[ { "id": "a49c33a3-fc36-4a71-835c-d38a2f02e19d", "name": "Aminophylline", "doseUnit": "mg/kg/hr", "rateUnit": 0, "drugAmount": 500.0, "volume": 500.0, "drugUnit": 0, "defaultDose": 0.5, "reference": "The dose must be individualized according to serum theophylline level (10-20 mcg/mL).\nAdult: loading dose: 5.7 mg/kg over 30 min, maintenance: 0.5 mg/kg/hr, MAX dose 1125 mg/day" }, { "id": "d16e9b0e-85d6-4d5c-b1ec-755221fd9d8f", "name": "Amiodarone", "doseUnit": "mg/min", "rateUnit": 0, "drugAmount": 900.0, "volume": 500.0, "drugUnit": 0, "defaultDose": 0.5, "reference": "24-hours loading: 150mg first 10-minutes, then 1mg/minutes over next 6 hours, then 0.5mg/min over next 18 hours" }, { "id": "f55fbc6c-9c0d-493f-8e12-b4e6b8c7e49a", "name": "Atracurium", "doseUnit": "μg/kg/min", "rateUnit": 0, "drugAmount": 100.0, "volume": 100.0, "drugUnit": 0, "defaultDose": 5.0, "reference": "Continuous infusion: 5-10µg/kg/minute" }, { "id": "e2d9d8b1-a3f4-4991-bf4f-3e4d7d91c2de", "name": "Cisatracurium", "doseUnit": "μg/kg/min", "rateUnit": 0, "drugAmount": 100.0, "volume": 100.0, "drugUnit": 0, "defaultDose": 1.0, "reference": "Continuous infusion: 1-3µg/kg/minute" }, { "id": "a0b5371a-6b4b-4f95-bdab-76d8923426f3", "name": "Clonidine", "doseUnit": "μg/kg/hr", "rateUnit": 0, "drugAmount": 600.0, "volume": 50.0, "drugUnit": 2, "defaultDose": 0.5, "reference": "0.5-2mcg/kg/hr" }, { "id": "da1e3b75-fcd0-43b4-a1d8-6c3ed5e6eafa", "name": "Dexmedetomidine", "doseUnit": "μg/kg/hr", "rateUnit": 0, "drugAmount": 200.0, "volume": 50.0, "drugUnit": 2, "defaultDose": 0.2, "reference": "0.2- 1.5 mcg/kg/hour" }, { "id": "c4e92a8b-b2c1-4ed7-9b50-48e5b9d5e978", "name": "Diltiazem", "doseUnit": "mg/hr", "rateUnit": 0, "drugAmount": 100.0, "volume": 100.0, "drugUnit": 0, "defaultDose": 5.0, "reference": "Atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter: continued reduction of the heart rate (up to 24 hours), IV bolus of 20 mg (0.25 mg/kg), infusion rate: 5 mg/h to 15 mg/h as needed; Diltiazem/Cardizem" }, { "id": "a5f7e684-5f6b-4c0c-8f4e-53e6b4e8f0f3", "name": "Dobutamine", "doseUnit": "μg/kg/min", "rateUnit": 0, "drugAmount": 500.0, "volume": 500.0, "drugUnit": 0, "defaultDose": 5.0, "reference": "Dose: 2-20 µg/kg/minute" }, { "id": "ff5a1d3b-1c2d-4b7f-8b17-6a1c2d5f4b2f", "name": "Dopamine", "doseUnit": "μg/kg/min", "rateUnit": 0, "drugAmount": 800.0, "volume": 500.0, "drugUnit": 0, "defaultDose": 5.0, "reference": "Dose: 2-20 µg/kg/minute" }, { "id": "b3a0b9f7-7c8d-4f1e-9b4c-5e7d8f9e7a0f", "name": "Epinephrine Bradycardia", "doseUnit": "μg/min", "rateUnit": 0, "drugAmount": 1.0, "volume": 250.0, "drugUnit": 0, "defaultDose": 2.0, "reference": "IV infusion for bradycardia: run at 2-10 µg/min (titrated to effect); Epinephrine(Bradycardia)" }, { "id": "f3a6c9d2-e4b5-4d1c-8f9a-3c5e7a9b1f2d", "name": "Epinephrine Hypotension", "doseUnit": "μg/kg/min", "rateUnit": 