#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2014-2024 GPLv3, Open Crypto Tracker by Mike Kilday: Mike@DragonFrugal.com (leave this copyright / attribution intact in ALL forks / copies!) echo " " echo "PLEASE REPORT ANY ISSUES HERE: https://github.com/taoteh1221/Open_Crypto_Tracker/issues" echo " " echo "Initializing, please wait..." echo " " # EXPLICITLY set any ~/.local/bin paths # Export too, in case we are calling another bash instance in this script if [ -d ~/.local/bin ]; then PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH export PATH=$PATH fi # EXPLICITLY set any /usr/sbin path # Export too, in case we are calling another bash instance in this script if [ -d /usr/sbin ]; then PATH=/usr/sbin:$PATH export PATH=$PATH fi ###################################### # Path to app (CROSS-DISTRO-COMPATIBLE) get_app_path() { app_path_result=$(whereis -b $1) app_path_result="${app_path_result#*$1: }" app_path_result=${app_path_result%%[[:space:]]*} app_path_result="${app_path_result#*$1:}" echo "$app_path_result" } ###################################### # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5947742/how-to-change-the-output-color-of-echo-in-linux if hash tput > /dev/null 2>&1; then red=`tput setaf 1` green=`tput setaf 2` yellow=`tput setaf 3` blue=`tput setaf 4` magenta=`tput setaf 5` cyan=`tput setaf 6` reset=`tput sgr0` else red=`` green=`` yellow=`` blue=`` magenta=`` cyan=`` reset=`` fi ###################################### # Get logged-in username (if sudo, this works best with logname) TERMINAL_USERNAME=$(logname) # If logname doesn't work, use the $SUDO_USER or $USER global var if [ -z "$TERMINAL_USERNAME" ]; then if [ -z "$SUDO_USER" ]; then TERMINAL_USERNAME=$USER else TERMINAL_USERNAME=$SUDO_USER fi fi # Get date / time DATE=$(date '+%Y-%m-%d') TIME=$(date '+%H:%M:%S') # Current timestamp CURRENT_TIMESTAMP=$(date +%s) SCRIPT_LOCATION="$( cd -- "$(dirname "$0")" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; pwd -P )" # Get the operating system and version if [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then # freedesktop.org and systemd . /etc/os-release OS=$NAME VER=$VERSION_ID elif type lsb_release >/dev/null 2>&1; then # linuxbase.org OS=$(lsb_release -si) VER=$(lsb_release -sr) elif [ -f /etc/lsb-release ]; then # For some versions of Debian/Ubuntu without lsb_release command . /etc/lsb-release OS=$DISTRIB_ID VER=$DISTRIB_RELEASE elif [ -f /etc/debian_version ]; then # Older Debian/Ubuntu/etc. OS=Debian VER=$(cat /etc/debian_version) elif [ -f /etc/SuSe-release ]; then # Older SuSE/etc. ... elif [ -f /etc/redhat-release ]; then # Older Red Hat, CentOS, etc. ... else # Fall back to uname, e.g. "Linux ", also works for BSD, etc. OS=$(uname -s) VER=$(uname -r) fi ###################################### echo " " if [ "$EUID" == 0 ]; then echo "${red}Please run #WITHOUT# 'sudo' PERMISSIONS.${reset}" echo " " echo "${cyan}Exiting...${reset}" echo " " exit fi if [ -f "/etc/debian_version" ]; then echo "${cyan}Your system has been detected as Debian-based, which is compatible with this automated installation script." PACKAGE_INSTALL="sudo apt install" PACKAGE_REMOVE="sudo apt --purge remove" echo " " echo "Continuing...${reset}" echo " " elif [ -f "/etc/redhat-release" ]; then echo "${cyan}Your system has been detected as Redhat-based, which is compatible with this automated installation script." PACKAGE_INSTALL="sudo yum install" PACKAGE_REMOVE="sudo yum remove" echo " " echo "Continuing...${reset}" echo " " else echo "${red}Your system has been detected as NOT BEING Debian-based OR Redhat-based. Your system is NOT compatible with this automated installation script." echo " " echo "Exiting...${reset}" exit fi ###################################### # clean_system_update function START clean_system_update () { if [ -z "$ALLOW_FULL_UPGRADE" ]; then echo " " echo "${yellow}Does the Operating System on this device update using the \"Rolling Release\" model (Kali, Manjaro, Ubuntu Rolling Rhino, Debian Unstable, etc), or the \"Long-Term Release\" model (Ubuntu, Raspberry Pi OS, Armbian Stable, Diet Pi, etc)?" echo " " echo "${red}(You can SEVERLY MESS UP a \"Rolling Release\" Operating System IF YOU DO NOT CHOOSE CORRECTLY HERE! In that case, you can SAFELY choose \"I don't know\".)