Copyright 2019-2024 GPLv3, Slideshow Crypto Ticker by Mike Kilday: (leave this copyright / attribution intact in ALL forks / copies!) Open source / 100% FREE real time slideshow crypto price ticker for Raspberry Pi LCD screens, including 24 hour volume and CoinGecko / Binance / Coinbase Pro / Kraken / Kucoin / Bitstamp / Bitfinex / HitBTC / OKex / support (more market support coming in the future). Supports running in "slideshow mode", to show all the markets you want. Example on a 3.5" LCD: Example on a 7" LCD: Developed on a Raspi v3 B+, with these screens / cases: (stock, no mods) (Noctua fan mounted with crazy glue, and Noctua fan speed controller outside case) Project Website: Download Latest Version: Issue Reporting (Features / Issues / Help): Discord: Telegram: Twitter: Private Contact: Donations support further development... Bitcoin: 3Nw6cvSgnLEFmQ1V4e8RSBG23G7pDjF3hW Ethereum: 0x644343e8D0A4cF33eee3E54fE5d5B8BFD0285EF8 Solana: GvX4AU4V9atTBof9dT9oBnLPmPiz3mhoXBdqcxyRuQnU Github Sponsors: Patreon: PayPal: Venmo: ############################################################################################# SINGLE TICKER *MINIMUM* system specs: 1 Gigahertz CPU / 512 Megabytes RAM / HIGH QUALITY 16 Gigabyte MicroSD card MUTIPLE TICKERS (slideshow mode) *MINIMUM* system specs: 4 cores (1 Gigahertz each) CPU / 1 Gigabyte RAM / HIGH QUALITY 16 Gigabyte MicroSD card ############################################################################################# AUTOMATIC INSTALLATION / UPGRADING IMPORTANT NOTES: This install script has been designed to run generically on Debian-based systems, but has only been tested on RaspberryPi / DietPi operating systems. For Ticker autostart at system boot, the LXDE Desktop is #REQUIRED# (this is the default desktop on RaspberryPi OS). The ticker can also be manually started (see CONFIGURING AFTER INSTALLATION). To install / upgrade everything automatically on a RaspberryPi / DietPi device, copy => paste => run the command below in a terminal program (using the 'Terminal' app in the system menu, or over remote SSH), while logged in AS THE USER THAT WILL RUN THE APP (user must have sudo privileges): wget --no-cache -O TICKER-INSTALL.bash;chmod +x TICKER-INSTALL.bash;sudo ./TICKER-INSTALL.bash Follow the prompts, and the automated script will install / upgrade / configure the ticker. KUCOIN MARKETS #WILL NOT WORK# IF YOU DO NOT INSTALL THE TICKER PROPERLY! ############################################################################################# CONFIGURING AFTER INSTALLATION Edit the following file in a text editor to switch between different exchanges / crypto assets / base pairings, and to configure settings for slideshow speed / font sizes and colors / background color / vertical position / screen orientation / google font used / monospace emulation: /home/YOUR_USER_NAME/slideshow-crypto-ticker/config.js Example editing config.js in nano by command-line: nano ~/slideshow-crypto-ticker/config.js After updating config.js, restart the ticker with this command: ~/ticker-restart If autostart does not work / is not setup, you can run this command MANUALLY, #AFTER BOOTING INTO THE DESKTOP INTERFACE#, to start Slideshow Crypto Ticker: ~/ticker-start If you prefer chromium, epiphany, or firefox (firefox is recommended for long term reliability): ~/ticker-start chromium ~/ticker-start epiphany ~/ticker-start firefox To stop Slideshow Crypto Ticker: ~/ticker-stop If you have a "goodtft LCD-show" LCD screen and you installed it's drivers, you can now switch between the LCD and your normal monitor by running the command: ~/goodtft-only ############################################################################################# MANUAL