import polib import json import sys JSON_KEY_TRANSL="translated strings" JSON_KEY_AUTHOR="authors" JSON_KEY_MODIFY="modified by" JSON_KEY_OR="or" JSON_KEY_TR="tr" JSON_KEY_CO="context" def reconvert(filename, json_filename): """Converts a l10n file.po into a file.json, keeping author info from a previous file.json if possible""" po = polib.pofile(open(filename, encoding='utf-8').read()) translations = [] for entry in po: if entry.msgstr: t_entry = {} t_entry[JSON_KEY_OR] = entry.msgid t_entry[JSON_KEY_TR] = entry.msgstr if entry.msgctxt is not None: t_entry[JSON_KEY_CO] = entry.msgctxt translations.append(t_entry) try: previous_l10n = json.load(open(json_filename, encoding='utf-8'), strict=False) # remove tabs from data authors = previous_l10n[JSON_KEY_AUTHOR] for i, value in enumerate(authors[JSON_KEY_MODIFY]): authors[JSON_KEY_MODIFY][i] = value.replace("\t", " ") result = {JSON_KEY_AUTHOR: authors, JSON_KEY_TRANSL: translations} print(" extracted author info from " + json_filename) except IOError: result = {JSON_KEY_AUTHOR: "", JSON_KEY_TRANSL: translations} print(" failed to open " + json_filename + ", skipping author info") json.dump( result, open(json_filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8'), ensure_ascii=False, indent="\t", separators=(',', ': '), sort_keys=True, ) def normalize(filename): """Normalizes a l10n file.po for better version controlling""" po = polib.pofile(open(filename).read()) entries = list(sorted(sorted(po, key=lambda x: x.msgctxt or ""), key=lambda x: x.msgid)) po.clear() for entry in entries: po.append(entry) def decrement_indent(filename): """decrement indent level of file""" with open(filename, encoding='utf-8') as f:'\n\t', '\n') with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(sanitized_json) if __name__ == '__main__': """Normalizes then converts a l10n file.po into a file.json, keeping author info from a previous file.json if possible""" for filename in sys.argv[1:]: assert(len(filename)>len(".po")) json_filename = filename[:-3]+".json" normalize(filename) print(filename + " -> " + filename + " (normalized)") reconvert(filename, json_filename) decrement_indent(json_filename) print(filename + " -> " + json_filename)