#!/bin/bash # clear the terminal clear # Stop execution if any command fails set -e # set variables in your .bashrc before starting this script! export LAYER_NODE_URL=tellorlayer.com export TELLORNODE_ID=18f58b3bc1756ad3872b00b349429fd4f56d2b34 echo "Change denom to loya in config files..." sed -i '' 's/([0-9]+)stake/1loya/g' ~/.layer/config/app.toml echo "Set Chain Id to layer in client config file..." sed -i '' 's/^chain-id = .*$/chain-id = "layer"/g' ~/.layer/config/app.toml # Modify timeout_commit in config.toml for node echo "Modifying timeout_commit in config.toml for node..." sed -i '' 's/timeout_commit = "5s"/timeout_commit = "1s"/' ~/.layer/config/config.toml # Open up node to outside traffic echo "Open up node to outside traffice" sed -i '' 's/^laddr = "tcp:\/\/"/laddr = "tcp:\/\/"/g' ~/.layer/config/config.toml sed -i '' 's/^address = "tcp:\/\/localhost:1317"/address = "tcp:\/\/"/g' ~/.layer/config/app.toml # Modify cors to accept * echo "Modify cors to accept *" sed -i '' 's/^cors_allowed_origins = \[\]/cors_allowed_origins = \["\*"\]/g' ~/.layer/config/config.toml # enable unsafe cors echo "Enable unsafe cors" sed -i '' 's/^cors_allowed_origins = \[\]/cors_allowed_origins = \["\*"\]/g' ~/.layer/config/app.toml sed -i '' 's/^enable-unsafe-cors = false/enable-unsafe-cors = true/g' ~/.layer/config/app.toml sed -i '' 's/^enabled-unsafe-cors = false/enabled-unsafe-cors = true/g' ~/.layer/config/app.toml sed -i '' 's/^enable-unsafe-cors = false/enable-unsafe-cors = true/g' ~/.layer/config/app.toml # Modify keyring-backend in client.toml for node echo "Modifying keyring-backend in client.toml for node..." sed -i '' 's/^keyring-backend = "os"/keyring-backend = "'test'"/g' ~/.layer/config/client.toml # update for main dir as well. why is this needed? sed -i '' 's/keyring-backend = "os"/keyring-backend = "'test'"/g' ~/.layer/config/client.toml rm -f ~/.layer/config/genesis.json # get genesis file from running node's rpc echo "Getting genesis from runnning node....." curl $LAYER_NODE_URL:26657/genesis | jq '.result.genesis' > ~/.layer/config/genesis.json echo "Running Tellor node id: $TELLORNODE_ID" sed -i '' 's/seeds = ""/seeds = "'$TELLORNODE_ID'@'$LAYER_NODE_URL':26656"/g' ~/.layer/config/config.toml sed -i '' 's/persistent_peers = ""/persistent_peers = "'$TELLORNODE_ID'@'$LAYER_NODE_URL':26656"/g' ~/.layer/config/config.toml echo "Path: $TELLORNODE_ID@$LAYER_NODE_URL:26656" echo "layer has been configured in it's home folder!"