############################################## # $Id: 32_YeeLight.pm 2017-07-30 thaliondrambor $ ##### special thanks to herrmannj for permission to use code from 32_WifiLight.pm ##### currently in use: WifiLight_HSV2RGB ##### ##### also thanks to f-zappa for testing and reporting bugs # TODO # light functions: timer, schedules # scenes # autodetect model # software bridge (UDP): search request # help # attributes: adjust brightness level # versions # 00 start # 01 added dimup, dimdown, colortemperature, toggle # 02 changed colortemperature to ct, added hex input for rgb, # added attribute defaultramp, added hue and sat # 03 added reading of notification messages -> no more active reading of bulb status # added setting name, added start_cf and stop_cf # added scene (sunrise, sunset, happy_birthday) # added saving default status # 04 added reopen, added queues for sended commands and received answers to match them # 05 improved control of parameters for colorflow # 06 fixed a bug with reading answers, when 2 or more arrive at the same time # strings are evaluated before de-/encoding, so that no more crashes should occure # because of invalid json strings # added queue for errors # added commands raw and flush # 07 small bugfix, changed "rgb 000000" to "off" # 08 added blink # 09 added software bridge support # 10 added timeout, keepAlive, SetExtensions (on-for-timer, off-for-timer, intervals) # bugfixes # 11 bugfix for ramp = 0 with defaultramp set # bugfix for bug with scene command # 12 added attribut userScene[0-9], started to add model of lamp # 13 added devStateIcon, webCmd and widgetOverride, changed from JSON::XS to JSON # 14 fixed some errors # 15 optional parameter for define: model # 16 fixed bugs blocking fhem when a lamp is not reachable, not able to set keepAlive to 0 # verbose level # 0: quit # 1: error # 2: warning # 3: user command # 4: 1st technical level (detailed internal reporting) # 5: 2nd technical level (full internal reporting) # # installed CPAN modules: JSON package main; use strict; use warnings; use POSIX; use Socket; use JSON; use SetExtensions; use Color; sub YeeLight_Initialize { my ($hash) = @_; require "$attr{global}{modpath}/FHEM/DevIo.pm"; $hash->{ReadFn} = "YeeLight_Read"; $hash->{NotifyFn} = "YeeLight_Notify"; $hash->{DefFn} = "YeeLight_Define"; $hash->{UndefFn} = "YeeLight_Undef"; $hash->{ShutdownFn} = "YeeLight_Shutdown"; $hash->{SetFn} = "YeeLight_Set"; $hash->{ReadyFn} = "YeeLight_Ready"; $hash->{AttrFn} = "YeeLight_Attr"; $hash->{AttrList} = "" ."defaultramp " ."updateIP:0,1 " ."timeout " ."keepAlive " ."userScene[0-9] " ."$readingFnAttributes"; # Comm from Bridge $hash->{Match} = "^.