reports its transpose.
The identity function reports its input.
Takes as input a function of N inputs and N lists. The function is called with item 1 of all the lists as its inputs, with item 2 of all the lists as its inputs, and so on. (The lists should all be the same length.)
ca:multi-mapeja _ sobre _
Takes a sentence in text string form and reports the sentence as a list of its words.
de:Satz $arrowRight Liste _ ca:frase $arrowRight llista _ es:frase $arrowRight lista _ fr:phrase $arrowRight liste _ pt:uma lista com as palavras da frase _
If there is atleast 1 relic, then it will parse and add all relics that have been saved in the browser to the Relics variable. Parse = Convert relic data from a string to a list Favorites favorites false favorites If favorites in browser exists and is not empty, then it will add every id in the favorites to the Favorites variable.
Relic Set,Generated Relic,Piece,Main Stat,Sub Stats,Lv
Current Displayed Relic
Set,Piece,Main Stat,# of Sub Stats,Sub Stats,Lv
Piece Select a Piece 0,Head Head 0,Hand Hand 0,Body Body 0,Feet Feet 0,Planar Sphere Planar Sphere 0,Link Rope Link Rope Cancel Cancel Main Stat Select a Main Stat Cancel 0,SPD SPD 0,HP HP 0,ATK ATK 0,HP% HP% 0,ATK% ATK% 0,DEF% DEF% 0,Effect Hit Rate Effect Hit Rate 0,Outgoing Healing Boost Outgoing Healing Boost 0,CRIT Rate CRIT Rate 0,CRIT DMG CRIT DMG 0,Physical DMG Boost Physical DMG Boost 0,Fire DMG Boost Fire DMG Boost 0,Ice DMG Boost Ice DMG Boost 0,Wind DMG Boost Wind DMG Boost 0,Lightning DMG Boost Lightning DMG Boost 0,Quantum DMG Boost Quantum DMG Boost 0,Imaginary DMG Boost Imaginary DMG Boost 0,Break Effect Break Effect 0,Energy Regeneration Rate Energy Regeneration Rate Cancel Choose a main stat Cancel # of Sub Stats How many sub stats? 1 2 3 4 Cancel Choose the amount of sub stats Cancel Sub Stats This list will have the actual sub stats Rolls How many rolls? 0 1 2 3 4 5 Cancel Cancel Tier What tier? 1 2 3 Cancel Cancel SPD,2,2.3,2.6 HP,33.87,38.103755,42.33751 ATK,16.935,19.051877,21.168754 DEF,16.935,19.051877,21.168754 HP%,3.456,3.888,4.32 ATK%,3.456,3.888,4.32 DEF%,4.32,4.86,5.4 Break Effect,5.184,5.832,6.48 Effect Hit Rate,3.456,3.888,4.32 Effect RES,3.456,3.888,4.32 CRIT Rate,2.592,2.916,3.24 CRIT DMG,5.184,5.832,6.48 SPD,2,2.3,2.6 HP,33.87,38.103755,42.33751 ATK,16.935,19.051877,21.168754 DEF,16.935,19.051877,21.168754 HP%,3.456,3.888,4.32 ATK%,3.456,3.888,4.32 DEF%,4.32,4.86,5.4 Break Effect,5.184,5.832,6.48 Effect Hit Rate,3.456,3.888,4.32 Effect RES,3.456,3.888,4.32 CRIT Rate,2.592,2.916,3.24 CRIT DMG,5.184,5.832,6.48 Tier + (Tier * Rolls) Choose sub stats and their respective values Lv Select a Level 0 1 15 Cancel Choose relic level from 0 - 15 Cancel Display the custom relic Tracking and saving data Current Displayed Relic
Relic Relic Deleted 1 Deleted
item Relics in Domain Domain Generate Relics Relic Icons Relic Piece Name Relic Piece Main Stat Sub Stat1 Sub Stat2 Sub Stat3 Sub Stat4 Level Crit Value Upgrade Overlay Loading Finished
Musketeer Relics={ Hunter of Glacial Forest=Glacial Eagle of Twilight Line=Eagle Champion of Streetwise Boxing=Champion Thief of Shooting Meteor=Thief Passerby of Wandering Cloud=Passerby Musketeer of Wild Wheat=Musketeer Guard of Wuthering Snow=Guard Genius of Brilliant Stars=Genius Knight of Purity Palace=Knight Band of Sizzling Thunder=Sizzling Firesmith of Lava-Forging=Firesmith Wastelander of Banditry Desert=Wastelander Longevous Disciple=Longevous Messenger Traversing Hackerspace=Hackerspace The Ashblazing Grand Duke=Ashblazing Prisoner in Deep Confinement=Prisoner } Ornaments={ Space Sealing Station=Space Fleet of the Ageless=Ageless Talia: Kingdom of Banditry=Talia Sprightly Vonwacq=Sprightly Pan-Cosmic Commercial Enterprise=Cosmic Celestial Differentiator=Celestial Belobog of the Architects=Belobog Inert Salsotto=Salsotto Rutilant Arena=Rutilant Broken Keel=Keel Firmament Frontline Glamoth=Frontline Penacony Land of the Dreams=Dreams } 2pc 2pc 4pc All 2pc 1 2
Space Relics={ Hunter of Glacial Forest=Glacial Eagle of Twilight Line=Eagle Champion of Streetwise Boxing=Champion Thief of Shooting Meteor=Thief Passerby of Wandering Cloud=Passerby Musketeer of Wild Wheat=Musketeer Guard of Wuthering Snow=Guard Genius of Brilliant Stars=Genius Knight of Purity Palace=Knight Band of Sizzling Thunder=Sizzling Firesmith of Lava-Forging=Firesmith Wastelander of Banditry Desert=Wastelander Longevous Disciple=Longevous Messenger Traversing Hackerspace=Hackerspace The Ashblazing Grand Duke=Ashblazing Prisoner in Deep Confinement=Prisoner } Ornaments={ Space Sealing Station=Space Fleet of the Ageless=Ageless Talia: Kingdom of Banditry=Talia Sprightly Vonwacq=Sprightly Pan-Cosmic Commercial Enterprise=Cosmic Celestial Differentiator=Celestial Belobog of the Architects=Belobog Inert Salsotto=Salsotto Rutilant Arena=Rutilant Broken Keel=Keel Firmament Frontline Glamoth=Frontline Penacony Land of the Dreams=Dreams }
Show Show Hide Hide 100