${reset}" echo " " echo "Enter the NUMBER next to your chosen option.${reset}" echo " " OPTIONS="rolling long_term i_dont_know" select opt in $OPTIONS; do if [ "$opt" = "long_term" ]; then ALLOW_FULL_UPGRADE="yes" echo " " echo "${green}Allowing system-wide updates before installs.${reset}" break else ALLOW_FULL_UPGRADE="no" echo " " echo "${green}Disabling system-wide updates before installs.${reset}" break fi done echo " " fi if [ "$PACKAGE_CACHE_REFRESHED" != "1" ]; then PACKAGE_CACHE_REFRESHED=1 if [ -f "/etc/debian_version" ]; then echo "${cyan}Making sure your APT sources list is updated before installations, please wait...${reset}" echo " " # In case package list was ever corrupted (since we are about to rebuild it anyway...avoids possible errors) sudo rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* -vf > /dev/null 2>&1 sleep 2 # Clears / updates cache, then upgrades (if NOT a rolling release) clean_system_update sleep 2 echo " " echo "${cyan}APT sources list update complete.${reset}" echo " " fi if [ "$ALLOW_FULL_UPGRADE" == "yes" ]; then echo "${cyan}Making sure your system is updated before installations, please wait...${reset}" echo " " if [ -f "/etc/debian_version" ]; then #DO NOT RUN dist-upgrade, bad things can happen, lol sudo apt upgrade -y elif [ -f "/etc/redhat-release" ]; then sudo yum upgrade -y fi sleep 2 echo " " echo "${cyan}System updated.${reset}" echo " " fi fi } # clean_system_update function END ###################################### # Get SIMILAR (CROSS-DISTRO) primary dependency apps, if we haven't yet # Install git if needed GIT_PATH=$(get_app_path "git") if [ -z "$GIT_PATH" ]; then # Clears / updates cache, then upgrades (if NOT a rolling release) clean_system_update echo " " echo "${cyan}Installing required component git, please wait...${reset}" echo " " $PACKAGE_INSTALL git -y fi # Install curl if needed CURL_PATH=$(get_app_path "curl") if [ -z "$CURL_PATH" ]; then # Clears / updates cache, then upgrades (if NOT a rolling release) clean_system_update echo " " echo "${cyan}Installing required component curl, please wait...${reset}" echo " " $PACKAGE_INSTALL curl -y fi # Install jq if needed JQ_PATH=$(get_app_path "jq") if [ -z "$JQ_PATH" ]; then # Clears / updates cache, then upgrades (if NOT a rolling release) clean_system_update echo " " echo "${cyan}Installing required component jq, please wait...${reset}" echo " " $PACKAGE_INSTALL jq -y fi # Install wget if needed WGET_PATH=$(get_app_path "wget") if [ -z "$WGET_PATH" ]; then # Clears / updates cache, then upgrades (if NOT a rolling release) clean_system_update echo " " echo "${cyan}Installing required component wget, please wait...${reset}" echo " " $PACKAGE_INSTALL wget -y fi # Install sed if needed SED_PATH=$(get_app_path "sed") if [ -z "$SED_PATH" ]; then # Clears / updates cache, then upgrades (if NOT a rolling release) clean_system_update echo " " echo "${cyan}Installing required component sed, please wait...${reset}" echo " " $PACKAGE_INSTALL sed -y fi # Install less if needed LESS_PATH=$(get_app_path "less") if [ -z "$LESS_PATH" ]; then # Clears / updates cache, then upgrades (if NOT a rolling release) clean_system_update echo " " echo "${cyan}Installing required component less, please wait...${reset}" echo " " $PACKAGE_INSTALL less -y fi # Install expect if needed EXPECT_PATH=$(get_app_path "expect") if [ -z "$EXPECT_PATH" ]; then # Clears / updates cache, then upgrades (if NOT a rolling release) clean_system_update echo " " echo "${cyan}Installing required component expect, please wait...${reset}" echo " " $PACKAGE_INSTALL expect -y fi # Install avahi-daemon if needed (for .local names on internal / home network) AVAHID_PATH=$(get_app_path "avahi-daemon") if [ -z "$AVAHID_PATH" ]; then # Clears / updates cache, then upgrades (if NOT a rolling release) clean_system_update echo " " echo "${cyan}Installing required component avahi-daemon, please wait...