*"; $hash->{ParseFn} = "YeeLightBridge_Parse"; FHEM_colorpickerInit(); return undef; } sub YeeLight_Define { my ($hash, $def) = @_; my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def); my $name = $a[0]; return "wrong syntax: define [NAME] YeeLight [IP] " if (@a != 3 ) && (@a != 4) && (@a != 5); return "wrong input for IP-address: 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx' (0 <= xxx <= 255)" if (!IsValidIP($a[2])); return "wrong input for model: choose one of color, stripe, mono, desklamp, ceiling1" if (@a >= 4) && ($a[3] ne "color") && ($a[3] ne "stripe") && ($a[3] ne "mono") && ($a[3] ne "desklamp") && ($a[3] ne "ceiling1"); DevIo_CloseDev($hash); $hash->{NAME} = $name; $hash->{HOST} = $a[2]; $hash->{PORT} = 55443; $hash->{PROTO} = 1; $hash->{NOTIFYDEV} = "global"; $hash->{MODEL} = $a[3] if defined($a[3]); $hash->{ID} = $a[2] if (!$a[4]); $hash->{ID} = $a[4] if ($a[4]); Log3 $name, 3, "YeeLight $name defined at $hash->{HOST}:$hash->{PORT}"; $attr{$name}{room} = "YeeLight" if !defined( $attr{$name}{room}); my $dev = $hash->{HOST}.':'.$hash->{PORT}; $hash->{DeviceName} = $dev; $hash->{DEF} = $hash->{HOST}; $hash->{DEF} = $hash->{HOST} . " " . $hash->{MODEL} if defined($hash->{MODEL}); DevIo_OpenDev($hash, 0,, sub(){ my ($hash, $err) = @_; Log3 $name, 2, "$name: $err" if($err); return "$err" if($err); }); YeeLight_GetUpdate($hash); my @ansQue = (); $hash->{helper}->{AnsQue} = \@ansQue; my @errQue = (); $hash->{helper}->{ErrQue} = \@errQue; my %sendQue; $hash->{helper}->{SendQue} = \%sendQue; $modules{YeeLight}{defptr}{$hash->{ID}} = $hash; my $model; $model = $hash->{MODEL} if defined($hash->{MODEL}); $attr{$name}{devStateIcon} = '{my $power=ReadingsVal($name,"power","off");my $mode=ReadingsVal($name,"color_mode","RGB");if($power eq "off"){Color::devStateIcon($name,"rgb","rgb","power");}else{if($mode eq "RGB"){Color::devStateIcon($name,"rgb","rgb","bright");}elsif($mode eq "color temperature"){Color::devStateIcon($name,"rgb",undef,"bright");}}}' if (!defined($attr{$name}{devStateIcon}) && (!defined($model) || ($model eq "color") || ($model eq "stripe"))); $attr{$name}{webCmd} = 'rgb:bright:ct:rgb ffffff:rgb ff0000:rgb 00ff00:rgb 0000ff:on:off' if (!defined($attr{$name}{webCmd}) && (!defined($model) || ($model eq "color") || ($model eq "stripe"))); $attr{$name}{widgetOverride}= 'bright:colorpicker,BRI,0,1,100 ct:colorpicker,CT,1700,10,6500 rgb:colorpicker,RGB' if (!defined($attr{$name}{widgetOverride}) && (!defined($model) || ($model eq "color") || ($model eq "stripe"))); $attr{$name}{devStateIcon} = '{my $power=ReadingsVal($name,"power","off");if($power eq "off"){Color::devStateIcon($name,"dimmer",undef,"power");}else{Color::devStateIcon($name,"dimmer",undef,"bright")}}' if (!defined($attr{$name}{devStateIcon}) && defined($model) && ($model eq "mono" || $model eq "desklamp")); $attr{$name}{webCmd} = 'bright:on:off' if (!defined($attr{$name}{webCmd}) && defined($model) && ($model eq "mono" || $model eq "desklamp")); $attr{$name}{widgetOverride}= 'bright:colorpicker,BRI,0,1,100' if (!defined($attr{$name}{widgetOverride}) && defined($model) && ($model eq "mono" || $model eq "desklamp")); $attr{$name}{devStateIcon} = '{my $power=ReadingsVal($name,"power","off");if($power eq "off"){Color::devStateIcon($name,"dimmer",undef,"power");}else{Color::devStateIcon($name,"dimmer",undef,"bright")}}' if (!defined($attr{$name}{devStateIcon}) && defined($model) && ($model eq "ceiling1")); $attr{$name}{webCmd} = 'bright:on:off:ct' if (!defined($attr{$name}{webCmd}) && defined($model) && ($model eq "ceiling1")); $attr{$name}{widgetOverride}= 'bright:colorpicker,BRI,0,1,100 ct:colorpicker,CT,2700,10,6500' if (!defined($attr{$name}{widgetOverride}) && defined($model) && ($model eq "ceiling1")); my $list = ""; # Commands supported by every yeelight $list .