import groovy.json.*; /** * Hubigraph Line Graph Child App * * Copyright 2020, but let's behonest, you'll copy it * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * */ // Hubigraph Line Graph Changelog // *****ALPHA BUILD // v0.1 Initial release // v0.2 My son added webpage efficiencies, reduced load on hubitat by 75%. // v0.3 Loading Update; Removed ALL processing from Hub, uses websocket endpoint // v0.5 Multiple line support // v0.51 Select ANY device // v0.60 Select AXIS to graph on // v0.70 A lot more options // v0.80 Added Horizontal Axis Formatting // ****BETA BUILD // v0.1 Added Hubigraph Tile support with Auto-add Dashboard Tile // v0.2 Added Custom Device/Attribute Labels // v0.3 Added waiting screen for initial graph loading & sped up load times // v0.32 Bug Fixes // V 1.0 Released (not Beta) Cleanup and Preview Enabled // v 1.2 Complete UI Refactor // V 1.5 Ordering, Color and Common API Update // V 1.8 Smoother sliders, bug fixes // V 2.0 New Version to Support Combo Graphs. Support for Line Graphs is ended. // V 2.1 Long Term Storage Enabled // V 4.6 Added finer control for timespan, resize graph sizes, bug fixes // Credit to Alden Howard for optimizing the code. def ignoredEvents() { return [ 'lastReceive' , 'reachable' , 'buttonReleased' , 'buttonPressed', 'lastCheckinDate', 'lastCheckin', 'buttonHeld' ] } def version() { return "v1.0" } definition( name: "Hubigraph Time Graph", namespace: "tchoward", author: "Thomas Howard", description: "Hubigraph Time Graph", category: "", parent: "tchoward:Hubigraphs", iconUrl: "", iconX2Url: "", iconX3Url: "", ) preferences { section ("test"){ page(name: "mainPage", install: true, uninstall: true) page(name: "deviceSelectionPage", nextPage: "graphSetupPage") page(name: "graphSetupPage", nextPage: "mainPage") page(name: "longTermStoragePage", nextPage: "mainPage"); page(name: "enableAPIPage") page(name: "disableAPIPage") } mappings { path("/graph/") { action: [ GET: "getGraph" ] } path("/getData/") { action: [ GET: "getData" ] } path("/getOptions/") { action: [ GET: "getOptions" ] } path("/getSubscriptions/") { action: [ GET: "getSubscriptions" ] } } } def call(Closure code) { code.setResolveStrategy(Closure.DELEGATE_ONLY); code.setDelegate(this);; } /******************************************************************************************************************************** ********************************************************************************************************************************* ****************************************** PAGES ******************************************************************************** ********************************************************************************************************************************* *********************************************************************************************************************************/ def getEvents(sensor, attribute, num){ def resp = [:] def today = new Date(); def then = new Date(); use (groovy.time.TimeCategory) { then -= 2.days; } def respEvents = []; respEvents << sensor.statesSince(attribute, then, [max: 200]){ it.value }; respEvents = respEvents.flatten(); respEvents = respEvents.unique(); return respEvents; } def graphSetupPage(){ def fontEnum = [["1":"1"], ["2":"2"], ["3":"3"], ["4":"4"], ["5":"5"], ["6":"6"], ["7":"7"], ["8":"8"], ["9":"9"], ["10":"10"], ["11":"11"], ["12":"12"], ["13":"13"], ["14":"14"], ["15":"15"], ["16":"16"], ["17":"17"], ["18":"18"], ["19":"19"], ["20":"20"]]; def updateEnum = [["-1":"Never"], ["0":"Real Time"], ["10":"10 Milliseconds"], ["1000":"1 Second"], ["5000":"5 Seconds"], ["60000":"1 Minute"], ["300000":"5 Minutes"], ["600000":"10 Minutes"], ["1200000":"20 Minutes"], ["1800000":"Half Hour"], ["3600000":"1 Hour"], ["6400000":"2 Hours"], ["19200000":"6 Hours"], ["43200000":"12 Hours"], ["86400000":"1 Day"]]; def timespanEnum = [["60000":"1 Minute"], ["3600000":"1 Hour"], ["43200000":"12 Hours"], ["86400000":"1 Day"], ["259200000":"3 Days"], ["604800000":"1 Week"], ["2419200000":"2 Weeks"], ["1814400000":"3 Weeks"], ["2419200000":"1 Month"], ["custom": "Custom Timespan"]]; def timespanEnum2 = [["10":"10 Milliseconds"], ["1000":"1 Second"], ["5000":"5 Seconds"], ["30000":"30 Seconds"], ["60000":"1 Minute"], ["120000":"2 Minutes"], ["300000":"5 Minutes"], ["600000":"10 Minutes"], ["2400000":"30 minutes"], ["3600000":"1 Hour"], ["43200000":"12 Hours"], ["86400000":"1 Day"], ["259200000":"3 Days"], ["604800000":"1 Week"]]; def updateRateEnum = [["-1":"Never"], ["0":"Real Time"], ["1000":"1 Second"], ["60000":"1 Minute"], ["300000":"5 Minutes"], ["600000":"10 Minutes"], ["1200000":"20 Minutes"], ["1800000":"Half Hour"], ["3600000":"1 Hour"]]; dynamicPage(name: "graphSetupPage") { parent.hubiForm_section(this,"General Options", 1) { input( type: "enum", name: "graph_update_rate", title: "Integration Time
