TERMUX_PKG_HOMEPAGE=https://github.com/ruediger/VobSub2SRT TERMUX_PKG_DESCRIPTION="A simple command line program to convert .idx / .sub subtitles into .srt text subtitles by using OCR" TERMUX_PKG_LICENSE="GPL-3.0, GPL-2.0" TERMUX_PKG_MAINTAINER="@termux" _COMMIT=0ba6e25e078a040195d7295e860cc9064bef7c2c TERMUX_PKG_VERSION=2017.12.18 TERMUX_PKG_REVISION=2 TERMUX_PKG_SRCURL=git+https://github.com/ruediger/VobSub2SRT TERMUX_PKG_SHA256=20cb64627124e4f22e44e5e48d00148683e0a9b6317f3d4d8783b689cd09a7f7 TERMUX_PKG_GIT_BRANCH=master TERMUX_PKG_DEPENDS="libc++, tesseract" TERMUX_PKG_FORCE_CMAKE=true termux_step_post_get_source() { git fetch --unshallow git checkout $_COMMIT local version="$(git log -1 --format=%cs | sed 's/-/./g')" if [ "$version" != "$TERMUX_PKG_VERSION" ]; then echo -n "ERROR: The specified version \"$TERMUX_PKG_VERSION\"" echo " is different from what is expected to be: \"$version\"" return 1 fi local s=$(find . -type f ! -path '*/.git/*' -print0 | xargs -0 sha256sum | LC_ALL=C sort | sha256sum) if [[ "${s}" != "${TERMUX_PKG_SHA256} "* ]]; then termux_error_exit "Checksum mismatch for source files." fi }