-- Copyright 2018 Tanel Poder. All rights reserved. More info at http://tanelpoder.com -- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE.txt for terms & conditions. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- File name: mutexprof.sql ( Mutex sleep Profiler ) -- -- Purpose: Display KGX mutex sleep history from v$mutex_sleep_history -- along library cache object names protected by these mutexes. -- Only top 20 rows are shown by default -- -- Author: Tanel Poder -- Copyright: (c) http://www.tanelpoder.com -- -- Usage: @mutexprof -- -- The main grouping (and filtering) columns are: -- -- id - mutex ID (which is the object hash value for library -- cache object mutexes) -- ts - timestamp of mutex sleep beginning -- loc - code location where the waiter slept for the mutex -- val - mutex value (shows whether mutex was held in exclusive or -- shared mode) -- req - requesting session SID -- blk - blocking session SID -- -- The filter condition allows filtering mutex sleep rows based on certain -- criteria, such: -- -- 1=1 - show all mutex sleeps (which are still in memory) -- blk=123 - show only these mutex sleeps where blocking sid was 123 -- hash=2741853041 - show only these sleeps where mutex ID (KGL object hash value) -- was 2741853041 -- -- -- Its also possible to have multiple "AND" filter conditions, as long as you keep -- them in double quotes so that sqlplus would recognize them as one parameter -- -- For example: "name like '%DUAL%' and blk in (115,98)" -- -- Examples: -- -- @mutexprof loc 1=1 -- @mutexprof id,loc,req,blk "lower(name) like 'select%from dual%'" -- @mutexprof loc,val blk=98 -- @mutexprof id,loc,req,blk "blk in (select sid from v$session where username = 'SYS')" -- -- Other: When the relevant object is aged out you will see (name not found) -- as object_name. -- -- On the V$mutex_sleep_history does not have mutex_identifier -- column externalized. In this case use X$mutex_sleep_history instead -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- col msh_obj_name head OBJECT_NAME for a80 word_wrap col msh_mutex_type head MUTEX_TYPE for a15 truncate col loc head GET_LOCATION for a33 truncate col mutexprof_gets head GETS for 9999999999999 col mutexprof_sleeps head SLEEPS for 999999 col mutexprof_p2 head P2 for a16 wrap col mutexprof_p3 head P3 for a16 wrap col mutexprof_p4 head P4 for a16 wrap col mutexprof_p5 head P5 for a20 wrap def MSH_NUMROWS=10 prompt prompt -- MutexProf by Tanel Poder (http://www.tanelpoder.com) prompt -- Showing profile of top &MSH_NUMROWS sleeps... select * from ( select /*+ ORDERED USE_NL(o) */ -- TODO the sleep/get counting needs fixing! MAX(sleeps) sleeps --count(*) sleeps , decode(max(sleeps)-min(sleeps),0,to_number(null),max(sleeps)-min(sleeps)) mutexprof_sleeps -- may not be very accurate but give an idea --, decode(max(gets)-min(gets),0,to_number(null),max(gets)-min(gets)) mutexprof_gets -- may not be very accurate but give an idea -- avg(sleeps) sleeps --, avg(gets) gets , mutex_type msh_mutex_type , &1 , nvl(decode(kglnaown, null, kglnaobj, kglnaown||'.'||kglnaobj), '(name not found)') msh_obj_name --, p1raw --, CASE WHEN p2 < 536870912 THEN TO_CHAR(p2) ELSE TRIM(TO_CHAR(p2, 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX')) END mutexprof_p2 --, CASE WHEN p3 < 536870912 THEN TO_CHAR(p3) ELSE TRIM(TO_CHAR(p3, 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX')) END mutexprof_p3 --, CASE WHEN p4 < 536870912 THEN TO_CHAR(p4) ELSE TRIM(TO_CHAR(p4, 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX')) END mutexprof_p4 --, p5 mutexprof_p5 from (select mutex_identifier id , sleep_timestamp ts , mutex_type , gets , sleeps , requesting_session req , blocking_session blk , location loc , mutex_value val , p1 , p1raw , p2 , p3 , p4 , p5 from v$mutex_sleep_history) m , (select kglnahsh, kglnahsh hash_value, kglnahsh hash, kglhdpar, kglhdadr, kglnaown, kglnaobj, decode(kglnaown, null, kglnaobj, kglnaown||'.'||kglnaobj) object_name, decode(kglnaown, null, kglnaobj, kglnaown||'.'||kglnaobj) name from x$kglob) o where m.id = o.kglnahsh (+) and (o.kglhdadr = o.kglhdpar or (o.kglhdpar is null)) -- only parent KGL objects if still in cache and &2 group by mutex_type , &1 , kglnaown , kglnaobj , p1raw , CASE WHEN p2 < 536870912 THEN TO_CHAR(p2) ELSE TRIM(TO_CHAR(p2, 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX')) END , CASE WHEN p3 < 536870912 THEN TO_CHAR(p3) ELSE TRIM(TO_CHAR(p3, 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX')) END , CASE WHEN p4 < 536870912 THEN TO_CHAR(p4) ELSE TRIM(TO_CHAR(p4, 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX')) END --, p5 order by sleeps desc ) where rownum <= &MSH_NUMROWS /