--- layout: "ns1" page_title: "NS1: ns1_zone" sidebar_current: "docs-ns1-resource-zone" description: |- Provides a NS1 Zone resource. --- # ns1\_zone Provides a NS1 DNS Zone resource. This can be used to create, modify, and delete zones. ## Example Usage ```hcl # Create a new DNS zone resource "ns1_zone" "example" { zone = "terraform.example.io" ttl = 600 } # Create a new primary zone resource "ns1_zone" "example_primary" { zone = "terraform-primary.example.io" secondaries { ip = "" } secondaries { ip = "" port = 5353 notify = true } } # Create a new secondary zone resource "ns1_zone" "example_primary" { zone = "terraform-primary.example.io" primary = "" additional_primaries = ["", ""] } # Create a zone with NS record managed by terraform resource "ns1_zone" "example_ns_management" { zone = "terraform-ns.example.io" autogenerate_ns_record = false } # Use the dns_servers attribute to set answers for our NS1-provided nameservers resource "ns1_record" "example_ns_management_ns" { zone = ns1_zone.example_ns_management.zone domain = ns1_zone.example_ns_management.zone type = "NS" dynamic "answers" { for_each = split(",", ns1_zone.example_ns_management.dns_servers) content { answer = answers.value } } answers { answer = "some_other_nameserver.example.com" } } ``` ## Argument Reference The following arguments are supported: * `zone` - (Required) The domain name of the zone. * `link` - (Optional) The target zone(domain name) to link to. * `primary` - (Optional) The primary zones' IPv4 address. This makes the zone a secondary. Conflicts with `secondaries`. * `additional_primaries` - (Optional) List of additional IPv4 addresses for the primary zone. Conflicts with `secondaries`. * `ttl` - (Optional/Computed) The SOA TTL. * `refresh` - (Optional/Computed) The SOA Refresh. Conflicts with `primary` and `additional_primaries` (default must be accepted). * `retry` - (Optional/Computed) The SOA Retry. Conflicts with `primary` and `additional_primaries` (default must be accepted). * `expiry` - (Optional/Computed) The SOA Expiry. Conflicts with `primary` and `additional_primaries` (default must be accepted). * `nx_ttl` - (Optional/Computed) The SOA NX TTL. Conflicts with `primary` and `additional_primaries` (default must be accepted). * `dnssec` - (Optional/Computed) Whether or not DNSSEC is enabled for the zone. Note that DNSSEC must be enabled on the account by support for this to be set to `true`. * `networks` - (Optional/Computed) List of network IDs for which the zone is available. If no network is provided, the zone will be created in network 0, the primary NS1 Global Network. * `secondaries` - (Optional) List of secondary servers. This makes the zone a primary. Conflicts with `primary` and `additional_primaries`. [Secondaries](#secondaries-1) is documented below. * `autogenerate_ns_record` - (Optional, default true). If set to false, clears the autogenerated NS record on zone creation. This allows an automated workflow for creating zones with the NS record in terraform state. See above for an example. Note that this option only has an effect when a zone is being created. #### Secondaries A zone can have zero or more `secondaries`. Note how this is implemented in the example above. A secondary has the following fields: * `ip` - (Required) IPv4 address of the secondary server. * `port` - (Optional) Port of the the secondary server. Default `53`. * `notify` - (Optional) Whether we send `NOTIFY` messages to the secondary host when the zone changes. Default `false`. * `networks` - (Computed) - List of network IDs (`int`) for which the zone should be made available. Default is network 0, the primary NSONE Global Network. Normally, you should not have to worry about this. ## Attributes Reference In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported: * `dns_servers` - (Computed) Authoritative Name Servers. * `hostmaster` - (Computed) The SOA Hostmaster. ## A note on making Primary or Secondary changes to zones Switching a zone to being a secondary forces a new resource. In other words, the zone will first be destroyed, then recreated as a secondary. Editing or removing the `primary` key, or directly changing a secondary zone to a primary (by removing the `primary` and `additional_primaries` keys, and setting `secondaries`) is supported "in place". However, in these situations we do not alter records on the zone. You may need to amend records, or finagle them into Terraform state. As a particular example, if you change a secondary zone to be primary (or just not-a-secondary) before a zone transfer has occurred, you can end up with no records on the zone. Currently, this provider does not support zones being both Primary and Secondary. If that functionality is important for your workflow, please open an issue or contact support, so we can prioritize the work accordingly. ## Import `terraform import ns1_zone. ` So for the example above: `terraform import ns1_zone.example terraform.example.io` ## NS1 Documentation [Zone Api Docs](https://ns1.com/api#zones)