#!/bin/bash RED=`tput setaf 1` GREEN=`tput setaf 2` YELLOW=`tput setaf 3` RESET_COLOR=`tput sgr0` USAGE="USAGE: . install_tethys.sh [options]\n \n OPTIONS:\n \t -n, --conda-env-name \t\t Name for tethys conda environment. Default is 'tethys-dev'.\n \t -t, --tethys-home \t\t Path for tethys home directory. Default is ~/.tethys/${CONDA_ENV_NAME}.\n \t -s, --tethys-src \t\t Path for tethys source directory. Default is \${TETHYS_HOME}/tethys.\n \t -a, --allowed-hosts \t\t Hostname or IP address on which to serve tethys. Default is\n \t -p, --port \t\t\t Port on which to serve tethys. Default is 8000.\n \t -b, --branch \t\t Branch to checkout from version control. Default is 'main'.\n \t -c, --conda-home \t\t Path where Miniconda will be installed, or to an existing installation of Miniconda. Default is ~/miniconda.\n \t --db-username \t\t Username that the tethys database server will use. Default is 'tethys_default'.\n \t --db-password \t\t Password that the tethys database server will use. Default is 'pass'.\n \t --db-super-username \t Username for super user on the tethys database server. Default is 'tethys_super'.\n \t --db-super-password \t Password for super user on the tethys database server. Default is 'pass'.\n \t --db-port \t\t\t Port that the tethys database server will use. Default is 5436.\n \t --db-dir \t\t\t Path where the local PostgreSQL database will be created. Default is \${TETHYS_HOME}/psql.\n \t -S, --superuser \t\t Tethys super user name. Default is 'admin'.\n \t -E, --superuser-email \t\t Tethys super user email. Default is ''.\n \t -P, --superuser-pass \t Tethys super user password. Default is 'pass'.\n \t --skip-tethys-install \t\t\t Flag to skip the Tethys installation so that the Docker installation or production installation can be added to an existing Tethys installation.\n \t --partial-tethys-install \t List of flags to indicate which steps of the installation to do (e.g. --partial-tethys-install mresdat).\n\n \t \t FLAGS:\n \t \t\t m - Install Miniconda\n \t \t\t r - Clone Tethys repository\n \t \t\t c - Checkout the branch specified by the option '--branch' (specifying the flag 'r' will also trigger this flag)\n \t \t\t e - Create Conda environment\n \t \t\t s - Create 'portal_config.yml' file and configure settings\n \t \t\t d - Create a local database server\n \t \t\t a - Create activation/deactivation scripts for the Tethys Conda environment\n \t \t\t t - Create the 't' alias t\n\n \t \t NOTE: if --skip-tethys-install is used then this option will be ignored.\n\n \t --install-docker \t\t\t Flag to include Docker installation as part of the install script (Linux only).\n \t --docker-options \t\t Command line options to pass to the 'tethys docker init' call if --install-docker is used. Default is \"'-d'\".\n \t --production \t\t\t\t Flag to install Tethys in a production configuration.\n \t --configure-selinux \t\t\t Flag to perform configuration of SELinux for production installation. (Linux only).\n \t -x \t\t\t\t\t Flag to turn on shell command echoing.\n \t -h, --help \t\t\t\t Print this help information.