apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1 kind: Task metadata: name: ansible-builder labels: app.kubernetes.io/version: "0.1" annotations: tekton.dev/deprecated: "true" tekton.dev/pipelines.minVersion: "0.12.0" tekton.dev/displayName: ansible-builder tekton.dev/categories: Build Tools tekton.dev/tags: ansible, ansible-builder, build-tool, automation tekton.dev/platforms: "linux/amd64" spec: description: >- Creates a build context (including a Containerfile) from an execution environment spec. This build context is populated with dependencies including requirements files. workspaces: - name: source description: The source workspace where the execution environment code is cloned. params: - description: Execution environment file definition. name: FILENAME type: string default: execution-environment.yml - description: Execution environment build context. name: BUILD_CONTEXT type: string default: context - name: OUTPUT_FILENAME description: Name of file to write image definition to. Either Dockerfile or Containerfile. type: string default: Containerfile - description: ansible-builder output verbosity. name: VERBOSITY type: string default: "2" - name: BUILDER_IMAGE description: The location of the ansible-builder image. type: string default: quay.io/ansible/ansible-builder:latest steps: - name: ansible-builder-create workingDir: $(workspaces.source.path) image: $(params.BUILDER_IMAGE) script: | #!/bin/sh set -eux -o ansible-builder create -f "$(params.FILENAME)" -c "$(params.BUILD_CONTEXT)" --output-filename "$(params.OUTPUT_FILENAME)" -v "$(params.VERBOSITY)"