1.1.0 [January 31, 2021] -Add app name + app version to startup msgs -Updated readme layout format and verbiage improvements -Cloudflare mode now supports Python 3+ (Older python versions will no longer work) -Added a new parameter option (-a, --address) that forces the seeder app to bind to a specific ip address for Local DNS Server mode -Overwrite db services with version message results -Use distinct read and except sets in select() -Avoid strncpy for commands -Don't merge in re-rumours' nServices -Fix stack overflow in write_record_aaaa -Fix all known -Wvarargs, -Wreturn-type and -Wuninitialized warnings -Avoid strlen; use strnlen -Updated python3 cloudflare setup instructions -Updated non-root usage instructions (add new setcap method) -Fix segmentation fault -Test nodes against min_peer_proto_version instead of protocol_version -Add new config option for caddr_time_version -Add new config option for min_peer_proto_version -Add new config option for init_proto_version -Remove bitcoin-specific logic -Update obsolete package libconfig++8-dev -Query 2nd explorer if 1st explorer block height hasn't changed -Add DNS seeder setup guide -Readme fix: Add additional non-root usage examples for local DNS server mode -Readme fix: Cloudflare script must run from within same directory as the script itself -Updated Readme 'Local DNS Server Mode' instructions -No longer required to manually change '@' to '.' when passing email addresss for local DNS server mode -Email address is now optional for local DNS server mode -Fix for error when cfg_explorer_requery_seconds value is not numeric -Fix is_numeric function to handle zero-length strings -Add support for 2nd failover block explorer -Add optional cmd line argument to force connections to IPv4 or IPv6 only -Convert dns.c to C++ -Add support for NODE_COMPACT_FILTERS by default -Send BIP37 fRelay as false -Delete unused TestUint256AdHoc -Support NODE_NETWORK_LIMITED by default 1.0.0 [May 28, 2019] -Initial release