0, "drugAmount": 4.0, "volume": 250.0, "drugUnit": 0, "defaultDose": 0.1, "reference": "Post-cardiac arrest hypotension: The dosing is 0.1-0.5 µg/kg/min; Epinephrine(Hypotension)" }, { "id": "c9d7b8f5-3a1b-4c2d-8e6f-7a9b2f1e0d3a", "name": "Esmolol", "doseUnit": "μg/kg/min", "rateUnit": 0, "drugAmount": 500.0, "volume": 50.0, "drugUnit": 0, "defaultDose": 20.0, "reference": "Loading Dose: 500 ug/kg IV direct over one minute Maintenance Dose: 20 -200 ug/kg/min IV infusion" }, { "id": "b8f4c2a1-5d9e-4b0f-8c7d-6a9e7f1c3b2a", "name": "Fentanyl", "doseUnit": "μg/kg/hr", "rateUnit": 0, "drugAmount": 500.0, "volume": 10.0, "drugUnit": 2, "defaultDose": 1.0, "reference": "1-2 mcg/kg/hr" }, { "id": "f2a3b9d6-8c4e-4f7b-9d5a-1e6f7c8b2a0d", "name": "Furosemide", "doseUnit": "mg/hr", "rateUnit": 0, "drugAmount": 250.0, "volume": 25.0, "drugUnit": 0, "defaultDose": 10.0, "reference": "Usual dose range: 10-20 mg/hr (1-2 mL/hr). Maximum rate: 20 mg/hr (2 mL/hr). Maximum TOTAL dose in 24 hours: 480 mg (48 mL)." }, { "id": "a7d8f5b3-6c2e-4b1f-9e4c-5f0a9b7d3e2c", "name": "Heparin", "doseUnit": "unit/kg/hr", "rateUnit": 0, "drugAmount": 25000.0, "volume": 500.0, "drugUnit": 3, "defaultDose": 12.0, "reference": "UA/NSTEMI: 12-14 unit/kg/hour" }, { "id": "b4e2c5a0-7d9f-4c3b-8f7e-1d6a9b5e3a2f", "name": "Insulin", "doseUnit": "unit/hr", "rateUnit": 0, "drugAmount": 100.0, "volume": 100.0, "drugUnit": 3, "defaultDose": 2.0, "reference": "Adjust infusion rate according to your protocol. A simple example: glucose(mg/dl): dose(u/h) 110-140:1, 141-220:2, 221~300:3, 301~400:4, >400:6, finger stick q1h" }, { "id": "d7f5e3a2-4b1c-9e6f-7a0b-3c2d8f1a5b4e", "name": "Isoprenaline", "doseUnit": "μg/min", "rateUnit": 0, "drugAmount": 2.0, "volume": 500.0, "drugUnit": 0, "defaultDose": 1.0, "reference": "1-4mcg/min" }, { "id": "c3e1a7b9-8f5d-4c2b-9d6f-7a0b5e2c4f1a", "name": "Ketamine", "doseUnit": "mg/kg/hr", "rateUnit": 0, "drugAmount": 200.0, "volume": 100.0, "drugUnit": 0, "defaultDose": 0.3, "reference": "for sedation and analgesia during procedures: 0.2 to 1.0 milligram/kilogram over 2 to 3 minutes, followed by continuous infusion of 0.3 - 1.2 mg/kg/hr as required" }, { "id": "b5e7c4d9-2a0f-4c3b-9e8f-6a1d7f2e3b0a", "name": "Labetalol", "doseUnit": "mg/min", "rateUnit": 0, "drugAmount": 200.0, "volume": 200.0, "drugUnit": 0, "defaultDose": 1.0, "reference": "Hypertensive Emergency: 20 mg IV over 2 minutes, then 40-80 mg IV q10min\nContinuous infusion: 1-2 mg/min" }, { "id": "f2c9b3d7-6e1a-4b0c-8f7e-5a3d8f1b9a0e", "name": "Levosimendan", "doseUnit": "μg/kg/min", "rateUnit": 0, "drugAmount": 12.5, "volume": 250.0, "drugUnit": 0, "defaultDose": 0.1, "reference": "infusion at 0.1 micrograms /kg /min and continue for 24 hours" }, { "id": "b1e3f5a7-4c0d-8f9e-7a2b-5d6f3c9a0e1b", "name": "Lidocaine", "doseUnit": "mg/min", "rateUnit": 0, "drugAmount": 