(The amount of time each data point covers)", multiple: false, required: true, options: timespanEnum2, defaultValue: "300000", submitOnChange: true) input( type: "enum", name: "graph_refresh_rate", title: "Graph Update Rate
(For panel viewing; the refresh rate of the graph)", multiple: false, required: true, options: updateRateEnum, defaultValue: "300000") container = []; container << parent.hubiForm_sub_section(this, "Graph Time Span
Amount of time the graph covers"); if (graph_timespan_weeks == null){ app.updateSetting("graph_timespan_weeks", 0); app.updateSetting("graph_timespan_days", 1); app.updateSetting("graph_timespan_hours", 0); app.updateSetting("graph_timespan_minutes", 0); settings["graph_timespan_weeks"] = 0; settings["graph_timespan_days"] = 1; settings["graph_timespan_hours"] = 0; settings["graph_timespan_minutes"] = 0; } container << parent.hubiForm_slider (this, title: "Weeks", name: "graph_timespan_weeks", default: 0, min: 0, max: 104, units: " weeks", submit_on_change: true); container << parent.hubiForm_slider (this, title: "Days", name: "graph_timespan_days", default: 0, min: 0, max: 30, units: " days", submit_on_change: true); container << parent.hubiForm_slider (this, title: "Hours", name: "graph_timespan_hours", default: 0, min: 0, max: 24, units: " hours", submit_on_change: true); container << parent.hubiForm_slider (this, title: "Minutes", name: "graph_timespan_minutes", default: 0, min: 0, max: 60, units: " seconds", submit_on_change: true); if (graph_timespan_weeks==null){ secs = 86400000; } else { secs = (long)((double)(graph_timespan_weeks)*604800000+ (double)(graph_timespan_days)*86400000+ (double)(graph_timespan_hours)*3600000+ (double)(graph_timespan_minutes)*60000); } app.updateSetting("graph_timespan", [type: "number", value: secs]); points = graph_update_rate ? (long)(secs/Double.parseDouble(graph_update_rate)) : 280; if (points > 2000) { container << parent.hubiForm_text (this, """WARNING: ${(points)} Points will be generated per Attribute per Graph
Too many points will cause Hubigraphs to hang or take a long time to generate"""); } else { container << parent.hubiForm_text (this, "NOTE: ${(points)} Points will be generated per Attribute per Graph"); } container << parent.hubiForm_sub_section(this, "Other Options"); container << parent.hubiForm_color (this, "Graph Background", "graph_background", "#FFFFFF", false) container << parent.hubiForm_switch(this, title: "Smooth Graph Points
(Enable Google Graph Smoothing)", name: "graph_smoothing", default: false); container << parent.hubiForm_switch(this, title: "Flip Graph to Vertical?
(Rotate 90 degrees)", name: "graph_y_orientation", default: false); container << parent.hubiForm_switch(this, title: "Reverse Data Order?
(Flip data left to Right)", name: "graph_z_orientation", default: false) parent.hubiForm_container(this, container, 1); } parent.hubiForm_section(this,"Graph Title", 1) { container = []; container << parent.hubiForm_switch(this, title: "Show Title on Graph", name: "graph_show_title", default: false, submit_on_change: true); if (graph_show_title==true) { container << parent.hubiForm_text_input (this, "Graph Title", "graph_title", "Graph Title", false); container << parent.hubiForm_font_size (this, title: "Title", name: "graph_title", default: 9, min: 2, max: 20); container << parent.hubiForm_color (this, "Title", "graph_title", "#000000", false); container << parent.hubiForm_switch (this, title: "Graph Title Inside Graph?", name: "graph_title_inside", default: false); } parent.hubiForm_container(this, container, 1); } parent.hubiForm_section(this, "Graph Size", 1){ container = []; container << parent.hubiForm_switch (this, title: "Set Fill % of Graph?
(False = Default (80%) Fill)", name: "graph_percent_fill", default: false, submit_on_change: true); if (graph_percent_fill==true){ container << parent.hubiForm_slider (this, title: "Horizontal fill % of the graph", name: "graph_h_fill", default: 80, min: 1, max: 100, units: "%", submit_on_change: false); container << parent.hubiForm_slider (this, title: "Vertical fill % of the graph", name: "graph_v_fill", default: 80, min: 1, max: 100, units: "%", submit_on_change: false); } container << parent.hubiForm_switch (this, title: "Set size of Graph?