INSTALLATION (IF AUTO-INSTALL SCRIPT FAILS, ETC)... SUBSTITUTE "YOUR_USER_NAME" FOR THE USERNAME YOU LOGIN AS ON YOUR SYSTEM. IMPORTANT NOTES: USE A #FULL# DESKTOP, #NOT# LITE, OR YOU LIKELY WILL HAVE SOME ISSUES EVEN AFTER UPGRADING TO GUI (trust me). If your system is NOT RaspberryPi OS, or you are logged in / running as a user other than 'pi', just substitute that username in place of the 'YOUR_USER_NAME' user in references below. UPGRADE NOTES: For v2.13.0 and higher, delete any OLDER install's /scripts/ and /apps/ sub-directories WITHIN the main 'slideshow-crypto-ticker' directory (THESE ARE NO LONGER USED). Create a new directory / folder named 'slideshow-crypto-ticker' in /home/YOUR_USER_NAME/ on your RaspberryPi / DietPi device, and put all the app's files and folders into this directory. --------------------- Run these commands (logged in as user YOUR_USER_NAME): sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get install xdotool unclutter sed -y chmod -R 755 ~/slideshow-crypto-ticker/bash ln -s ~/slideshow-crypto-ticker/bash/ticker-restart.bash ~/ticker-restart ln -s ~/slideshow-crypto-ticker/bash/ticker-start.bash ~/ticker-start ln -s ~/slideshow-crypto-ticker/bash/ticker-stop.bash ~/ticker-stop --------------------- Create / edit the following autostart file (create any directories that don't exist yet): /home/YOUR_USER_NAME/.config/lxsession/LXDE_PROFILE_NAME/autostart and add the following (firefox can be changed to epiphany, or chromium if desired, but firefox is usually the most reliable)... IMPORTANT: SUBSTITUTE "LXDE_PROFILE_NAME" FOR THE LXDE PROFILE NAME USED FOR YOUR LXDE SESSION (whatever the sub-folder name is INSIDE: /home/YOUR_USER_NAME/.config/lxpanel, on raspberry pi os it is: LXDE-pi, default if unknown should be: LXDE). FIRST, IF THE FILE DOES #NOT# EXIST YET, we need to copy the SYSTEM defaults over with this command: cp /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE_PROFILE_NAME/autostart /home/pi/.config/lxsession/LXDE_PROFILE_NAME/ NEXT, we add the ticker autostart command at the end of the autostart file: @/home/YOUR_USER_NAME/slideshow-crypto-ticker/bash/lxde-auto-start.bash firefox After creating the LXDE Desktop autostart file above, the ticker will run on system startup when you login / auto-login to the LXDE Desktop. --------------------- Add this as a cron job every minute, by creating the following file (you'll need sudo/root permissions): /etc/cron.d/ticker and add the following line (and a carriage return AFTER it to be safe): * * * * * YOUR_USER_NAME /bin/bash /home/YOUR_USER_NAME/slideshow-crypto-ticker/bash/cron/cron.bash > /dev/null 2>&1 If your system DOES NOT have /etc/cron.d/ on it, then NEARLY the same format (minus the username) can be installed via the 'crontab -e' command (logged in as the user you want running the cron job): * * * * * /bin/bash /home/YOUR_USER_NAME/slideshow-crypto-ticker/bash/cron/cron.bash > /dev/null 2>&1 IMPORTANT CRON JOB NOTES: MAKE SURE YOU ONLY USE EITHER /etc/cron.d/, or 'crontab -e', NOT BOTH...ANY OLD DUPLICATE ENTRIES WILL RUN YOUR CRON JOB TOO OFTEN. --------------------- When you've finished setting up everything, reboot to activate the ticker with this command: sudo reboot ## ONLY RUN BELOW COMMANDS IF YOU HAVE A "goodtft LCD-show" LCD screen: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt install git cd ~/slideshow-crypto-ticker/builds git clone cd ~/ chmod -R 755 ~/slideshow-crypto-ticker/builds ln -s ~/slideshow-crypto-ticker/bash/goodtft-only.bash ~/goodtft-only ############################################################################################# See TROUBLESHOOTING.txt for additional tips / troubleshooting FAQs.