#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2014-2024 GPLv3, Open Crypto Tracker by Mike Kilday: Mike@DragonFrugal.com (leave this copyright / attribution intact in ALL forks / copies!) # Sets which version of PHP to use, via github.com release tags: # https://github.com/php/php-src/tags # ALWAYS verify the version used here is secure (with NO vulnerabilities): # https://www.cvedetails.com/vulnerability-list/vendor_id-74/PHP.html PHP_GITHUB_RELEASE_TAG="php-8.3.8" ISSUES_URL="https://github.com/taoteh1221/Open_Crypto_Tracker/issues" echo " " echo "PLEASE REPORT ANY ISSUES HERE: $ISSUES_URL" echo " " echo "Initializing, please wait..." echo " " ###################################### # EXPLICITLY set any dietpi paths # Export too, in case we are calling another bash instance in this script if [ -f /boot/dietpi/.version ]; then PATH=/boot/dietpi:$PATH export PATH=$PATH fi # EXPLICITLY set any ~/.local/bin paths # Export too, in case we are calling another bash instance in this script if [ -d ~/.local/bin ]; then PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH export PATH=$PATH fi # EXPLICITLY set any /usr/sbin path # Export too, in case we are calling another bash instance in this script if [ -d /usr/sbin ]; then PATH=/usr/sbin:$PATH export PATH=$PATH fi # In case we are recursing back into this script (for filtering params etc), # flag export of a few more basic sys vars if present # Authentication of X sessions export XAUTHORITY=~/.Xauthority # Working directory export PWD=$PWD ###################################### # Get date / time DATE=$(date '+%Y-%m-%d') TIME=$(date '+%H:%M:%S') # Current timestamp CURRENT_TIMESTAMP=$(date +%s) # Are we running on Ubuntu OS? IS_UBUNTU=$(cat /etc/os-release | grep "PRETTY_NAME" | grep "Ubuntu") # If a symlink, get link target for script location # WE ALWAYS WANT THE FULL PATH! if [[ -L "$0" ]]; then SCRIPT_LOCATION=$(readlink "$0") else SCRIPT_LOCATION="$( cd -- "$(dirname "$0")" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; pwd -P )/"$(basename "$0")"" fi # Now set path / file vars, after setting SCRIPT_LOCATION SCRIPT_PATH="$( cd -- "$(dirname "$SCRIPT_LOCATION")" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; pwd -P )" SCRIPT_NAME=$(basename "$SCRIPT_LOCATION") # Parent directory of the script location PARENT_DIR="$(dirname "$SCRIPT_LOCATION")" # Get the operating system and version if [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then # freedesktop.org and systemd . /etc/os-release OS=$NAME VER=$VERSION_ID elif type lsb_release >/dev/null 2>&1; then # linuxbase.org OS=$(lsb_release -si) VER=$(lsb_release -sr) elif [ -f /etc/lsb-release ]; then # For some versions of Debian/Ubuntu without lsb_release command . /etc/lsb-release OS=$DISTRIB_ID VER=$DISTRIB_RELEASE elif [ -f /etc/debian_version ]; then # Older Debian/Ubuntu/etc. OS=Debian VER=$(cat /etc/debian_version) elif [ -f /etc/SuSe-release ]; then # Older SuSE/etc. ... elif [ -f /etc/redhat-release ]; then # Older Red Hat, CentOS, etc. ... else # Fall back to uname, e.g. "Linux ", also works for BSD, etc. OS=$(uname -s) VER=$(uname -r) fi # For setting user agent header in curl, since some API servers !REQUIRE! a set user agent OR THEY BLOCK YOU CUSTOM_CURL_USER_AGENT_HEADER="User-Agent: Curl (${OS}/$VER; compatible;)" ###################################### # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5947742/how-to-change-the-output-color-of-echo-in-linux