# Sublime-convert-colorcode This is plugin for SublimeText for converting chars of ColorCode to uppercase(or lowercase). [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/tgfjt/Sublime-convert-colorcode.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/tgfjt/Sublime-convert-colorcode) ex: '#ffffff' <-> '#FFFFFF' ![image](https://raw.github.com/tgfjt/Sublime-convert-colorcode/master/convertChars.gif) **Note** * checked only Mac OS X(ST2/ST3) ## Install ### Package Control + `cmd + shift + p` in Mac, and type `install` -> `Package Control: Install Package` + type `convert colorcode` and select `Sublime convert colorcode` ### Manually Clone or Copy this repo into the `Packages` directory. Default: * OSX: `$HOME/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2(or 3)/Packages/` ## Command Command | KeyMap --- | --- Convert into Lower | `alt + shift + k, alt + shift + l` Convert into Upper | `alt + shift + k", "alt + shift + u` or - `super + shift + p` + `Colorcode Convert: Lower` - `super + shift + p` + `Colorcode Convert: Upper` ## Licence [MIT](https://github.com/tgfjt/Sublime-convert-colorcode/blob/master/LICENSE.md)