(False = Fill Window)", name: "graph_static_size", default: false, submit_on_change: true); if (graph_static_size==true){ container << parent.hubiForm_slider (this, title: "Horizontal dimension of the graph", name: "graph_h_size", default: 800, min: 100, max: 3000, units: " pixels", submit_on_change: false); container << parent.hubiForm_slider (this, title: "Vertical dimension of the graph", name: "graph_v_size", default: 600, min: 100, max: 3000, units: " pixels", submit_on_change: false); } parent.hubiForm_container(this, container, 1); } parent.hubiForm_section(this,"Horizontal Axis", 1) { //Axis container = []; container << parent.hubiForm_font_size (this, title: "Horizontal Axis", name: "graph_haxis", default: 9, min: 2, max: 20); container << parent.hubiForm_color (this, "Horizonal Header", "graph_hh", "#C0C0C0", false); container << parent.hubiForm_color (this, "Horizonal Axis", "graph_ha", "#C0C0C0", false); container << parent.hubiForm_text_input (this, "Num Horizontal Gridlines (Blank for auto)", "graph_h_num_grid", "", false); container << parent.hubiForm_text_input (this, "Horizontal Axis Format", "graph_h_format", "", "true"); if (graph_h_format){ today = new Date(); container << parent.hubiForm_text(this, """Horizontal Axis Sample: ${today.format(graph_h_format)}"""); } container << parent.hubiForm_switch (this, title: "Show String Formatting Help", name: "dummy", default: false, submit_on_change: true); if (dummy == true){ rows = []; header = ["Name", "Format", "Result"]; rows << ["Year", "Y", "2020"]; rows << ["Month Number", "M", "12"]; rows << ["Month Name ", "MMM", "Feb"]; rows << ["Month Full Name", "MMMM", "February"]; rows << ["Day of Month", "d", "February"]; rows << ["Day of Week", "EEE", "Mon"]; rows << ["Day of Week", "EEEE", "Monday"]; rows << ["Period", "a", "AM/PM"]; rows << ["Hour (12)", "h", "1..12"]; rows << ["Hour (12)", "hh", "01..12"]; rows << ["Hour (24)", "H", "1..23"]; rows << ["Hour (24)", "HH", "01..23"]; rows << ["Minute", "m", "1..59"]; rows << ["Minute", "mm", "01..59"]; rows << ["Seconds", "s", "1..59"]; rows << ["Seconds", "ss", "01..59 "]; container << parent.hubiForm_table(this, header: header, rows: rows); container << parent.hubiForm_text(this, """Example: "EEEE, MMM d, Y hh:mm:ss a"
= "Monday, June 2, 2020 08:21:33 AM
""") } parent.hubiForm_container(this, container, 1); } //Vertical Axis parent.hubiForm_section(this,"Vertical Axis", 1) { container = []; container << parent.hubiForm_font_size (this, title: "Vertical Axis", name: "graph_vaxis", default: 9, min: 2, max: 20); container << parent.hubiForm_color (this, "Vertical Header", "graph_vh", "#000000", false); container << parent.hubiForm_color (this, "Vertical Axis", "graph_va", "#C0C0C0", false); parent.hubiForm_container(this, container, 1); } //Left Axis def formatEnum = [["": "No Formatting ::: 12345"], ["decimal":"Decimal ::: 12,345"], ["short": "Short ::: 12K"], ["scientific": "Scientific ::: 1e5"], ["percent": "Percent ::: 1234500%"], ["long": "Long ::: 12 Thousand"]]; parent.hubiForm_section(this,"Left Axis", 1, "arrow_back"){ input( type: "enum", name: "graph_vaxis_1_format", title: "Number Format", multiple: false, required: true, options: formatEnum, defaultValue: "") container = []; container << parent.hubiForm_text_input(this, "Minimum for left axis (Blank for auto)", "graph_vaxis_1_min", "", false); container << parent.hubiForm_text_input(this, "Maximum for left axis (Blank for auto)", "graph_vaxis_1_max", "", false); container << parent.hubiForm_text_input (this, "Num Vertical Gridlines (Blank for auto)", "graph_vaxis_1_num_lines", "", false); container << parent.hubiForm_switch (this, title: "Show Left Axis Label on Graph", name: "graph_show_left_label", default: false, submit_on_change: true); if (graph_show_left_label==true){ container << parent.hubiForm_text_input (this, "Input Left Axis Label", "graph_left_label", "Left Axis Label", false); container << parent.hubiForm_font_size (this, title: "Left Axis", name: "graph_left", default: 9, min: 2, max: 20); container << parent.hubiForm_color (this, "Left Axis", "graph_left", "#FFFFFF", false); } parent.hubiForm_container(this, container, 1); } //Right Axis parent.hubiForm_section(this,"Right Axis", 1, "arrow_forward"){ input( type: "enum", name: "graph_vaxis_2_format", title: "Number Format", multiple: false, required: true, options: formatEnum, defaultValue: "") container = []; container << parent.hubiForm_text_input(this, "Minimum for right axis (Blank for auto)", "graph_vaxis_2_min", "", false); container << parent.hubiForm_text_input(this, "Maximum for right axis (Blank for auto)", "graph_vaxis_2_max", "", false); container << parent.hubiForm_text_input (this, "Num Vertical Gridlines (Blank for auto)", "graph_vaxis_2_num_lines", "", false); container << parent.hubiForm_switch (this, title: "Show Right Axis Label on Graph", name: "graph_show_right_label", default: false, submit_on_change: true); if (graph_show_right_label==true){ container << parent.hubiForm_text_input (this, "Input right Axis Label", "graph_right_label", "Right Axis Label", false); container << parent.hubiForm_font_size (this, title: "Right Axis", name: "graph_right", default: 9, min: 2, max: 20); container << parent.hubiForm_color (this, "Right Axis", "graph_right", "#FFFFFF", false); } parent.hubiForm_container(this, container, 1); } //Legend parent.hubiForm_section(this,"Legend", 1){ container = []; def legendPosition = [["top": "Top"], ["bottom":"Bottom"], ["in": "Inside Top"]]; def insidePosition = [["start": "Left"], ["center": "Center"], ["end": "Right"]]; container << parent.hubiForm_switch(this, title: "Show Legend on Graph", name: "graph_show_legend", default: false, submit_on_change: true); if (graph_show_legend==true){ container << parent.hubiForm_font_size (this, title: "Legend", name: "graph_legend", default: 9, min: 2, max: 20); container << parent.hubiForm_color (this, "Legend", "graph_legend", "#000000", false); parent.hubiForm_container(this, container, 1); input( type: "enum", name: "graph_legend_position", title: "Legend Position", defaultValue: "Bottom", options: legendPosition); input( type: "enum", name: "graph_legend_inside_position", title: "Legend Justification", defaultValue: "center", options: insidePosition); } else { parent.hubiForm_container(this, container, 1); } } parent.hubiForm_section(this, "Current Value Overlay", 1){ def horizonalAlignmentEnum = ["Left", "Middle", "Right"]; def veticalAlignmentEnum = ["Top", "Middle", "Bottom"]; container = []; container << parent.hubiForm_switch (this, title: "Show Current Values on Graph?", name: "show_overlay", default: false, submit_on_change: true); if (show_overlay == true){ container << parent.hubiForm_color (this, "Background", "overlay_background", "#000000", false); container << parent.hubiForm_slider (this, title: "Background Opacity", name: "overlay_background_opacity", default: 90, min: 0, max: 100, units: "%", submit_on_change: false); container << parent.hubiForm_font_size (this, title: "Device", name: "overlay", default: 12, min: 2, max: 40); container << parent.hubiForm_color (this, "Device Text", "overlay_text", "#FFFFFF", false); container << parent.hubiForm_enum (this, title: "Horizontal Placement", name: "overlay_horizontal_placement", list: horizonalAlignmentEnum, default: "Right"); container << parent.hubiForm_enum (this, title: "Vertical Placement", name: "overlay_vertical_placement", list: veticalAlignmentEnum, default: "Top"); container << parent.hubiForm_sub_section(this, "Display Order"); parent.hubiForm_container(this, container, 1); container = []; parent.hubiForm_list_reorder(this, "overlay_order", "background"); } parent.hubiForm_container(this, container, 1); } state.num_devices = 0; sensors.each { sensor -> settings["attributes_${}"].each { attribute -> state.num_devices++; } } def availableAxis = [["0" : "Left Axis"], ["1": "Right Axis"]]; if (state.num_devices == 1) { availableAxis = [["0" : "Left Axis"], ["1": "Right Axis"], ["2": "Both Axes"]]; } //Line cnt = 1; def bar_size_shown = false; //Deal with Global-Specific Settings (i.e bar spacing and plot-point size) def show_tile = false; def show_bar = false; def show_scatter = false; sensors.each { sensor -> settings["attributes_${}"].each { attribute -> switch (settings["graph_type_${}_${attribute}"]){ case "Bar" : show_title = true; show_bar = true; break; } } } if (show_title){ parent.hubiForm_section(this,"Overall Settings for Graph Types", 1){ container = []; if (show_bar) { container << parent.hubiForm_slider (this, title: "Bar Graphs:: Relative Width for Bars", name: "graph_bar_width", default: 90, min: 0, max: 100, units: "%", submit_on_change: false); } parent.hubiForm_container(this, container, 1); } } sensors.each { sensor -> settings["attributes_${}"].each { attribute -> parent.hubiForm_section(this,"${sensor.displayName} - ${attribute}", 1){ container = []; if (parent.ltsAvailable(, attribute)){ container << parent.hubiForm_sub_section(this, "Long Term Storage"); container << parent.hubiForm_switch(this, title: "Long Term Storage Available, Use it?", name: "var_${}_${attribute}_lts", default: false, submit_on_change: false); } else { app.updateSetting ("var_${}_${attribute}_lts", [type: "bool", value: "false"]); } container << parent.hubiForm_sub_section(this, "Plot Options"); container << parent.hubiForm_enum (this, title: "Plot Type", name: "graph_type_${}_${attribute}", list: ["Line", "Area", "Scatter", "Bar", "Stepped"], default: "Line", submit_on_change: true); container << parent.hubiForm_enum (this, title: "Time Integration Function", name: "var_${}_${attribute}_function", list: ["Average", "Min", "Max", "Mid", "Sum"], default: "Average"); container << parent.hubiForm_enum (this, title: "Axis Side", name: "graph_axis_number_${}_${attribute}", list: ["Left", "Right"], default: "Left"); def colorText = ""; def fillText = ""; def graphType = settings["graph_type_${}_${attribute}"]; switch (graphType){ case "Line": colorText = "Line"; break; case "Area": colorText = "Area Line"; fillText = "Fill"; break; case "Bar": colorText = "Bar Border"; fillText = "Fill"; break; case "Scatter": colorText = "Border"; fillText = "Fill"; break; case "Stepped": colorText = "Line"; fillText = "Fill"; break; } container << parent.hubiForm_sub_section(this, colorText+" Options"); container << parent.hubiForm_color(this, colorText, "var_${}_${attribute}_stroke", parent.hubiTools_rotating_colors(cnt), false); container << parent.hubiForm_slider (this, title: colorText+" Opacity", name: "var_${}_${attribute}_stroke_opacity", default: 90, min: 0, max: 100, units: "%", submit_on_change: false); container << parent.hubiForm_line_size (this, title: colorText, name: "var_${}_${attribute}_stroke", default: 2, min: 1, max: 20); if (graphType == "Bar" || graphType == "Area" || graphType == "Stepped") { container << parent.hubiForm_sub_section(this, graphType+" "+fillText+" Options"); container << parent.hubiForm_color(this, fillText, "var_${}_${attribute}_fill", parent.hubiTools_rotating_colors(cnt), false); container << parent.hubiForm_slider (this, title: fillText+" Opacity", name: "var_${}_${attribute}_fill_opacity", default: 90, min: 0, max: 100, units: "%", submit_on_change: false); } if (graphType == "Scatter" || graphType == "Line" || graphType == "Area"){ container << parent.hubiForm_sub_section(this, "Data Points"); if (graphType == "Line" || graphType == "Area"){ container << parent.hubiForm_switch(this, title: "Display Data Points on Line?", name: "var_${}_${attribute}_line_plot_points", default: false, submit_on_change: true); } if (settings["var_${}_${attribute}_line_plot_points"] || graphType == "Scatter"){ container << parent.hubiForm_enum (this, title: "Point Type", name: "var_${}_${attribute}_point_type", list: [ "Circle", "Triangle", "Square", "Diamond", "Star", "Polygon"], default: "Circle"); container << parent.hubiForm_slider (this, title: "Point Size", name: "var_${}_${attribute}_point_size", default: 5, min: 0, max: 60, units: " points", submit_on_change: false); if (graphType == "Area") { container << parent.hubiForm_text (this, "*Note, Area Plots use the same fill setting for Points and Area (Above)"); } else { container << parent.hubiForm_color(this, "Point Fill", "var_${}_${attribute}_fill", parent.hubiTools_rotating_colors(cnt), false); container << parent.hubiForm_slider (this, title: "Point Fill Opacity", name: "var_${}_${attribute}_fill_opacity", default: 90, min: 0, max: 100, units: "%", submit_on_change: false); } } else { app.updateSetting ("var_${}_${attribute}_point_size", 0); } } currentAttribute = null; enumType = false; sensor.getSupportedAttributes().each{attrib-> if ( == attribute){ currentAttribute = attrib; if (attrib.dataType == "ENUM") enumType = true; } } if (enumType == true){ possible_values = currentAttribute.getValues(); def count_ = 0; container << parent.hubiForm_sub_section(this, """Numerical values for "$attribute" states"""); possible_values.each{value-> container << parent.hubiForm_text_input(this, "Value for $value", "attribute_${}_${attribute}_${value}", "100", false); count_++; } app.updateSetting ("attribute_${}_${attribute}_states", possible_values); } if (enumType == false){ container << parent.hubiForm_sub_section(this, """Custom State Values for "$attribute" """ ); if (settings["attribute_${}_${attribute}_custom_states"] == null){ app.updateSetting("attribute_${}_${attribute}_custom_states", [type: "bool", value: "false"]); } container << parent.hubiForm_switch(this, title: "Set Custom State Values?