Musketeer Relics={ Hunter of Glacial Forest=Glacial Eagle of Twilight Line=Eagle Champion of Streetwise Boxing=Champion Thief of Shooting Meteor=Thief Passerby of Wandering Cloud=Passerby Musketeer of Wild Wheat=Musketeer Guard of Wuthering Snow=Guard Genius of Brilliant Stars=Genius Knight of Purity Palace=Knight Band of Sizzling Thunder=Sizzling Firesmith of Lava-Forging=Firesmith Wastelander of Banditry Desert=Wastelander Longevous Disciple=Longevous Messenger Traversing Hackerspace=Hackerspace The Ashblazing Grand Duke=Ashblazing Prisoner in Deep Confinement=Prisoner } Ornaments={ Space Sealing Station=Space Fleet of the Ageless=Ageless Talia: Kingdom of Banditry=Talia Sprightly Vonwacq=Sprightly Pan-Cosmic Commercial Enterprise=Cosmic Celestial Differentiator=Celestial Belobog of the Architects=Belobog Inert Salsotto=Salsotto Rutilant Arena=Rutilant Broken Keel=Keel Firmament Frontline Glamoth=Frontline Penacony Land of the Dreams=Dreams } 2 1
Map function that gets quick and easy-to-read information for every relic. Relic,new list,mapped string
Filter,Main Stat,Sub Stats,Set,Piece,Level,Filtered
Sub Stat(s) Filter by Sub Stat(s) Set Filter by Set Piece Filter by Piece Level Filter by Level Double Crit Filter by Double Crits
Sub Stats
Confirm Cancel If the sub stat has not already been selected and the answer is not Confirm, then add it to the sub stat selection list Keep asking for sub stats until Confirm is clicked or until 4 sub stats have been selected
Prisoner Body CRIT DMG CRIT Rate,2.592 HP%,3.888 ATK,16.935 Break Effect,12.312000000000001 4 0,"[27] (Lv. 0, Ashblazing, Body, CRIT DMG) " [27] (Lv. 0, Ashblazing, Body, CRIT DMG) 0,"[65] (Lv. 4, Prisoner, Body, CRIT DMG) [CRIT]" [65] (Lv. 4, Prisoner, Body, CRIT DMG) [CRIT] [65] (Lv. 4, Prisoner, Body, CRIT DMG) [CRIT]
Deleted N If the checklist DOES NOT contain a N at all, then it matches the filter Prisoner Body DEF% CRIT DMG,5.832 CRIT Rate,5.832000000000001 HP%,15.552 HP,76.20751 15 0,"[8] (Lv. 15, Prisoner, Body, DEF%) [CRIT]" [8] (Lv. 15, Prisoner, Body, DEF%) [CRIT] [8] (Lv. 15, Prisoner, Body, DEF%) [CRIT]
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
Prisoner Body ATK% CRIT DMG,6.48 Effect RES,3.456 CRIT Rate,11.016 DEF,59.272507999999995 15 0,"[1] (Lv. 15, Ashes, Body, CRIT DMG) [CRIT]" [1] (Lv. 15, Ashes, Body, CRIT DMG) [CRIT] 0,"[6] (Lv. 15, Prisoner, Body, ATK%) [CRIT]" [6] (Lv. 15, Prisoner, Body, ATK%) [CRIT] [6] (Lv. 15, Prisoner, Body, ATK%) [CRIT]
Data,Relic,Set,Piece,Main Stat,Sub Stats,Lv,Mapped
0 means it could not parse the relic data Set 1 Piece 2 Main Stat 3 Sub Stats 4 Lv 5 Mapped 1 # of Relics 1 numberOfRelics Imported Relic 1 0,"[63] (Lv. 15, Ashblazing, Body, CRIT Rate) [CRIT]" [63] (Lv. 15, Ashblazing, Body, CRIT Rate) [CRIT] [63] (Lv. 15, Ashblazing, Body, CRIT Rate) [CRIT]
Catch errors. Runs the first script. If it succeeds, nothing else happens. But if it has an error (something that would otherwise result in a red halo around the block), then the second script is run, with the text of the error message that would have been shown in the variable ERROR.
pt:tenta executar _ e, em caso de erro _ , executa _ ca:prova de forma segura _ i si _ _
Throw an error. Makes a red halo appear around the script that runs it, with the input text shown in a speech balloon next to the script, just like any Snap! error. This is useful to put in the second script of SAFELY TRY after some other instructions to undo the partial work of the first script.
pt:lança o erro _
Catch errors in a reporter. Evaluates its first input. If that expression successfully reports a value, this block reports that value. If the expression causes a Snap! error, then the final input slot is evaluated with the text of what would have been the error message in variable ERROR. SAFELY TRY then reports the value of that final expression. Sometimes you'll want to throw an error in the final expression. You can put an ERROR block inside a CALL block to do that.
ca:prova de forma segura reportant _ i si _ reportant _ err
Set,Cavern Relics,Planar Ornaments,Characters,Light Cones,Paths,Combat Types
Planar Ornaments Characters Light Cones Paths Combat Types Cancel Set Set Name Pieces Options Set Name Glacial Hunter of Glacial Forest Hunter's Artaius Hood,Hunter's Lizard Gloves,Hunter's Ice Dragon Cloak,Hunter's Soft Elkskin Boots Increases Ice DMG by 10%.,"After the wearer uses their Ultimate, their CRIT DMG increases by 25% for 2 turn(s)." Eagle Eagle of Twilight Line Eagle's Beaked Helmet,Eagle's Soaring Ring,Eagle's Winged Suit Harness,Eagle's Quilted Puttees Increases Wind DMG by 10%.,"After the wearer uses their Ultimate, their action is Advanced Forward by 25%." Champion Champion of Streetwise Boxing Champion's Headgear,Champion's Heavy Gloves,Champion's Chest Guard,Champion's Fleetfoot Boots Increases Physical DMG by 10%.,"After the wearer attacks or is hit, their ATK increases by 5% for the rest of the battle. This effect can stack up to 5 time(s)." Thief Thief of Shooting Meteor Thief's Myriad-Faced Mask,Thief's Gloves With Prints,Thief's Steel Grappling Hook,Thief's Meteor Boots Increases Break Effect by 16%.,"Increases the wearer's Break Effect by 16%. When the wearer inflicts Weakness Break on an enemy, regenerates 3 Energy." Passerby Passerby of Wandering Cloud Passerby's Rejuvenated Wooden Hairstick,Passerby's Roaming Dragon