########################################## ## Solutions for HW7 - RNA-Seq Analysis ## ########################################## ##################################################### ## A. Unstranded and strand-specific read counting ## ##################################################### ############ ## Task 1 ## ############ ## First, create the required input data by completing the RNA-Seq workflow and then ## loading the libraries and objects required for this assignment as follows: library(systemPipeR); library(GenomicAlignments); library(GenomicFeatures); library(BiocParallel) txdb <- loadDb("./data/tair10.sqlite") eByg <- exonsBy(txdb, by = c("gene")) outpaths <- getColumn(sal, step = "hisat2_mapping", "outfiles", column = "samtools_sort_bam") # Alternatively, create outpaths as follows: # outpaths <- list.files('results/hisat2_mapping/', pattern='sorted.bam$', full.names=TRUE) bfl <- BamFileList(outpaths, yieldSize = 50000, index = character()) ## Generate count tables for exons by genes (eByg) ranges of the following three strand modes: ## 1. Unstranded unstranded <- summarizeOverlaps(eByg, bfl, mode="Union", ignore.strand=TRUE, inter.feature=FALSE, singleEnd=FALSE) unstranded <- assays(unstranded)$counts unstranded[1:4,] ## 2. Positive strand stranded_pos <- summarizeOverlaps(eByg, bfl, mode="Union", ignore.strand=FALSE, inter.feature=FALSE, singleEnd=FALSE) stranded_pos <- assays(stranded_pos)$counts stranded_pos[1:4,] ## 3. Negative strand stranded_neg <- summarizeOverlaps(eByg, bfl, mode="Union", ignore.strand=FALSE, preprocess.reads=invertStrand, inter.feature=FALSE, singleEnd=FALSE) stranded_neg <- assays(stranded_neg)$counts stranded_neg[1:4,] ############ ## Task 2 ## ############ ## Test whether the two strand-specific count tables sum up to very similar ## values as the unstranded count table. For paired end data one can only ## expect very similar but not identical results. This is the case since the ## strand spec results allow to count reads that can only be ambiguously ## assigned in the non-strand specific case. The following calculates for ## each strand specific result the averaged mapping frequency in percent ## relative to the unstranded result. Since both percentage values (here perc_pos ## and perc_net) are close to 50%, the chosen RNA-Seq data set is very likely ## unstranded. Other approximation approaches would provide correct answers under this ## homework task as well. perc_pos <- mean((stranded_pos / unstranded) * 100, na.rm=TRUE) perc_neg <- mean((stranded_neg / unstranded) * 100, na.rm=TRUE) perc_pos perc_neg ############ ## Task 3 ## ############ ## Utility (biological relevance) of the different strand-specific counting modes used under Task 1: ## (i) If an RNA-Seq experiment has been performed in a stranded manner then ## the read counting should be performed for the corresponding strand. ## (ii) The strand-specific information allows to unambiguously assign ## reads to overlapping genes that are encoded on opposite strands. ## (iii) Read counting for the opposite strand can be useful to discover anti-sense ## regulation events. ## (iv) By performing the read counting in a stranded and unstranded manner, one can ## determine whether an RNA-Seq experiment is strand specific or not. ################################################## ## B. Read counting for different feature types ## ################################################## ############ ## Task 4 ## ############ ## Compute strand-specific count tables for the positive (sense) strand of the following feature types: ## 1. Genes gene_ranges <- genes(txdb) gene_ranges_countDF <- summarizeOverlaps(gene_ranges, bfl, mode="Union", ignore.strand=FALSE, inter.feature=FALSE, singleEnd=FALSE) assays(gene_ranges_countDF)$counts[1:4,] ## 2. Exons exon_ranges <- exons(txdb) exon_ranges_countDF <- summarizeOverlaps(exon_ranges, bfl, mode="Union", ignore.strand=FALSE, inter.feature=FALSE, singleEnd=FALSE) assays(exon_ranges_countDF)$counts[1:4,] ## 3. Exons by genes exonByg_ranges <- exonsBy(txdb, by=c("gene")) exonByg_ranges_countDF <- summarizeOverlaps(exonByg_ranges, bfl, mode="Union", ignore.strand=FALSE, inter.feature=FALSE, singleEnd=FALSE) assays(exonByg_ranges_countDF)$counts[1:4,] ## 4. Introns by transcripts intron_ranges <- intronsByTranscript(txdb, use.names=TRUE) intron_ranges_countDF <- summarizeOverlaps(intron_ranges, bfl, mode="Union", ignore.strand=FALSE, inter.feature=FALSE, singleEnd=TRUE) assays(intron_ranges_countDF)$counts[1:4,] ## 5. 5'-UTRs by transcripts fiveUTR_ranges <- fiveUTRsByTranscript(txdb, use.names=TRUE) fiveUTR_ranges_countDF <- summarizeOverlaps(fiveUTR_ranges, bfl, mode="Union", ignore.strand=FALSE, inter.feature=FALSE, singleEnd=TRUE) assays(fiveUTR_ranges_countDF)$counts[1:4,] ##################### ## C. DEG analysis ## ##################### ############ ## Task 5 ## ############ ## Perform the DEG analysis with edgeR with both unstranded and sense strand count tables ## DEG analysis with unstranded count table library(edgeR) cmp <- readComp(stepsWF(sal)[['hisat2_mapping']], format="matrix", delim="-") # Alternatively, create cmp as follows: # cmp <- readComp(file="targetsPE.txt", format="matrix", delim="-") edgeDF_unstranded <- run_edgeR(countDF=unstranded, targets=targetsWF(sal)[['hisat2_mapping']], cmp=cmp[[1]], independent=FALSE, mdsplot="") ## DEG analysis with count table for positive strand edgeDF_pos <- run_edgeR(countDF=stranded_pos, targets=targetsWF(sal)[['hisat2_mapping']], cmp=cmp[[1]], independent=FALSE, mdsplot="") ## Compare the DEG results of the two methods in two separate 4-way Venn diagrams ## (1) 4-way Venn diagram for unstranded count table DEG_list_unstranded <- filterDEGs(degDF=edgeDF_unstranded, filter=c(Fold=2, FDR=40), plot=FALSE) vennsetup <- overLapper(DEG_list_unstranded$Up[6:9], type="vennsets") vennsetdown <- overLapper(DEG_list_unstranded$Down[6:9], type="vennsets") pdf("results/DEGcount_unstranded.pdf") vennPlot(list(vennsetup, vennsetdown), mymain="", mysub="", colmode=2, ccol=c("blue", "red")) dev.off() ## (2) 4-way Venn diagram for sense strand count table DEG_list_pos <- filterDEGs(degDF=edgeDF_pos, filter=c(Fold=2, FDR=40), plot=FALSE) vennsetup <- overLapper(DEG_list_pos$Up[6:9], type="vennsets") vennsetdown <- overLapper(DEG_list_pos$Down[6:9], type="vennsets") pdf("results/DEGcount_pos.pdf") vennPlot(list(vennsetup, vennsetdown), mymain="", mysub="", colmode=2, ccol=c("blue", "red")) dev.off()