# [Houdini] add-on for [Sublime Text] [Houdini]: https://www.sidefx.com/ [Sublime Text]: https://www.sublimetext.com/ ## Features * [HScript] and [HScript Expressions] syntax. * Expression function auto-completions with arguments. * Expression function documentation via styled popups. * Nicely used in VEX snippets inside backticks by [VEX add-on]. Open [issues] for bug reports, requests, suggestions, etc. [HScript]: https://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/commands/_guide [HScript Expressions]: https://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/ref/expression_cookbook.html [VEX add-on]: https://github.com/teared/VEX [issues]: https://github.com/teared/HScript/issues ## Screenshots ![alt tag](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/teared/packages-dev/master/develop/img/expressions.png) ![alt tag](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/teared/packages-dev/master/develop/img/exhelpcard.png) ![alt tag](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/teared/packages-dev/master/develop/img/hscript.png) ## Setup Preferences → Package Control → Install Package → HScript Requirements: 1. Recent version of [Sublime Text]. 2. [Package Control] Tools → Install Package Control [Sublime Text]: https://www.sublimetext.com/ [Package Control]: https://packagecontrol.io/ ### Optional: [VEX add-on] Similar add-on for VEX and VEX Expressions. Syntax, auto-completions, documentation popups. It can use HScript add-on inside backtick-expressions embedded inside snippets. ## Usage Open any HScript code and choose HScript using menu at the right bottom corner of the editor. If you don't want to change from Batch to HScript every time you open file with `.cmd` extension, there is "Open all with current extension as..." action in the same menu. When you start to type expression function name, it will prompt you with suggestions. You can choose one and use `Tab` and `Shift+Tab` keys to navigate back and forth. To show docs for the function: Tools → Command Pallette → HScript: Show Documentation for Function Under Cursor Shortcut: `Ctrl+Alt+D`. For the rest, check [Sublime Text Documentation], it has many small features that make textual editing easy and powerful. [Sublime Text Documentation]: https://www.sublimetext.com/docs/ ## License Public domain.