;; This is an annotated reference of the options that may be set in a ;; project.clj file. It is fairly contrived in order to cover lots of ;; different options; it shouldn't be considered a representative ;; configuration. For a more detailed explanation of some of the terms ;; run `lein help tutorial`. ;; These options apply to Leiningen 2.x. See the 1.x branch for older versions: ;; https://github.com/technomancy/leiningen/blob/1.x/sample.project.clj ;; The project is named "sample", and its group-id is "org.example". (defproject org.example/sample "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT" ; version "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT" ;; Beyond this point you may prepend a form with unquote, or ~, to eval it. ;;; Project Metadata ;; The description text is searchable from repositories like Clojars. :description "A sample project" :url "http://example.org/sample-clojure-project" ;; The mailing list of the project. If the project has multiple mailing ;; lists, use the :mailing-lists key (bound to a seq of mailing list ;; descriptions as below). :mailing-list {:name "sample mailing list" :archive "http://example.org/sample-mailing-list-archives" :other-archives ["http://example.org/sample-list-archive2" "http://example.org/sample-list-archive3"] :post "list@example.org" :subscribe "list-subscribe@example.org" :unsubscribe "list-unsubscribe@example.org"} ;; The project's license. :distribution should be :repo or :manual; ;; :repo means it is OK for public repositories to host this project's ;; artifacts. A seq of :licenses is also supported. :license {:name "Eclipse Public License - v 1.0" :url "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html" :distribution :repo :comments "same as Clojure"} ;; Warns users of earlier versions of Leiningen. Set this if your project ;; relies on features only found in newer Leiningen versions. :min-lein-version "2.0.0" ;; You can require a specific version of Leiningen. In case of mismatch ;; execution will abort. When versions are compared, suffixes such as ;; "-SNAPSHOT" are dropped. ;; :exact-lein-version "2.8.2" ;;; Dependencies, Plugins, and Repositories ;; Dependencies are listed as [group-id/name version]; in addition ;; to keywords supported by Pomegranate, you can use :native-prefix ;; to specify a prefix. This prefix is used to extract natives in ;; jars that don't adhere to the default "//" layout that ;; Leiningen expects. ;; You can also strings like ["group-id/name" version] for instances ;; where the dependency name isn't a valid symbol literal. :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.3.0"] [org.jclouds/jclouds "1.0" :classifier "jdk15"] [net.sf.ehcache/ehcache "2.3.1" :extension "pom"] [log4j "1.2.15" :exclusions [[javax.mail/mail :extension "jar"] [javax.jms/jms :classifier "*"] com.sun.jdmk/jmxtools com.sun.jmx/jmxri]] ["net.3scale/3scale-api" "3.0.2"] [org.lwjgl.lwjgl/lwjgl "2.8.5"] [org.lwjgl.lwjgl/lwjgl-platform "2.8.5" :classifier "natives-osx" ;; LWJGL stores natives in the root of the jar; this ;; :native-prefix will extract them. :native-prefix ""]] ;; "Managed Dependencies" are a concept borrowed from maven pom files; see ;; https://maven.apache.org/guides/introduction/introduction-to-dependency-mechanism.html#Dependency_Management ;; Managed dependencies allow you to specify a desired version number for a dependency ;; *if* the dependency exists (often transitively), but a managed dependency ;; will not actually cause the described artifact to be a dependency on its own. ;; This feature is most useful in combination with some other mechanism for ;; defining a "parent project"; e.g. you can have a "parent project" that specifies ;; managed dependencies for common libraries that you use frequently in your other ;; projects, and then the downstream/child projects can specify a normal dependency on ;; those libraries *without specifying a version number*, and thus will inherit ;; the version number from the parent. This provides a simpler means of keeping ;; common dependency versions in sync across a large number of clojure libraries. ;; For more info see ./doc/MANAGED_DEPS.md and https://github.com/achin/lein-parent :managed-dependencies [[clj-time "0.12.0"] [me.raynes/fs "1.4.6"]] ;; What to do in the case of version conflicts. Defaults to :ranges, which ;; warns when version ranges are present anywhere in the dependency tree, ;; but can be set to true to warn for both ranges and overrides, or :abort ;; to exit in the case of ranges or overrides. Setting this to :warn or ;; :abort will also warn you when plugins or their dependencies ;; conflict with libraries used by Leiningen itself. :pedantic? :abort ;; Global exclusions are applied across the board, as an alternative ;; to duplication for multiple dependencies with the same excluded libraries. :exclusions [org.apache.poi/poi org.apache.poi/poi-ooxml] ;; Plugins are code that runs in Leiningen itself and usually ;; provide new tasks or hooks. :plugins [[lein-pprint "1.1.1"] [lein-assoc "0.1.0"] [s3-wagon-private "1.1.1"] [lein-foo "0.0.1" :hooks false] [lein-bar "0.0.1" :middleware false]] ;; These repositories will be searched for :dependencies and ;; :plugins and will also be available to deploy to. ;; Add ^:replace (:repositories ^:replace [...]) to only use repositories you ;; list below. :repositories [["java.net" "https://download.java.net/maven/2"] ["sonatype" {:url "https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/releases" ;; If a repository contains releases only setting ;; :snapshots to false will speed up dependencies. :snapshots false ;; Disable signing releases deployed to this repo. ;; (Not recommended.) :sign-releases false ;; You can also set the policies for how to handle ;; :checksum failures to :fail, :warn, or :ignore. :checksum :fail ;; How often should this repository be checked for ;; snapshot updates? (:daily, :always, or :never) :update :always ;; You can also apply them to releases only: :releases {:checksum :fail :update :always}}] ;; Repositories named "snapshots" and "releases" automatically ;; have their :snapshots and :releases disabled as appropriate. ;; Credentials for repositories should *not* be stored ;; in project.clj but in ~/.lein/credentials.clj.gpg instead, ;; see `lein help deploying` under "Authentication". ["snapshots" "https://blueant.com/archiva/snapshots"] ["releases" {:url "https://blueant.com/archiva/internal" ;; Using :env as a value here will cause an ;; environment variable to be used based on ;; the key; in this case LEIN_PASSWORD. :username "milgrim" :password :env}]] ;; These repositories will be included with :repositories when loading plugins. ;; This would normally be set in a profile for non-public repositories. ;; All the options are the same as in the :repositories map. :plugin-repositories [["internal-plugin-repo" "http://example.org/repo"]] ;; Fetch dependencies from mirrors. Mirrors override repositories when the key ;; in the :mirrors map matches either the name or URL of a specified ;; repository. All settings supported in :repositories may be set here too. ;; The :name should match the name of the mirrored repository. :mirrors {"central" {:name "central" :url "http://mirrors.ibiblio.org/pub/mirrors/maven2"} #"clojars" {:name "Internal nexus" :url "http://mvn.local/nexus/releases" :repo-manager true}} ;; Override location of the local maven repository. Relative to project root. :local-repo "local-m2" ;; You can set :update and :checksum policies here to have them ;; apply for all :repositories. Usually you will not set :update ;; directly but apply the "update" profile instead. :update :always :checksum :fail ;; Prevent Leiningen from checking the network for dependencies. ;; This wouldn't normally be set in project.clj; it would come from a profile. :offline? true ;; the deploy task will give preference to repositories specified in ;; :deploy-repositories, and repos listed there will not be used for ;; dependency resolution. :deploy-repositories [["releases" {:url "http://blueant.com/archiva/internal/releases" ;; Select a GPG private key to use for ;; signing. (See "How to specify a user ;; ID" in GPG's manual.) GPG will ;; otherwise pick the first private key ;; it finds in your keyring. ;; Currently only works in :deploy-repositories ;; or as a top-level (global) setting. :signing {:gpg-key "0xAB123456"}}] ["snapshots" "http://blueant.com/archiva/internal/snapshots"]] ;; Defaults for signing options. Defers to per-repository settings. :signing {:gpg-key "root@eruditorum.org"} ;; If you configure a custom repository with a self-signed SSL ;; certificate, you will need to add it here. Paths should either ;; be on Leiningen's classpath or relative to the project root. :certificates ["blueant.pem"] ;;; Profiles ;; Each active profile gets merged into the project map. The :dev ;; and :user profiles are active by default, but the latter should be ;; looked up in ~/.lein/profiles.clj rather