--- title: Axe Man - of the Romans Faction (Zetapack) layout: techtree --- Zetapack Techtree summary (home) | Game Help and Documentation

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Axe Man Axe Man
Axe Man
Type:Combat Unit
Creation:Produced by Gladiator School
Total Cost: Gold200 Wood75 Grace2 
Production Time:80
Maximum Hitpoints:1200
Regeneration of Hitpoints:1
Needed to build 'Axe Man':Training Camp
Blacksmith Shop
Movement Type:Ground Unit
Move Command: Move Speed: 240
Attack Command: Attack
Target: Only ground units
Strength: 200+-100
Range: 1
Type: Slashing
Attack Speed: 60
Start Time: 0
This Attack Skill is used on "Hold Position"
("Hold Position" requires Training Field)
Level(s): Elite at 5 kills
Hitpoints: 1200 -> 1800
Armor Strength: 30 -> 45
Sight: 12 -> 14
Upgrades Available:Jupiter (Sight: +1, Attack Strength: +6, Move: +8)
Reinforce Armor (Armor: +10)