Bracer,Passerby's Ragged Embroidered Coat,Passerby's Stygian Hiking Boots Increases Outgoing Healing by 10%.,"At the start of the battle, immediately regenerates 1 Skill Point." Musketeer Musketeer of Wild Wheat Musketeer's Wild Wheat Felt Hat,Musketeer's Coarse Leather Gloves,Musketeer's Wind-Hunting Shawl,Musketeer's Rivets Riding Boots ATK increases by 12%.,The wearer's SPD increases by 6% and Basic ATK DMG increases by 10%. Guard Guard of Wuthering Snow Guard's Cast Iron Helmet,Guard's Shining Gauntlets,Guard's Uniform of Old,Guard's Silver Grieves Reduces DMG taken by 8%.,"At the beginning of the turn, if the wearer's HP is equal to or less than 50%, restores HP equal to 8% of their Max HP and regenerates 5 Energy." Genius Genius of Brilliant Stars Genius's Ultraremote Sensing Visor,Genius's Frequency Catcher,Genius's Metafield Suit,Genius's Gravity Walker Increases Quantum DMG by 10%.,"When the wearer deals DMG to the target enemy, ignores 10% DEF. If the target enemy has Quantum Weakness, the wearer additionally ignores 10% DEF." Knight Knight of Purity Palace Knight's Forgiving Casque,Knight's Silent Oath Ring,Knight's Solemn Breastplate,Knight's Iron Boots of Order Increases DEF by 15%.,Increases the max DMG that can be absorbed by the Shield created by the wearer by 20%. Sizzling Band of Sizzling Thunder Band's Polarized Sunglasses,Band's Touring Bracelet,Band's Leather Jacket With Studs,Band's Ankle Boots with Rivets Increases Lightning DMG by 10%.,"When the wearer uses their Skill, increases the wearer's ATK by 20% for 1 turn(s)." Firesmith Firesmith of Lava-Forging Firesmith's Obsidian Goggles,Firesmith's Ring of Flame-Mastery,Firesmith's Fireproof Apron,Firesmith's Alloy Leg Increases Fire DMG by 10%.,"Increases the wearer's Skill DMG by 12%. After unleashing Ultimate, increases the wearer's Fire DMG by 12% for the next attack." Wastelander Wastelander of Banditry Desert Wastelander's Breathing Mask,Wastelander's Desert Terminal,Wastelander's Friar Robe,Wastelander's Powered Grieves Increases Imaginary DMG by 10%.,"When attacking debuffed enemies, the wearer's CRIT Rate increases by 10%, and their CRIT DMG increases by 20% against Imprisoned enemies." Longevous Longevous Disciple Disciple's Prosthetic Eye,Disciple's Ingenium Hand,Disciple's Dewy Feather Garb,Disciple's Celestial Silk Sandals Increases Max HP by 12%.,"When the wearer is hit or has their HP consumed by an ally or themselves, their CRIT Rate increases by 8% for 2 turn(s) and up to 2 stacks." Hackerspace Messenger Traversing Hackerspace Messenger's Holovisor,Messenger's Transformative Arm,Messenger's Secret Satchel,Messenger's Par-kool Sneakers Increases SPD by 6%.,"When the wearer uses their Ultimate on an ally, SPD for all allies increases by 12% for 1 turn(s). This effect cannot be stacked." Ashblazing The Ashblazing Grand Duke Grand Duke's Crown of Netherflame,Grand Duke's Gloves of Fieryfur,Grand Duke's Robe of Grace,Grand Duke's Ceremonial Boots Increase follow-up attack DMG dealt by 20%.,"When the wearer uses follow-up attacks, increase the wearer's ATK by 6% every time the follow-up attack deals DMG. This effect can stack for a maximum of 8 time(s) and lasts for 3 turn(s). This effect is removed the next time the wearer uses a follow-up attack." Prisoner Prisoner in Deep Confinement Prisoner's Sealed Muzzle,Prisoner's Leadstone Shackles,Prisoner's Repressive Straitjacket,Prisoner's Restrictive Fetters ATK increases by 12%.,"For every DoT the target enemy is afflicted with, the wearer will ignore 6% of its DEF when dealing DMG to it, for a max of 3 DoTs." Pioneer Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters Pioneer's Heatproof Shell,Pioneer's Lacuna Compass,Pioneer's Sealed Lead Apron,Pioneer's Starfaring Anchor Increases DMG dealt to enemies with debuff by 12%.,"Increases CRIT Rate by 4%. The wearer's attacks against enemies with at least 2/4 debuffs deal 8%/12% CRIT DMG. Upon inflicting a debuff on an enemy, this skill's CRIT Rate and CRIT DMG bonuses are doubled for 1 turn(s)." Watchmaker Watchmaker, Master of Dream Machinations Watchmaker's Telescoping Lens,Watchmaker's Fortuitous Wristwatch,Watchmaker's Illusory Formal Suit,Watchmaker's Dream-Concealing Dress Shoes Increases Break Effect by 16%.,"When the wearer uses their Ultimate on an ally, Break Effect for all allies increases by 24% for 2 turn(s). This effect cannot be stacked." Options Pieces 2 # Piece Name Pieces Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters Pioneer's Heatproof Shell,Pioneer's Lacuna Compass,Pioneer's Sealed Lead Apron,Pioneer's Starfaring Anchor Increases DMG dealt to enemies with debuff by 12%.,"Increases CRIT Rate by 4%. The wearer's attacks against enemies with at least 2/4 debuffs deal 8%/12% CRIT DMG. Upon inflicting a debuff on an enemy, this skill's CRIT Rate and CRIT DMG bonuses are doubled for 1 turn(s)." false All Increases DMG dealt to enemies with debuff by 12%.,"Increases CRIT Rate by 4%. The wearer's attacks against enemies with at least 2/4 debuffs deal 8%/12% CRIT DMG. Upon inflicting a debuff on an enemy, this skill's CRIT Rate and CRIT DMG bonuses are doubled for 1 turn(s)."