\n " print_usage () { echo -e ${USAGE} exit } resolve_relative_path () { local __path_var="$1" eval $__path_var="'$($(which python || which python3) -c "import os; print(os.path.abspath('$2'))")'" } set -e # exit on error # Set platform specific default options if [ "$(uname)" = "Linux" ] then LINUX_DISTRIBUTION=$(lsb_release -is) || LINUX_DISTRIBUTION=$(python -c "import platform; print(platform.linux_distribution(full_distribution_name=0)[0])") # convert to lower case LINUX_DISTRIBUTION=${LINUX_DISTRIBUTION,,} MINICONDA_URL="https://repo.continuum.io/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh" BASH_PROFILE=".bashrc" elif [ "$(uname)" = "Darwin" ] # i.e. MacOSX then MINICONDA_URL="https://repo.continuum.io/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-MacOSX-x86_64.sh" BASH_PROFILE=".bash_profile" else echo $(uname) is not a supported operating system. exit fi # Set default options ALLOWED_HOST='' TETHYS_PORT=8000 TETHYS_DB_USERNAME='tethys_default' TETHYS_DB_PASSWORD='pass' TETHYS_DB_SUPER_USERNAME='tethys_super' TETHYS_DB_SUPER_PASSWORD='pass' TETHYS_DB_PORT=5436 TETHYS_DB_DIR='psql' CONDA_HOME=~/miniconda CONDA_ENV_NAME='tethys-dev' BRANCH='main' TETHYS_SUPER_USER='admin' TETHYS_SUPER_USER_EMAIL='' TETHYS_SUPER_USER_PASS='pass' DOCKER_OPTIONS='-d' INSTALL_MINICONDA="true" CLONE_REPO="true" CHECKOUT_BRANCH="true" CREATE_ENV="true" CREATE_SETTINGS="true" SETUP_DB="true" CREATE_ENV_SCRIPTS="true" CREATE_SHORTCUTS="true" # parse command line options set_option_value () { local __option_key="$1" value="$2" if [[ $value == -* ]] then print_usage fi eval $__option_key="$value" } while [[ $# -gt 0 ]] do key="$1" case $key in -t|--tethys-home) set_option_value TETHYS_HOME "$2" shift # past argument ;; -s|--tethys-src) set_option_value TETHYS_SRC "$2" shift # past argument ;; -a|--allowed-hosts) set_option_value ALLOWED_HOST "$2" shift # past argument ;; -p|--port) set_option_value TETHYS_PORT "$2" shift # past argument ;; -b|--branch) set_option_value BRANCH "$2" shift # past argument ;; -c|--conda-home) set_option_value CONDA_HOME "$2" shift # past argument ;; -n|--conda-env-name) set_option_value CONDA_ENV_NAME "$2" shift # past argument ;; --db-username) set_option_value TETHYS_DB_USERNAME "$2" shift # past argument ;; --db-password) set_option_value TETHYS_DB_PASSWORD "$2" shift # past argument ;; --db-super-username) set_option_value TETHYS_DB_SUPER_USERNAME "$2" shift # past argument ;; --db-super-password) set_option_value TETHYS_DB_SUPER_PASSWORD "$2" shift # past argument ;; --db-port) set_option_value TETHYS_DB_PORT "$2" shift # past argument ;; --db-dir) set_option_value TETHYS_DB_DIR "$2" shift # past argument ;; -S|--superuser) set_option_value TETHYS_SUPER_USER "$2" shift # past argument ;; -E|--superuser-email) set_option_value TETHYS_SUPER_USER_EMAIL "$2" shift # past argument ;; -P|--superuser-pass) set_option_value TETHYS_SUPER_USER_PASS "$2" shift # past argument ;; --skip-tethys-install) SKIP_TETHYS_INSTALL="true" ;; --partial-tethys-install) # Set all steps to false be default and then activate only those steps that have been specified. INSTALL_MINICONDA= CLONE_REPO= CHECKOUT_BRANCH= CREATE_ENV= CREATE_SETTINGS= SETUP_DB= CREATE_ENV_SCRIPTS= CREATE_SHORTCUTS= if [[ "$2" = *"m"* ]]; then INSTALL_MINICONDA="true" fi if [[ "$2" = *"r"* ]]; then CLONE_REPO="true" fi if [[ "$2" = *"c"* ]]; then CHECKOUT_BRANCH="true" fi if [[ "$2" = *"e"* ]]; then CREATE_ENV="true" fi if [[ "$2" = *"s"* ]]; then CREATE_SETTINGS="true" fi if [[ "$2" = *"d"* ]]; then SETUP_DB="true" fi if [[ "$2" = *"a"* ]]; then CREATE_ENV_SCRIPTS="true" fi if [[ "$2" = *"t"* ]]; then CREATE_SHORTCUTS="true" fi shift # past argument ;; --install-docker) if [ "$(uname)" = "Linux" ] then INSTALL_DOCKER="true" else echo Automatic installation of Docker is not supported on $(uname). Ignoring option $key. fi ;; --docker-options) set_option_value DOCKER_OPTIONS "$2" shift # past argument ;; --production) if [ "$(uname)" = "Linux" ] then PRODUCTION="true" else echo Automatic production installation is not supported on $(uname). Ignoring option $key. fi ;; --configure-selinux) if [ "$(uname)" = "Linux" ] then SELINUX="true" else echo SELinux configuration is not supported on $(uname). Ignoring option $key. fi ;; -x) ECHO_COMMANDS="true" ;; -h|--help) print_usage ;; *) # unknown option echo Unrecognized option: $key print_usage ;; esac shift # past argument or value done if [ -z "${TETHYS_HOME}" ] then TETHYS_HOME=~/.tethys if [ "${CONDA_ENV_NAME}" != "tethys" ] then TETHYS_HOME=${TETHYS_HOME}/${CONDA_ENV_NAME} fi fi # resolve relative paths resolve_relative_path TETHYS_HOME ${TETHYS_HOME} export TETHYS_HOME=${TETHYS_HOME} resolve_relative_path CONDA_HOME ${CONDA_HOME} # set TETHYS_SRC relative to TETHYS_HOME if not already set if [ -z "${TETHYS_SRC}" ] then TETHYS_SRC="${TETHYS_HOME}/tethys" else resolve_relative_path TETHYS_SRC ${TETHYS_SRC} fi if [ -n "${ECHO_COMMANDS}" ] then set -x # echo commands as they are executed fi # Set paths for environment activate/deactivate scripts ACTIVATE_DIR="${CONDA_HOME}/envs/${CONDA_ENV_NAME}/etc/conda/activate.d" DEACTIVATE_DIR="${CONDA_HOME}/envs/${CONDA_ENV_NAME}/etc/conda/deactivate.d" ACTIVATE_SCRIPT="${ACTIVATE_DIR}/tethys-activate.sh" DEACTIVATE_SCRIPT="${DEACTIVATE_DIR}/tethys-deactivate.sh" if [ -z "${SKIP_TETHYS_INSTALL}" ] then echo "Starting Tethys Installation..." mkdir -p "${TETHYS_HOME}" if [ -n "${INSTALL_MINICONDA}" ] then echo "MINICONDA" ${INSTALL_MINICONDA} # install miniconda # first see if Miniconda is already installed if [ -f "${CONDA_HOME}/bin/activate" ] then echo "Using existing Miniconda installation..." else echo "Installing Miniconda..." wget ${MINICONDA_URL} -O "${TETHYS_HOME}/miniconda.sh" || (echo -using curl instead; curl ${MINICONDA_URL} -o "${TETHYS_HOME}/miniconda.sh") pushd ./ cd "${TETHYS_HOME}" bash miniconda.sh -b -p "${CONDA_HOME}" popd fi fi source "${CONDA_HOME}/etc/profile.d/conda.sh" # Install mamba echo "Installing mamba..." conda install -y -n base -c conda-forge mamba if [ -n "${CLONE_REPO}" ] then # clone Tethys repo echo "Cloning the Tethys Platform repo..." conda activate mamba install --yes git git clone https://github.com/tethysplatform/tethys.git "${TETHYS_SRC}" fi if [ -n "${CHECKOUT_BRANCH}" ] || [ -n "${CLONE_REPO}" ] then cd "${TETHYS_SRC}" conda activate git checkout ${BRANCH} fi if [ -n "${CREATE_ENV}" ] then # create conda env and install Tethys echo "Setting up the ${CONDA_ENV_NAME} environment..." mamba env create -n ${CONDA_ENV_NAME} -f "${TETHYS_SRC}/environment.yml" conda activate ${CONDA_ENV_NAME} pip install -e ${TETHYS_SRC} else echo "Activating the ${CONDA_ENV_NAME} environment..." conda activate ${CONDA_ENV_NAME} fi if [ -n "${CREATE_SETTINGS}" ] then tethys gen portal_config tethys settings \ --set ALLOWED_HOSTS "[${ALLOWED_HOST}]" \ --set DATABASES.default.USER ${TETHYS_DB_SUPER_USERNAME} \ --set DATABASES.default.PASSWORD ${TETHYS_DB_PASSWORD} \ --set DATABASES.default.PORT ${TETHYS_DB_PORT} \ --set DATABASES.default.DIR ${TETHYS_DB_DIR} fi if [ -n "${SETUP_DB}" ] then # Setup local database echo "Setting up the Tethys database..." tethys db configure --username ${TETHYS_DB_USERNAME} --password ${TETHYS_DB_PASSWORD} --superuser-name ${TETHYS_DB_SUPER_USERNAME} --superuser-password ${TETHYS_DB_SUPER_PASSWORD} --portal-superuser-name ${TETHYS_SUPER_USER} --portal-superuser-email '${TETHYS_SUPER_USER_EMAIL}' --portal-superuser-pass ${TETHYS_SUPER_USER_PASS} tethys db stop fi if [ -n "${CREATE_ENV_SCRIPTS}" ] then # Create environment activatescripts mkdir -p "${ACTIVATE_DIR}" echo "alias tms='tethys manage start -p ${ALLOWED_HOST}:${TETHYS_PORT}'" >> "${ACTIVATE_SCRIPT}" echo "alias tstart='tethys db start; tms'" >> "${ACTIVATE_SCRIPT}" fi if [ -n "${CREATE_SHORTCUTS}" ] then echo "# Tethys Platform" >> ~/${BASH_PROFILE} echo "alias t='source ${CONDA_HOME}/etc/profile.d/conda.sh; conda activate ${CONDA_ENV_NAME}'" >> ~/${BASH_PROFILE} fi echo "Deactivating the ${CONDA_ENV_NAME} environment..." conda deactivate if [ -n "${CREATE_ENV_SCRIPTS}" ] then # Create environment deactivate scripts mkdir -p "${DEACTIVATE_DIR}" echo "unalias tms" >> "${DEACTIVATE_SCRIPT}" echo "unalias tstart" >> "${DEACTIVATE_SCRIPT}" fi fi # Install Docker (if flag is set) set +e # don't exit on error anymore # Install Production configuration if flag is set ubuntu_debian_production_install() { sudo apt update sudo apt install -y nginx supervisor sudo rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default NGINX_SITES_DIR='sites-enabled' SUPERVISOR_SITES_DIR='supervisor/conf.d' } enterprise_linux_production_install() { sudo yum install supervisor nginx -y sudo systemctl enable supervisord sudo systemctl start supervisord sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=http sudo firewall-cmd --reload NGINX_SITES_DIR='conf.d' sudo sed -i '$ s@$@ /etc/supervisord.d/*.conf@' "/etc/supervisord.conf" SUPERVISOR_SITES_DIR='supervisord.d' } redhat_production_install() { VERSION=$(python -c "import platform; print(platform.platform().split('-')[-2][0])") sudo bash -c "echo $'[nginx]\nname=nginx repo\nbaseurl=http://nginx.org/packages/rhel/${VERSION}/\$basearch/\ngpgcheck=0\nenabled=1' > /etc/yum.repos.d/nginx.repo" enterprise_linux_production_install } centos_production_install() { PLATFORM=${LINUX_DISTRIBUTION} VERSION=$(python -c "import platform; print(platform.platform().split('-')[-2][0])") sudo bash -c "echo $'[nginx]\nname=nginx repo\nbaseurl=http://nginx.org/packages/${PLATFORM}/${VERSION}/\$basearch/\ngpgcheck=0\nenabled=1' > /etc/yum.repos.d/nginx.repo" sudo yum install epel-release -y enterprise_linux_production_install } configure_selinux() { sudo yum install setroubleshoot -y sudo semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_config_t ${TETHYS_HOME}/tethys_nginx.conf sudo restorecon -v ${TETHYS_HOME}/tethys_nginx.conf sudo semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_content_t "${TETHYS_HOME}(/.