#!/bin/bash # Define variables VM_ID=123 VM_NAME="OpenWRT" VM_MEMORY=256 VM_CPU=1 VM_DISK_SIZE="512M" VM_NET="model=virtio,bridge=vmbr0" STORAGE_NAME="local-lvm" VM_IP="" PROXMOX_NODE="PVE" # Create new VM qm create $VM_ID --name $VM_NAME --memory $VM_MEMORY --net0 $VM_NET --cores $VM_CPU --ostype l26 --sockets 1 # Remove default hard drive qm set $VM_ID --scsi0 none # Lookup the latest stable version number regex='<strong>Current Stable Release - OpenWrt ([^/]*)<\/strong>' response=$(curl -s https://openwrt.org) [[ $response =~ $regex ]] stableVersion="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" # Download openwrt image wget -O openwrt.img.gz https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/$stableVersion/targets/x86/64/openwrt-$stableVersion-x86-64-generic-ext4-combined.img.gz # Extract the openwrt img gunzip ./openwrt.img.gz # Rename the extracted img mv ./openwrt*.img ./openwrt.raw # Increase the raw disk to 512 MB qemu-img resize -f raw ./openwrt.raw $VM_DISK_SIZE # Import the disk to the openwrt vm qm importdisk $VM_ID openwrt.raw $STORAGE_NAME # Attach imported disk to VM qm set $VM_ID --virtio0 $STORAGE_NAME:vm-$VM_ID-disk-0.raw # Set boot disk qm set $VM_ID --bootdisk virtio0 # Start the VM qm start $VM_ID # SSH into the VM, change IP address, and install Luci sshpass -p "" ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@$VM_IP << EOF uci set network.lan.ipaddr='$VM_IP' service network restart opkg update opkg install luci EOF