2000.0, "volume": 500.0, "drugUnit": 0, "defaultDose": 1.0, "reference": "Maintenance infusion: 1 to 4 mg/min\nCardiac Arrest from VT/VF: Initial dose: 1 to 1.5 mg/kg IV/IO\nFor refractory VF, stable VT, wide-complex tachycardia of uncertain type and significant ectopy may give additional 0.5 to 0.75 mg/kg IV push, repeat in 5 to 10 minutes, maximum 3 doses or total of 3mg/kg; Lidocaine" }, { "id": "e9d6a3c5-1f7b-4e8c-9f2a-7b0d5f3e2c1a", "name": "Magnesium ACLS", "doseUnit": "mg/hr", "rateUnit": 0, "drugAmount": 2000.0, "volume": 100.0, "drugUnit": 0, "defaultDose": 500.0, "reference": "Cardiac arrest due to hypomagnesemia or torsades de pointes: 1 to 2 grams IV or IO (diluted in 10 ml of D5W or normal saline)\nTorsades with a pulse: a loading dose of 1 to 2 grams mixed in 50 to 100 ml of D5W or normal saline should be given IV over 5 to 60 minutes. This may be followed with a dose of 0.5 to 1 gram per hour IV, titrated to control torsades de pointes." }, { "id": "d3a1b7e5-4c9f-8f2b-0a6d-5f7e1c3b9a2f", "name": "Metaraminol", "doseUnit": "mg/hr", "rateUnit": 0, "drugAmount": 20.0, "volume": 40.0, "drugUnit": 0, "defaultDose": 2.0, "reference": "infusion rate of 0-16ml/hr." }, { "id": "f8e1d5a3-4c2b-9f6a-7b0d-3f9e2c1a5b7e", "name": "Midazolam", "doseUnit": "μg/kg/hr", "rateUnit": 0, "drugAmount": 60.0, "volume": 60.0, "drugUnit": 0, "defaultDose": 20.0, "reference": "Sedation: 20-100 µg/kg/hour\nRefractory Status Epilepticus: 50-200µg/kg/hour" }, { "id": "c6f1a9b3-5d4e-8b2c-0f7a-1e3d6f9a5b8c", "name": "Milrinone", "doseUnit": "μg/kg/min", "rateUnit": 0, "drugAmount": 10.0, "volume": 50.0, "drugUnit": 0, "defaultDose": 0.375, "reference": "50 mcg/kg loading dose by IV push over 10 minutes, then 0.375-0.75 mcg/kg/min IV" }, { "id": "e1a3b9d7-4c5f-8f0a-6b2d-9f3e5c7a1b2f", "name": "Morphine", "doseUnit": "μg/kg/hr", "rateUnit": 0, "drugAmount": 50.0, "volume": 50.0, "drugUnit": 0, "defaultDose": 10.0, "reference": "Initial 10 to 20micrograms/kg/hour" }, { "id": "b3c5e7f9-1a0d-4f6b-8c2e-9d7a1b5e3f2a", "name": "NTG", "doseUnit": "μg/min", "rateUnit": 0, "drugAmount": 50.0, "volume": 500.0, "drugUnit": 0, "defaultDose": 5.0, "reference": "5 µg/min, increase by 5 µg/min q3-5min up to 20 µg/min, then increase by 10 or 20 µg/min if need" }, { "id": "f4e2d9a3-8b1c-6f7a-5b0d-1e9f3c5a7b2e", "name": "Naloxone", "doseUnit": "mg/hr", "rateUnit": 0, "drugAmount": 2.0, "volume": 50.0, "drugUnit": 0, "defaultDose": 0.1, "reference": "Maintenance Infusions: loading dose: 0.4mg 0.1 - 0.4mg/h" }, { "id": "a1b3f9e7-5d4c-0f8a-6e2b-9c7f3e5a2b1d", "name": "Nicardipine", "doseUnit": "mg/hr", "rateUnit": 0, "drugAmount": 25.0, "volume": 250.0, "drugUnit": 0, "defaultDose": 5.0, "reference": "IV: 5 mg/hr initially, may be increased by 2.5 mg/hr every 15 minutes, not to exceed 15 mg/hr" }, { "id": "c7a1d5e9-3b0f-4f2c-8b6d-0e9f3a5b7c2e", "name": "Nimodipine", "doseUnit": "μg/kg/hr", "rateUnit": 