*)?" sudo semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_content_t "${TETHYS_HOME}/static(/.*)?" sudo semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t "${TETHYS_HOME}/workspaces(/.*)?" sudo restorecon -R -v ${TETHYS_HOME} > /dev/null echo $'module tethys-selinux-policy 1.0;\nrequire {type httpd_t; type init_t; class unix_stream_socket connectto; }\n#============= httpd_t ==============\nallow httpd_t init_t:unix_stream_socket connectto;' > ${TETHYS_HOME}/tethys-selinux-policy.te checkmodule -M -m -o ${TETHYS_HOME}/tethys-selinux-policy.mod ${TETHYS_HOME}/tethys-selinux-policy.te semodule_package -o ${TETHYS_HOME}/tethys-selinux-policy.pp -m ${TETHYS_HOME}/tethys-selinux-policy.mod sudo semodule -i ${TETHYS_HOME}/tethys-selinux-policy.pp } if [ -n "${LINUX_DISTRIBUTION}" -a "${PRODUCTION}" = "true" ] then # prompt for sudo echo "Production installation requires some commands to be run with sudo. Please enter password:" sudo echo "Installing Tethys Production Server..." case ${LINUX_DISTRIBUTION} in debian) ubuntu_debian_production_install ;; ubuntu) ubuntu_debian_production_install ;; centos) centos_production_install ;; redhat) redhat_production_install ;; fedora) enterprise_linux_production_install ;; *) echo "Automated production installation on ${LINUX_DISTRIBUTION} is not supported." ;; esac source "${CONDA_HOME}/etc/profile.d/conda.sh" conda activate ${CONDA_ENV_NAME} tethys db start tethys settings --set DEBUG False tethys gen nginx --overwrite tethys gen nginx_service --overwrite tethys gen asgi_service --overwrite NGINX_USER=$(grep 'user .*;' /etc/nginx/nginx.conf | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F';' '{print $1}') NGINX_GROUP=${NGINX_USER} NGINX_HOME=$(grep ${NGINX_USER} /etc/passwd | awk -F':' '{print $6}') mkdir -p ${TETHYS_HOME}/static ${TETHYS_HOME}/workspaces ${TETHYS_HOME}/apps sudo chown -R ${USER} ${TETHYS_HOME} tethys manage collectall --noinput sudo chmod 705 ~ sudo mkdir /var/log/tethys sudo touch /var/log/tethys/tethys.log sudo ln -s ${TETHYS_HOME}/tethys_nginx.conf /etc/nginx/${NGINX_SITES_DIR}/ if [ -n "${SELINUX}" ] then configure_selinux fi sudo chown -R ${NGINX_USER}:${NGINX_GROUP} ${TETHYS_SRC} /var/log/tethys/tethys.log sudo mkdir -p /run/asgi; sudo chown ${NGINX_USER}:${NGINX_USER} /run/asgi sudo ln -s ${TETHYS_HOME}/asgi_supervisord.conf /etc/${SUPERVISOR_SITES_DIR}/asgi_supervisord.conf sudo ln -s ${TETHYS_HOME}/nginx_supervisord.conf /etc/${SUPERVISOR_SITES_DIR}/nginx_supervisord.conf sudo supervisorctl reread sudo supervisorctl update set +x conda deactivate echo "export NGINX_USER='${NGINX_USER}'" >> "${ACTIVATE_SCRIPT}" echo "export NGINX_HOME='${NGINX_HOME}'" >> "${ACTIVATE_SCRIPT}" echo "alias tethys_user_own='sudo chown -R \${USER} \"${TETHYS_SRC}\" \"${TETHYS_HOME}/static\" \"${TETHYS_HOME}/workspaces\" \"${TETHYS_HOME}/apps\"'" >> "${ACTIVATE_SCRIPT}" echo "alias tuo=tethys_user_own" >> "${ACTIVATE_SCRIPT}" echo "alias tethys_server_own='sudo chown -R \${NGINX_USER}:\${NGINX_USER} \"${TETHYS_SRC}\" \"${TETHYS_HOME}/static\" \"${TETHYS_HOME}/workspaces\" \"${TETHYS_HOME}/apps\"'" >> "${ACTIVATE_SCRIPT}" echo "alias tso=tethys_server_own" >> "${ACTIVATE_SCRIPT}" echo "alias tethys_server_restart='tso; sudo supervisorctl restart all;'" >> "${ACTIVATE_SCRIPT}" echo "alias