Musketeer Relics={ Hunter of Glacial Forest=Glacial Eagle of Twilight Line=Eagle Champion of Streetwise Boxing=Champion Thief of Shooting Meteor=Thief Passerby of Wandering Cloud=Passerby Musketeer of Wild Wheat=Musketeer Guard of Wuthering Snow=Guard Genius of Brilliant Stars=Genius Knight of Purity Palace=Knight Band of Sizzling Thunder=Sizzling Firesmith of Lava-Forging=Firesmith Wastelander of Banditry Desert=Wastelander Longevous Disciple=Longevous Messenger Traversing Hackerspace=Hackerspace The Ashblazing Grand Duke=Ashblazing Prisoner in Deep Confinement=Prisoner } Ornaments={ Space Sealing Station=Space Fleet of the Ageless=Ageless Talia: Kingdom of Banditry=Talia Sprightly Vonwacq=Sprightly Pan-Cosmic Commercial Enterprise=Cosmic Celestial Differentiator=Celestial Belobog of the Architects=Belobog Inert Salsotto=Salsotto Rutilant Arena=Rutilant Broken Keel=Keel Firmament Frontline Glamoth=Frontline Penacony Land of the Dreams=Dreams } Head Head Hand Body Feet Planar Sphere Link Rope Set Icon
Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes
Domain Clicked,Domain Pressed,Generate Clicked,Generate Pressed,Relics Clicked,Relics Pressed,Upgrade Clicked,Upgrade Pressed
0.1 Generate Button 0.1 Relics Button 0.1 Upgrade Button 0.1
cached,costume,x,y,dir,cst,trails,pen state
de:Kostüm aus Text _ Größe _ pt:um traje com o texto _ de tamanho _ ca:vestit amb el text _ i mida _ A 72 x y dir cst pen state 90 trails Stage 0 Stage 0 costume obj_name(obj, name)
cached,cached costume,old,clr,new,x,y,dir,trails,flat,old size,old pen state
§_costumesMenu 200 1 0 2 x y dir old clr flat old size old pen state trails 2 0 90 true 2 new obj_name(obj, name) Sprite button Sprite Sprite button Use this block to make "clickable" buttons:
Destruction Destruction The Hunt Erudition Harmony Nihility Preservation Abundance Code Name | Full Name | Rarity | Type | Base HP | Base ATK | Base DEF | Honey Impact File Name
Destruction Destruction The Hunt Erudition Harmony Nihility Preservation Abundance
Physical Physical Fire Ice Lightning Wind Quantum Imaginary
Destruction Destruction The Hunt Erudition Harmony Nihility Preservation Abundance
List,All Paths
Destruction Destruction The Hunt Erudition Harmony Nihility Preservation Abundance
List,All Paths
Destruction Destruction The Hunt Erudition Harmony Nihility Preservation Abundance
Path Select a Character Cancel Guinaifen (4⭐) Guinaifen Kafka (5⭐) Kafka Luka (4⭐) Luka Pela (4⭐) Pela Sampo (4⭐) Sampo Silver Wolf (5⭐) Silver Wolf Welt (5⭐) Welt Cancel Cancel Character Data Asta,Asta,4,Fire,1023.12,511.56,463.05,asta-character Bronya,Bronya,5,Wind,1241.86,582.12,533.61,bronya-character Hanya,Hanya,4,Physical,917.28,564.48,352.8,hanya-character Ruan Mei,Ruan Mei,5,Ice,1086.62,659.74,485.1,ruan-mei-character Tingyun,Tingyun,4,Lightning,846.72,529.2,396.9,tingyun-character Yukong,Yukong,4,Imaginary,917.28,599.76,374.85,yukong-character Rarity Combat Type Base HP Base ATK Base DEF Rarity https://hsr.honeyhunterworld.com/img/character/ 7 _action_side_icon.webp?x44216 Rarity: 2 5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Cancel Combat Type 3 Combat Type: 3 Cancel Combat Type: Ice Cancel Base HP HP Base HP: 4 Cancel Base HP: 1086.62 Cancel Base ATK ATK Base ATK: 5 Cancel Base ATK: 659.74 Cancel Base DEF DEF Base DEF: 6 Cancel Base DEF: 485.1 Cancel 1
Path,Light Cone,Data
Path Select a Light Cone Cancel Cornucopia (3⭐) Cornucopia Echoes of the Coffin (5⭐) Echoes of the Coffin Fine Fruit (3⭐) Fine Fruit Hey, Over Here (4⭐) Hey, Over Here Multiplication (3⭐) Multiplication Night of Fright (5⭐) Night of Fright Perfect Timing (4⭐) Perfect Timing Post-Op Conversation (4⭐) Post-Op Conversation Quid Pro Quo (4⭐) Quid Pro Quo Shared Feeling (4⭐) Shared Feeling Time Waits for No One (5⭐) Time Waits for No One Warmth Shortens Cold Nights (4⭐) Warmth Shortens Cold Nights What Is Real? (4⭐) What Is Real? A Secret Vow,4,1058.4,476.28,264.6,Increases DMG dealt by the wearer by 20%. The wearer also deals an extra 20% of DMG to enemies whose current HP percentage is equal to or higher than the wearer's current HP percentage.,a-secret-vow-item Brighter Than the Sun,5,1058.4,635.04,396.9,"Increases the wearer's CRIT Rate by 18%. When the wearer uses their Basic ATK, they will gain 1 stack of Dragon's Call, lasting for 2 turns. Each stack of Dragon's Call increases the wearer's ATK by 18% and Energy Regeneration Rate by 6%. Dragon's Call can be stacked up to 2 times.",brighter-than-the-sun-item Collapsing Sky,3,846.72,370.44,198.45,Increases the wearer's Basic ATK and Skill DMG by 20%.,collapsing-sky-item Flames Afar,4,1058.4,476.28,264.6,"When the HP lost by the wearer during a single attack exceeds 25% of their Max HP, or if the HP they consume is greater than 25% of their Max HP, then immediately heals them for 15% of their Max HP while also increasing the DMG they deal by 25% for 2 turn(s). This effect can only be triggered once every 3 turn(s).",flames-afar-item I Shall Be My Own Sword,5,1164.24,582.12,369.9,"Increases the wearer's CRIT DMG by 20%. When an ally (excluding the wearer) gets attacked or loses HP, the wearer gains 1 stack of Eclipse, up to a max of 3 stack(s). Each stack of Eclipse increases the DMG of the wearer's next attack by 14%. When 3 stack(s) are reached, additionally enables that attack to ignore 12% of the enemy's DEF. This effect will be removed after the wearer uses an attack.",i-shall-be-my-own-sword-item Indelible Promise,4,952.56,476.28,330.75,"Increases the wearer's Break Effect by 28%. When the wearer uses their Ultimate, increases CRIT Rate by 15%, lasting for 2 turn(s).",mutual-demise-item Mutual Demise,3,846.72,370.44,198.45,"If the wearer's current HP is lower than 80%, CRIT Rate increases by 12%.",indelible-promise-item Nowhere to Run,4,952.56,529.2,264.6,"Increases the wearer's ATK by 24%. Whenever the wearer defeats an enemy, they restore HP equal to 12% of their ATK.",nowhere-to-run-item On the Fall of an Aeon,5,1058.4,529.2,369.9,"Whenever the wearer attacks, their ATK is increased by 8% in this battle. This effect can stack up to 4 time(s). When the wearer inflicts Weakness Break on enemies, the wearer's DMG increases by 12% for 2 turn(s).",on-the-fall-of-an-aeon-item Shattered Home,3,846.72,370.44,198.45,The wearer deals 20% more DMG to enemy targets whose HP percentage is greater than 50%.,shattered-home-item Something Irreplaceable,5,1164.24,582.12,369.9,"Increases the wearer's ATK by 24%. When the wearer defeats an enemy or is