Technology at Kun Group

Technology at Kun Group

Real Time updates

Being a youthful organization implies we embraced service upgrading innovation consistently and we proceed to contribute and refine these drives. At Kun Group our advanced fleet of trucks is furnished with GPS following. Our innovation accomplices incorporate Shaw Tracking and Trans Plus Fleet Manager.

We are additionally on track to be 100% consistent with the new obligatory E-Log guidelines and use EDI as mentioned by our clients.

Access your shipment data

Our customers can access critical shipment data through our website on a 24/7 basis. Features include:

  • See reports on our drivers’ activities in real-time
  • Access important documents such as original bills of lading and signed POD’s online

  • Fast ServiceWe value our magnificent client care, flexibility and quality transportation. We are a youthful organization furnished with crisp reasoning and extraordinary energy to do an amazing job for our esteemed clients.
  • 100% AccuracyWe have learned to be responsive to client needs and never let process stand in the way of getting the job done that needs to get done.
  • Safety & GuaranteeSafety is of the utmost importance to everyone on the Kun Group. Skilled drivers, regular training, modern equipment and scheduled maintenance help to keep your goods and our people safe from harm on North America’s highways.