(For custom drivers w/ non-numeric values)", name: "attribute_${}_${attribute}_custom_states", default: false, submit_on_change: true); if (settings["attribute_${}_${attribute}_custom_states"] == true){ if (!settings["attribute_${}_${attribute}_num_custom_states"]){ } container << parent.hubiForm_text_input(this,"Number of Custom States", "attribute_${}_${attribute}_num_custom_states", "2", "true"); def numStates = Integer.parseInt(settings["attribute_${}_${attribute}_num_custom_states"]); for (def i=0; iState #"+(i)+"
", "attribute_${}_${attribute}_custom_state_${i}", "", "true"); if (settings["attribute_${}_${attribute}_custom_state_${i}"]){ subcontainer << parent.hubiForm_text_input(this, 'Value for "'+settings["attribute_${}_${attribute}_custom_state_${i}"]+'"', "attribute_${}_${attribute}_custom_state_${i}_value", "0", "true"); } container << parent.hubiForm_subcontainer(this, objects: subcontainer, breakdown: [0.5, 0.5]); } //Update Settings possible_values = []; for (i=0; i app.updateSetting ("attribute_${}_${attribute}_${val}", 0); } app.updateSetting ("attribute_${}_${attribute}_states", 0); } } } //Line and Area Graphs can be "Drop-line" if ((graphType == "Line" || graphType == "Area" || graphType == "Stepped") && enumType==false && settings["attribute_${}_${attribute}_custom_states"] == false) { container << parent.hubiForm_sub_section(this, "Handle Missing Values"); container << parent.hubiForm_switch(this, title: "Display Missing Data as a Drop Line?", name: "attribute_${}_${attribute}_drop_line", default: false, submit_on_change: true); if (settings["attribute_${}_${attribute}_drop_line"]==true){ container << parent.hubiForm_text_input(this,"Value of Missing Data", "attribute_${}_${attribute}_drop_value", "0", false); } container << parent.hubiForm_switch(this, title: "Extend Left Value?
When values are unavailable, extend value to left", name: "attribute_${}_${attribute}_extend_left", default: false, submit_on_change: false); container << parent.hubiForm_switch(this, title: "Extend Right Value?
When values are unavailable, extend value to right", name: "attribute_${}_${attribute}_extend_right", default: false, submit_on_change: false); } container << parent.hubiForm_sub_section(this, "Restrict Displayed Values"); container << parent.hubiForm_switch(this, title: "Restrict Displaying Bad Values?", name: "attribute_${}_${attribute}_bad_value", default: false, submit_on_change: true); if (settings["attribute_${}_${attribute}_bad_value"]==true){ container << parent.hubiForm_text_input(this,"Min Value to Exclude
If the recorded sensor value is below this value it will be dropped", "attribute_${}_${attribute}_min_value", "0", false); container << parent.hubiForm_text_input(this,"Max Value to Exclude
If the recorded sensor value is above this value it will be dropped", "attribute_${}_${attribute}_max_value", "100", false); } container << parent.hubiForm_sub_section(this, "Override Display Name on Graph"); container << parent.hubiForm_text_input(this, "Use %deviceName% for DEVICE and %attributeName% for ATTRIBUTE", "graph_name_override_${}_${attribute}", "%deviceName%: %attributeName%", false); container << parent.hubiForm_text_input(this, "Units for Pretty Display", "units_${}_${attribute}", "", false); parent.hubiForm_container(this, container, 1); cnt += 1; }//parent.hubiForm }//attribute }//sensor }//page }//function def deviceSelectionPage() { def final_attrs; dynamicPage(name: "deviceSelectionPage") { parent.hubiForm_section(this,"Device Selection", 1){ input "sensors", "capability.*", title: "Sensors", multiple: true, required: true, submitOnChange: true if (sensors){ sensors.each { attributes_ = it.getSupportedAttributes(); final_attrs = []; attributes_.each{ attribute_-> name = attribute_.getName(); if (it.currentState(name)){ final_attrs << ["$name" : "$name ::: [${it.currentState(name).getValue()}]"]; } } final_attrs = final_attrs.unique(false); container = []; container << parent.hubiForm_sub_section(this, it.displayName); parent.hubiForm_container(this, container, 1); input( type: "enum", name: "attributes_${}", title: "Attributes to graph", required: true, multiple: true, options: final_attrs, defaultValue: "1") } } } } } def disableAPIPage() { dynamicPage(name: "disableAPIPage") { section() { if (state.endpoint) { revokeAccessToken(); state.endpoint = null } paragraph "Token revoked. Click done to continue." } } } def enableAPIPage() { dynamicPage(name: "enableAPIPage", title: "") { section() { if(!state.endpoint) initializeAppEndpoint(); paragraph "Token created. Click done to continue." } } } def mainPage() { unschedule(); dynamicPage(name: "mainPage") { def container = []; if (!state.endpoint) { parent.hubiForm_section(this, "Please set up OAuth API", 1, "report"){ href name: "enableAPIPageLink", title: "Enable API", description: "", page: "enableAPIPage" } } else { parent.hubiForm_section(this, "Graph Options", 1, "tune"){ container = []; container << parent.hubiForm_page_button(this, "Select Device/Data", "deviceSelectionPage", "100%", "vibration"); container << parent.hubiForm_page_button(this, "Configure Graph", "graphSetupPage", "100%", "poll"); parent.hubiForm_container(this, container, 1); } parent.hubiForm_section(this, "Local Graph URL", 1, "link"){ container = []; container << parent.hubiForm_text(this, "${fullLocalApiServerUrl("")}graph/?access_token=${state.endpointSecret}", "${fullLocalApiServerUrl("")}graph/?access_token=${state.endpointSecret}"); parent.hubiForm_container(this, container, 1); } if (graph_timespan!