hit, immediately restores HP equal to 8% of the wearer's ATK. At the same time, the wearer's DMG is increased by 24% until the end of their next turn. This effect cannot stack and can only trigger 1 time per turn.",something-irreplaceable-item The Moles Welcome You,4,1058.4,476.28,264.6,"When the wearer uses Basic ATK, Skill, or Ultimate to attack enemies, the wearer gains one stack of Mischievous. Each stack increases the wearer's ATK by 12%.",the-moles-welcome-you-item The Unreachable Side,5,1270.08,582.12,330.75,"Increases the wearer's CRIT rate by 18% and increases their Max HP by 18%. When the wearer is attacked or consumes their own HP, their DMG increases by 24%. This effect is removed after the wearer uses an attack.",the-unreachable-side-item Under the Blue Sky,4,952.56,476.28,330.75,"Increases the wearer's ATK by 16%. When the wearer defeats an enemy, the wearer's CRIT Rate increases by 12% for 3 turn(s).",under-the-blue-sky-item Woof! Walk Time!,4,952.56,472.28,330.75,"Increases the wearer's ATK by 10%, and increases their DMG to enemies afflicted with Burn or Bleed by 16%. This also applies to DoT.",woof-walk-time-item Adversarial,3,740.88,370.44,264.6,"When the wearer defeats an enemy, increases SPD by 10% for 2 turn(s).",adversarial-item Arrows,3,846.72,317.52,264.6,"At the start of the battle, the wearer's CRIT Rate increases by 12% for 3 turn(s).",arrows-item Baptism of Pure Thought,5,952.56,582.12,529.2,"Increases CRIT DMG for the wearer by 20%. Deals an additional 6% CRIT DMG to the enemy target for each debuff sustained, up to a maximum of 3 stacks. Grants Debate effect when attacking the target with an Ultimate, increasing DMG dealt by 36% while follow-up attacks ignore 16% of the target's DEF. This effect lasts for 2 turns.",baptism-of-pure-thought-item Cruising in the Stellar Sea,5,952.56,529.2,463.05,"Increases the wearer's CRIT rate by 8%, and increases their CRIT rate against enemies with HP less than or equal to 50% by an extra 8%. When the wearer defeats an enemy, their ATK is increased by 20% for 2 turn(s).",cruising-in-the-stellar-sea-item Darting Arrow,3,740.88,370.44,264.6,"When the wearer defeats an enemy, increases ATK by 24% for 3 turn(s).",darting-arrow-item Final Victor,4,952.56,476.28,330.75,"Increases the wearer's ATK by 12%. When the wearer inflicts a CRIT on an enemy, they will gain a stack of Fortune. This effect can be stacked 4 time(s). Every stack of Fortune the wearer has will increase their CRIT DMG by 8%. Fortune will be removed at the end of the turn.",final-victor-item In the Night,5,1058.4,582.12,463.05,"Increases the wearer's CRIT Rate by 18%. While the wearer is in battle, for every 10 SPD that exceeds 100, the DMG of the wearer's Basic ATK and Skill is increased by 6% and the CRIT DMG of their Ultimate is increased by 12%. This effect can stack up to 6 time(s).",in-the-night-item Only Silence Remains,4,952.56,476.28,330.75,"Increases the wearer's ATK by 16%. If there are 2 or fewer enemies on the field, increases wearer's CRIT Rate by 12%.",only-silence-remains-item Return to Darkness,4,846.72,330.75,529.2,"Increases the wearer's CRIT Rate by 12%. After a CRIT Hit, there is a 16% fixed chance to dispel 1 buff on the target enemy. This effect can only trigger 1 time per attack.",return-to-darkness-item River Flows in Spring,4,846.72,376.28,396.9,"After entering battle, increases the wearer's SPD by 8% and DMG by 12%. When the wearer takes DMG, this effect will disappear. This effect will resume after the end of the wearer's next turn.",river-flows-in-spring-item Sleep Like the Dead,5,1058.4,582.12,463.05,"Increases the wearer's CRIT DMG by 30%. When the wearer's Basic ATK or Skill does not result in a CRIT Hit, increases their CRIT Rate by 36% for 1 turn(s). This effect can only trigger once every 3 turn(s).",sleep-like-the-dead-item Subscribe for More!,4,952.56,476.28,330.75,Increases the DMG of the wearer's Basic ATK and Skill by 24%. This effect increases by an extra 24% when the wearer's current Energy reaches its max level.,subscribe-for-more-item Swordplay,4,952.56,476.28,330.75,"For each time the wearer hits the same target, DMG dealt increases by 8%, stacking up to 5 time(s). This effect will be dispelled when the wearer changes targets.",swordplay-item "Worrisome, Blissful",5,1058.4,582.12,463.05,"Increase the wearer's CRIT Rate by 18% and their follow-up attacks' DMG by 30%. After the wearer uses a follow-up attack, apply the Tame state to the target, stacking up to 2 stacks. When allies hit enemy targets under the Tame state, every Tame stack increases the CRIT DMG dealt by 12%.",worrisome-blissful-item An Instant Before A Gaze,5,1058.4,582.12,463.05,"Increases the wearer's CRIT DMG by 36%. When the wearer uses Ultimate, increases the wearer's Ultimate DMG based on their Max Energy. Each point of Energy increases the Ultimate DMG by 0.36%, up to 180 points of Energy.",an-instant-before-a-gaze-item Before Dawn,5,1058.4,582.12,463.05,"Increases the wearer's CRIT DMG by 36%. Increases the wearer's Skill and Ultimate DMG by 18%. After the wearer uses their Skill or Ultimate, they gain Somnus Corpus. Upon triggering a follow-up attack, Somnus Corpus will be consumed and the follow-up attack DMG increases by 48%.",before-dawn-item Data Bank,3,740.88,370.44,264.6,Increases the wearer's Ultimate DMG by 28%.,data-bank-item Geniuses' Repose,4,846.72,476.28,396.9,"Increases the wearer's ATK by 16%. When the wearer defeats an enemy, the wearer's CRIT DMG increases by 24% for 3 turn(s).",geniuses-repose-item Make the World Clamor,4,846.72,476.28,396.9,"The wearer regenerates 20 Energy immediately upon entering battle, and increases Ultimate DMG by 32%.",make-the-world-clamor-item Night on the Milky Way,5,1164.24,582.12,396.9,"For every enemy on the field, increases the wearer's ATK by 9%, up to 5 stacks. When an enemy is inflicted with Weakness Break, the DMG dealt by the wearer increases by 30% for 1 turn.",night-on-the-milky-way-item Passkey,3,740.88,370.44,264.6,"After the wearer uses their Skill, additionally regenerates 8 Energy. This effect cannot be repeatedly triggered in a single turn.",passkey-item Sagacity,3,740.88,370.44,264.6,"When the wearer uses their Ultimate, increases ATK by 24% for 2 turn(s).",sagacity-item The Birth of the Self,4,952.56,476.28,330.75,"Increases DMG dealt by the wearer's follow-up attacks by 24%. If the current HP of the target enemy is below or equal to 50%, increases DMG dealt by follow-up attacks by an