${reset}" echo " " $PACKAGE_INSTALL avahi-daemon -y fi # Install bc if needed (for decimal math in bash) BC_PATH=$(get_app_path "bc") if [ -z "$BC_PATH" ]; then # Clears / updates cache, then upgrades (if NOT a rolling release) clean_system_update echo " " echo "${cyan}Installing required component bc, please wait...${reset}" echo " " $PACKAGE_INSTALL bc -y fi # SIMILAR (CROSS-DISTRO) dependency check END ###################################### # Install bsdtar if needed (for opening archives) BSDTAR_PATH=$(get_app_path "bsdtar") # Distro-specific logic, to set variables, get dependencies, etc if [ -f "/etc/debian_version" ]; then # Get the host ip address IP=`hostname -I` if [ -z "$BSDTAR_PATH" ]; then # Clears / updates cache, then upgrades (if NOT a rolling release) clean_system_update echo " " echo "${cyan}Installing required component libarchive-tools, please wait...${reset}" echo " " # Ubuntu 18.x and higher $PACKAGE_INSTALL libarchive-tools -y fi elif [ -f "/etc/redhat-release" ]; then # Get the host ip address IP=$(ip -json route get | jq -r '.[].prefsrc') if [ -z "$BSDTAR_PATH" ]; then # Clears / updates cache, then upgrades (if NOT a rolling release) clean_system_update echo " " echo "${cyan}Installing required component libarchive, please wait...${reset}" echo " " # Ubuntu 18.x and higher $PACKAGE_INSTALL libarchive -y fi fi ###################################### # For setting user agent header in curl, since some API servers !REQUIRE! a set user agent OR THEY BLOCK YOU CUSTOM_CURL_USER_AGENT_HEADER="User-Agent: Curl (${OS}/$VER; compatible;)" ###################################### # Parent directory of the script location PARENT_DIR="$(dirname "$SCRIPT_LOCATION")" if [ -d "$SCRIPT_LOCATION/INSTALL_CRYPTO_TRACKER_HERE" ] && [ -f $SCRIPT_LOCATION/libcef.so ]; then APP_ROOT="$SCRIPT_LOCATION" echo " " echo "${green}Using auto-detected Desktop Edition location:" echo " " echo "$SCRIPT_LOCATION${reset}" echo " " elif [ -d "$PARENT_DIR/INSTALL_CRYPTO_TRACKER_HERE" ] && [ -f $PARENT_DIR/libcef.so ]; then APP_ROOT="$PARENT_DIR" echo " " echo "${green}Using auto-detected Desktop Edition location:" echo " " echo "$PARENT_DIR${reset}" echo " " else DEFAULT_LOCATION="/home/$TERMINAL_USERNAME/Desktop/Open_Crypto_Tracker-linux-desktop" echo " " echo "${yellow}Enter the FULL SYSTEM PATH to the Desktop Edition main folder:" echo "(DO !NOT! INCLUDE A #TRAILING# FORWARD SLASH)" echo " " echo "(leave blank / hit enter to use the default value: $DEFAULT_LOCATION)${reset}" echo " " read APP_ROOT echo " " if [ -z "$APP_ROOT" ]; then APP_ROOT="$DEFAULT_LOCATION" echo "${green}Using default Desktop Edition location:" echo " " echo "$APP_ROOT${reset}" echo " " else echo "${green}Using custom Desktop Edition location:" echo " " echo "$APP_ROOT${reset}" echo " " fi fi if [ ! -d "$APP_ROOT" ]; then echo "The defined Desktop Edition location '$APP_ROOT' does not exist yet." echo "Please create this directory structure before running this script." echo "Exiting..." echo " " exit fi echo "PLEASE REPORT ANY ISSUES HERE: https://github.com/taoteh1221/Open_Crypto_Tracker/issues" echo " " echo "${red}PLEASE ***SHUT DOWN THE DESKTOP EDITION*** BEFORE CONTINUING, ***OTHERWISE WE CANNOT AUTOMATICALLY UPDATE*** THE PHP LIBRARY!" echo "${reset} " echo "${yellow} " read -n1 -s -r -p $"Press y to continue (or press n to exit)..." key echo "${reset} " if [ "$key" = 'y' ] || [ "$key" = 'Y' ]; then echo " " echo "${green}Continuing...${reset}" echo " " else echo " " echo "${green}Exiting...${reset}" echo " " exit fi echo " " ###################################### # Clears / updates cache, then upgrades (if NOT a rolling release) clean_system_update echo " " echo "${cyan}Proceeding with required component installation, please wait...