def TYPE = "Speakers" def NAME = "Denon AVR Speakers Child Device" def NAME_SPACE = "Denon AVR"; metadata { definition(name: NAME, namespace: NAME_SPACE, author: "Thomas Howard") { capability "Actuator" deviceSetup(TYPE); } preferences { } } def deviceSetup(device_name){ command "executeCommand",["command"] deviceCommands = getDeviceCommands(); deviceCommands."$device_name".each{ func, choices -> if (choices instanceof Map){ def val = false; //if a capability is defined, add it if (choices.capability){ capability "${choices.capability}" } else { def list = choices.commands.collect{ key, element -> if (element instanceof Map) { if (element.val == true) val = true; return; } else return null; }.findAll { e -> return (boolean) e; } if (val){ params = [ [name: "${func}", description: "Set the ${device} ${func}", constraints: list, type: "ENUM" ], [name: "value", description: "Set the ${device} ${func}", type: "NUMBER" ] ]; } else { params = [ [name: "${func}", method: "blah", description: "Set the ${device} ${func}", constraints: list, type: "ENUM" ] ]; } //Set the command command "Set${func}", params attribute "${func}", "string" } } } } def getDeviceCommands(){ command_refresh = [ refresh: [command: "?", name: "Refresh", val: false, delay: 1, capability: "Refresh", capability_func: "refresh", capability_value: "refresh"], ] command_level = [ auto: [command: "AUTO", name: "Auto", val: false, delay: 1], low: [command: "LOW", name: "Low", val: false, delay: 1], mid: [command: "MID", name: "Mid", val: false, delay: 1], high: [command: "HIGH", name: "High", val: false, delay: 1], off: [command: "OFF", name: "Off", val: false, delay: 1], ]; command_on_standby = [ on: [command: "ON", name: "On", val: false, delay: 10, capability: "Switch", capability_func: "on", capability_value: "on"], off: [command: "STANDBY", name: "Off", val: false, delay: 1, capability: "Switch", capability_func: "off", capability_value: "off"], ]; command_on_off = [ on: [command: "ON", name: "On", val: false, delay: 1, capability: "Switch", capability_func: "on", capability_value: "on"], off: [command: "OFF", name: "Off", val: false, delay: 1, capability: "Switch", capability_func: "off", capability_value: "off"], ]; command_mute = [ on: [command: "ON", name: "On", val: false, delay: 1, capability: "AudioVolume", capability_func: "mute", capability_value: "muted"], off: [command: "OFF", name: "Off", val: false, delay: 1, capability: "AudioVolume", capability_func: "unmute", capability_value: "unmuted"], ]; command_volume = [ up: [command: "UP", name: "Up", val: false, delay: 1, capability: "AudioVolume", capability_func: "volumeUp", capability_value: "volume"], down: [command: "DOWN", name: "Down", val: false, delay: 1, capability: "AudioVolume", capability_func: "volumeDown", capability_value: "volume"], set: [command: "", name: "Set", val: true, delay: 1, capability: "AudioVolume", capability_func: "setVolume", capability_value: "volume", capability_vars: 1], ]; command_up_down = [ up: [command: "UP", name: "Up", val: false, delay: 1], down: [command: "DOWN", name: "Down", val: false, delay: 1], set: [command: "", name: "Set", val: true, delay: 1], ]; command_input = [ tuner: [command: "TUNER", name: "Tuner", val: false, delay: 1], dvd: [command: "DVD", name: "DVD", val: false, delay: 1], blueray: [command: "BD", name: "BlueRay", val: false, delay: 1], tv: [command: "TV", name: "TV", val: false, delay: 1], sat_cbl: [command: "SAT/CBL", name: "Satellite/Cable", val: false, delay: 1], mplay: [command: "MPLAY", name: "Media Player", val: false, delay: 1], game: [command: "GAME", name: "Game", val: false, delay: 1], aux: [command: "AUX1", name: "Auxilary", val: false, delay: 1], network: [command: "NET", name: "Network", val: false, delay: 1], ]; video_select = [ off: [command: "OFF", name: "Off", val: false, delay: 1], dvd: [command: "DVD", name: "DVD", val: false, delay: 1], blueray: [command: "BD", name: "BlueRay", val: false, delay: 1], tv: [command: "TV", name: "TV", val: false, delay: 1], sat_cbl: [command: "SAT/CBL", name: "Satellite/Cable", val: false, delay: 1], mplay: [command: "MPLAY", name: "Media Player", val: false, delay: 1], game: [command: "GAME", name: "Game", val: false, delay: 1], vaux: [command: "V.AUX", name: "Auxilary", val: false, delay: 1], network: [command: "NET", name: "Network", val: false, delay: 1], dock: [command: "DOCK", name: "Dock", val: false, delay: 1], source: [command: "SOURCE", name: "Source", val: false, delay: 1], ]; command_mode = [ movie: [command: "MOVIE", name: "Movie", val: false, delay: 1], music: [command: "MUSIC", name: "Music", val: false, delay: 1], game: [command: "GAME", name: "Game", val: false, delay: 1], direct: [command: "DIRECT", name: "Direct", val: false, delay: 1], pure_direct: [command: "PURE DIRECT", name: "Pure Direct", val: false, delay: 1], stereo: [command: "STEREO", name: "Stereo", val: false, delay: 1], standard: [command: "STANDARD", name: "Standard", val: false, delay: 1], dolby_digital:[command: "DOLBY DIGITAL", name: "Dolby Digital", val: false, delay: 1], dts_surround: [command: "DTS SUROUND", name: "DTS Surround Sound", val: false, delay: 1], mch_stero: [command: "MCH STEREO", name: "Multi-Channel Stereo", val: false, delay: 1], ]; command_audyssey = [ audyssey: [command: "AUDYSSEY", name: "On", val: false, delay: 1], byp_lr: [command: "BYP.LR", name: "Bypass", val: false, delay: 1], flat: [command: "FLAT", name: "Flat", val: false, delay: 1], manual: [command: "MANUAL", name: "Manual", val: false, delay: 1], off: [command: "OFF", name: "Off", val: false, delay: 1], ]; requirements_tone = [ [var: "Tone", val: "On"], [var: "AudioMode", not: "Direct"], [var: "AudioMode", not: "Pure Direct"] ]; deviceCommands = [ Main: [ name: "Main", Power: [ name: "Power", prefix: "PW", status: true, commands: command_on_standby, capability: "Switch", capability_var: "switch" ], Volume: [ name: "Volume", prefix: "MV", status: true, commands: command_volume, capability: "AudioVolume", capability_var: "volume" ], Mute: [ name: "Mute", prefix: "MU", status: true, commands: command_mute, capability: "AudioVolume", capability_var: "mute" ], Input: [ name: "Input", prefix: "SI", status: true, commands: command_input ], AudioMode: [ name: "Audio Mode", prefix: "MS", status: true, commands: command_mode ], Select: [ name: "Video Select", prefix: "SV", status: true, commands: video_select ], Tone: [ name: "Tone Control", prefix: "PSTONE CTRL ", status: true, commands: command_on_off ], Bass: [ name: "Bass", prefix: "PSBAS ", status: true, commands: command_up_down, requirements: requirements_tone ], Treble: [ name: "Treble", prefix: "PSTRE ", status: true, commands: command_up_down, requirements: requirements_tone ], LowFrequencyEffect: [ name: "Low Frequency Effect", prefix: "PSLFE ", status: true, commands: command_up_down ], DirectChange: [ name: "Direct Change", prefix: "PSDRC ", status: true, commands: command_level ], AudysseyMode: [ name: "Audyssey", prefix: "PSMULTEQ:", status: true, commands: command_audyssey ], MainZone: [ name: "Main Zone", prefix: "ZM", status: true, commands: command_on_off ], DynamicEqualizer: [ name: "Dynamic Equalizer", prefix: "PSDYNEQ ", status: true, commands: command_on_off, ], ], Zone2: [ name: "Zone 2", child_device: true, child_type: "AVR Zone 2 Child Device", child_namespace: "Denon AVR", child_var: "zone2", Power: [ name: "Power", prefix: "Z2", status: true, commands: command_on_off, capability: "Switch", capability_var: "switch" ], Input: [ name: "Input", prefix: "Z2", status: false, commands: command_input ], Volume: [ name: "Volume", prefix: "Z2", status: true, commands: command_volume, capability: "AudioVolume", capability_var: "volume" ], Mute: [ name: "Mute", prefix: "Z2MU", status: true, commands: command_mute, capability: "AudioVolume", capability_var: "mute" ], ], Speakers: [ name: "Speakers", child_device: true, child_type: "AVR Speakers Child Device", child_namespace: "Denon AVR", child_var: "speakers", Front_Left: [name: "Front Left Speaker", prefix: "CVFL ", status: false, commands: command_up_down], Front_Right: [name: "Front Right Speaker", prefix: "CVFR ", status: false, commands: command_up_down], Center: [name: "Center Speaker", prefix: "CVC ", status: false, commands: command_up_down], Subwoofer: [name: "Subwoofer", prefix: "CVSW ", status: false, commands: command_up_down], Surround_Left: [name: "Surround Left Speaker", prefix: "CVSL ", status: false, commands: command_up_down], Surround_Right: [name: "Surround Right Speaker", prefix: "CVSR ", status: false, commands: command_up_down], Surround_Left_Back: [name: "Surround Left Back Speaker", prefix: "CVSBL ", status: false, commands: command_up_down], Surround_Right_Back: [name: "Surround Right Back Speaker", prefix: "CVSBR ", status: false, commands: command_up_down], ], ]; return deviceCommands; } def methodMissing(String name, Object args) { if (device){ type = device.getDataValue("type"); function = parent.getFunction(name, args, type); } if (function != null) { return function; } else { //super def method = this.class.metaClass.pickMethod("invokeMethod", [String, Object] as Class[]); return method.invoke(this, name, args); } }