=null){ parent.hubiForm_section(this, "Preview", 10, "show_chart"){ container = []; container << parent.hubiForm_graph_preview(this) parent.hubiForm_container(this, container, 1); } //graph_timespan parent.hubiForm_section(this, "Hubigraph Tile Installation", 2, "apps"){ container = []; container << parent.hubiForm_switch(this, title: "Install Hubigraph Tile Device?", name: "install_device", default: false, submit_on_change: true); if (install_device==true){ container << parent.hubiForm_text_input(this, "Name for HubiGraph Tile Device", "device_name", "Hubigraph Tile", "false"); } parent.hubiForm_container(this, container, 1); } } if (state.endpoint){ parent.hubiForm_section(this, "Hubigraph Application", 1, "settings"){ container = []; container << parent.hubiForm_sub_section(this, "Application Name"); container << parent.hubiForm_text_input(this, "Rename the Application?", "app_name", "Hubigraph Time Graph", "false"); container << parent.hubiForm_sub_section(this, "Debugging"); container << parent.hubiForm_switch(this, title: "Enable Debug Logging?", name: "debug", default: false); container << parent.hubiForm_sub_section(this, "Disable Oauth Authorization"); container << parent.hubiForm_page_button(this, "Disable API", "disableAPIPage", "100%", "cancel"); parent.hubiForm_container(this, container, 1); } } } //else } //dynamicPage } /******************************************************************************************************************************** ********************************************************************************************************************************* ****************************************** END PAGES ******************************************************************************** ********************************************************************************************************************************* *********************************************************************************************************************************/ def getDays(str){ switch (str){ case "1 Day": return 1; break; case "2 Days": return 2; break; case "3 Days": return 3; break; case "4 Days": return 4; break; case "5 Days": return 5; break; case "6 Days": return 6; break; case "1 Week": return 7; break; case "2 Weeks": return 14; break; case "3 Weeks": return 21; break; case "1 Month": return 30; break; case "2 Months": return 60; break; case "Indefinite": return 0; break; } } def installed() { initialize() } def uninstalled() { if (state.endpoint) { try { revokeAccessToken() } catch (e) { log.warn "Unable to revoke API access token: $e" } } removeChildDevices(getChildDevices()); } private removeChildDevices(delete) { delete.each {deleteChildDevice(it.deviceNetworkId)} } def updated() { app.updateLabel(app_name); if (install_device == true){ parent.hubiTool_create_tile(this); } } def initialize() { updated(); } private getValue(id, attr, val){ def reg = ~/[a-z,A-Z]+/; orig = val; val = "${val}" val = val.replaceAll("\\s",""); if (settings["attribute_${id}_${attr}_${val}"]!=null){ ret = Double.parseDouble(settings["attribute_${id}_${attr}_${val}"]); } else { try { ret = Double.parseDouble(val - reg); } catch (e) { log.debug ("Bad value in Parse: "+orig); ret = null; } } return ret; } private cleanupData(data){ def then = new Date(); use (groovy.time.TimeCategory) { then -= getDays(lts_time); } then_milliseconds = then.getTime(); return data.findAll{ >= then_milliseconds }; } private buildData() { def resp = [:] def graph_time; def then = new Date(); use (groovy.time.TimeCategory) { val = Double.parseDouble("${graph_timespan}")/1000.0; then -= ((int)val).seconds; graph_time = then.getTime(); } if(sensors) { sensors.each { sensor -> resp[] = [:]; settings["attributes_${}"].each {attribute -> start = new Date(); data = parent.getData(sensor, attribute, settings["var_${}_${attribute}_lts"], then); data = data.collect{[date:, value: getValue(, attribute, it.value)]} resp[][attribute] = data.findAll{ > graph_time}; //Restrict "bad" values if (settings["attribute_${}_${attribute}_bad_value"]==true){ min = Float.valueOf(settings["attribute_${}_${attribute}_min_value"]); max = Float.valueOf(settings["attribute_${}_${attribute}_max_value"]); resp[][attribute] = resp[][attribute].findAll{ it.value > min && it.value < max}; } atomicState["history_${}_${attribute}"] = null; end = new Date(); } } } return resp; } def getChartOptions(){ /*Setup Series*/ def series = ["series" : [:]]; def options = [ "graphReduction": graph_max_points, "graphTimespan": Long.parseLong("${graph_timespan}"), "graphUpdateRate": Integer.parseInt(graph_update_rate), "graphRefreshRate" : Integer.parseInt(graph_refresh_rate), "overlays": [ "display_overlays" : show_overlay, "horizontal_alignment" : overlay_horizontal_placement, "vertical_alignment" : overlay_vertical_placement, "order" : overlay_order ], "graphOptions": [ "tooltip" : ["format" : "short"], "width": graph_static_size ? graph_h_size : "100%", "height": graph_static_size ? graph_v_size : "100%", "chartArea": [ "width": graph_percent_fill ? "${graph_h_fill}%" : "80%", "height": graph_percent_fill ? "${graph_v_fill}%" : "80%"], "hAxis": ["textStyle": ["fontSize": graph_haxis_font, "color": graph_hh_color_transparent ? "transparent" : graph_hh_color ], "gridlines": ["color": graph_ha_color_transparent ? "transparent" : graph_ha_color, "count": graph_h_num_grid != "" ? graph_h_num_grid : null ], "format": graph_h_format==""?"":graph_h_format ], "vAxis": ["textStyle": ["fontSize": graph_vaxis_font, "color": graph_vh_color_transparent ? "transparent" : graph_vh_color, ], "gridlines": ["color": graph_va_color_transparent ? "transparent" : graph_va_color], ], "vAxes": [ 0: ["title" : graph_show_left_label ? graph_left_label: null, "titleTextStyle": ["color": graph_left_color_transparent ? "transparent" : graph_left_color, "fontSize": graph_left_font], "viewWindow": ["min": graph_vaxis_1_min != "" ? graph_vaxis_1_min : null, "max": graph_vaxis_1_max != "" ? graph_vaxis_1_max : null], "gridlines": ["count" : graph_vaxis_1_num_lines != "" ? graph_vaxis_1_num_lines : null ], "minorGridlines": ["count" : 0], "format": graph_vaxis_1_format, ], 1: ["title": graph_show_right_label ? graph_right_label : null, "titleTextStyle": ["color": graph_right_color_transparent ? "transparent" : graph_right_color, "fontSize": graph_right_font], "viewWindow": ["min": graph_vaxis_2_min != "" ? graph_vaxis_2_min : null, "max": graph_vaxis_2_max != "" ? graph_vaxis_2_max : null], "gridlines": ["count" : graph_vaxis_2_num_lines != "" ? graph_vaxis_2_num_lines : null ], "minorGridlines": ["count" : 0], "format": graph_vaxis_2_format, ] ], "bar": [ "groupWidth" : graph_bar_width+"%", "fill-opacity" : 0.5], "pointSize": graph_scatter_size, "legend": !graph_show_legend ? ["position": "none"] : ["position": graph_legend_position, "alignment": graph_legend_inside_position, "textStyle": ["fontSize": graph_legend_font, "color": graph_legend_color_transparent ? "transparent" : graph_legend_color]], "backgroundColor": graph_background_color_transparent ? "transparent" : graph_background_color, "curveType": !graph_smoothing ? "" : "function", "title": !graph_show_title ? "" : graph_title, "titleTextStyle": !graph_show_title ? "" : ["fontSize": graph_title_font, "color": graph_title_color_transparent ? "transparent" : graph_title_color], "titlePosition" : graph_title_inside ? "in" : "out", "interpolateNulls": true, //for null vals on our chart "orientation" : graph_y_orientation == true ? "vertical" : "horizontal", "reverseCategories" : graph_x_orientation, "series": [:], ] ]; count_ = 0; temp_sensors = sensors.sort{}; temp_sensors.each { sensor -> settings["attributes_${}"].each { attribute -> def type_ = settings["graph_type_${}_${attribute}"].toLowerCase(); if (type_ == "stepped") type_ = "steppedArea"; def axes_ = settings["graph_axis_number_${}_${attribute}"] == "Left" ? 0 : 1; def stroke_color = settings["var_${}_${attribute}_stroke_color"]; def stroke_opacity = settings["var_${}_${attribute}_stroke_opacity"]; def stroke_line_size = settings["var_${}_${attribute}_stroke_line_size"]; def fill_color = settings["var_${}_${attribute}_fill_color"]; def fill_opacity = settings["var_${}_${attribute}_fill_opacity"]; def point_size = settings["var_${}_${attribute}_point_size"]; def point_type = settings["var_${}_${attribute}_point_type"] != null ? settings["var_${}_${attribute}_point_type"].toLowerCase() : ""; type_ = type_=="bar" ? "bars" : type_; options.graphOptions.series << ["$count_" : [ "type" : type_, "targetAxisIndex" : axes_, "pointSize" : point_size, "pointShape" : point_type, "color" : stroke_color, "opacity" : stroke_opacity, ] ]; count_ ++; } } //add colors and thicknesses sensors.each { sensor -> settings["attributes_${}"].each { attribute -> def axis = settings["graph_axis_number_${}_${attribute}"] == "Left" ? 0 : 1; def text_color = settings["graph_line_${}_${attribute}_color"]; def text_color_transparent = settings["graph_line_${}_${attribute}_color_transparent"]; def annotations = [ "targetAxisIndex": axis, "color": text_color_transparent ? "transparent" : text_color ]; options.graphOptions.series << annotations; } } return options; } def getDrawType(){ return "google.visualization.LineChart" } def removeLastChar(str) { str.subSequence(0, str.length() - 1) str } def getRGBA(hex, opacity){ def c = hex-"#"; c = c.toUpperCase(); i = Integer.parseInt(c, 16); r = (i & 0xFF0000) >> 16; g = (i & 0xFF00) >> 8; b = (i & 0xFF); o = opacity/100.0; s = sprintf("rgba( %d, %d, %d, %.2f)", r, g, b, o); return s; } def getLineGraph() { def fullSizeStyle = "margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: hidden"; def html = """
