Douban TV Scraper 豆瓣电视剧刮削器 Download TV information from 从豆瓣网获取电视剧资料。豆瓣所有的内容,分类,筛选,排序都由用户产生和决定。豆瓣帮助你通过你喜爱的东西找到志同道合者,然后通过他们找到更多的好东西。 all GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 2, June 1991 audio 1ting audio plugin 一听音乐插件 一听音乐网(是中国最大的在线音乐网站,集正版音乐、原创歌曲平台、网络电台为一体,拥有丰富的正版音乐库、原创歌曲展示平台(可乐频道)和精彩纷呈的电台节目(一听音乐台)。 all GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 2, June 1991 audio Baidu fm audio plugin 百度随心听插件 Baidu fm audio plugin 百度随心听插件 all audio BaiduRadio audio plugin 百度电台联盟音频插件 BaiduRadio audio plugin 百度电台联盟音频插件,在线收听功能受电台播出时间和网络条件限制,个别台可能无法收听。 all audio DoubanFM plugin 豆瓣FM插件 豆瓣FM是一款你专属的个性化收听工具。你只需要非常简单的操作就能听到为你量身推荐的歌曲。它还拥有不同音乐爱好者创建的主题兆赫,让你在享受自我口味歌曲的同时,也能发现更多样的未知音乐。 all GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 2, June 1991 audio kugou fm audio plugin 酷狗电台插件 kugou fm audio plugin 酷狗电台频道,数十个音乐电台为你精心打造,带你邂逅喜爱的音乐,享受随意听音乐的精彩。 all audio KuwoBox audio plugin 酷我音乐盒音乐插件 KuwoBox audio plugin 酷我音乐盒在线音乐 all audio audio plugin 央广娱乐音频 中国广播Radio.cn是中央人民广播电台、央广新媒体文化传媒(北京)有限公司建设;中国广播依托全国广播、电视、媒体、版权公司等优势资源;中国广播借助中国广播联盟、全球华语广播联盟、高校广播联盟等协会组织的支持;面向行业单位、广播听众、互联网用户、以及手机车载社交等新兴媒体用户提供的娱乐和运营综合集成服务平台。中国广播集成平台具备全媒体音视频各项牌照,提供中国广播Radio.cn网站、中国广播客户端、集成平台管理系统、广播音频节目发布及制播系统等多项业务和服务 all video 5ivdo video plugin 我爱VDO online video from 在线视频聚合,主站[]。基于XBMC运行,能够支持主要视频网站和网络电视台内容的在线播放,更多站点支持敬请期待。本站作为资源导航,只为个人服务,商业用途勿扰。你所体验的所有视频内容,版权归属相应网站,应对他们的工作心存感激。有任何意见或建议请加入QQ群[197687378],或者关注官方微博[]。让我们为创造更好的XBMC体验而努力! all video all AcFun是一家弹幕视频网站,致力于为每一个人带来欢乐。 video TV Channels in Asian Laguages 亚洲电视(Asia TVs) 亚洲电视 亚洲电视(Asia TVs) all audio video all Baidu Yun (Personal Cloud Storage) 百度云 This is Baidu Yun client for kodi/xbmc. The code of addon is in here 在kodi/xbmc播放百度云盘中的视频和音频,项目地址 GNU General Public License, v3 video all XBMC Bilibili Plugin XBMC BiliBili Plugin video icon.png fanart.jpg all Plugin for bilibili bilibili视频插件 Online video from 视频来源 video CNTV Live video plugin 中国网络电视台直播 Stream live Chinese television from CCTV via the CNTV website. 中国网络电视台直播 all GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 3, 29 June 2007 RunasSudo at gmail dot com video 央视重播 CCTV Replay 央视重播 CCTV Replay 比直播晚十到二十分钟 all en video all XBMC Player for dnvod 多瑙影院XBMC插件 Search and play all the movie on dnvod, not include Adult movies 搜索并播放多瑙影院中的电影及电视剧,暂不包含成人内容 For personal use only 仅供个人使用 video douyu video plugin 斗鱼TV插件 Online video from 斗鱼TV. 视频源和弹幕可以在设置里面改变. all video Funshion Video plugin 风行网视频插件 Online videos from 来自风行网(的网络视频内容。 