if hash tput > /dev/null 2>&1; then red=`tput setaf 1` green=`tput setaf 2` yellow=`tput setaf 3` blue=`tput setaf 4` magenta=`tput setaf 5` cyan=`tput setaf 6` reset=`tput sgr0` else red=`` green=`` yellow=`` blue=`` magenta=`` cyan=`` reset=`` fi ###################################### # Get logged-in username (if sudo, this works best with logname) TERMINAL_USERNAME=$(logname) # If logname doesn't work, use the $SUDO_USER or $USER global var if [ -z "$TERMINAL_USERNAME" ]; then if [ -z "$SUDO_USER" ]; then TERMINAL_USERNAME=$USER else TERMINAL_USERNAME=$SUDO_USER fi fi if [ "$EUID" == 0 ]; then echo "${red}Please run #WITHOUT# 'sudo' PERMISSIONS.${reset}" echo "${yellow} " read -n1 -s -r -p $"PRESS ANY KEY to exit..." key echo "${reset} " if [ "$key" = 'y' ] || [ "$key" != 'y' ]; then echo " " echo "${green}Exiting...${reset}" echo " " exit fi fi ###################################### if [ -f "/etc/debian_version" ]; then echo "${cyan}Your system has been detected as Debian-based, which is compatible with this automated script." # USE 'apt-get' IN SCRIPTING! # https://askubuntu.com/questions/990823/apt-gives-unstable-cli-interface-warning PACKAGE_INSTALL="sudo apt-get install" PACKAGE_REMOVE="sudo apt-get --purge remove" echo " " echo "Continuing...${reset}" echo " " elif [ -f "/etc/redhat-release" ]; then echo "${cyan}Your system has been detected as Redhat-based, which is compatible with this automated script." PACKAGE_INSTALL="sudo yum install" PACKAGE_REMOVE="sudo yum remove" echo " " echo "Continuing...${reset}" echo " " else echo "${red}Your system has been detected as NOT BEING Debian-based OR Redhat-based. Your system is NOT compatible with this automated script." echo "${yellow} " read -n1 -s -r -p $"PRESS ANY KEY to exit..." key echo "${reset} " if [ "$key" = 'y' ] || [ "$key" != 'y' ]; then echo " " echo "${green}Exiting...${reset}" echo " " exit fi fi echo "${yellow} " read -n1 -s -r -p $"PRESS ANY KEY to continue..." key echo "${reset} " if [ "$key" = 'y' ] || [ "$key" != 'y' ]; then echo " " echo "${green}Continuing...${reset}" echo " " fi echo " " ###################################### # Path to app (CROSS-DISTRO-COMPATIBLE) get_app_path() { app_path_result=$(whereis -b $1) app_path_result="${app_path_result#*$1: }" app_path_result=${app_path_result%%[[:space:]]*} app_path_result="${app_path_result#*$1:}" # If we have found the library already installed on this system if [ ! -z "$app_path_result" ]; then PATH_CHECK_REENTRY="" # Reset reentry flag echo "$app_path_result" # If we are re-entering from the else statement below, quit trying, with warning sent to terminal (NOT function output) elif [ ! -z "$PATH_CHECK_REENTRY" ]; then PATH_CHECK_REENTRY="" # Reset reentry flag echo "${red} " > /dev/tty echo "System path for '$1' NOT FOUND, even AFTER package installation attempts, giving up." > /dev/tty echo " " > /dev/tty echo "*PLEASE* REPORT THIS ISSUE HERE, *IF THIS SCRIPT FAILS TO RUN PROPERLY FROM THIS POINT ONWARD*:" > /dev/tty echo " " > /dev/tty echo "$ISSUES_URL" > /dev/tty echo "${reset} " > /dev/tty echo "${yellow} " > /dev/tty read -n1 -s -r -p $"PRESS ANY KEY to continue..." key echo "${reset} " > /dev/tty if [ "$key" = 'y' ] || [ "$key" != 'y' ]; then echo " " > /dev/tty echo "${green}Continuing...