Ember CLI snippets for Sublime Text 3 ==================================== ## Installation Use Package Control to Install `Ember CLI Snippets`. Updated with newest syntax such as block params and const. ## Ember.js - app ⇥ - component ⇥ - controller ⇥ - helper ⇥ - mixin ⇥ - model ⇥ - object ⇥ - route ⇥ - router ⇥ - store ⇥ - view ⇥ ## Handlebars helpers - action ⇥ - each ⇥ - eachelse ⇥ - if ⇥ - ifelse ⇥ - linkto ⇥ - linktoblock ⇥ - partial ⇥ - unless ⇥ - viewb ⇥ ### Handlebars script tag - hbs ⇥