#!/usr/bin/env bash # Install Rails trap 'ret=$?; test $ret -ne 0 && printf "failed\n\n" >&2; exit $ret' EXIT set -e create_zshrc_and_set_it_as_shell_file() { if [ ! -f "$HOME/.zshrc" ]; then touch "$HOME/.zshrc" fi shell_file="$HOME/.zshrc" shell_profile="$HOME/.zprofile" } create_bashrc_and_set_it_as_shell_file() { if [ ! -f "$HOME/.bashrc" ]; then touch "$HOME/.bashrc" fi shell_file="$HOME/.bashrc" shell_profile="$HOME/.bash_profile" } case "$SHELL" in */zsh) : create_zshrc_and_set_it_as_shell_file ;; *) create_bashrc_and_set_it_as_shell_file ;; esac log_info() { printf "\n\e[0;35m $1\e[0m\n\n" } if ! command -v brew &>/dev/null; then log_info "Installing Homebrew, a good OS X package manager ..." /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)" (echo; echo 'eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"') >> $shell_profile eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)" else log_info "Homebrew already installed. Skipping ..." fi log_info "Updating Homebrew formulas ..." brew update log_info "Installing Homebrew Services" brew tap homebrew/services log_info "Installing Postgres, a good open source relational database ..." brew install postgresql@13 log_info "Starting Postgres ..." brew services start postgresql@13 log_info "Adding Postgres to PATH ..." echo 'export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/postgresql@13/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc log_info "Installing Redis, a good key-value database ..." brew install redis log_info "Starting Redis ..." brew services start redis log_info "Installing and linking ImageMagick, to crop and resize images ..." brew install imagemagick log_info "Installing rbenv, to change Ruby versions ..." brew install rbenv if ! grep -qs "rbenv init" $shell_file; then printf '\n# load rbenv\n' >> $shell_file printf 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"\n' >> $shell_file printf 'eval "$(rbenv init - --no-rehash)"\n' >> $shell_file log_info "Enable shims and autocompletion ..." eval "$(rbenv init -)" fi export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH" log_info "Installing ruby-build, to install Rubies ..." brew install ruby-build log_info "Upgrading and linking OpenSSL ..." brew install openssl@1.1 brew link openssl@1.1 --force log_info "Installing image libs ..." brew install advancecomp jhead jpegoptim jpeg optipng oxipng pngcrush pngquant log_info "Installing coreutils ..." brew install coreutils ruby_version="3.2.1" log_info "Installing Ruby $ruby_version ..." rbenv install "$ruby_version" log_info "Setting $ruby_version as global default Ruby ..." rbenv global "$ruby_version" log_info "Updating to latest Rubygems version ..." gem update --system log_info "Installing Bundler to install project-specific Ruby gems ..." gem install bundler log_info "Configuring Bundler for faster, parallel gem installation ..." number_of_cores=$(sysctl -n hw.ncpu) bundle config --global jobs $((number_of_cores - 1)) log_info "Installing Rails ..." gem install rails log_info "Installing MailHog ..." brew install mailhog log_info "Installing Node ..." brew install node log_info "Installing Yarn ..." brew install yarn