${reset}" > /dev/tty echo " " > /dev/tty fi echo " " > /dev/tty # If library not found, attempt package installation else # Handle package name exceptions... # bsdtar on Ubuntu 18.x and higher if [ "$1" == "bsdtar" ] && [ -f "/etc/debian_version" ]; then SYS_PACK="libarchive-tools" # xdg-user-dir (debian package name differs slightly) elif [ "$1" == "xdg-user-dir" ] && [ -f "/etc/debian_version" ]; then SYS_PACK="xdg-user-dirs" # rsyslogd (debian package name differs slightly) elif [ "$1" == "rsyslogd" ] && [ -f "/etc/debian_version" ]; then SYS_PACK="rsyslog" else SYS_PACK="$1" fi # Terminal alert for good UX... if [ "$1" != "$SYS_PACK" ]; then echo " " > /dev/tty echo "${yellow}'$1' is found WITHIN '$SYS_PACK', changing package request accordingly...${reset}" > /dev/tty echo " " > /dev/tty fi echo " " > /dev/tty echo "${cyan}Installing required component '$SYS_PACK', please wait...${reset}" > /dev/tty echo " " > /dev/tty sleep 3 $PACKAGE_INSTALL $SYS_PACK -y > /dev/tty # If UBUNTU (*NOT* any other OS) snap was detected on the system, try a snap install too # (as they moved some libs over to snap / snap-only? now) if [ ! -z "$UBUNTU_SNAP_PATH" ]; then UBUNTU_SNAP_INSTALL="sudo $UBUNTU_SNAP_PATH install" echo " " > /dev/tty echo "${yellow}CHECKING FOR UBUNTU SNAP PACKAGE '$SYS_PACK', please wait...${reset}" > /dev/tty echo " " > /dev/tty sleep 3 $UBUNTU_SNAP_INSTALL $SYS_PACK > /dev/tty fi sleep 2 PATH_CHECK_REENTRY=1 # Set reentry flag, right before reentry echo $(get_app_path "$1") fi } # Ubuntu uses snaps for very basic libraries these days, so we need to configure for possible snap installs if [ "$IS_UBUNTU" != "" ]; then UBUNTU_SNAP_PATH=$(get_app_path "snap") fi ###################################### # ON DEBIAN-BASED SYSTEMS ONLY: # Do we have less than 900MB PHYSICAL RAM (IN KILOBYTES), # AND no swap / less swap virtual memory than 900MB (IN BYTES)? if [ -f "/etc/debian_version" ] && [ "$(awk '/MemTotal/ {print $2}' /proc/meminfo)" -lt 900000 ] && ( [ "$(free | awk '/^Swap:/ { print $2 }')" = "0" ] || [ "$(free --bytes | awk '/^Swap:/ { print $2 }')" -lt 900000000 ] ); then echo "${red}YOU HAVE LESS THAN 900MB *PHYSICAL* MEMORY, AND ALSO HAVE LESS THAN 900MB SWAP *VIRTUAL* MEMORY. This MAY cause your system to FREEZE, *IF* you have a desktop display attached!${reset}" echo "${yellow} " read -n1 -s -r -p $"PRESS F to fix this (sets swap virtual memory to 1GB), OR any other key to skip fixing..." key echo "${reset} " if [ "$key" = 'f' ] || [ "$key" = 'F' ]; then echo " " echo "${cyan}Changing Swap Virtual Memory size to 1GB, please wait (THIS MAY TAKE AWHILE ON SMALLER SYSTEMS)...${reset}" echo " " # Required components check... # dphys-swapfile DPHYS_PATH=$(get_app_path "dphys-swapfile") # sed SED_PATH=$(get_app_path "sed") sudo $DPHYS_PATH swapoff sleep 5 if [ -f /etc/dphys-swapfile ]; then DETECT_SWAP_CONF=$(sudo sed -n '/CONF_SWAPSIZE=/p' /etc/dphys-swapfile) if [ "$DETECT_SWAP_CONF" != "" ]; then sudo sed -i "s/CONF_SWAPSIZE=.*/CONF_SWAPSIZE=1024/g" /etc/dphys-swapfile elif [ "$DETECT_SWAP_CONF" == "" ]; then sudo bash -c "echo 'CONF_SWAPSIZE=1024' >> /etc/dphys-swapfile" fi sudo $DPHYS_PATH setup sleep 5 sudo $DPHYS_PATH swapon sleep 5 echo " " echo "${green}Swap Memory size has been updated to 1GB.${reset}" echo " " else echo " " echo "${red}Swap Memory config file could NOT be located, skipping update of Swap Memory size!${reset}" echo " " fi else echo " " echo "${green}Skipping...