tsr=tethys_server_restart" >> "${ACTIVATE_SCRIPT}" echo "unset NGINX_USER" >> "${DEACTIVATE_SCRIPT}" echo "unset NGINX_HOME" >> "${DEACTIVATE_SCRIPT}" echo "unalias tethys_user_own" >> "${DEACTIVATE_SCRIPT}" echo "unalias tuo" >> "${DEACTIVATE_SCRIPT}" echo "unalias tethys_server_own" >> "${DEACTIVATE_SCRIPT}" echo "unalias tso" >> "${DEACTIVATE_SCRIPT}" echo "unalias tethys_server_restart" >> "${DEACTIVATE_SCRIPT}" echo "unalias tsr" >> "${DEACTIVATE_SCRIPT}" fi # Install Docker (if flag is set installation_warning(){ echo "WARNING: installing docker on $1 is not officially supported by the Tethys install script. Attempting to install with $2 script." } finalize_docker_install(){ sudo groupadd docker sudo gpasswd -a ${USER} docker source "${CONDA_HOME}/etc/profile.d/conda.sh" conda activate ${CONDA_ENV_NAME} sg docker -c "tethys docker init ${DOCKER_OPTIONS}" conda deactivate echo "Docker installation finished!" echo "You must re-login for Docker permissions to be activated." echo "(Alternatively you can run 'newgrp docker')" } ubuntu_debian_docker_install(){ if [ "${LINUX_DISTRIBUTION}" != "ubuntu" ] && [ ${LINUX_DISTRIBUTION} != "debian" ] then installation_warning ${LINUX_DISTRIBUTION} "Ubuntu" fi sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg2 software-properties-common curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/${LINUX_DISTRIBUTION}/gpg | sudo apt-key add - sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/${LINUX_DISTRIBUTION} $(lsb_release -cs) stable" sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y docker-ce finalize_docker_install } centos_docker_install(){ if [ "${LINUX_DISTRIBUTION}" != "centos" ] then installation_warning ${LINUX_DISTRIBUTION} "CentOS" fi sudo yum -y install yum-utils sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/docker-ce.repo sudo yum makecache fast sudo yum -y install docker-ce sudo systemctl start docker sudo systemctl enable docker finalize_docker_install } fedora_docker_install(){ if [ "${LINUX_DISTRIBUTION}" != "fedora" ] then installation_warning ${LINUX_DISTRIBUTION} "Fedora" fi sudo dnf -y install -y dnf-plugins-core sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo https://download.docker.com/linux/fedora/docker-ce.repo sudo dnf makecache fast sudo dnf -y install docker-ce sudo systemctl start docker sudo systemctl enable docker finalize_docker_install } if [ -n "${LINUX_DISTRIBUTION}" -a "${INSTALL_DOCKER}" = "true" ] then # prompt for sudo echo "Docker installation requires some commands to be run with sudo. Please enter password:" sudo echo "Installing Docker..." case ${LINUX_DISTRIBUTION} in debian) ubuntu_debian_docker_install ;; ubuntu) ubuntu_debian_docker_install ;; centos) centos_docker_install ;; redhat) centos_docker_install ;; fedora) fedora_docker_install ;; *) echo "Automated Docker installation on ${LINUX_DISTRIBUTION} is not supported. Please see https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/ for more information on installing Docker." ;; esac fi if [ -z "${SKIP_TETHYS_INSTALL}" ] then echo "Tethys installation complete!" echo if [ -n "${CREATE_SHORTCUTS}" ] then echo "NOTE: to enable the new alias 't' which activates the tethys environment you must run '. ~/${BASH_PROFILE}'" fi fi on_exit(){ set +e set +x } trap on_exit EXIT