#!/bin/bash # ## Tech and Me ## - ©2016, https://www.techandme.se/ # SCRIPTS="/var/scripts" GITHUB_REPO="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/techandme/Teamspeak-VM/master" IFACE=$(lshw -c network | grep "logical name" | awk '{print $3; exit}') network_ok() { echo "Testing if network is OK..." service networking restart if wget -q -T 20 -t 2 http://github.com -O /dev/null then return 0 else return 1 fi } # Check network if network_ok then printf "Online!\n" else echo "Setting correct interface..." [ -z "$IFACE" ] && IFACE=$(lshw -c network | grep "logical name" | awk '{print $3; exit}') # Set correct interface { sed '/# The primary network interface/q' /etc/network/interfaces printf 'auto %s\niface %s inet dhcp\n# This is an autoconfigured IPv6 interface\niface %s inet6 auto\n' "$IFACE" "$IFACE" "$IFACE" } > /etc/network/interfaces.new mv /etc/network/interfaces.new /etc/network/interfaces service networking restart # shellcheck source=lib.sh CHECK_CURRENT_REPO=1 . <(curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nextcloud/vm/master/lib.sh) unset CHECK_CURRENT_REPO fi # Check network if network_ok then printf "Online!\n" else echo "Network NOT OK!" echo "You must have a working Network connection to run this script." echo "Please report this issue here: https://github.com/techandme/Teamspeak-VM" exit 1 fi # Change DNS if ! [ -x "$(command -v resolvconf)" ] then apt update && apt install resolvconf -y -q dpkg-reconfigure resolvconf fi echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base # Set locales apt install language-pack-en-base -y sudo locale-gen "sv_SE.UTF-8" && sudo dpkg-reconfigure --frontend=noninteractive locales if [ -d $SCRIPTS ]; then sleep 1 else mkdir $SCRIPTS fi sleep 2 # Avoid latency in messages echo echo "Getting all the latest scripts from GitHub..." echo # Get setup script if [ -f $SCRIPTS/setup.sh ]; then echo "setup.sh exists" else wget -q $GITHUB_REPO/setup.sh -P $SCRIPTS fi if [[ $? > 0 ]] then echo "Download of scripts failed. System will reboot in 10 seconds..." sleep 10 reboot else echo "Downloaded setup.sh." sleep 1 fi # Get Teamspeak install script if [ -f $SCRIPTS/teamspeak.sh ]; then echo "teamspeak.sh exists" else wget -q $GITHUB_REPO/teamspeak.sh -P $SCRIPTS fi if [[ $? > 0 ]] then echo "Download of scripts failed. System will reboot in 10 seconds..." sleep 10 reboot else echo "Downloaded teamspeak.sh." sleep 1 fi # Enable ufw and allow needed ports if [ -f $SCRIPTS/ufw.sh ]; then echo "ufw.sh exists" else wget -q $GITHUB_REPO/ufw.sh -P $SCRIPTS fi if [[ $? > 0 ]] then echo "Download of scripts failed. System will reboot in 10 seconds..." sleep 10 reboot else echo "Downloaded ufw.sh." sleep 1 fi # Install webmin if [ -f $SCRIPTS/webmin.sh ]; then echo "webmin.sh exists" else wget -q $GITHUB_REPO/webmin.sh -P $SCRIPTS fi if [[ $? > 0 ]] then echo "Download of scripts failed. System will reboot in 10 seconds..." sleep 10 reboot else echo "Downloaded webmin.sh." sleep 1 fi # The update script if [ -f $SCRIPTS/teamspeak_update.sh ]; then echo "teamspeak_update.sh exists" else wget -q $GITHUB_REPO/teamspeak_update.sh -P $SCRIPTS fi if [[ $? > 0 ]] then echo "Download of scripts failed. System will reboot in 10 seconds..." sleep 10 reboot else echo "Downloaded teamspeak_update.sh." sleep 1 fi # Sets static IP to UNIX if [ -f $SCRIPTS/ip.sh ]; then echo "ip.sh exists" else wget -q $GITHUB_REPO/ip.sh -P $SCRIPTS fi if [[ $? > 0 ]] then echo "Download of scripts failed. System will reboot in 10 seconds..." sleep 10 reboot else echo "Downloaded ip.sh." sleep 1 fi # Tests connection after static IP is set if [ -f $SCRIPTS/test_connection.sh ]; then echo "test_connection.sh exists" else wget -q $GITHUB_REPO/test_connection.sh -P $SCRIPTS fi if [[ $? > 0 ]] then echo "Download of scripts failed. System will reboot in 10 seconds..." sleep 10 reboot else echo "Downloaded test_connection.sh." sleep 1 fi # Welcome message after login (change in /home/ocadmin/.profile if [ -f $SCRIPTS/instruction.sh ]; then echo "instruction.sh exists" else wget -q $GITHUB_REPO/instruction.sh -P $SCRIPTS fi if [[ $? > 0 ]] then echo "Download of scripts failed. System will reboot in 10 seconds..." sleep 10 reboot else echo "Downloaded instruction.sh." sleep 1 fi # Tech and Me figlet if [ -f $SCRIPTS/techandme.sh ]; then echo "techandme.sh exists" else wget -q $GITHUB_REPO/techandme.se -P $SCRIPTS fi if [[ $? > 0 ]] then echo "Download of scripts failed. System will reboot in 10 seconds..." sleep 10 reboot else echo "Downloaded techandme.sh." sleep 1 fi # Change teamspeak .bash_profile if [ -f $SCRIPTS/change-teamspeak-profile.sh ]; then echo "change-teamspeak-profile.sh exists" else wget -q $GITHUB_REPO/change-teamspeak-profile.sh -P $SCRIPTS fi if [[ $? > 0 ]] then echo "Download of scripts failed. System will reboot in 10 seconds..." sleep 10 reboot else echo "Downloaded change-teamspeak-profile.sh." sleep 1 fi # Change root .bash_profile if [ -f $SCRIPTS/change-root-profile.sh ]; then echo "change-root-profile.sh exists" else wget -q $GITHUB_REPO/change-root-profile.sh -P $SCRIPTS fi if [[ $? > 0 ]] then echo "Download of scripts failed. System will reboot in 10 seconds..." sleep 10 reboot else echo "Downloaded change-root-profile.sh." sleep 1 fi # Get welcome message if [ -f $SCRIPTS/welcome.sh ]; then echo "welcome.sh exists" else wget -q $GITHUB_REPO/welcome.sh -P $SCRIPTS fi if [[ $? > 0 ]] then echo "Download of scripts failed. System will reboot in 10 seconds..." sleep 10 reboot else echo "welcome.sh." sleep 1 fi # Make $SCRIPTS excutable chmod +x -R $SCRIPTS chown root:root -R $SCRIPTS # Allow teamspeak to run these scripts chown teamspeak:teamspeak $SCRIPTS/instruction.sh chown teamspeak:teamspeak $SCRIPTS/techandme.se #----------------------------------------------------------- # Change root profile bash $SCRIPTS/change-root-profile.sh if [[ $? > 0 ]] then echo "change-root-profile.sh were not executed correctly. System will reboot in 10 seconds..." sleep 10 reboot else echo "change-root-profile.sh script executed OK." sleep 1 fi # Change ocadmin profile bash $SCRIPTS/change-teamspeak-profile.sh if [[ $? > 0 ]] then echo "change-teamspeak-profile.sh were not executed correctly. System will reboot in 10 seconds..." sleep 10 reboot else echo "change-teamspeak-profile.sh executed OK." sleep 1 fi # Update system apt update apt upgrade -y apt dist-upgrade -y echo "Rebooting..." reboot