""" if (show_overlay==true) html+= getOverlay(); html+= """ """ return html; } def getOverlay(){ def html = """
""" val = new JsonSlurper().parseText(overlay_order) val.each{ str-> splitStr = str.split('_'); deviceId = splitStr[1]; attribute = splitStr[2]; sensor = sensors.find{ == deviceId } ; val = getValue(, attribute, sensor.currentState(attribute).getValue()); units = settings["units_${}_${attribute}"] ? settings["units_${}_${attribute}"] : ""; name = settings["graph_name_override_${}_${attribute}"]; name = name.replaceAll("%deviceName%", sensor.displayName).replaceAll("%attributeName%", attribute); str = sprintf("%.1f%s", val, units); html += """""" } html += """""" return html; } // Events come in Date format def getDateStringEvent(date) { def dateObj = date def yyyy = dateObj.getYear() + 1900 def MM = String.format("%02d", dateObj.getMonth()+1); def dd = String.format("%02d", dateObj.getDate()); def HH = String.format("%02d", dateObj.getHours()); def mm = String.format("%02d", dateObj.getMinutes()); def ss = String.format("%02d", dateObj.getSeconds()); def dateString = /$yyyy-$MM-$dd $HH:$mm:$ss.000/; dateString } def initializeAppEndpoint() { if (!state.endpoint) { try { def accessToken = createAccessToken() if (accessToken) { state.endpoint = getApiServerUrl() state.localEndpointURL = fullLocalApiServerUrl("") state.remoteEndpointURL = fullApiServerUrl("/graph") state.endpointSecret = accessToken } } catch(e) { state.endpoint = null } } return state.endpoint } //oauth endpoints def getGraph() { render(contentType: "text/html", data: getLineGraph()); } def getDataMetrics() { def data; def then = new Date().getTime(); data = getData(); def now = new Date().getTime(); return data; } def getData() { def timeline = buildData(); return render(contentType: "text/json", data: JsonOutput.toJson(timeline)); } def getOptions() { render(contentType: "text/json", data: JsonOutput.toJson(getChartOptions())); } def getSubscriptions() { def ids = []; def sensors_ = [:]; def attributes = [:]; def labels = [:]; def drop_ = [:]; def extend_ = [:]; def var_ = [:]; def graph_type_ = [:]; def states_ = [:]; sensors.each {sensor-> ids << sensor.idAsLong; //only take what we need sensors_[] = [ id:, idAsLong: sensor.idAsLong, displayName: sensor.displayName ]; attributes[] = settings["attributes_${}"]; labels[] = [:]; settings["attributes_${}"].each { attr -> labels[][attr] = settings["graph_name_override_${}_${attr}"]; } drop_[] = [:]; extend_[] = [:]; graph_type_[] = [:]; var_[] = [:]; states_[] = [:]; settings["attributes_${}"].each { attr -> def stroke_color = settings["var_${}_${attr}_stroke_color"]; def stroke_opacity = settings["var_${}_${attr}_stroke_opacity"]; def stroke_line_size = settings["var_${}_${attr}_stroke_line_size"]; def fill_color = settings["var_${}_${attr}_fill_color"]; def fill_opacity = settings["var_${}_${attr}_fill_opacity"]; def function = settings["var_${}_${attr}_function"]; if (settings["attribute_${}_${attr}_states"] && settings["attribute_${}_${attr}_custom_states"] == true){ states_[][attr] = [:]; settings["attribute_${}_${attr}_states"].each{states-> states_[][attr][states] = settings["attribute_${}_${attr}_${states}"]; } } drop_valid = false; if (settings["attribute_${}_${attr}_drop_line"] == true) drop_valid = true; drop_[][attr] = [ valid: drop_valid ? "true" : "false", value: drop_valid ? settings["attribute_${}_${attr}_drop_value"] : "null" ]; extend_[][attr] = [ right: settings["attribute_${}_${attr}_extend_right"], left: settings["attribute_${}_${attr}_extend_left"] ]; graph_type_[][attr] = settings["graph_type_${}_${attr}"]; var_[][attr] = [ stroke_color : stroke_color, stroke_opacity : stroke_opacity, stroke_width: stroke_line_size, fill_color: fill_color, fill_opacity: fill_opacity, function: function, units: settings["units_${}_${attr}"] ? settings["units_${}_${attr}"] : "", ]; }//settings } //sensors def obj = [ ids: ids.sort(), sensors: sensors_, attributes: attributes, labels : labels, drop : drop_, extend: extend_, graph_type: graph_type_, var : var_, states: states_ ] def subscriptions = obj; return render(contentType: "text/json", data: JsonOutput.toJson(subscriptions)); } def getColorCode(code){ ret = "#FFFFFF" switch (code){ case 7: ret = "#800000"; break; case 1: ret = "#FF0000"; break; case 6: ret = "#FFA500"; break; case 8: ret = "#FFFF00"; break; case 9: ret = "#808000"; break; case 2: ret = "#008000"; break; case 5: ret = "#800080"; break; case 4: ret = "#FF00FF"; break; case 10: ret = "#00FF00"; break; case 11: ret = "#008080"; break; case 12: ret = "#00FFFF"; break; case 3: ret = "#0000FF"; break; case 13: ret = "#000080"; break; } return ret; }
${name} ${str}