--- title: "_longevityTools_: Analysis Tools for Longevity Research" author: "Authors: Thomas Girke, Danjuma Quarless, Tyler Backman, Kuan-Fu Ding, Jamison McCorrison, Nik Schork, Dan Evans" date: "Last update: `r format(Sys.time(), '%d %B, %Y')`" package: "`r pkg_ver('longevityTools')`" output: BiocStyle::html_document: toc: true toc_depth: 3 fig_caption: yes fontsize: 14pt bibliography: bibtex.bib --- ```{r style, echo = FALSE, results = 'asis'} BiocStyle::markdown() options(width=100, max.print=1000) knitr::opts_chunk$set( eval=as.logical(Sys.getenv("KNITR_EVAL", "TRUE")), cache=as.logical(Sys.getenv("KNITR_CACHE", "TRUE"))) ``` ```{r setup, echo=FALSE, messages=FALSE, warnings=FALSE} suppressPackageStartupMessages({ library(longevityTools) library(ggplot2) }) ``` # Introduction This vignette is part of the NIA funded Longevity Genomics project. For more information on this project please visit its website [here](http://www.longevitygenomics.org/projects/). The GitHub repository of the corresponding R package is available here and the most recent version of this vignette can be found here. This overview tutorial provides general information about the `longevityTools` package. This includes an introduction into the objects, data structures, methods and functions defined by `longevityTools`. The development of `longevityTools` is part of the [Longevity Genomics](http://www.longevitygenomics.org/) project. The analysis workflows used by this project are documented in its companion vignettes listed below.
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# Getting Started ## Installation The R software for running [_`longevityTools`_](https://github.com/tgirke/longevityTools) can be downloaded from [_CRAN_](http://cran.at.r-project.org/). The _`longevityTools`_ package can be installed from the R console using the following _`biocLite`_ install command. ```{r install, eval=FALSE} source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R") # Sources the biocLite.R installation script biocLite("tgirke/longevityTools", build_vignettes=FALSE) # Installs package from GitHub ```
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## Loading package and documentation ```{r documentation, eval=FALSE} library("longevityTools") # Loads the package library(help="longevityTools") # Lists package info vignette("longevityTools") # Opens vignette ```
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# Overview of object clases, methods and functions To be continued... [@Lamb2006-uv; @Peters2015-fc; @Sood2015-pb].
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# Workflow vignettes Currently, this package includes the following analysis workflow vignettes: * [longevityTools](https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/tgirke/longevityTools/blob/master/vignettes/longevityTools.html): overview vignette * [longevityTools_eQTL](https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/tgirke/longevityTools/blob/master/vignettes/longevityTools_eQTL.html): eQTL, eSNP and GWAS analysis * [longevityTools_eDRUG](https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/tgirke/longevityTools/blob/master/vignettes/longevityTools_eDRUG.html): connecting drug- and age-related gene expression signatures * longevityTools_Drugs: coming soon
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# Funding This project is funded by NIH grant U24AG051129 awarded by the National Intitute on Aging (NIA).
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# Version information ```{r sessionInfo} sessionInfo() ```
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# References