--- title: "HW6 - NGS Analysis Basics" linkTitle: "HW6: NGS Analysis Basics" description: > type: docs weight: 306 ---

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## A. Demultiplexing Write a demultiplexing function that accepts any number of barcodes and splits a FASTQ file into as many subfiles as there are barcodes. At the same time the function should remove low quality tails from the reads. In both cases arguments should be provided so that the barcodes and cutoff can be specified by the user. The following function accomplishes the first step. Extend this function so that it performs the second step as well. As test data set one can use the FASTQ test files downloaded in the corresponding tutorial section [here](https://girke.bioinformatics.ucr.edu/GEN242/tutorials/rsequences/rsequences/#processing-fastq-files-with-shortread). ```r demultiplex <- function(x, barcode, nreads) { f <- FastqStreamer(x, nreads) while(length(fq <- yield(f))) { for(i in barcode) { pattern <- paste("^", i, sep="") fqsub <- fq[grepl(pattern, sread(fq))] if(length(fqsub) > 0) { writeFastq(fqsub, paste(x, i, sep="_"), mode="a", compress=FALSE) } } } close(f) } demultiplex(x=fastq[1], barcode=c("TT", "AA", "GG"), nreads=50) ``` ## B. Sequence Parsing * Download `GFF` from _Halobacterium sp_ [here](https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/archive/old_genbank/Bacteria/Halobacterium_sp_uid217/AE004437.gff) * Download genome sequence from _Halobacterium sp_ [here](https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/archive/old_genbank/Bacteria/Halobacterium_sp_uid217/AE004437.fna) * __Task 1__ Extract gene ranges, parse their sequences from genome and translate them into proteins * __Task 2__ Reduce overlapping genes and parse their sequences from genome * __Task 3__ Generate intergenic ranges and parse their sequences from genome __Useful commands__ ```r download.file("https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/archive/old_genbank/Bacteria/Halobacterium_sp_uid217/AE004437.gff", "data/AE004437.gff") download.file("https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/archive/old_genbank/Bacteria/Halobacterium_sp_uid217/AE004437.fna", "data/AE004437.fna") chr <- readDNAStringSet("data/AE004437.fna") gff <- import("data/AE004437.gff") gffgene <- gff[values(gff)[,"type"]=="gene"] gene <- DNAStringSet(Views(chr[[1]], IRanges(start(gffgene), end(gffgene)))) names(gene) <- values(gffgene)[,"locus_tag"] pos <- values(gffgene[strand(gffgene) == "+"])[,"locus_tag"] p1 <- translate(gene[names(gene) %in% pos]) names(p1) <- names(gene[names(gene) %in% pos]) neg <- values(gffgene[strand(gffgene) == "-"])[,"locus_tag"] p2 <- translate(reverseComplement(gene[names(gene) %in% neg])) names(p2) <- names(gene[names(gene) %in% neg]) writeXStringSet(c(p1, p2), "./data/mypep.fasta") ``` ## Homework submission Please submit the homework results in one well structured and annotated R script to your private GitHub repository under `Homework/HW6/HW6.R`. The script should include instructions on how to use the functions. ## Due date This homework is due on Thu, May 2nd at 6:00 PM. ## Homework Solutions See [here](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tgirke/GEN242/main/static/custom/hw_solutions/hw6_solution.R).