${reset}" echo " " if [ -f "/etc/debian_version" ]; then echo "${yellow}(Debian-based system detected)${reset}" echo " " # bsdtar installs may fail (essentially the same package as libarchive-tools), # SO WE RUN BOTH SEPERATELY IN CASE AN ERROR THROWS, SO OTHER PACKAGES STILL INSTALL OK AFTERWARDS echo "${yellow}(you can safely ignore any upcoming 'bsdtar' install errors, if 'libarchive-tools'" echo "installs OK...and visa versa, as they are essentially the same package)${reset}" echo " " # Ubuntu 16.x, and other debian-based systems $PACKAGE_INSTALL bsdtar -y sleep 3 # Ubuntu 18.x and higher $PACKAGE_INSTALL libarchive-tools -y sleep 3 # Dev libs (including for the extensions we want to add) # WE RUN SEPERATELY IN CASE AN ERROR THROWS, SO OTHER PACKAGES STILL INSTALL OK AFTERWARDS $PACKAGE_INSTALL libssl-dev -y sleep 1 $PACKAGE_INSTALL libcurl4-openssl-dev -y sleep 1 $PACKAGE_INSTALL libzip-dev -y sleep 1 $PACKAGE_INSTALL libbz2-dev -y sleep 1 $PACKAGE_INSTALL libxml2-dev -y sleep 1 $PACKAGE_INSTALL libsqlite3-dev -y sleep 1 $PACKAGE_INSTALL libonig-dev -y sleep 3 # Safely install other packages seperately, so they aren't cancelled by 'package missing' errors $PACKAGE_INSTALL pkg-config build-essential autoconf bison re2c -y elif [ -f "/etc/redhat-release" ]; then echo "${yellow}(Redhat-based system detected)${reset}" echo " " $PACKAGE_INSTALL libarchive -y sleep 3 # Dev libs (including for the extensions we want to add) # WE RUN SEPERATELY IN CASE AN ERROR THROWS, SO OTHER PACKAGES STILL INSTALL OK AFTERWARDS $PACKAGE_INSTALL openssl-devel -y sleep 1 $PACKAGE_INSTALL libcurl-devel -y sleep 1 $PACKAGE_INSTALL libzip libzip-devel -y sleep 1 $PACKAGE_INSTALL bzip2-libs bzip2-devel -y sleep 1 $PACKAGE_INSTALL libxml2-devel -y sleep 1 $PACKAGE_INSTALL sqlite-devel -y sleep 1 $PACKAGE_INSTALL oniguruma-devel -y sleep 1 $PACKAGE_INSTALL libpng-devel -y sleep 1 $PACKAGE_INSTALL freetype-devel -y sleep 3 sudo yum groupinstall 'Development Tools' -y # Safely install other packages seperately, so they aren't cancelled by 'package missing' errors $PACKAGE_INSTALL autoconf bison re2c -y fi sleep 3 echo " " echo "${cyan}Required component installation completed.${reset}" echo " " ###################################### echo " " echo "${cyan}Getting PHP source code, please wait...${reset}" echo " " mkdir $HOME/php-source cd $HOME/php-source git clone https://github.com/php/php-src.git cd php-src git checkout master echo " " echo "${cyan}Building the PHP binary files, please wait...${reset}" echo " " ./buildconf ./configure \ --enable-bcmath \ --enable-gd \ --enable-calendar \ --enable-dba \ --enable-exif \ --enable-ftp \ --enable-fpm \ --enable-mbstring \ --enable-shmop \ --enable-sigchild \ --enable-soap \ --enable-sockets \ --enable-sysvmsg \ --with-libdir=lib64 \ --with-zip \ --with-bz2 \ --with-curl \ --with-gettext \ --with-openssl \ --with-pdo-mysql \ --with-zlib \ --with-libxml \ --with-freetype \ --prefix=$HOME/php-binaries make echo " " echo "${cyan}Installing the PHP binary files, please wait...${reset}" echo " " make install \cp $HOME/php-binaries/bin/php-cgi $APP_ROOT/php-cgi-custom echo " " echo "${cyan}UNLESS YOU SEE ANY ERRORS ABOVE, ${green}the old PHP CGI binary '$APP_ROOT/php-cgi-custom' within your Desktop Edition should have just been replaced with a new custom PHP CGI binary, that should be compatible with your system. Try to run linux Desktop Edition of this crypto tracker now, and it should work...IF it was indeed a shared library issue.${reset}" echo " " echo "PLEASE REPORT ANY ISSUES HERE: https://github.com/taoteh1221/Open_Crypto_Tracker/issues" echo " " ###################################### echo "${yellow} " read -n1 -s -r -p $"ONE LAST THING: Press d to delete the temporary CUSTOM PHP source / binaries we created at $HOME/php-source AND $HOME/php-binaries, (or press k if you prefer to keep them [we don't need them to run the app])..." key echo " " echo "${reset} " if [ "$key" = 'd' ] || [ "$key" = 'D' ]; then echo " " echo "${cyan}Deleting CUSTOM PHP source / binaries, please wait...${reset}" echo " " rm -rf $HOME/php-binaries rm -rf $HOME/php-source echo "${green}CUSTOM PHP source / binaries were deleted, now exiting this script...${reset}" echo " " else echo " " echo "${green}Skipping deletion of CUSTOM PHP source / binaries, now exiting this script...${reset}" echo " " exit fi echo " "