than set in project.clj. ;; Use the with-profiles higher-order task to run a task with a ;; different set of active profiles. ;; See `lein help profiles` for a detailed explanation. :profiles {:debug {:debug true :injections [(prn (into {} (System/getProperties)))]} :1.4 {:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.4.0"]]} :1.5 {:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.5.0"]]} ;; activated by default :dev {:resource-paths ["dummy-data"] :dependencies [[clj-stacktrace "0.2.4"]]} ;; activated automatically during uberjar :uberjar {:aot [entry.point.ns]} ;; activated automatically in repl task :repl {:plugins [[cider/cider-nrepl "0.7.1"]]}} ;; Load these namespaces from within Leiningen to pick up hooks from them. :hooks [leiningen.hooks.difftest] ;; Apply these middleware functions from plugins to your project ;; when it loads. Both hooks and middleware can be loaded implicitly ;; or by being listed here. :middleware [lein-xml.plugin/middleware] ;; By default, middleware gets memoized; you can disable it with this setting. ;; For bootstrapping reasons, this is only supported in the top level of ;; defproject or the :user profile. :memoize-middleware? false ;; These settings disable the implicit loading of middleware and ;; hooks, respectively. You can disable both with :implicits false. :implicit-middleware false :implicit-hooks false ;;; Entry Point ;; The -main function in this namespace will be run at launch ;; (either via `lein run` or from an uberjar). It should be variadic: ;; ;; (ns my.service.runner ;; (:gen-class)) ;; ;; (defn -main ;; "Application entry point" ;; [& args] ;; (comment Do app initialization here)) ;; ;; This will be AOT compiled by default; to disable this, attach ^:skip-aot ;; metadata to the namespace symbol. ^:skip-aot will not disable AOT ;; compilation of :main when :aot is :all or contains the main class. It's ;; best to be explicit with the :aot key rather than relying on ;; auto-compilation of :main. Setting :main to nil is useful when a ;; project contains several main functions. nil will produce a jar ;; with manifest.mf that lacks `Main-Class' property. :main my.service.runner ;; Support project-specific task aliases. These are interpreted in ;; the same way as command-line arguments to the lein command. If ;; the alias points to a vector, it uses partial application. For ;; example, "lein with-magic run -m hi.core" would be equivalent to ;; "lein assoc :magic true run -m hi.core". Remember, commas are not ;; considered to be special by argument parsers, they're just part ;; of the preceding argument. :aliases {"launch" ["run" "-m" "myproject.main"] ;; Values from the project map can be spliced into the arguments ;; using :project/key keywords. "launch-version" ["run" "-m" "myproject.main" :project/version] "dumbrepl" ["trampoline" "run" "-m" "clojure.main/main"] ;; :pass-through-help ensures `lein my-alias help` is not converted ;; into `lein help my-alias`. "go" ^:pass-through-help ["run" "-m"] ;; For complex aliases, a docstring may be attached. The docstring ;; will be printed instead of the expansion when running `lein help`. "deploy!" ^{:doc "Recompile sources, then deploy if tests succeed."} ;; Nested vectors are supported for the "do" task ["do" "clean" ["test" ":integration"] ["deploy" "clojars"]]} ;;; Custom Release Tasks ;; By default `lein release` performs a series of tasks typical of the release ;; process for many Leiningen-managed projects. These tasks can be overridden ;; using `:release-tasks` as follows: :release-tasks [["vcs" "assert-committed"] ["change" "version" "leiningen.release/bump-version" "release"] ["vcs" "commit"] ["vcs" "tag"] ["deploy"]] ;; This differs from the default `:release-tasks` behavior in that it doesn't ;; go on to perform another `change version` or `vcs` task, instead leaving ;; that up to the developer to do manually. ;;; Running Project Code ;; Normally Leiningen runs the javac and compile tasks before ;; calling any eval-in-project code, but you can override this with ;; the :prep-tasks key to do other things like compile protocol buffers. :prep-tasks [["protobuf" "compile"] "javac" "compile"] ;; These namespaces will be AOT-compiled. Needed for gen-class and ;; other Java interop functionality. Put a regex here to compile all ;; namespaces whose names match. If you only need AOT for an uberjar ;; gen-class, put `:aot [entry.point.ns]` in the :uberjar profile and see ;; :target-path for how to enable profile-based