= "on "; $list .= "off "; $list .= "toggle "; $list .= "on-for-timer "; $list .= "off-for-timer "; $list .= "intervals "; $list .= "bright "; $list .= "dimup "; $list .= "dimdown "; $list .= "name "; $list .= "default:noArg "; $list .= "reopen:noArg "; $list .= "statusrequest:noArg "; # Commands supported by color and led stripe if (($model eq "color") || ($model eq "stripe") || !defined($model)) { $list .= "hsv "; $list .= "hue "; $list .= "sat "; $list .= "rgb "; $list .= "color "; $list .= "start_cf "; $list .= "stop_cf "; $list .= "scene "; $list .= "circlecolor:noArg "; $list .= "blink "; } # Commands supported by ceiling1 if (($model eq "ceiling1") || !defined($model)) { $list .= "active_mode:daylight,nightlight "; } # Commands supported by color, led stripe and ceiling1 if (($model eq "color") || ($model eq "stripe") || ($model eq "ceiling1") || !defined($model)) { $list .= "ct "; } $hash->{helper}->{CommandSet} = $list; return undef; } sub YeeLight_Bridge_GetID { my ($hash) = @_; my $curID = 0; if (defined($modules{YeeLightBridge}{defptr})) { my $bHash = $modules{YeeLightBridge}{defptr}; $bHash->{msgID} = 0 if !defined($bHash->{msgID}); $bHash->{msgID} = 0 if defined($bHash->{msgID}) && ($bHash->{msgID} >= 9999); $bHash->{msgID}++; $curID = $bHash->{msgID} } else { $data{YeeLight}{msgID} = 0 if !defined($data{YeeLight}{msgID}); $data{YeeLight}{msgID} = 0 if defined($data{YeeLight}{msgID}) && ($data{YeeLight}{msgID} >= 9999); $data{YeeLight}{msgID}++; $curID = $data{YeeLight}{msgID} } return $curID; } sub YeeLight_Notify { my ($own_hash,$dev_hash) = @_; my $ownName = $own_hash->{NAME}; return undef if (IsDisabled($ownName)); my $devName = $dev_hash->{NAME}; my $events = deviceEvents($dev_hash,1); return undef if(!$events); foreach my $event (@{$events}) { if ($devName eq "global" && $event eq "INITIALIZED") { InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 1, "YeeLight_GetUpdate", $own_hash); } elsif ($devName eq "global" && $event =~ /^DELETEATTR $ownName keepAlive/) { RemoveInternalTimer($own_hash,"YeeLight_GetUpdate"); Log3 $ownName, 3, "$ownName: stopped sending periodic status requests."; } elsif ($devName eq "global" && $event =~ /^ATTR $ownName keepAlive/ ) { YeeLight_GetUpdate($own_hash); Log3 $ownName, 3, "$ownName: started sending periodic status requests."; } } } sub YeeLight_GetUpdate { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; Log3 $name, 4, "$name: GetUpdate"; YeeLight_StatusRequest($hash); my $bHash = $modules{YeeLightBridge}{defptr}; my $bName = $bHash->{NAME}; my $keepAlive = 0; $keepAlive = $attr{$bName}{keepAlive} if (defined($bName) && defined($attr{$bName}{keepAlive})); $keepAlive = $attr{$name}{keepAlive} if defined($attr{$name}{keepAlive}); if ($keepAlive != 0) { InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + $keepAlive,"YeeLight_GetUpdate",$hash); } return undef; } sub YeeLight_Shutdown { my ($hash, $arg) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; Log3 $name, 4, "$name: shutdown $name"; DevIo_CloseDev($hash); RemoveInternalTimer($hash); Log3 $name, 4, "$name: do flush because of shutdown"; YeeLight_Flush($hash); return undef; } sub YeeLight_Undef { my ($hash, $arg) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $id = $hash->{ID}; Log3 $name, 3, "YeeLight: undefined $name"; DevIo_CloseDev($hash); RemoveInternalTimer($hash); Log3 $name, 4, "$name: do flush because of undefine"; YeeLight_Flush($hash); delete($modules{YeeLight}{defptr}{$id}) if defined($modules{YeeLight}{defptr}{$id}); return undef; } sub YeeLight_Set { my ($hash, $name, $cmd, @val) = @_; my $model = $hash->{MODEL}; my $list = $hash->{helper}->{CommandSet}; if (lc $cmd eq 'on' || lc $cmd eq 'off' || lc $cmd eq 'toggle' || lc $cmd eq 'on-for-timer' || lc $cmd eq 'off-for-timer' || lc $cmd eq 'intervals' || lc $cmd eq 'bright' || lc $cmd eq 'dimup' || lc $cmd eq 'dimdown' || lc $cmd eq 'name' || lc $cmd eq 'default' || lc $cmd eq 'reopen' || lc $cmd eq 'statusrequest' || lc $cmd eq 'raw' || lc $cmd eq 'flush' || ((lc $cmd eq 'ct' && (!defined($model)) || $model eq "stripe" || $model eq "color" || $model eq "ceiling1")) || ((lc $cmd eq 'hue' || lc $cmd eq 'sat' || lc $cmd eq 'rgb' || lc $cmd eq 'color' || lc $cmd eq 'hsv' || lc $cmd eq 'start_cf' || lc $cmd eq 'stop_cf' || lc $cmd eq 'scene' || lc $cmd eq 'circlecolor' || lc $cmd eq 'blink') && (!defined($model) || $model eq "stripe" || $model eq "color")) || (lc $cmd eq "active_mode" && (!defined($model) || $model eq "ceiling1" ))) { Log3 $name, 3, "YeeLight $name - set $name $cmd ".join(" ", @val); return YeeLight_SelectSetCmd($hash, $cmd, @val); } return "Unknown argument $cmd, bearword as argument or wrong parameter(s), choose one of $list"; } sub YeeLight_SelectSetCmd { my ($hash, $cmd, @args) = @_; my $descriptor = ''; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $list = $hash->{helper}->{CommandSet}; # remove descriptor from @args for (my $i = $#args; $i >= 0; --$i ) { if ($args[$i] =~ /\/d\:(.*)/) { $descriptor = $1; splice (@args, $i, 1); } } if ($hash->{STATE} ne "opened" && lc $cmd ne 'reopen') { Log3 $name, 3, "$name can't send $cmd ".join(" ", @args)." with state \"$hash->{STATE}". return "Can't send command if bulb is not connected. Try \"reopen\" and check, if bulb is powered. Current state is $hash->{STATE}"; } my $cnt = @args; Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Kommando wird ausgeführt. ($cmd)."; # Commands supported by every yeelight if (lc $cmd eq 'on' || lc $cmd eq 'off') { Log3 $name, 5, "$name: ein oder aus"; my $sCmd; $sCmd->{'method'} = "set_power"; # method:set_power $sCmd->{'params'}->[0] = $cmd; # on/off $sCmd->{'params'}->[2] = $args[0] if (defined($args[0])); # ramp time YeeLight_SendCmd($hash,$sCmd,$cmd,2); } elsif (lc $cmd eq "hsv") { return "usage: set $name $cmd [hue] [saturation]" if !