# 1.9.2 * Update compatibility for v12 # 1.9.1 * Add support for linking directly to journal headings. This works well with mods like 'Journal Anchor Links' (https://foundryvtt.com/packages/jal), and 'DDB-Importer'( https://foundryvtt.com/packages/ddb-importer) which support creating map notes to headings (#40) # 1.9.0 * (v11) Fix issue where icons weren't being created on new installs * Add support for `42.` (number followed by period) parsing format. (Disabled by default in settings) # 1.8.2 * Add support for players with "Create Map Notes" permissions. (#36) * If the user doesn't also have Upload & Browse permissions, they can only use this feature when the GM is connected (or someone else who has the Upload perms) * Fix bug with Firefox rendering some fonts weirdly. (#34) # 1.8.1 * (v10) Add support for pulling from journal image page (#33) * (v10) Fix depreciation checker (#32) # 1.8.0 * Cleanup of a bunch of weird corner cases * Rebuild now shows a progress bar instead of silence! * Fix to proper use of flags api to address some possible compatibility issues. * v10 - Icon names can now be based on pages too * Just drag the page from inside the journal window, and they will get the correct icon. * v10 - Fix breaking issue `not read properties of undefined (reading 'checked')` that appeared after the official v10 release # 1.7.3 * v10 support # 1.7.2 * Added Japanese localization. Thanks to @besardida # 1.7.1 * Fix issue with icon rebuilder. Thanks to @xdy # 1.7.0 * Add Quick Add Mode for users who have lots of icons to add # 1.6.0 * Add the ability to change the font size of an icon. # 1.5.3 * Fixed issue in default global settings. # 1.5.2 * Fixed global settings not working on new worlds * Fixed bad localization on Save button * Re-enabled bug-reporter support # 1.5.1 * Fixed issue with default fontsize/icon-size applying when it shouldn't. # 1.5.0 * Add ability to control the border width * Add ability to control bold/italics on fonts * Reworked the global settings page to give a preview icon * Fixed default icon based on folder name feature # 1.4.1 * Drop the trailing '.' and ' ' from the new matching patterns * Expand custom regex support (see readme for details) # 1.4.0 * Add several new matching patterns, along with user defined (regex) based matching. # 1.3.3 * Fix error introduced in 1.3.2 per #21 # 1.3.2 * Fixed issue with users of the Forge getting upload toasts anytime they even move an icon. This might have also appeared as "Quota Exceeded" per #20 # 1.3.1 * Fixed 'may not overwrite non-media files' error when 'Upload Path' ended with '/' # 1.3.0 * Support for 0.8.x (not backwards compatible) # 1.2.4 * Add ability do set default font size for the standard hover text. * Fix issue where window started partly off-screen. # 1.2.2 * Add support for Bug Reporter # 1.2.1 * Fixed the auto folder naming so that you can change it later # 1.2.0 * Add ability to automatically set the icon based on the folder name * For example, a folder named "Village" would have default icons of "Village" * Only works the icons visible in the dropdown * Can be disabled via settings * Updated automatic icon matching to support 3 and 4 digit numbers for those really big maps # 1.1.6 * Fix simple bug that completely broke the module. # 1.1.5 * Update to 0.7.9 * Fix issue with editing notes while non-gm accounts are connected. # 1.1.4 * Update to 0.7.7 # 1.1.3 * Update to 0.7.6 * Bug Fix * Add better eror message lib-colorsettings not being activated for #11 # 1.1.2 * New Feature * Enhanced rebuild feature to use either the existing settings for a token, or the global defaults * Bug Fix * Fix issue where global fonts weren't working #10 # 1.1.1 * Portuguese translation provided by @renato.innocenti # 1.1.0 * New Features * Font selection - Now allows access to over 1000 different fonts * Hexagon icons - Both orientations, to match your hex maps. (Grid snapping is wonky with hex grids, but that is a core issue) * Icons now fully fill grid at 100% * Thinner borders on icons - The default border was a bit chunky, so I slimmed it down. * Live preview - You can now see the icon as you change settings. Great for font browsing. * Rebuild all icons - Accidentally deleted your icons folder? Just go click the rebuild button in settings, and all your icons will be regenerated. * Bug Fixes * Cleaned up more corner cases with directory creation # 1.0.14 * Update manifest to 0.7.5 # 1.0.13 * Fix odd issue with non-functionality on The Forge # 1.0.12 * Fix issue with makeDir on initial install # 1.0.11 * Fix module breaking typo * Update manifest to fix upgrading issue. # 1.0.10 * Fix infinite looping on 0.7.4 when adding already existing icons. This also removes the annoying popup about file overwriting on earlier versions. * Fix iconSize setting defaulting to NaN on 0.7.4 # 1.0.9 * Move all localization and settings to module namespace to prevent potential conflicts * Added upload path settings value * Fix issue where user selected icon scale was getting for all icons every time. Now the mod just sets a default value for matching notes the first time it is opened * Added default scale settings value * Cleanup icons to better match the scale value (100% will now take up the whole map cell) * Change note config dialog to auto-resize when color picker is opened * Update file naming to eliminate case insensitivy issues on Windows hosted games. # 1.0.8 * Added partial spanish language support. Thanks to @lozalojo * Finished pulling out all strings to en.json, to support future i18n contributions * Fixed multiple calls to renderSceneNavigation, and possible infinite loop scenario. Thanks to @BlitzKraig # 1.0.7 * Manual specifying of colors as requested in #4. Support for both global defaults, and per-icon values. Using 'lib - Color Settings module', which allows you to specify transparent colors. * Per-icon overiding of default shape. * Overide icon text to any value (max of 3 char recommended, 4 if using 'none' background) * Per-icon enable/disable of the custom icon. If you really don't want a numbered icon, or you want to enable a custom text icon for ANY journal. This should address the use case in #2 # 1.0.6 * Fix second error on clients from makedir. This would cause error messages to appear in the console # 1.0.5 * Add Square and Diamond shapes. Also seperated color selection from shape. * Fix error on clients from v1.0.4 auto upgrade code. This would cause clients to get spammed on scene changes * Make settings on world level, not client level # 1.0.4 * Add auto-migrate code to move all notes using pre-built icons to dynamically generated ones. * Removed the prebuilt icons to drastically improve install speed. * Fix for #1 (or at least better debug messages), and hopefully work with The Forge's asset library correctly # 1.0.3 * Icons are now generated dynamically and stored in uploads/journal-icon-numbers.**It is advised the users of previous versions go through and edit all their icons to migrate to the new location.** * Once I have proper migration tools in place, the old icons will be deleted since they slow down installs. # 1.0.2 * Add fix for conflict with Pin Cushion. # 1.0.1 * Split upper and lower case into separate folders to work around hosting on case-insensitive OSes. # 1.0.0 Initial release