${reset}" echo " " fi fi ###################################### # clean_system_update function START clean_system_update () { if [ -z "$ALLOW_FULL_UPGRADE" ]; then echo " " echo "${yellow}Does the Operating System on this device update using the \"Rolling Release\" model (Kali, Manjaro, Ubuntu Rolling Rhino, Debian Unstable, etc), or the \"Long-Term Release\" model (Debian, Ubuntu, Raspberry Pi OS, Armbian Stable, Diet Pi, etc)?" echo " " echo "${red}(You can SEVERLY MESS UP a \"Rolling Release\" Operating System IF YOU DO NOT CHOOSE CORRECTLY HERE! In that case, you can SAFELY choose \"I don't know\".)${reset}" echo " " echo "Enter the NUMBER next to your chosen option.${reset}" echo " " OPTIONS="rolling long_term i_dont_know" select opt in $OPTIONS; do if [ "$opt" = "long_term" ]; then ALLOW_FULL_UPGRADE="yes" echo " " echo "${green}Allowing system-wide updates before installs.${reset}" break else ALLOW_FULL_UPGRADE="no" echo " " echo "${green}Disabling system-wide updates before installs.${reset}" break fi done echo " " fi if [ -z "$PACKAGE_CACHE_REFRESHED" ]; then if [ -f "/etc/debian_version" ]; then echo "${cyan}Making sure your APT sources list is updated before installations, please wait...${reset}" echo " " # In case package list was ever corrupted (since we are about to rebuild it anyway...avoids possible errors) sudo rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* -vf > /dev/null 2>&1 sleep 2 sudo apt-get update echo " " echo "${cyan}APT sources list update complete.${reset}" echo " " fi if [ "$ALLOW_FULL_UPGRADE" == "yes" ]; then echo "${cyan}Making sure your system is updated before installations, please wait...${reset}" echo " " if [ -f "/etc/debian_version" ]; then #DO NOT RUN dist-upgrade, bad things can happen, lol sudo apt-get upgrade -y elif [ -f "/etc/redhat-release" ]; then sudo yum upgrade -y fi sleep 2 echo " " echo "${cyan}System updated.${reset}" echo " " fi PACKAGE_CACHE_REFRESHED=1 fi } # clean_system_update function END # Clears / updates cache, then upgrades (if NOT a rolling release) clean_system_update ###################################### # Get PRIMARY dependency lib's paths (for bash scripting commands...auto-install is attempted, if not found on system) # (our usual standard library prerequisites [ordered alphabetically], for 99% of advanced bash scripting needs) # avahi-daemon AVAHID_PATH=$(get_app_path "avahi-daemon") # bc BC_PATH=$(get_app_path "bc") # bsdtar BSDTAR_PATH=$(get_app_path "bsdtar") # curl CURL_PATH=$(get_app_path "curl") # expect EXPECT_PATH=$(get_app_path "expect") # git GIT_PATH=$(get_app_path "git") # jq JQ_PATH=$(get_app_path "jq") # less LESS_PATH=$(get_app_path "less") # sed SED_PATH=$(get_app_path "sed") # wget WGET_PATH=$(get_app_path "wget") # PRIMARY dependency lib's paths END ###################################### # Get the *INTERNAL* NETWORK ip address IP=$(ip -o route get to | sed -n 's/.*src \([0-9.]\+\).