(($cnt == 2) || ($cnt == 3)) || ($args[0] !~ /^\d?.?\d+$/) || ($args[1] !~ /^\d?.?\d+$/); return "choose hue between 0 and 359" if ($args[0] < 0) || ($args[0] > 359); return "choose saturation between 0 and 100" if ($args[1] < 0) || ($args[1] > 100); my $sCmd; $sCmd->{'method'} = "set_hsv"; # method:set_hsv $sCmd->{'params'}->[0] = int($args[0]); # hue $sCmd->{'params'}->[1] = int($args[1]); # saturation $sCmd->{'params'}->[3] = $args[2] if ($args[2]); # ramp time YeeLight_SendCmd($hash,$sCmd,$cmd,3); } elsif (lc $cmd eq "hue") { return "usage: set $name $cmd [hue]" if !(($cnt == 1) || ($cnt == 2)) || ($args[0] !~ /^\d?.?\d+$/); return "choose hue between 0 and 359" if ($args[0] < 0) || ($args[0] > 359); my $sCmd; $sCmd->{'method'} = "set_hsv"; # method:set_hsv $sCmd->{'params'}->[0] = int($args[0]); # hue $sCmd->{'params'}->[1] = $hash->{READINGS}{sat}{VAL} + 0; # saturation $sCmd->{'params'}->[3] = $args[1] if ($args[1]); # ramp time YeeLight_SendCmd($hash,$sCmd,$cmd,3); } elsif (lc $cmd eq "sat") { return "usage: set $name $cmd [saturation]" if !(($cnt == 1) || ($cnt == 2)) || ($args[0] !~ /^\d?.?\d+$/); return "choose hue between 0 and 100" if ($args[0] < 0) || ($args[0] > 359); my $sCmd; $sCmd->{'method'} = "set_hsv"; # method:set_hsv $sCmd->{'params'}->[0] = $hash->{READINGS}{hue}{VAL} + 0; # hue $sCmd->{'params'}->[1] = int($args[0]); # saturation $sCmd->{'params'}->[3] = $args[1] if ($args[1]); # ramp time YeeLight_SendCmd($hash,$sCmd,$cmd,3); } elsif (lc $cmd eq "statusrequest") { YeeLight_StatusRequest($hash); } elsif (lc $cmd eq "rgb") { my $sCmd; my $rgb = undef; if ((@args == 1 || @args == 2) && $args[0] eq "000000") { $sCmd->{'method'} = "set_power"; $sCmd->{'params'}->[0] = "off"; $sCmd->{'params'}->[2] = $args[1] if ($args[1]); YeeLight_SendCmd($hash,$sCmd,$cmd,2); } elsif ((@args == 3 || @args == 4) && ($args[0] =~ /^[0-9]+/ && $args[1] =~ /^[0-9]+/ && $args[2] =~ /^[0-9]+/)) { if ($args[0] == 0 && $args[1] == 0 && $args[2] == 0) { $sCmd->{'method'} = "set_power"; $sCmd->{'params'}->[0] = "off"; $sCmd->{'params'}->[2] = $args[3] if ($args[3]); YeeLight_SendCmd($hash,$sCmd,$cmd,2); } } else { if (defined($args[0]) && $args[0] =~ /^[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}$/) { $rgb = hex($args[0]); $sCmd->{'params'}->[2] = $args[1] if ($args[1]); # ramp time } elsif((($cnt == 3) || ($cnt == 4)) && ($args[0] =~ /^\d?.?\d+$/) && ($args[1] =~ /^\d?.?\d+$/) && ($args[2] =~ /^\d?.?\d+$/)) { return "choose color (red, green, blue) between 0 and 255" if ($args[0] < 0) || ($args[0] > 255) || ($args[1] < 0) || ($args[1] > 255) || ($args[2] < 0) || ($args[2] > 255); my $r = int($args[0]); my $g = int($args[1]); my $b = int($args[2]); $rgb = ($r * 256 * 256) + ($g * 256) + $b; $sCmd->{'params'}->[2] = $args[3] if ($args[3]); # ramp time } else { return "usage: set $name $cmd [red] [green] [blue] or set $name $cmd RRGGBB"; } $sCmd->{'method'} = "set_rgb"; # method:set_rgb $sCmd->{'params'}->[0] = $rgb; # rgb YeeLight_SendCmd($hash,$sCmd,$cmd,2); } } elsif (lc $cmd eq "bright") { return "usage: set $name $cmd [brightness]" if !