target isolation. ;; Putting :all here will AOT-compile everything, but this can cause issues ;; with certain uses of protocols and records. :aot [org.example.sample] ;; Forms to prepend to every form that is evaluated inside your project. ;; Allows working around the Gilardi Scenario: http://technomancy.us/143 ;; Note: This code is not executed in jars or uberjars. :injections [(require 'clojure.pprint)] ;; Java agents can instrument and intercept certain VM features. Include ;; :bootclasspath true to place the agent jar on the bootstrap classpath. :java-agents [[nodisassemble "0.1.1" :options "extra"]] ;; Options to pass to java compiler for java source, ;; exactly the same as command line arguments to javac. :javac-options ["-target" "1.6" "-source" "1.6" "-Xlint:-options"] ;; Emit warnings on all reflection calls. - DEPRECATED (see below) :warn-on-reflection true ;; Sets the values of global vars within Clojure. This example ;; disables all pre- and post-conditions and emits warnings on ;; reflective calls. See the Clojure documentation for the list of ;; valid global variables to set (and their meaningful values). :global-vars {*warn-on-reflection* true *assert* false} ;; Use a different `java` executable for project JVMs. Leiningen's own JVM is ;; set with the LEIN_JAVA_CMD environment variable. :java-cmd "/home/phil/bin/java1.7" ;; You can set JVM-level options here. The :java-opts key is an alias for this. :jvm-opts ["-Xmx1g"] ;; Set the context in which your project code is evaluated. Defaults ;; to :subprocess, but can also be :leiningen (for plugins) or :nrepl ;; to connect to an existing project process over nREPL. A project nREPL ;; server can be started simply by invoking `lein repl`. If no connection ;; can be established, :nrepl falls back to :subprocess. :eval-in :leiningen ;; Enable bootclasspath optimization. This improves boot time but interferes ;; with certain libraries like Jetty that make assumptions about classloaders. :bootclasspath true ;;; Filesystem Paths ;; If you'd rather use a different directory structure, you can set these. ;; Paths that contain "inputs" are string vectors, "outputs" are strings. :source-paths ["src" "src/main/clojure"] :java-source-paths ["src/main/java"] ; Java source is stored separately. :test-paths ["test" "src/test/clojure"] :resource-paths ["src/main/resource"] ; Non-code files included in classpath/jar. ;; All generated files will be placed in :target-path. In order to avoid ;; cross-profile contamination (for instance, uberjar classes interfering ;; with development), it's recommended to include %s in in your custom ;; :target-path, which will splice in names of the currently active profiles. :target-path "target/%s/" ;; Directory in which to place AOT-compiled files. Including %s will ;; splice the :target-path into this value. :compile-path "%s/classy-files" ;; Directory in which to extract native components from inside dependencies. ;; Including %s will splice the :target-path into this value. Note that this ;; is not where to *look* for existing native libraries; use :jvm-opts with ;; -Djava.library.path=... instead for that. :native-path "%s/bits-n-stuff" ;; Directories under which `lein clean` removes files. ;; Specified by keyword or keyword-chain to get-in path in this defproject. ;; Both a single path and a collection of paths are accepted as each. ;; For example, if the other parts of project are like: ;; :target-path "target" ;; :compile-path "classes" ;; :foobar-paths ["foo" "bar"] ;; :baz-config {:qux-path "qux"} ;; :clean-targets below lets `lein clean` remove files under "target", ;; "classes", "foo", "bar", "qux", and "out". ;; By default, will protect paths outside the project root and within standard ;; lein source directories ("src", "test", "resources", "doc", "project.clj"). ;; However, this protection can be overridden with metadata on the :clean-targets ;; vector - ^{:protect false} :clean-targets [:target-path :compile-path :foobar-paths [:baz-config :qux-path] "out"] ;; Workaround for http://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/CLJ-322 by deleting ;; compilation artifacts for namespaces that come from dependencies. :clean-non-project-classes true ;; Paths to include on the classpath from each project in the ;; checkouts/ directory. (See the tutorial for more details about ;; checkout dependencies.) Set this to be a vector of functions that ;; take the target project as argument. Defaults to [:source-paths ;; :compile-path :resource-paths], but you could use the following ;; to share code from the test suite: :checkout-deps-shares [:source-paths :test-paths ~(fn [p] (str (:root p) "/lib/dev/*"))] ;;; Testing ;; Predicates to determine whether to run a test or not, take test metadata ;; as argument. See `lein help test` for more information. :test-selectors {:default (fn [m] (not (or (:integration m) (:regression m)))) :integration :integration :regression :regression} ;; In order to support the `retest` task, Leiningen must monkeypatch the ;; clojure.test library. This disables that feature and breaks `lein retest`. :monkeypatch-clojure-test false ;;; Repl ;; Options to change the way the REPL behaves. :repl-options { ;; Specify the string to print when prompting for input. ;; defaults to something like (fn [ns] (str *ns* "=> ")) :prompt (fn [ns] (str "your command for <" ns ">? " )) ;; What to print when the repl session starts. :welcome (println "Welcome to the magical world of the repl!") ;; Specify the ns to start the REPL in (overrides :main in ;; this case only) :init-ns foo.bar ;; This expression will run when first opening a REPL, in the ;; namespace from :init-ns or :main if specified. :init (println "here we are in" *ns*) ;; Print stack traces on exceptions (highly recommended, but ;; currently overwrites *1, *2, etc). :caught clj-stacktrace.repl/pst+ ;; Skip's the default requires and printed help message. :skip-default-init false ;; Customize the socket the repl task listens on and ;; attaches to. :host "" :port 4001 ;; If nREPL takes too long to load it may timeout, ;; increase this to wait longer before timing out. ;; Defaults to 30000 (30 seconds) :timeout 40000 ;; nREPL server customization ;; Only one of #{:nrepl-handler :nrepl-middleware} ;; may be used at a time. ;; Use a different server-side nREPL handler. :nrepl-handler (nrepl.server/default-handler) ;; Add server-side middleware to nREPL stack. :nrepl-middleware [my.nrepl.thing/wrap-amazingness ;; TODO: link to more detailed documentation. ;; Middleware without appropriate metadata ;; (see nrepl.middleware/set-descriptor! ;; for details) will simply be appended to the stack ;; of middleware (rather than ordered based on its ;; expectations and requirements). (fn [handler] (fn [& args] (prn :middle args) (apply handler args)))]} ;;; Jar Output ;; Name of the jar file produced. Will be placed inside :target-path. ;; Including %s will splice the project version into the filename. :jar-name "sample.jar" ;; As above, but for uberjar. :uberjar-name "sample-standalone.jar" ;; Leave the contents of :source-paths out of jars (for AOT projects). :omit-source true ;; Files with names matching any of these patterns will be excluded from jars. :jar-exclusions [#"(?:^|/).svn/"] ;; Files with names matching any of these patterns will included in the jar ;; even if they'd be skipped otherwise. :jar-inclusions [#"^\.ebextensions"] ;; Same as :jar-exclusions, but for uberjars. :uberjar-exclusions [#"META-INF/DUMMY.SF"] ;; By default Leiningen will run a clean before creating jars to prevent ;; undeclared AOT from leaking to downstream consumers; this disables ;; that behaviour. :auto-clean false ;; Files to merge programmatically in uberjars when multiple same-named files ;; exist across project and dependencies. Should be a map of filename strings ;; or regular expressions to a sequence of three functions: ;; 1. Takes an input stream; returns a parsed datum. ;; 2. Takes a new datum and the current result datum; returns a merged datum. ;; 3. Takes an output stream and a datum; writes the datum to the stream. ;; Resolved in reverse dependency order, starting with project. :uberjar-merge-with {#"\.properties$" [slurp str spit]} ;; Add arbitrary jar entries. Supports :path, :paths, :bytes, and :fn types. :filespecs [{:type :path :path "config/base.clj"} ;; Files within other jars can be added {:type :path :path "some-dependency-1.0.0.jar!