all video all Pirate Kodi Plugn 海盗影院 Kodi插件 Pirate python plugn for Kodi 海盗影院 Kodi视频插件 Neither this addon nor its author are in anyway affiliated with the Pirate icon.png resources/fanart.jpg resources/p1.jpg resources/p2.jpg resources/p3.jpg resources/p4.jpg video all Hanju video plugin Plugn 韩剧视频 Kodi插件 Hanju video plugin for kodi player,This is a plugin for kodi,form third-party website video resource, and its resource has nothing to do with the author of this plugin. 本视频插件是作者学习python在kodi计算平台的应用练习,该视频插件基于爬虫技术拓扑了来自于第三方网站公开的访问内容,插件所拓扑的播放资源均与作者无关,请下载学习后删除本插件! Good luck ! by : Malimaliao icon.png resources/bg.jpg resources/1.png resources/2.png resources/3.png video Ku6 video plugin 酷6云中剧场视频插件 online video from 观看酷6云中剧场 all video LeTV video plugin 乐视网插件 Letv video plugin[CR][CR] (Chinese: 乐视网), operated by Beijing LeTV Mobile Media and Technology Co. Ltd, is an online video portal in Beijing. It offers online video programs and movie viewing through legal channels. Letv video plugin[CR][CR]乐视网(是以正版,高清影视剧为主的视频门户网站,为用户提供正版高清电影,电视剧,动漫,综艺,娱乐等视频在线观看,视频分享,视频搜索等服务 all video meijumao video plugin 美剧猫插件 online video from 美剧猫 all video pandatv video plugin 熊猫TV插件 online video from 熊猫TV all video PPStream Network TV PPS影音 PPStream Network TV: (KeyMap Settings)[CR]Mute: F8 Vol-: F9 Vol+: F10 ZoomIn: [↓ ZoomOut: ]↑[CR]Rev: ,← Next: .→ Pause: Space/Ent Exit: x/Esc About: F1[CR] To customize Keypmap:[CR]Run\resources\player\KeymapSet.exe For Non-PRC OS environment (Windows7|WindowsXP):[CR]"Control Panel"|"Region and Language"|"Administrative"[CR]Change system locale to "Chinese (Simplified PRC)" 快捷键设置 (Keymap Settings):[CR]静音: F8 声音缩小: F9 声音放大: F10 画面缩小: [↓ 画面放大: ]↑[CR]上一章节: ,← 下一章节: .→ 播放暂停: 空格键/回车 关闭程序: x/Esc 关于: F1 设置自定快捷键:[CR]请运行\resources\player\KeymapSet.exe 使用PPS影音收看影视节目,清晰流畅更新快。PPS网络电视是全球第一家集P2P直播点播于一身的网络电视软件。PPS网络电视播放流畅、完全免费,PPS网络电视是网民喜爱的装机必备软件。 windx wingl video PPStream video plugin PPS网络电视 PPS网络电视: (KeyMap Settings)[CR]Mute: F8 Vol-: F9 Vol+: F10 ZoomIn: [↓ ZoomOut: ]↑[CR]Rev: ,← Next: .→ Pause: Space/Ent Exit: x/Esc About: F1[CR] To customize Keypmap:[CR]Run\resources\player\KeymapSet.exe For Non-PRC OS environment (Windows7|WindowsXP):[CR]"Control Panel"|"Region and Language"|"Administrative"[CR]Change system locale to "Chinese (Simplified PRC)" 快捷键设置 (Keymap Settings):[CR]静音: F8 声音缩小: F9 声音放大: F10 画面缩小: [↓ 画面放大: ]↑[CR]上一章节: ,← 下一章节: .→ 播放暂停: 空格键/回车 关闭程序: x/Esc 关于: F1 设置自定快捷键:[CR]请运行\resources\player\KeymapSet.exe 使用PPS影音收看影视节目,清晰流畅更新快。PPS网络电视是全球第一家集P2P直播点播于一身的网络电视软件。PPS网络电视播放流畅、完全免费,PPS网络电视是网民喜爱的装机必备软件。 all video PPTV video plugin PPTV视频插件 Watch online videos in site. Your XBMC system need m3u and m3u8 support for playing live stream and iPad stream 观看 上的精彩在线直播和点播视频. 