(($cnt == 1) || ($cnt == 2)) || ($args[0] !~ /^\d?.?\d+$/); return "choose brightness between 0 and 100" if ($args[0] < 0) || ($args[0] > 100); my $sCmd; if ($args[0] == 0) { $sCmd->{'method'} = "set_power"; # method:set_power $sCmd->{'params'}->[0] = "off"; # on $sCmd->{'params'}->[2] = $args[1] if ($args[1]); # ramp time } else { $sCmd->{'method'} = "set_bright"; # method:set_bright $sCmd->{'params'}->[0] = int($args[0]); # brightness $sCmd->{'params'}->[2] = $args[1] if ($args[1]); # ramp time } YeeLight_SendCmd($hash,$sCmd,$cmd,2); } elsif (lc $cmd eq "color") { my %color = ( "red" => "255,0,0", "rot" => "255,0,0", "yellow" => "255,255,0", "gelb" => "255,255,0", "white" => "255,255,255", "weiß" => "255,255,255", "green" => "0,255,0", "grün" => "0,255,0", "cyan" => "0,255,255", "blue" => "0,0,255", "blau" => "0,0,255", "magenta" => "255,0,255", "orange" => "254,127,0", "violett" => "140,0,254", "bluegreen" => "0,254,127", "blaugrün" => "0,254,127", "greenblue" => "0,127,254", "grünblau" => "0,127,254", "greenyellow" => "127,254,0", "grüngelb" => "127,254,0", "bluered" => "254,0,127", "blaurot" => "254,0,127", "vermilion" => "252,63,0", "zinnober" => "252,63,0", "indigo" => "63,0,252", "bluecyan" => "0,189,252", "blaucyan" => "0,189,252", "redmagenta" => "252,0,189", "rotmagenta" => "252,0,189", "safran" => "252,189,0", "bluemagenta" => "189,0,252", "blaumagenta" => "189,0,252", "greencyan" => "0,252,189", "grüncyan" => "0,252,189", "limett" => "63,252,0", "brown" => "216,108,54", "braun" => "216,108,54", ); if (!$color{lc($args[0])}) { my @colorKeys = keys(%color); my $keys = join(', ',@colorKeys); return "Unknown color. Choose from: $keys"; } my @rgb = split(/\,/,$color{lc($args[0])}); my $setColor = ($rgb[0] * 256 *256) + ($rgb[1] * 256) + $rgb[2]; my $sCmd; $sCmd->{'method'} = "set_rgb"; # method:set_hsv $sCmd->{'params'}->[0] = $setColor; # color in rgb $sCmd->{'params'}->[2] = $args[1] if ($args[1]); # ramp time YeeLight_SendCmd($hash,$sCmd,$cmd,2); } elsif ($cmd eq 'dimup' || $cmd eq 'dimdown') { if ($cnt == 0) { my $sCmd; $sCmd->{'method'} = "set_adjust"; # method:set_adjust $sCmd->{'params'}->[0] = "increase" if ($cmd eq "dimup"); # dimup $sCmd->{'params'}->[0] = "decrease" if ($cmd eq "dimdown");# dimdown $sCmd->{'params'}->[1] = "bright"; # brightness YeeLight_SendCmd($hash,$sCmd,$cmd); } elsif ($cnt == 2 || $cnt == 1) { my $oldBright = $hash->{READINGS}{bright}{VAL}; $args[0] = $oldBright + $args[0] if ($cmd eq "dimup"); $args[0] = $oldBright - $args[0] if ($cmd eq "dimdown"); $args[0] = 0 if ($args[0] < 0); $args[0] = 100 if ($args[0] > 100); YeeLight_SelectSetCmd($hash,'bright',@args); } else { return "usage: set $name $cmd [dimup/dimdown] "; } } elsif (lc $cmd eq "ct") { return "usage: set $name $cmd [COLORTEMPERATUR]" if !