#Notes for Sublime Text ##A _Very_ Simple Language for Taking Notes If you're like me, you find yourself taking a lot of notes in Sublime. I like syntax highlighting, and I thought it would be cool to see it applied to every day note taking. Now you can enjoy your beautiful color schemes while taking everyday notes! ![alt tag](docs/img/notes-signalr-example.png?raw=true) ##Installation Install via Sublime's [Package Manager](https://sublime.wbond.net/installation). - Open the command palette: `⌘+shift+p` on MacOS/Linux, `ctrl+shift+p` on Windows - type `install`, select `Package Control: Install Package` - type `Notes`, select `Notes` ##Usage - Open the command palette: `⌘+shift+p` on MacOS/Linux, `ctrl+shift+p` on Windows - type `notes` - or save as a .notes file ##Features ![alt tag](docs/img/notes-quicklook.png?raw=true) ##Snippets - generate block title: `--- + TAB` - generate code snippet: `[ + TAB` ##Supported languages for snippets - Actionscript - Applescript - ASP - C - C++ - C# - Clojure - CSS - D - Erlang - Go - Groovy - Haskell - HTML - Java - Javascript - Lua - Makefile - Markdown - Matlab - Objective-C - Ocaml - Pascal - Perl - PHP - Python - R - Regex - Ruby - Scala - Shell - SQL - TCL - TeX - XML - XSL - YAML Screenshots were taken using [Seti_UI color scheme](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Seti_UI)