# Change History # 3.0 - #84 Automatically generate critical css path. no more parameter are required - #138 AVIF image support - changed LQIP blur value #b188238 - documentation update # 2.11.0 - @cbahiana-sd Added info on enabling zlib.output_compression 495b84d - @cbahiana-sd #132 Changing {$r} for [$r] at line 650 - @tbela99 #135 Correcting typo on PLG_GZIP_FIELD_PWA_APP_URL_DESCRIPTION - @tbela99 #111 replace javascript minifier with an ES6+ compatible alternative - @tbela99 Merge pull request #140 from tbela99/javascript_minifier 39a7e38 - @tbela99 #137 compute integrity even when HTTP caching is off - @tbela99 #142 add missing font-display from extracted font-face rules - @tbela99 #144 cannot edit Joomla settings - @tbela99 #147 fix css parser fatal error - @tbela99 #148 fix warning - @tbela99 #149 fix Joomla javascript error ## 2.9.3 - Do not remove quotes when some characters are present #126 - Fix notice when parse inline CSS is enabled #105 - Update version number #124 - Add missing onesignal javascript #125 ## 2.9.2 fix bug that prevent installation ## 2.9.1 fix bug that prevent installation ## 2.8.1 - Fix empty service worker files #102 ## 2.8.0 - Add \.ico as a supported PWA icon format #78 - Add purpose property to the PWA manifest options #78 - Add screenshots property to the PWA manifest options #78- remove duplicated path the file name #88 - change default pwa display to _standalone_ #78 - \[performance\] precompress cache files. If the client advertises compression support, then send the compressed file. Brotli support requires the brotli extension #89 - optionally preserve IE conditional comments #88 - remove the length restriction of the manifest short_name #78 - fix security and performance issues induced by links with _target=\_blank_ attribute #91 - asynchronously initialize the service worker using \