(($cnt == 1) || ($cnt == 2)) || ($args[0] !~ /^\d?.?\d+$/); return "choose color temperature between 1700 and 6500" if ($args[0] < 1700) || ($args[0] > 6500); my $sCmd; $sCmd->{'method'} = "set_ct_abx"; # method:set_ct_abx $sCmd->{'params'}->[0] = int($args[0]); # color temperature $sCmd->{'params'}->[2] = $args[1] if ($args[1]); # ramp time YeeLight_SendCmd($hash,$sCmd,$cmd,2); } elsif (lc $cmd eq "toggle") { my $power = $hash->{READINGS}{power}{VAL}; YeeLight_SelectSetCmd($hash,"on",@args) if ($power eq "off"); YeeLight_SelectSetCmd($hash,"off",@args) if ($power eq "on"); } elsif (lc $cmd eq "name") { return "usage: set $name $cmd [NAME]" if ($cnt != 1); my $sCmd; $sCmd->{'method'} = "set_name"; # method:set_name $sCmd->{'params'}->[0] = $args[0]; # name YeeLight_SendCmd($hash,$sCmd,$cmd); } elsif (lc $cmd eq "default") { return "$name: Bulb needs to be on, for saving the state." if ($hash->{READINGS}{power}{VAL} ne "on"); return "usage: set $name $cmd" if ($cnt != 0); my $sCmd; $sCmd->{'method'} = "set_default"; # method:set_default $sCmd->{'params'}->[0] = ""; # no parameter YeeLight_SendCmd($hash,$sCmd,$cmd); } elsif (lc $cmd eq "scene") { if ($cnt != 1 && $args[0] ne "sunset" && $args[0] ne "sunrise" && $args[0] ne "happy_birthday" && $args[0] < 0 && $args[0] > 9) { my $sceneList; $sceneList .= "sunrise "; $sceneList .= "sunset "; $sceneList .= "happy_birthday "; $sceneList .= "0-9 "; return "Unknown scene. Choose from: $sceneList"; } my %scene; $scene{sunset}{type} = "start_cf"; $scene{sunset}{count} = "3"; $scene{sunset}{action} = "2"; $scene{sunset}{val} = "50,2,2700,10,180000,2,1700,5,420000,1,16731136,1"; $scene{sunrise}{type} = "start_cf"; $scene{sunrise}{count} = "3"; $scene{sunrise}{action} = "1"; $scene{sunrise}{val} = "50,1,16731136,1,360000,2,1700,10,540000,2,2700,100"; $scene{happy_birthday}{type} = "start_cf"; $scene{happy_birthday}{count} = "0"; $scene{happy_birthday}{action} = "1"; $scene{happy_birthday}{val} = "2000,1,14438425,80,2000,1,14448670,80,2000,1,11153940,80"; my @newArgs; if ($args[0] =~ /^\d?.?\d+$/ && $args[0] >= 0 && $args[0] <= 9) { my $bHash = $modules{YeeLightBridge}{defptr}; my $bName = $bHash->{NAME}; my $userSceneName = "userScene".$args[0]; my $userScene = undef; $userScene = $attr{$bName}{$userSceneName} if (defined($bName) && defined($attr{$bName}{$userSceneName})); $userScene = $attr{$name}{$userSceneName} if defined($attr{$name}{$userSceneName}); return "scene \"".$args[0]."\" not set. Set attr userScene".$args[0]." first." if !defined($userScene); my @cf = split(/ /,$userScene); YeeLight_SelectSetCmd($hash,"start_cf",@cf); } elsif ($scene{$args[0]}{type} eq "start_cf") { push(@newArgs,$scene{$args[0]}{count}); push(@newArgs,$scene{$args[0]}{action}); push(@newArgs,$scene{$args[0]}{val}); YeeLight_SelectSetCmd($hash,$scene{$args[0]}{type},@newArgs); } } elsif (lc $cmd eq "start_cf") { return "usage: set $name $cmd [count] [action] [flowparams]" if ($cnt != 3); return "$name $cmd: count ($args[0]) must be numeric." if ($args[0] !