# [Houdini] add-on for [Sublime Text] [Houdini]: https://www.sidefx.com/ [Sublime Text]: https://www.sublimetext.com/ ## Features * [VEX] and [VEX Expressions] syntax. * [VCC]-based syntax checker with formatted errors output. * Function auto-completions with arguments. * Function documentation via styled popups. * Special support for [HScript add-on]. Open [issues] for bug reports, requests, suggestions, etc. [VEX]: https://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/vex/lang [VEX Expressions]: https://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/vex/snippets [VCC]: https://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/vex/vcc [HScript add-on]: https://github.com/teared/HScript [issues]: https://github.com/teared/VEX/issues ## Screenshots ![alt tag](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/teared/packages-dev/master/develop/img/vex.png) ![alt tag](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/teared/packages-dev/master/develop/img/wrangle.png) ![alt tag](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/teared/packages-dev/master/develop/img/helpcard.png) ![alt tag](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/teared/packages-dev/master/develop/img/build.png) ## Setup Preferences → Package Control → Install Package → VEX Requirements: 1. Recent version of [Sublime Text]. 2. [Package Control] Tools → Install Package Control You should be able to use the add-on now. Skip all "Optional" sections below if you are first-time user. Read them if you want to use more advanced features. [Sublime Text]: https://www.sublimetext.com/ [Package Control]: https://packagecontrol.io/ ### Optional: Set as External Editor Create `EDITOR` variable in your [houdini.env] and set it to Sublime Text executable path. Example file location on Windows: C:\Users\teared\Documents\houdini20.0\houdini.env Example line to add to houdini.env (use *forward* slashes): EDITOR = "C:/Program Files/Sublime Text/sublime_text.exe" Place cursor in any parameter field and press `Alt+E`, then place cursor inside the built-in editor and press `Alt+E` again to launch Sublime Text from Houdini. [houdini.env]: https://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/basics/config_env#setting-environment-variables ### Optional: Configure VCC Path 1. Tools → Build System → New Build System… 2. Remove default contents and copy-paste [VEX Build] file here. 3. Change value of `executable` setting to existing VCC executable path. Example setting for Windows: "executable": "C:\Program Files\Side Effects Software\Houdini 20.0.506\bin\vcc.exe", 4. Save to *[Data]*/Packages/User/`Any Name`.sublime-build To override default, save it to *Data*/Packages/VEX/prefs/VEX Build.sublime-build **Alternatively**, add Houdini binaries dir to the `PATH` environment variable. By default, the add-on uses `vcc` command. See "Syntax Check" section of this readme. [VEX Build]: https://github.com/teared/VEX/blob/master/prefs/VEX%20Build.sublime-build [Data]: https://sublime-text-unofficial-documentation.readthedocs.io/en/latest/basic_concepts.html#the-data-directory ### Optional: [HScript add-on] Similar add-on for HScript and HScript Expressions languages. Syntax, auto-completions, documentation popups. It used by the VEX add-on for backtick-expressions embedded inside snippets. ### Optional: Other Tools Some tools I use to work on Houdini projects using Sublime Text. * [Monolit] — Sublime Text 3.0 latest "Monokai" turned into "1337" color scheme. Better scopes from Monokai and greater color palette from 1337. Greatly affects default Markdown syntax highlighting. * [SublimeAStyleFormatter] — format messy code for easier reading. [My settings]. [Monolit]: https://gist.github.com/teared/88146c0b021363e0e0c07a897c41cdaf [SublimeAStyleFormatter]: https://github.com/timonwong/SublimeAStyleFormatter [My settings]: https://gist.github.com/teared/cfcf27705954fcf741b7 ## Usage Open any VEX code and choose VEX using menu at the right bottom corner of the editor. By default, it will be automatically set on all `.vfl` files. If you don't want to change from ANSI C to VEX every time you open some VEX library with `.h` extension, there is "Open all with current extension as..." action in the same menu. When you start to type VEX function name, it will prompt you with suggestions. You can choose one and use `Tab` and `Shift+Tab` keys to navigate back and forth. Snippets are also available for common keywords: if, else, for, foreach, while. To show docs for the function: Tools → Command Pallette → VEX: Show Documentation for Function Under Cursor Shortcut: `Ctrl+Alt+D`. For the rest, check [Sublime Text Documentation], it has many small features that make textual editing easy and powerful. [Sublime Text Documentation]: https://www.sublimetext.com/docs/ ### Syntax Check If you configured VCC path, you can do syntax check in the editor and see errors. It doesn't require Houdini to run on background. Tools → Build With... → * VEX Build Use this variant if you write a custom shader and define context function with return type like: surface, displace, cvex, etc. This is what VCC expects by default, and probably least useful for Houdini user this days. * VEX Build — As a Library If you write a custom library to include it in your code. * VEX Build — As a Snippet If you write wrangle. Most common choice. See some [code examples] in the add-on development repo. [code examples]: https://github.com/teared/packages-dev/tree/master/develop/test_vex_build VCC has no idea about attribute bindings, libraries got automatically compiled within CVEX context, snippets are just functions internally, and VCC does not expect to see a surface shader there. Therefore three variants. So, if you try to do syntax check and error messages make a little sense, like this: > Error 1092: Cannot compile VEX library; source file's context 'surface' > does not match required context 'cvex'. > > Error 1040: Invalid return type (surface) for function my_function_name. > > Error 1091: Invalid context name 'float' > > Error 1088: Syntax error, unexpected '=', expecting '(' > > Error 1088: Syntax error, unexpected identifier, expecting ';' Check if correct build variant is used. Error 1088 is a common error, but in case of wrong build variant chosen, there won't be visible syntax problems. ## License Public domain.