/resources/file.txt"} ;; Directory paths are included recursively. {:type :paths :paths ["config/web" "config/cli"]} ;; Programmatically-generated content can use :bytes. {:type :bytes :path "project.clj" ;; Strings or byte arrays are accepted. :bytes ~(slurp "project.clj")} ;; :fn filespecs take the project as an argument and ;; should return a filespec map of one of the other types. {:type :fn :fn (fn [p] {:type :bytes :path "git-log" :bytes (:out (clojure.java.shell/sh "git" "log" "-n" "1"))})}] ;; Set arbitrary key/value pairs for the jar's manifest. Any ;; vector or sequence of pairs is supported as well. :manifest {"Project-awesome-level" "super-great" ;; Function values will be called with the project as an argument. "Class-Path" ~#(clojure.string/join \space (leiningen.core.classpath/get-classpath %)) ;; If a value is a collection, a manifest section is built for it and ;; the name of the key is used as the section name. :my-section-1 [["MyKey1" "MyValue1"] ["MyKey2" "MyValue2"]] :my-section-2 {"MyKey3" "MyValue3" "MyKey4" "MyValue4"} ;; Symbol values will be resolved to find a function to call. "Grunge-level" my.plugin/calculate-grunginess} ;;; Pom Output ;; Where the pom.xml is written. If not set, the project root. :pom-location "target/" ;; Set parent for working within a multi-module maven project. :parent [org.example/parent "0.0.1" :relative-path "../parent/pom.xml"] ;; Extensions here will be propagated to the pom but not used by Leiningen. :extensions [[org.apache.maven.wagon/wagon-webdav "1.0-beta-2"] [foo/bar-baz "1.0"]] ;; Plugins here will be propagated to the pom but not used by Leiningen. :pom-plugins [[com.theoryinpractise/clojure-maven-plugin "1.3.13" ;; this section is optional, values have the same syntax as pom-addition {:configuration [:sourceDirectories [:sourceDirectory "src"]] :extensions "true" :executions ([:execution [:id "echodir"] [:goals ([:goal "run"])] [:phase "verify"]])}] [org.apache.tomcat.maven/tomcat7-maven-plugin "2.1"] [com.google.appengine/appengine-maven-plugin "1.9.68" ;; Use a list to pass any structure unaltered (:configuration [:project "foo"] [:version "bar"])]] ;; Include tag in generated pom.xml file. All key/value pairs ;; appear exactly as configured. If absent, Leiningen will try to ;; use information from a .git directory. :scm {:name "git" :tag "098afd745bcd" :url "" ;; Allows you to use a repository in a different directory than the ;; project's root, for instance, if you had multiple projects in a ;; single git repository. :dir ".."} ;; Include xml in generated pom.xml file, as parsed by ;; clojure.data.xml/sexp-as-element. Resulting pom still needs to ;; validate according to the pom XML schema. :pom-addition ([:developers [:developer [:id "technomancy"] [:name "Phil Hagelberg"] [:url "https://technomancy.us"] [:roles [:role "developer"] [:role "maintainer"]]]] [:contributors [:contributor [:name "Ben Bitdiddle"] [:url "http://www.example.com/benjamin"] [:properties [:id "benbit"]]]]) ;;; Safety flags ;; Indicate whether or not `lein install` should abort when trying to install ;; releases. When false, trying to run `lein install` in a project with a version ;; that isn't a snapshot will cause Leiningen to abort with a descriptive error ;; message. :install-releases? false ;; Dictate which git branches deploys should be allowed from. When set, ;; `lein deploy` will only work from the git branches included and will ;; abort otherwise. :deploy-branches ["master"] ;;; Artifact Classifers Installation ;; Option to install classified maven artifacts. A map where keys ;; indicate the classifier name. :classifiers {;; If the value is a map it is merged like a profile :tests {:source-paths ^:replace ["test"]} ;; If a keyword it is looked up from :profiles :classy :my-profile}) ;;; Environment Variables used by Leiningen ;; JAVA_CMD - executable to use for java(1) ;; JVM_OPTS - extra options to pass to the java command ;; DEBUG - increased verbosity ;; LEIN_SILENT - suppress info-level output ;; LEIN_HOME - directory in which to look for user settings ;; LEIN_SNAPSHOTS_IN_RELEASE - allow releases to depend on snapshots ;; LEIN_JVM_OPTS - tweak speed of plugins or fix compatibility with old Java versions ;; LEIN_USE_BOOTCLASSPATH - speed up boot time on JVMs older than 9 ;; LEIN_REPL_HOST - interface on which to connect to nREPL server ;; LEIN_REPL_PORT - port on which to start or connect to nREPL server ;; LEIN_OFFLINE - equivalent of :offline? true but works for plugins ;; LEIN_GPG - gpg executable to use for encryption/signing ;; LEIN_NEW_UNIX_NEWLINES - ensure that `lein new` emits '\n' as newlines ;; LEIN_SUPPRESS_USER_LEVEL_REPO_WARNINGS - suppress "repository in user profile" warnings ;; LEIN_FAST_TRAMPOLINE - memoize `java` invocation command to speed up subsequent trampoline launches ;; LEIN_NO_USER_PROFILES - suppress loading of user and system profiles ;; http_proxy - host and port to proxy HTTP connections through ;; http_no_proxy - pipe-separated list of hosts which may be accessed directly