extra 24%.",the-birth-of-the-self-item The Day The Cosmos Fell,4,952.56,476.28,330.75,"Increases the wearer's ATK by 16%. When the wearer uses an attack and affects no fewer than 2 attacked enemies with a corresponding Weakness, the wearer's CRIT DMG increases by 20% for 2 turn(s).",the-day-the-cosmos-fell-item The Seriousness of Breakfast,4,846.72,476.28,396.9,"Increases the wearer's DMG by 12%. For every enemy defeated by the wearer, the wearer's ATK increases by 4%, stacking up to 3 time(s).",the-seriousness-of-breakfast-item Today Is Another Peaceful Day,4,846.72,529.2,330.75,"After entering battle, increases the wearer's DMG based on their Max Energy. DMG increases by 0.2% per point of Energy, up to 160 Energy.",today-is-another-peaceful-day-item But the Battle Isn't Over,5,1164.24,529.2,463.05,"Increases the wearer's Energy Regeneration Rate by 10% and regenerates 1 Skill Point when the wearer uses their Ultimate on an ally. This effect can be triggered once after every 2 uses of the wearer's Ultimate. When the wearer uses their Skill, the next ally taking action (except the wearer) deals 30% more DMG for 1 turn(s).",but-the-battle-isnt-over-item "Carve the Moon, Weave the Clouds",4,952.56,476.28,330.75,"At the start of the battle and whenever the wearer's turn begins, one of the following effects is applied randomly: All allies' ATK increases by 10%, all allies' CRIT DMG increases by 12%, or all allies' Energy Regeneration Rate increases by 6%. The applied effect cannot be identical to the last effect applied, and will replace the previous effect. The applied effect will be removed when the wearer has been knocked down. Effects of the similar type cannot be stacked.",carve-the-moon-weave-the-clouds-item Chorus,3,846.72,317.52,264.6,"After entering battle, increases the ATK of all allies by 8%. Effects of the same type cannot stack.",chorus-item Dance! Dance! Dance!,4,952.56,423.36,396.9,"When the wearer uses their Ultimate, all allies' actions are Advanced Forward by 16%.",dance-dance-dance-item Dreamville Adventure,4,953,423.36,396.9,"After the wearer uses a Basic ATK, Skill, or Ultimate, all allies gain Childishness, which increases the DMG dealt by their Basic ATK, Skill, or Ultimate by 12%. Childishness only takes effect with the most recent ability used by the wearer and cannot be stacked.",dreamville-adventure-item Earthly Escapade,5,1164,529.2,463.05,"Increases the wearer's CRIT DMG by 40%. The wearer gains Mask at the beginning of battle. While the wearer has Mask, the wearer's allies have their CRIT Rate increased by 10% and CRIT DMG increased by 24% for 4 turn(s). Every time the wearer recovers a Skill Point (including Skill Points exceeding the limit), they gain a stack of Radiant Flame, and when the wearer has 4 Radiant Flame stacks, removes all the stacks and gains Mask.",earthly-escapade-item Mediation,3,846.72,317.52,264.6,"Upon entering battle, increases SPD of all allies by 12 points for 1 turn(s).",mediation-item Memories of the Past,4,952.56,423.36,396.9,"Increases the wearer's Break Effect by 28%. When the wearer attacks, additionally regenerates 4 Energy. This effect cannot be repeatedly triggered in a single turn.",memories-of-the-past-item Meshing Cogs,3,846.72,317.52,264.6,"After the wearer uses attacks or gets hit, additionally regenerates 4 Energy. This effect cannot be repeatedly triggered in a single turn.",meshing-cogs-item Past and Future,4,952.56,423.36,396.9,"When the wearer uses their Skill, the next ally taking action (except the wearer) deals 16% increased DMG for 1 turn(s).",past-and-future-item Past Self in Mirror,5,1058.4,529.2,529.2,"Instantly regenerates 10 Energy for the wearer at the start of each wave. Increases DMG dealt for all allies by 15% after the wearer uses a skill, increasing All-Type PEN for all SPD Boosted allies by 6%. Lasts for 3 turns.",past-self-in-mirror-item Planetary Rendezvous,4,1058.4,423.36,330.75,"After entering battle, if an ally deals the same DMG Type as the wearer, DMG dealt increases by 12%.",planetary-rendezvous-item Before the Tutorial Mission Starts,4,952.56,476.28,330.75,"Increases the wearer's Effect Hit Rate by 20%. When the wearer attacks DEF-reduced enemies, regenerates 4 Energy.",before-the-tutorial-mission-starts-item Eyes of the Prey,4,952.56,476.28,330.75,Increases the wearer's Effect Hit Rate by 20% and increases DoT by 24%.,eyes-of-the-prey-item Fermata,4,952.56,476.28,330.75,"Increases the Break Effect dealt by the wearer by 16%, and increases their DMG to enemies afflicted with Shock or Wind Shear by 16%. This also applies to DoT.",fermata-item Good Night and Sleep Well,4,952.56,476.28,330.75,"For every debuff the target enemy has, the DMG dealt by the wearer increases by 12%, stacking up to 3 time(s). This effect also applies to DoT.",good-night-and-sleep-well-item Hidden Shadow,3,846.72,317.52,264.6,"After using Skill, the wearer's next Basic ATK deals Additional DMG equal to 60% of ATK to the target enemy.",hidden-shadow-item In the Name of the World,5,1058.4,463.05,582.12,"Increases the wearer's DMG to debuffed enemies by 24%. When the wearer uses their Skill, the Effect Hit Rate for this attack increases by 18%, and ATK increases by 24%.",in-the-name-of-the-world-item Incessant Rain,5,1058.4,463.05,582.12,"Increases the wearer's Effect Hit Rate by 24%. When the wearer deals DMG to an enemy that currently has 3 or more debuffs, increases the wearer's CRIT Rate by 12%. After the wearer uses their Basic ATK, Skill, or Ultimate, there is a 100% base chance to implant Aether Code on a random hit target that does not yet have it. Targets with Aether Code receive 12% increased DMG for 1 turn.",incessant-rain-item It's Showtime,4,1058.4,476.28,264.6,"When the wearer inflicts a debuff on an enemy, they gain a stack of Trick. Every stack of Trick increases the wearer's DMG dealt by 6% for a max of 3 stack(s). This effect lasts for 1 turn(s). When the wearer's Effect Hit Rate is greater or equal to 80%, increases ATK by 20%.",its-showtime-item Loop,3,846.72,317.52,264.6,Increases DMG dealt from its wearer to Slowed enemies by 24%.,loop-item Patience Is All You Need,5,1058.4,463.05,582.12,"Increases DMG dealt by the wearer by 24%. After every attack launched by wearer, their SPD increases by 4.8%, stacking up to 3 times. If the wearer hits an enemy target that is not afflicted by Erode, there is a 100% base chance to inflict Erode to the target. Enemies afflicted with Erode are also considered to be Shocked