0, "drugAmount": 10.0, "volume": 50.0, "drugUnit": 0, "defaultDose": 15.0, "reference": "15 µg/kg/h via a central catheter for 2 hours, then 30 µg/kg/h" }, { "id": "f5e3c9b1-4a7d-8f0b-6e2c-1b9f3a5d7e2f", "name": "Nitroprusside", "doseUnit": "μg/kg/min", "rateUnit": 0, "drugAmount": 50.0, "volume": 50.0, "drugUnit": 0, "defaultDose": 0.3, "reference": "hypertensive crisis: Initial rate: 0.3 mcg/kg/min; evaluate BP for at least 5 minutes\nNot to exceed 10 mcg/kg/min" }, { "id": "d8f5c3a9-4e1b-0f7d-6b2a-9f3e5c7a1b4e", "name": "Norepinephrine", "doseUnit": "μg/min", "rateUnit": 0, "drugAmount": 8.0, "volume": 250.0, "drugUnit": 0, "defaultDose": 8.0, "reference": "Adults: 2-20 µg/min\nStart at 8 µg/min, and titrate to desired MAP(>65)" }, { "id": "c1a5d9b3-4e7f-8f0c-6a2d-9b3f5c7e1a4b", "name": "Octreotide", "doseUnit": "μg/hr", "rateUnit": 0, "drugAmount": 500.0, "volume": 500.0, "drugUnit": 2, "defaultDose": 25.0, "reference": "Gastrointestinal bleeding 50 - 100 ug IV bolus 25 - 50 ug/hour IV infusion for 1 to 5 days" }, { "id": "a6d3f9b7-4e0c-8f2a-1b5d-9c3f7e5a1b2e", "name": "Pantoprazole", "doseUnit": "mg/hr", "rateUnit": 0, "drugAmount": 80.0, "volume": 100.0, "drugUnit": 0, "defaultDose": 8.0, "reference": "8mg/hr" }, { "id": "b4e1c7a3-5d9f-0f8b-6a2c-9b3f5e7a1c2d", "name": "Phenylephrine", "doseUnit": "mg/min", "rateUnit": 0, "drugAmount": 100.0, "volume": 200.0, "drugUnit": 0, "defaultDose": 0.04, "reference": "Bolus dose: hypotension or shock: 0.1-0.5mg (100-500 mcg) as slow IV direct injection q10-15min PSVT: 0.5-1mg as rapid direct IV injection q60-90 seconds IV infusion: 0.04-0.18mg/min (40-180 mcg/min)" }, { "id": "f7e3c9a5-4b2d-8f0c-1a6b-9e5d3f1b7a0e", "name": "Propofol", "doseUnit": "mg/kg/hr", "rateUnit": 0, "drugAmount": 200.0, "volume": 20.0, "drugUnit": 0, "defaultDose": 0.6, "reference": "ICU sedation(intubated patients): 0.3 to 3 mg/kg/hr" }, { "id": "a0f9d3c7-4b1a-8f5e-6c2d-9b7a3f1e5b0c", "name": "Salbutamol", "doseUnit": "μg/min", "rateUnit": 0, "drugAmount": 5.0, "volume": 500.0, "drugUnit": 0, "defaultDose": 5.0, "reference": "5 mcg/min, increase by 5 mcg/min to a maximum of 20 mcg/min" }, { "id": "e5c9a1b3-4d7f-0f8a-6e2c-9b3f5e7d1a4c", "name": "Theophylline", "doseUnit": "mg/kg/hr", "rateUnit": 0, "drugAmount": 500.0, "volume": 500.0, "drugUnit": 0, "defaultDose": 0.4, "reference": "The dose must be individualized according to serum theophylline level (10-20 mcg/mL).\nAdult: loading dose: 4.6 mg/kg over 30 min, maintenance: 0.4 mg/kg/hr, MAX dose 900 mg/day" }, { "id": "f2a7c3d5-4b0f-8f9a-1e6d-9b3f5c7e1a9b", "name": "Thiopental", "doseUnit": "mg/kg/hr", "rateUnit": 0, "drugAmount": 500.0, "volume": 20.0, "drugUnit": 0, "defaultDose": 3.0, "reference": "Loading Dose: 2-3 mg/kg for barbiturate-induced coma, Maintenance Dose: 3-5 mg/kg/hour (may be as high as 15mg/kg/hour)" } ]