--- title: HW2 - Introduction to Biocluster and Linux linkTitle: "HW2: Linux & HPC" description: > type: docs weight: 302 --- ## Topic: Linux Basics 1. Log into your user account on the HPCC cluster, and from there into a compute node with `srun`. ```sh srun --x11 --partition=short --mem=2gb --cpus-per-task 4 --ntasks 1 --time 1:00:00 --pty bash -l ``` 2. Download code from this page ```sh wget https://cluster.hpcc.ucr.edu/~tgirke/Linux.sh --no-check-certificate ``` 3. Download Halobacterium proteome and inspect it ```sh wget https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/genbank/archaea/Halobacterium_salinarum/all_assembly_versions/GCA_004799605.1_ASM479960v1/GCA_004799605.1_ASM479960v1_protein.faa.gz gunzip GCA_004799605.1_ASM479960v1_protein.faa.gz mv GCA_004799605.1_ASM479960v1_protein.faa halobacterium.faa less halobacterium.faa # press q to quit ``` 4. How many protein sequences are stored in the downloaded file? ```sh grep '>' halobacterium.faa | wc grep '^>' halobacterium.faa --count ``` 5. How many proteins contain the pattern `WxHxxH` or `WxHxxHH`? ```sh egrep 'W.H..H{1,2}' halobacterium.faa --count ``` 6. Use `less` to find IDs for pattern matches or use `awk` ```sh awk --posix -v RS='>' '/W.H..(H){1,2}/ { print ">" $0;}' halobacterium.faa | less awk --posix -v RS='>' '/W.H..(H){1,2}/ { print ">" $0;}' halobacterium.faa | grep '^>' | cut -c 2- | cut -f 1 -d\ > myIDs ``` 7. Create a BLASTable database with `formatdb` ```sh module load ncbi-blast/2.2.31+ makeblastdb -in halobacterium.faa -out halobacterium.faa -dbtype prot -hash_index -parse_seqids ``` 8. Query BLASTable database by IDs stored in a file (_e.g._ `myIDs`) ```sh blastdbcmd -db halobacterium.faa -dbtype prot -entry_batch myIDs -get_dups -out myseq.fasta ``` 9. Run BLAST search for sequences stored in `myseq.fasta` ```sh blastp -query myseq.fasta -db halobacterium.faa -outfmt 0 -evalue 1e-6 -out blastp.out blastp -query myseq.fasta -db halobacterium.faa -outfmt 6 -evalue 1e-6 -out blastp.tab ``` 10. Return system time and host name ```sh date hostname ``` Additional exercise material in [Linux Manual](https://hpcc.ucr.edu/manuals_linux-basics_shell.html) ## Homework assignment Perform above analysis on the protein sequences from [E. coli](https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/all/GCA/000/008/865/GCA_000008865.2_ASM886v2/GCA_000008865.2_ASM886v2_protein.faa.gz). A right click on the link will allow you to copy the URL so that it can be used together with `wget`. Record result from final BLAST command (with `outfmt 6`) in text file named `myresult.txt`. ## Homework submission Upload result file (`myresult.txt`) to your private course GitHub repository under `Homework/HW2/HW2.txt`. ## Due date Most homeworks will be due one week after they are assigned. This one is due on Thu, April 11th at 6:00 PM. ## Homework solution See [here](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tgirke/GEN242/main/static/custom/hw_solutions/hw2.sh).