This is the complete list of members for BlamerBundle, including all inherited members.
AddHypothesis(const tesseract::ParamsTrainingHypothesis &hypo) | BlamerBundle | inline |
BlameClassifier(const UNICHARSET &unicharset, const TBOX &blob_box, const BLOB_CHOICE_LIST &choices, bool debug) | BlamerBundle | |
BlameClassifierOrLangModel(const WERD_RES *word, const UNICHARSET &unicharset, bool valid_permuter, bool debug) | BlamerBundle | |
BlamerBundle() | BlamerBundle | inline |
BlamerBundle(const BlamerBundle &other) | BlamerBundle | inline |
ChoiceIsCorrect(const WERD_CHOICE *word_choice) const | BlamerBundle | |
ClearResults() | BlamerBundle | inline |
CopyResults(const BlamerBundle &other) | BlamerBundle | inline |
CopyTruth(const BlamerBundle &other) | BlamerBundle | inline |
correct_segmentation_length() const | BlamerBundle | inline |
debug() const | BlamerBundle | inline |
FillDebugString(const STRING &msg, const WERD_CHOICE *choice, STRING *debug) | BlamerBundle | |
FinishSegSearch(const WERD_CHOICE *best_choice, bool debug, STRING *debug_str) | BlamerBundle | |
GuidedSegsearchNeeded(const WERD_CHOICE *best_choice) const | BlamerBundle | |
GuidedSegsearchStillGoing() const | BlamerBundle | |
HasDebugInfo() const | BlamerBundle | inline |
incorrect_result_reason() const | BlamerBundle | inline |
IncorrectReason() const | BlamerBundle | |
IncorrectReasonName(IncorrectResultReason irr) | BlamerBundle | static |
InitForSegSearch(const WERD_CHOICE *best_choice, MATRIX *ratings, UNICHAR_ID wildcard_id, bool debug, STRING *debug_str, TessResultCallback2< bool, int, int > *pp_cb) | BlamerBundle | |
JoinBlames(const BlamerBundle &bundle1, const BlamerBundle &bundle2, bool debug) | BlamerBundle | |
LastChanceBlame(bool debug, WERD_RES *word) | BlamerBundle | static |
lattice_data() const | BlamerBundle | inline |
lattice_size() const | BlamerBundle | inline |
MatrixPositionCorrect(int index, const MATRIX_COORD &coord) | BlamerBundle | inline |
misadaption_debug() const | BlamerBundle | inline |
NoTruth() const | BlamerBundle | inline |
params_training_bundle() const | BlamerBundle | inline |
set_best_choice_is_dict_and_top_choice(bool value) | BlamerBundle | inline |
set_lattice_data(const char *data, int size) | BlamerBundle | inline |
SetChopperBlame(const WERD_RES *word, bool debug) | BlamerBundle | |
SetMisAdaptionDebug(const WERD_CHOICE *best_choice, bool debug) | BlamerBundle | |
SetRejectedTruth() | BlamerBundle | |
SetSymbolTruth(const UNICHARSET &unicharset, const char *char_str, const TBOX &char_box) | BlamerBundle | |
SetupCorrectSegmentation(const TWERD *word, bool debug) | BlamerBundle | |
SetupNormTruthWord(const DENORM &denorm) | BlamerBundle | |
SetWordTruth(const UNICHARSET &unicharset, const char *truth_str, const TBOX &word_box) | BlamerBundle | |
SplitBundle(int word1_right, int word2_left, bool debug, BlamerBundle *bundle1, BlamerBundle *bundle2) const | BlamerBundle | |
TruthString() const | BlamerBundle | inline |
UpdateBestRating(float rating) | BlamerBundle | inline |
~BlamerBundle() | BlamerBundle | inline |