and will receive Lightning DoT at the start of each turn equal to 60% of the wearer's ATK, lasting for 1 turn(s).",patience-is-all-you-need-item Reforged Rebembrance,5,1058.4,582.12,463.05,"Increases wearer's Effect Hit Rate by 40%. When the wearer deals DMG to an enemy inflicted with Wind Shear, Burn, Shock, or Bleed, they will individually gain 1 stack of Prophet. This effect can stack up to 4 times. In a single battle, each type of DoT can only generate 1 stack of Prophet. Every stack of Prophet increases wearer's ATK by 5% and the DoT dealt will ignore 7.2% of the target's DEF.",reforged-remembrance-item Resolution Shines As Pearls of Sweat,4,952.56,476.28,330.75,"When the wearer hits an enemy and if the hit enemy is not already Ensnared, then there is a 60% base chance to Ensnare the hit enemy. Ensnared enemies' DEF decreases by 12% for 1 turn(s).",resolution-shines-as-pearls-of-sweat-item Solitary Healing,5,1058.4,529.2,396.9,"Increases the wearer's Break Effect by 20%. When the wearer uses their Ultimate, increases DoT dealt by the wearer by 24%, lasting for 2 turn(s). When a target enemy suffering from DoT imposed by the wearer is defeated, regenerates 4 Energy for the wearer.",solitary-healing-item Void,3,846.72,317.52,264.6,"At the start of the battle, the wearer's Effect Hit Rate increases by 20% for 3 turn(s).",void-item We Will Meet Again,4,846.72,529.2,330.75,"After the wearer uses Basic ATK or Skill, deals Additional DMG equal to 48% of the wearer's ATK to a random enemy that has been attacked.",we-will-meet-again-item Amber,3,846.72,264.6,330.75,"Increases the wearer's DEF by 16%. If the wearer's current HP is lower than 50%, increases their DEF by a further 16%.",amber-item Day One of My New Life,4,952.56,370.44,463.05,"Increases the wearer's DEF by 16%. After entering battle, increases All-Type RES of all allies by 8%. Effects of the same type cannot stack.",day-one-of-my-new-life-item Defense,3,952.56,264.6,264.6,"When the wearer unleashes their Ultimate, they restore HP by 18% of their Max HP.",defense-item Destiny's Threads Forewoven,4,952.56,370.44,463.05,"Increases the wearer's Effect RES by 12%. For every 100 of DEF the wearer has, increases the DMG dealt by 0.8% to a max increase of 32%.",destinys-threads-forewoven-item Landau's Choice,4,952.56,423.36,396.9,"The wearer is more likely to be attacked, and DMG taken is reduced by 16%.",landaus-choice-item Moment of Victory,5,1058.4,476.28,595.35,"Increases the wearer's DEF by 24% and Effect Hit Rate by 24%. Increases the chance for the wearer to be attacked by enemies. When the wearer is attacked, increase their DEF by an extra 24% until the end of the wearer's turn.",moment-of-victory-item Pioneering,3,952.56,264.6,264.6,"When the wearer Breaks an enemy's Weakness, the wearer restores HP by 12% of their Max HP.",pioneering-item She Already Shut Her Eyes,5,1270.08,423.36,529.2,"Increases the wearer's Max HP by 24% and Energy Regeneration Rate by 12%. When the wearer's HP is reduced, all allies' DMG dealt increases by 9%, lasting for 2 turn(s). At the start of every wave, restores HP to all allies by an amount equal to 80% of their respective lost HP.",she-already-shut-her-eyes-item Texture of Memories,5,1058.4,423.36,529.2,"Increases the wearer's Effect RES by 8%. If the wearer is attacked and has no Shield, they gain a Shield equal to 16% of their Max HP for 2 turn(s). This effect can only be triggered once every 3 turn(s). If the wearer has a Shield when attacked, the DMG they receive decreases by 12%.",texture-of-memories-item This Is Me!,4,846.72,370.44,529.2,Increases the wearer's DEF by 16%. Increases the DMG of the wearer when they use their Ultimate by 60% of the wearer's DEF. This effect only applies 1 time per enemy target during each use of the wearer's Ultimate.,this-is-me-item Trend of the Universal Market,4,1058.4,370.44,396.9,"Increases the wearer's DEF by 16%. When the wearer is attacked, there is a 100% base chance to Burn the enemy. For each turn, the wearer deals DoT that is equal to 40% of the wearer's DEF for 2 turn(s).",trend-of-the-universal-market-item We Are Wildfire,4,740.88,476.28,463.05,"At the start of the battle, the DMG dealt to all allies decreases by 8% for 5 turn(s). At the same time, immediately restores HP to all allies equal to 30% of the respective HP difference between the characters' Max HP and current HP.",we-are-wildfire-item Cornucopia,3,952.56,264.6,264.6,"When the wearer uses their Skill or Ultimate, their Outgoing Healing increases by 12%.",cornucopia-item Echoes of the Coffin,5,1164.24,582.12,396.9,"Increases the wearer's ATK by 24%. After the wearer uses an attack, for each different enemy target the wearer hits, regenerates 3 Energy. Each attack can regenerate Energy up to 3 time(s) this way. After the wearer uses their Ultimate, all allies gain 12 SPD for 1 turn.",echoes-of-the-coffin-item Fine Fruit,3,952.56,317.52,198.45,"At the start of the battle, immediately regenerates 6 Energy for all allies.",fine-fruit-item "Hey, Over Here",4,952.56,423.36,396.9,"Increases the wearer's Max HP by 8%. When the wearer uses Skill, increases Outgoing Healing by 16%, lasting for 2 turn(s).",hey-over-here-item Multiplication,3,952.56,317.52,198.45,"After the wearer uses their Basic ATK, their next action will be Advanced Forward by 12%.",multiplication-item Night of Fright,5,1164.24,476.28,529.2,"Increases the wearer's Energy Regeneration Rate by 12%. When any ally uses their Ultimate, the wearer restores HP for the ally currently with the lowest HP percentage by an amount equal to 10% of the healed ally's Max HP. When the wearer provides healing for an ally, increases the healed ally's ATK by 2.4%. This effect can stack up to 5 times and lasts for 2 turn(s).",night-of-fright-item Perfect Timing,4,952.56,423.36,396.9,Increases the wearer's Effect RES by 16% and increases Outgoing Healing by an amount that is equal to 33% of Effect RES. Outgoing Healing can be increased this way by up to 15%.,perfect-timing-item Post-Op Conversation,4,1058.4,423.36,330.75,Increases the wearer's Energy Regeneration Rate by 8% and increases Outgoing Healing when they use their Ultimate by 12%.,post-op-conversation-item Quid Pro Quo,4,952.56,423.36,396.9,"At the start of the wearer's turn, regenerates 8 Energy for a randomly chosen ally (excluding the wearer) whose current Energy is lower than 50%.",quid-pro-quo-item Shared Feeling,4,952.56,423.36,396.9,"Increases the wearer's Outgoing Healing by 