#!/bin/bash install_vers= downloaded=0 tmpdir=$(mktemp -d) if [ $(uname -s) != "Linux" ]; then echo "This script is only for Linux" exit fi usecurl=1 if ! which curl > /dev/null; then usecurl=0 if ! which wget > /dev/null; then echo "Could not find curl or wget!" exit fi fi if ! which sudo > /dev/null; then echo "Could not find sudo!" exit fi arch=$(uname -m) if [ $arch != "x86_64" ]; then arch="i686-pc"; fi vers_major=$(echo ${install_vers} | cut -d. -f1) vers_minor=$(echo ${install_vers} | cut -d. -f2) vers_micro=$(echo ${install_vers} | cut -d. -f3) vers_build=$(echo ${install_vers} | cut -d. -f4) printf -v current_vers "%02d%02d%02d" $vers_minor $vers_micro $vers_build vers="${vers_major}.${vers_minor}.${vers_micro}" url=https://terracoin.io/bin/terracoin-core-${install_vers}/terracoin-${vers}-${arch}-linux-gnu.tar.gz myuid=$(id -u) pwd=$(pwd) pids=$(ps auxwww | grep terracoind | grep -v grep | grep -v testnet | awk {'print $2'}) if [ $(echo ${pids} | wc -w) -lt 1 ]; then echo "terracoind not found running!" exit fi force=0 yes=0 for param in "$@"; do case $param in "-f") echo "Enabling downgrading" force=1 ;; "-y") echo "Enabling assume yes" yes=1 ;; esac done for pid in ${pids}; do tmpforce=${force} terracoincli_found=0 terracoind_uid=0 terracoincli_uid=0 runas=0 runasun="root" if [ ! -d /proc/${pid} ]; then echo "terracoind process not found!" continue fi runas=$(stat -c "%u" /proc/${pid}/cmdline) runasun=$(id -nu ${runas}) usesudo=0 if [ ${myuid} -ne ${runas} ]; then usesudo=1 fi if [ ${usesudo} -eq 1 ] && [ ${myuid} -ne 0 ]; then echo "You do not have the required permissions, please run with sudo" continue fi cmdprefix="" if [ ${usesudo} -eq 1 ]; then cmdprefix="sudo -u #${runas} " fi newstart=0 cmd=$(cat /proc/${pid}/cmdline | tr '\000' ' ') cleancmd=$(echo ${cmd} | sed -e 's/-reindex//g') reindexcmd="${cleancmd} -reindex" exe=$(${cmdprefix}realpath /proc/${pid}/exe) cwd=$(${cmdprefix}realpath /proc/${pid}/cwd) if ! [[ ${exe} =~ terracoind$ ]]; then continue; fi terracoind_dir=$(dirname ${exe}) if [ ! -d ${terracoind_dir} ]; then echo "terracoind Install directory not found!" continue fi echo "terracoind install directory... ${terracoind_dir}" read -p "Replace terracoin in ${terracoind_dir}? " -n 1 -r echo if ! [[ $REPLY =~ ^[yY]$ ]]; then continue fi echo -n "Looking for terracoin-cli... " if [ -f ${terracoind_dir}/terracoin-cli ]; then terracoincli_found=1 terracoincli_dir=${terracoind_dir} elif [ -f $(which terracoin-cli) ]; then terracoincli_found=1 terracoincli_dir=$(dirname $(which terracoin-cli)) fi if [ ${terracoincli_found} -eq 1 ]; then echo "OK" else echo "FAILED" fi terracoind_vers=0 terracoindprefix="" terracoincliprefix="" terracoind_uid=$(stat -c "%u" ${terracoind_dir}/terracoind) if [ ${terracoind_uid} -ne ${myuid} ]; then terracoindprefix="sudo -u #${terracoind_uid} " fi if [ ${terracoincli_found} -eq 1 ]; then terracoincli_uid=$(stat -c "%u" ${terracoincli_dir}/terracoin-cli) if [ ${terracoincli_uid} -ne ${myuid} ]; then terracoincliprefix="sudo -u #${terracoincli_uid} " fi terracoind_vers=$(${cmdprefix}${terracoincli_dir}/terracoin-cli getinfo 2>/dev/null | grep '"version"' | cut -d: -f2 | tr -d " " | tr -d ",") if [ ${terracoind_vers} -eq ${current_vers} ]; then echo "terracoind already at current version!" continue elif [ ${terracoind_vers} -gt ${current_vers} ] && [ ${force} -ne 1 ]; then echo "terracoind already at newer then requested, to force please rerun with -f" continue elif [ ${terracoind_vers} -gt ${current_vers} ] && [ ${force} -eq 1 ]; then echo "terracoind is newer, downgrading" fi fi if [ ${terracoind_vers} -eq 0 ]; then read -p "Could not detect current running version, continue?" -n 1 -r echo if ! [[ $REPLY =~ ^[yY]$ ]]; then continue fi read -p "Add reindex to be safe?" -n 1 -r echo if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[yY]$ ]]; then tmpforce=1 fi elif [ ${terracoind_vers} -lt 120108 ]; then tmpforce=1 fi if [ ${downloaded} -eq 0 ]; then chmod 777 ${tmpdir} echo -n "Downloading new version... " if [ $usecurl -eq 1 ]; then curl ${url} --output ${tmpdir}/terracoin.tar.gz --silent else wget ${url} -O ${tmpdir}/terracoin.tar.gz --quiet fi if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "FAILED ($?)" rm -rf ${tmpdir} exit fi echo "OK" echo -n "Extracting files... " tar xzf ${tmpdir}/terracoin.tar.gz -C ${tmpdir}/ --strip-components=1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "FAILED ($?)" rm -rf ${tmpdir} exit fi echo "OK" chmod 777 ${tmpdir}/bin downloaded=1 fi echo -n "Stopping terracoind... " if [ ${terracoincli_found} -eq 1 ]; then kill -INT ${pid} > /dev/null else ${cmdprefix}${terracoincli_dir}/terracoin-cli stop > /dev/null fi if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "FAILED ($?)" continue fi while [ -d /proc/${pid} ]; do sleep 1 done echo "OK" echo -n "Updating terracoind... " ${terracoindprefix}cp ${tmpdir}/bin/terracoind ${terracoind_dir} 2>/dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "FAILED ($?), this is likely do to having 2 copies running on the same system, close one and rerun!" else newstart=1 echo "OK" if [ ${terracoincli_found} -eq 1 ]; then echo -n "Updating terracoin-cli... " ${terracoincliprefix}cp ${tmpdir}/bin/terracoin-cli ${terracoincli_dir} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "FAILED ($?), you should do this manually" else echo "OK" fi fi fi echo -n "Restarting terracoind... " if [ ${newstart} -eq 1 ]; then if [ ${tmpforce} -eq 1 ] && [[ ${cmd} != *"-reindex"* ]]; then cmd=${reindexcmd} echo -n "(will take longer as reindex is enabled)... " else cmd=${cleancmd} fi fi su - ${runasun} -c "cd ${cwd} && ${cmd} &" > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "FAILED ($?), Please restart it by hand" continue fi echo "OK" done rm -rf ${tmpdir} echo "Done"