*/\1/p') ###################################### if [ -d "$SCRIPT_LOCATION/INSTALL_CRYPTO_TRACKER_HERE" ] && [ -f $SCRIPT_LOCATION/libcef.so ]; then APP_ROOT="$SCRIPT_LOCATION" echo " " echo "${green}Using auto-detected Desktop Edition location:" echo " " echo "$SCRIPT_LOCATION${reset}" echo " " elif [ -d "$PARENT_DIR/INSTALL_CRYPTO_TRACKER_HERE" ] && [ -f $PARENT_DIR/libcef.so ]; then APP_ROOT="$PARENT_DIR" echo " " echo "${green}Using auto-detected Desktop Edition location:" echo " " echo "$PARENT_DIR${reset}" echo " " else DEFAULT_LOCATION="/home/$TERMINAL_USERNAME/Desktop/Open_Crypto_Tracker-linux-desktop" echo " " echo "${yellow}ENTER THE FULL SYSTEM PATH to the Desktop Edition main folder:" echo "(DO !NOT! INCLUDE A #TRAILING# FORWARD SLASH)" echo " " echo "(LEAVE BLANK / HIT ENTER to use the default value: $DEFAULT_LOCATION)${reset}" echo " " read APP_ROOT echo " " if [ -z "$APP_ROOT" ]; then APP_ROOT="$DEFAULT_LOCATION" echo "${green}Using default Desktop Edition location:" echo " " echo "$APP_ROOT${reset}" echo " " else echo "${green}Using custom Desktop Edition location:" echo " " echo "$APP_ROOT${reset}" echo " " fi fi if [ ! -d "$APP_ROOT" ]; then echo "${red}The defined Desktop Edition location '$APP_ROOT' does not exist yet. Please create this directory structure before running this script again.${reset}" echo "${yellow} " read -n1 -s -r -p $"PRESS ANY KEY to exit..." key echo "${reset} " if [ "$key" = 'y' ] || [ "$key" != 'y' ]; then echo " " echo "${green}Exiting...${reset}" echo " " exit fi echo " " fi echo "${cyan}PLEASE REPORT ANY ISSUES HERE: $ISSUES_URL" echo "${reset} " echo "${yellow}THIS SCRIPT ATTEMPTS TO AUTOMATICALLY FIX LINUX-BASED 'DESKTOP EDITION' INSTALLATIONS OF OPEN CRYPTO TRACKER. BUILDING PHP BINARIES WILL TAKE AWHILE, EVEN ON A FAST MACHINE (YOU WILL SEE SCROLLING MESSAGES FOR AWHILE, WHICH IS NORMAL DURING COMPILATION)." echo "${reset} " echo "${red}PLEASE ***SHUT DOWN THE DESKTOP EDITION*** BEFORE CONTINUING, ***OTHERWISE WE CANNOT AUTOMATICALLY UPDATE*** THE PHP LIBRARY!" echo "${reset} " echo "${yellow} " read -n1 -s -r -p $"PRESS Y to continue (or PRESS N to exit)..." key echo "${reset} " if [ "$key" = 'y' ] || [ "$key" = 'Y' ]; then echo " " echo "${green}Continuing...${reset}" echo " " else echo " " echo "${green}Exiting...${reset}" echo " " exit fi echo " " ###################################### if [ -f "/etc/debian_version" ]; then echo "${yellow}(Debian-based system detected)${reset}" echo " " echo "${green}Making sure GTK / libxss support is enabled for Debian, please wait...${reset}" echo " " sleep 2 # 32-bit GTK2 Debian support (for the 'RUN_CRYPTO_TRACKER' binary) $PACKAGE_INSTALL libgtk2.0-dev -y sleep 2 # libxss support $PACKAGE_INSTALL libxss-dev -y echo " " echo "${cyan}Proceeding with installation of PHP's required Debian libraries, please wait...${reset}" echo " " sleep 2 # Dev libs (including for the extensions we want to add) # WE RUN SEPERATELY IN CASE AN ERROR THROWS, SO OTHER PACKAGES STILL INSTALL OK AFTERWARDS $PACKAGE_INSTALL libssl-dev -y sleep 1 $PACKAGE_INSTALL libcurl4-openssl-dev -y sleep 1 $PACKAGE_INSTALL libzip-dev -y sleep 1 $PACKAGE_INSTALL libbz2-dev -y sleep 1 $PACKAGE_INSTALL libxml2-dev -y sleep 1 $PACKAGE_INSTALL libsqlite3-dev -y sleep 1 $PACKAGE_INSTALL libonig-dev -y sleep 1 $PACKAGE_INSTALL libpng-dev -y sleep 1 $PACKAGE_INSTALL libfreetype-dev -y sleep 2 # Safely install other packages seperately, so they aren't cancelled by 'package missing' errors $PACKAGE_INSTALL pkg-config build-essential autoconf bison re2c -y elif [ -f "/etc/redhat-release" ]; then echo "${yellow}(Redhat-based system detected)${reset}" echo " " echo "${green}Making sure GTK / libxss support is enabled for RedHat, please wait...${reset}" echo " " sleep 2 # 32-bit GTK2 RedHat support (for the 'RUN_CRYPTO_TRACKER' binary) $PACKAGE_INSTALL gtk2 -y sleep 2 # libxss support # CASE-SENSITIVE! $PACKAGE_INSTALL libXScrnSaver -y echo " " echo "${cyan}Proceeding with installation of PHP's required RedHat libraries, please wait...