10%. When using Skill, regenerates 2 Energy for all allies.",shared-feeling-item Time Waits for No One,5,1270.08,476.28,463.05,"Increases the wearer's Max HP by 18% and Outgoing Healing by 12%. When the wearer heals allies, record the amount of Outgoing Healing. When any ally launches an attack, a random attacked enemy takes Additional DMG equal to 36% of the recorded Outgoing Healing value. The type of this Additional DMG is of the same Type as the wearer's. This Additional DMG is not affected by other buffs, and can only occur 1 time per turn.",time-waits-for-no-one-item Warmth Shortens Cold Nights,4,1058.4,370.44,396.9,"Increases the wearer's Max HP by 16%. When using Basic ATK or Skill, restores all allies' HP by an amount equal to 2% of their respective Max HP.",warmth-shortens-cold-nights-item What Is Real?,4,1058.4,423.36,330.75,Increases the wearer's Break Effect by 24%. Wearer's Basic ATKs restore an amount equal to 2% of Max HP plus 800 for themselves.,what-is-real-item Cancel Cancel Light Cone Data Cornucopia,3,952.56,264.6,264.6,"When the wearer uses their Skill or Ultimate, their Outgoing Healing increases by 12%.",cornucopia-item Echoes of the Coffin,5,1164.24,582.12,396.9,"Increases the wearer's ATK by 24%. After the wearer uses an attack, for each different enemy target the wearer hits, regenerates 3 Energy. Each attack can regenerate Energy up to 3 time(s) this way. After the wearer uses their Ultimate, all allies gain 12 SPD for 1 turn.",echoes-of-the-coffin-item Fine Fruit,3,952.56,317.52,198.45,"At the start of the battle, immediately regenerates 6 Energy for all allies.",fine-fruit-item "Hey, Over Here",4,952.56,423.36,396.9,"Increases the wearer's Max HP by 8%. When the wearer uses Skill, increases Outgoing Healing by 16%, lasting for 2 turn(s).",hey-over-here-item Multiplication,3,952.56,317.52,198.45,"After the wearer uses their Basic ATK, their next action will be Advanced Forward by 12%.",multiplication-item Night of Fright,5,1164.24,476.28,529.2,"Increases the wearer's Energy Regeneration Rate by 12%. When any ally uses their Ultimate, the wearer restores HP for the ally currently with the lowest HP percentage by an amount equal to 10% of the healed ally's Max HP. When the wearer provides healing for an ally, increases the healed ally's ATK by 2.4%. This effect can stack up to 5 times and lasts for 2 turn(s).",night-of-fright-item Perfect Timing,4,952.56,423.36,396.9,Increases the wearer's Effect RES by 16% and increases Outgoing Healing by an amount that is equal to 33% of Effect RES. Outgoing Healing can be increased this way by up to 15%.,perfect-timing-item Post-Op Conversation,4,1058.4,423.36,330.75,Increases the wearer's Energy Regeneration Rate by 8% and increases Outgoing Healing when they use their Ultimate by 12%.,post-op-conversation-item Quid Pro Quo,4,952.56,423.36,396.9,"At the start of the wearer's turn, regenerates 8 Energy for a randomly chosen ally (excluding the wearer) whose current Energy is lower than 50%.",quid-pro-quo-item Shared Feeling,4,952.56,423.36,396.9,"Increases the wearer's Outgoing Healing by 10%. When using Skill, regenerates 2 Energy for all allies.",shared-feeling-item Time Waits for No One,5,1270.08,476.28,463.05,"Increases the wearer's Max HP by 18% and Outgoing Healing by 12%. When the wearer heals allies, record the amount of Outgoing Healing. When any ally launches an attack, a random attacked enemy takes Additional DMG equal to 36% of the recorded Outgoing Healing value. The type of this Additional DMG is of the same Type as the wearer's. This Additional DMG is not affected by other buffs, and can only occur 1 time per turn.",time-waits-for-no-one-item Warmth Shortens Cold Nights,4,1058.4,370.44,396.9,"Increases the wearer's Max HP by 16%. When using Basic ATK or Skill, restores all allies' HP by an amount equal to 2% of their respective Max HP.",warmth-shortens-cold-nights-item What Is Real?,4,1058.4,423.36,330.75,Increases the wearer's Break Effect by 24%. Wearer's Basic ATKs restore an amount equal to 2% of Max HP plus 800 for themselves.,what-is-real-item Rarity Base HP Base ATK Base DEF Skill Rarity https://hsr.honeyhunterworld.com/img/item/ 6 _icon.webp?x44216 Rarity: 1 5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 1 4 ⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐ Cancel Base HP HP Base HP: 2 Cancel Base HP: 1058.4 Cancel Base ATK ATK Base ATK: 3 Cancel Base ATK: 423.36 Cancel Base DEF DEF Base DEF: 4 Cancel Base DEF: 330.75 Cancel Skill 5 Cancel (S1)
Path Path of Destruction,Deals outstanding amounts of damage and possesses great survivability. Suitable for various combat scenarios. The Hunt,Deals extraordinary amounts of single-target damage. The main damage dealer against Elite Enemies. Erudition,Deals remarkable amounts of multi-target damage. The main damage dealer against groups of enemies. Harmony,Applies buffs to allies to improve the team's combat capacities. Nihility,Applies debuffs to enemies to reduce their combat capacities Preservation,Possesses powerful defensive abilities to protect allies in various ways. Abundance,Heals allies and restores HP to the team. Cancel
Combat Type
Combat Type Physical,"Using Physical attacks to trigger Weakness Break will deal Physical DMG and apply the Bleed effect, dealing Physical DoT." Fire,"Using Fire attacks to trigger Weakness Break will deal Fire DMG and apply the Burn effect, dealing Fire DoT." Ice,"Using Ice attacks to trigger Weakness Break will deal Ice DMG and Freeze the target, immobilizing the enemy and dealing additional Ice DMG." Lightning,"Using Lightning attacks to trigger Weakness Break will deal Lightning DMG and apply the Shock effect, dealing Lightning DoT." Wind,"Using Wind attacks to trigger Weakness Break will deal Wind DMG and apply the Wind Shear effect, dealing Wind DoT." Quantum,"Using Quantum attacks to trigger Weakness Break will deal Quantum DMG and apply the Entanglement effect, delaying the enemy's action and dealing Additional Quantum DMG to the affected enemy at the start of the next turn. When the enemy is hit, this extra DMG will increase." Imaginary,"Using Imaginary attacks to trigger Weakness Break will deal Imaginary DMG and apply the Imprisonment effect, delaying the enemy's action and reducing its SPD." Cancel
Data,Character Data
Destruction Destruction The Hunt Erudition Harmony Nihility Preservation Abundance
Data,Light Cone Data
Destruction Destruction The Hunt Erudition Harmony Nihility Preservation Abundance