# New Moon Color Scheme for Sublime ### [Beautiful Syntax Highlighting](http://taniarascia.github.io/new-moon/) ![New Moon Icon](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/taniarascia/new-moon/master/images/newmoon.png) **New Moon is also available for [Brackets](https://github.com/taniarascia/new-moon) and [Atom](https://github.com/taniarascia/new-moon-atom-syntax)!** *Updated 11/27/16 - improvements to colors and legibility* ## Instructions for Package Control * Go to `Tools -> Command Palette` * `Package Control: Install Package` * Type `New Moon` * [View on Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/New%20Moon%20Color%20Scheme) ## Instructions for Manual Installation * Save [New Moon.tmTheme](https://github.com/taniarascia/new-moon-sublime/blob/master/New%20Moon.tmTheme) file. * In Sublime, go to `Preferences -> Browse Packages` * Move `New Moon.tmTheme` into Packages folder * Go to `Preferences -> Color Scheme -> New Moon` * Alternatively, paste this code into `Preferences -> Settings - User` ``` { "color_scheme": "Packages/Color Scheme - Default/New Moon.tmTheme" } ``` This theme was created to be optimized for front end web development - HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP/WordPress. It's a middle-contrast dark theme using color inspiration from Tomorrow Night Eighties, and style inspiration from Twilight. Most of the dark themes I tried using were distracting and overly colorful and contrast heavy, especially with PHP embedded into HTML. The New Moon theme strives to remedy that, with a theme that is pleasant to view in any language. ### HTML ![HTML Screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/taniarascia/new-moon-sublime/master/images/html.png) ### PHP ![PHP Screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/taniarascia/new-moon-sublime/master/images/php.png) ### PHP/HTML ![PHP HTML Screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/taniarascia/new-moon-sublime/master/images/htmlphp.png) ### CSS ![CSS Screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/taniarascia/new-moon-sublime/master/images/css.png) ### Sass ![SASS Screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/taniarascia/new-moon-sublime/master/images/sass.png) ### JavaScript ![JS Screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/taniarascia/new-moon-sublime/master/images/js.png) ### jQuery ![JS Screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/taniarascia/new-moon-sublime/master/images/jquery.png) ## License The code is open source and available under the [MIT License](LICENSE.md).