${reset}" echo " " sleep 2 # Dev libs (including for the extensions we want to add) # WE RUN SEPERATELY IN CASE AN ERROR THROWS, SO OTHER PACKAGES STILL INSTALL OK AFTERWARDS $PACKAGE_INSTALL openssl-devel -y sleep 1 $PACKAGE_INSTALL libcurl-devel -y sleep 1 $PACKAGE_INSTALL libzip libzip-devel -y sleep 1 $PACKAGE_INSTALL bzip2-libs bzip2-devel -y sleep 1 $PACKAGE_INSTALL libxml2-devel -y sleep 1 $PACKAGE_INSTALL sqlite-devel -y sleep 1 $PACKAGE_INSTALL oniguruma-devel -y sleep 1 $PACKAGE_INSTALL libpng-devel -y sleep 1 $PACKAGE_INSTALL freetype-devel -y sleep 2 sudo yum groupinstall 'Development Tools' -y # Safely install other packages seperately, so they aren't cancelled by 'package missing' errors $PACKAGE_INSTALL autoconf bison re2c -y fi sleep 2 echo " " echo "${cyan}Required component installation completed.${reset}" echo " " ###################################### echo " " echo "${cyan}Getting PHP source code, please wait...${reset}" echo " " mkdir $HOME/php-source > /dev/null 2>&1 cd $HOME/php-source git clone https://github.com/php/php-src.git cd php-src git checkout tags/$PHP_GITHUB_RELEASE_TAG echo " " echo "${cyan}Building (compiling) the required PHP binary files, please wait...${reset}" echo " " ./buildconf --force ./configure \ --enable-bcmath \ --enable-gd \ --enable-calendar \ --enable-dba \ --enable-exif \ --enable-ftp \ --enable-fpm \ --enable-mbstring \ --enable-shmop \ --enable-sigchild \ --enable-soap \ --enable-sockets \ --enable-sysvmsg \ --with-libdir=lib64 \ --with-zip \ --with-bz2 \ --with-curl \ --with-gettext \ --with-openssl \ --with-pdo-mysql \ --with-zlib \ --with-libxml \ --with-freetype \ --prefix=$HOME/php-binaries make echo " " echo "${cyan}Installing the PHP binary files (to a UNIQUE location you can remove after processing), please wait...${reset}" echo " " make install \cp $HOME/php-binaries/bin/php-cgi $APP_ROOT/php-cgi-custom > /dev/null 2>&1 echo " " echo "${cyan}UNLESS YOU SEE ANY ERRORS ABOVE, ${green}the old PHP-CGI binary '$APP_ROOT/php-cgi-custom' within your Desktop Edition should have just been replaced with a new custom PHP-CGI binary, which should be compatible with your particular Linux system. Additionally, we made sure 'GTK2' and 'libxss' for your particular Linux system were installed, which helps assure compatibility with the 32-bit binary 'RUN_CRYPTO_TRACKER'.${reset}" echo " " echo "${yellow}PLEASE REPORT ANY ISSUES HERE: $ISSUES_URL${reset}" echo " " ###################################### echo "${yellow} " read -n1 -s -r -p $"ONE LAST THING: PRESS D to delete the temporary CUSTOM PHP source / binaries we created at $HOME/php-source AND $HOME/php-binaries, (OR PRESS K if you prefer to keep them [we don't need them to run the app])..." key echo " " echo "${reset} " if [ "$key" = 'd' ] || [ "$key" = 'D' ]; then echo " " echo "${cyan}Deleting CUSTOM PHP source / binaries, please wait...${reset}" echo " " rm -rf $HOME/php-binaries > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf $HOME/php-source > /dev/null 2>&1 echo "${green}CUSTOM PHP source / binaries were deleted, now exiting this script...${reset}" echo " " else echo " " echo "${green}Skipping deletion of CUSTOM PHP source / binaries, now exiting this script...${reset}" echo " " fi sleep 3 exit echo " "