直播及iPad视频需XBMC系统可正常播放m3u m3u8类型网络媒体 all GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 3, 29 June 2007 nocwat at gmail dot com video QIYI Video plugin 奇艺视频插件 QIYI (QIYI.COM) was founded by Baidu- world's the largest Chinese search engine, invested by Providence Equity Partners-U.S. private equity, QIYI is the first professional website dedicated to providing free, high-definition network video services. 奇艺(QIYI.COM)是由百度创立的大型专业网站,专注于提供免费、高清网络视频服务。奇艺的优质版权视频丰富多元,涵盖了电影、电视剧、综艺、纪录片、动漫、旅游等众多内容形态。 all audio video 由人人影视转型后专门为美剧迷们打造的高质量讨论交流社区 由人人影视转型后专门为美剧迷们打造的高质量讨论交流社区 all video SoHu Video plugin 搜狐视频插件 Online videos from 搜狐视频网站(提供正版在线观看高清电影、高清电视剧、高清纪录片,包括正在影院热映,电视热播的最新大片,多年来最受网友喜欢的经典影视作品,国内外品质优秀的历史,地理,探索等纪录片,总计10万余集, 观看清晰度可达DVD标准 all video YinYueTai video plugin 音悦台视频插件 Online MV from[CR][CR]To Enable Video Auto Playback Option:[CR]---------------------------------[CR]- Navigate to Add-on settings[CR]- Video Continuous Playback: Enable/Disable 观看音悦台在线MV[CR][CR]视频自动播放说明:[CR]--------------------------------[CR]- 找到 Add-on settings 文件列表[CR]- 选择视频连续播放": 是/否 all video YouKu video plugin 优酷网视频插件 online video from 优酷(NYSE:YOKU),2006年12月21日正式推出。优酷以 "快者为王"为产品理 念,凭借"快速播放,快速发布,快速搜索"的产品特性,充分满足用户日益增长的互动需求及多元化视频体验,现已成为中国互联网领域最具影响力、最受用户喜爱的视频媒体。 all video all 优酷TV 优酷视频是中国最大的视频分享网站 video zhanqitv video plugin 战旗TV插件 online video from 战旗TV all Chinese Add-ons Repository 面向中文用户的插件库 Download and install add-ons from xbmc-addons-chinese addon repository.[CR][CR]By using this Repository you will be able to take advantage of our cutting edge features developed for chinese people. 从xbmc-addons-chinese库下载安装插件。[CR][CR]通过使用这个程序库,你将能够分享我们为中文用户开发的插件。 Taxigps did not make all the add-ons on this repository and is not responsible for their content 本库中扩展功能模块不完全由Taxigps开发,对他人提交的内容不承担责任 all executable Automatic setting PVR IPTV Simple Client 自动设置PVR的IPTV客户端 Automatic setting PVR IPTV Simple Client for M3U playlist, channels logos and EPG 自动设置PVR的IPTV客户端,包括M3U播放列表、频道图标和电子节目单 all GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 2 Chinese keyboard 中文键盘 Visual keyboard to input Chinese 支持中文输入的虚拟键盘 GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 2, June 1991 all executable Add Arial skin fontset 为皮肤增加Arial字体 Add Arial skin fontset 有些皮肤使用的字体文件中没有汉字造成中文无法显示,本插件可为此类皮肤增加支持中文显示的Arial字体选项。 all 射手(伪)字幕 射手(伪)字幕 Search and download subtitles from 从射手网(伪)(下载字幕,修改自taxigps的射手网插件 從射手網(偽)(下載字幕,修改自taxigps的射手網插件 all GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 2, June 1991 Sub HD subtitle Sub HD 字幕 Search and download subtitles from 从 下载字幕 zimuku subtitle 字幕库 Search and download subtitles from 从 下载字幕 all GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 2, June 1991 icon.png logo.png resources/media/screenshot_1.jpg resources/media/screenshot_2.jpg resources/media/screenshot_3.jpg V1.1.6 (2021-04-15) - update main domain V1.1.5 (2020-11-01) - fix some bug - set sys encoding UTF-8 explicitly - support .sup subtitle V1.1.4 (2020-10-18) - Debug: Change download url to fix download failure - Fix: Correct rating score - Ungrade: Use xmbc modules in kodi_six to take place. - Fix: Support more compressed format - Use requests to take the place of urllib2. Seems more reliable in getting page. - Known issue(solved): some encoding may cause fatal failure / crash in some compressed formats. - Forbid 7z archive since chinese chars in filename in 7z archive may cause failure. V1.1.3 (2020-04-18) - Add screenshot V1.1.2 (2020-04-06) - fix unicode error when delete file with chinese filename V1.1.1 (2019-11-30) - download url format changed V1.1.0 (2019-08-02) - support zip/rar file in Kodi 18 - hack to fix encoding problem of zip file in Kodi 18 V1.0.13 (2019-03-24) - domain name of website changed to V1.0.12 (2019-03-12) - get rid of function normalizeString - fix for shutil.rmtree can't remove dir under android V1.0.11 (2019-02-11) - change to use shutil.rmtree V1.0.10 (2019-01-31) - download url format changed V1.0.9 (2018-09-17) - domain name of website changed to V1.0.8 (2018-05-29) - download url format changed and need referer in request header V1.0.7 (2018-05-01) - urlencode search string - try download subtitles from multi urls V1.0.6 (2017-10-08) - fixed can't get download url V1.0.5 (2017-09-20) - fixed get wrong download url - get rid of warning about BeautifulSoup V1.0.4 (2017-05-02) - add User-Agent in http request to get subtitles V1.0.3 (2016-10-12) - fixed can't get subtitles because site changed V1.0.2 (2015-08-24) - fixed can't remove temp dir under android V1.0.1 (2015-07-07) - support search subtitles for tv shows in library V1.0.0 (2015-05-11) - initial YYeTs ZiMuZu subtitle 人人影视字幕组 字幕 Search and download subtitles from 从 下载字幕 The website is closed and the service is terminated. icon.png logo.png resources/media/fanart.jpg resources/media/screenshot_1.jpg resources/media/screenshot_2.jpg resources/media/screenshot_3.jpg resources/media/screenshot_4.jpg V1.0.8 (2021-05-29) - Tag as broken. V1.0.7 (2020-04-18) by taxigps - Add screenshot - get rid of function normalizeString - fix bug that can't get rarfile with wrong path type V1.0.6 (2020-03-18) by taxigps - Fix for zip file V1.0.5 (2020-02-08) by 4ft35t - 修复域名获取方式 - 修复字幕文件最终 url 获取 - 修复压缩包解压问题 V1.0.4 (2019-07-27) by Scott Liu - is used for relocation V1.0.3 (2018-03-06) by taxigps - Fix for URL redirection - get rid of warning about BeautifulSoup V1.0.2 (2017-01-22) by xodidox - Fix for URL redirection V1.0.1 (2017-01-08) by xodidox - Minor tweak V1.0.0 (2017-01-03) by xodidox - initial