# Automatic Journal Icon Numbers ## Features This module will automatically apply numbered icons (map pins) to journal entries that start with a number. It supports the following numbering formats automatically, with both upper and lower cases. It supports Journal Entries, Pages, and headers. (Though it doesn't provide any direct linking for headers. You'll need to look at other modules for that.) * [0-9999] * [A-Z][0-999] * [0-999][A-Z] * Icon based on folder name (i.e. 'Village', or 'Cave') * [A-Z]. * [A-Z] (space) * [0-9999]. * Custom [RegEx](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Regular_Expressions) matching * Image from the journal The last five are disabled by default, and they all can be enabled/disabled in the settings menu ![Example of assorted pins on a map](example.png) You can manually specify arbitrary text in an icon; though a max of 3 characters is recommended for legibility, but 4 may work in some cases. You can also disable the mod on specific pins if you wish to use the stock icons. Additionally, you can set a default stock icon for a group of journal entries by putting them in a folder named like one of the default icons like "Village", "Temple", "Book". ## Usage To use, just drag correctly named journals to your map. The icon will be automatically selected to match the name. Alternatively, you can manually enter the icon text in the Map Note Configuration window. You can select a default global style of shape, color and font in the settings menu, and also override all of thm on a per-pin basis. The above screenshot uses the [Backgroundless Pins](https://foundryvtt.com/packages/backgroundless-pins/) mod which is highly recommended. ## Matching and RegEx details * All matching is done in the order seen in the settings page * Built in regexs * `/^\d{1,3}[a-zA-Z]/` * `/^[a-zA-Z]\d{1,3}/` * `/^\d{1,4}/` * `/^([a-zA-Z]) /` * `/^([a-zA-Z])\./` * Custom Regex * No need for leading or trailing /. * You should start with ^ to match off the first character of the journal title * The last match-group used will be returned * Multiple values can be separated | separated. * e.g. `^\d:\d|^[a-zA-Z]\.\d{1,2}` * Use `CONFIG.debug.journal_icon_numbers = true` in the console for debugging ## Questions Feel free to contact me on Discord \@ChrisF4895, by filing an issue on GitLab, or using the [Bug Reporter Module](https://foundryvtt.com/packages/bug-reporter/).