~ /^\d?.?\d+$/); return "$name $cmd: action ($args[1]) must be numeric." if ($args[1] !~ /^\d?.?\d+$/); return "$name $cmd: action ($args[1]) must be 0 (previous state), 1 (stay on) or 2 (off)." if ($args[1] < 0) || ($args[1] > 2); my @params = split(/,/,$args[2]); my $pCnt = @params; return "$name $cmd: wrong count of parameter elements \"$pCnt\". Parameter must contain tuples of 4 elements (duration, mode, value, brightness)" if (($pCnt%4) != 0); my $i = 1; my $ret = ""; foreach my $param (@params) { if (($i%4) == 1) { $ret.= "$name $cmd flow parameters: wrong parameter \"$param\" at $i. place. Duration must be numeric and equal or greater than 50.\n" if ($param !~ /^\d?.?\d+$/) || ($param < 50); } elsif (($i%4) == 2) { $ret.= "$name $cmd flow parameters: wrong parameter \"$param\" at $i. place. Choose mode from 1 (color), 2 (color temperature) or 7 (sleep).\n" if ($param != 1) && ($param != 2) && ($param != 7); } elsif (($i%4) == 3) { $ret.= "$name $cmd flow parameters: wrong parameter \"$param\" at $i. place. Value for rgb must be numeric and between 1 and 16777215.\n" if ($params[$i - 2] == 1) && (($param !~ /^\d?.?\d+$/) || ($param < 1) || ($param > 16777215)); $ret.= "$name $cmd flow parameters: wrong parameter \"$param\" at $i. place. Value for color temperature must be numeric and between 1 and 16777215.\n" if ($params[$i - 2] == 2) && (($param !~ /^\d?.?\d+$/) || ($param < 1700) || ($param > 6500)); } elsif (($i%4) == 0) { $ret.= "$name $cmd flow parameters: wrong parameter \"$param\" at $i. place. Brightness must be numeric and between 1 and 100.\n" if ($params[$i - 3] != 7) && (($param < 1) || ($param > 100)); } $i++; } return "input parameter: $args[2]\n$ret" if ($ret ne ""); my $action = $args[1] + 0; $action = 2 if ($action == 0) && ($hash->{READINGS}{power}{VAL} eq "off"); # override "previous state" with "off" if bulb state is off my $sCmd; $sCmd->{'method'} = "start_cf"; # method:start_cf $sCmd->{'params'}->[0] = $args[0] + 0; # count $sCmd->{'params'}->[1] = $action; # action $sCmd->{'params'}->[2] = $args[2]; # color flow tuples YeeLight_SendCmd($hash,$sCmd,$cmd); } elsif (lc $cmd eq "stop_cf") { my $sCmd; $sCmd->{'method'} = "stop_cf"; # method:stop_cf $sCmd->{'params'}->[0] = ""; # no parameter YeeLight_SendCmd($hash,$sCmd,$cmd); } elsif (lc $cmd eq "reopen") { DevIo_CloseDev($hash); DevIo_OpenDev($hash, 0,, sub(){ my ($hash, $err) = @_; Log3 $name, 2, "$name: $err" if($err); }); Log3 $name, 3, "$name: reconnected."; } elsif (lc $cmd eq "raw") # Answer won't be deleted in AnsQue { return "$name: Raw command can't be empty." if (!defined($args[0])); DevIo_OpenDev($hash, 0,, sub(){ my ($hash, $err) = @_; Log3 $name, 2, "$name: $err" if($err); return "$err" if($err); }) if ($hash->{STATE} ne "opened"); return "$name: Can't send command, if bulb is not connected." if ($hash->{STATE} ne "opened"); my $arg = join("",@args); Log3 $name, 2, "$name: sending raw command to bulb: $arg"; Add_SendQue($hash,$arg,"raw"); DevIo_SimpleWrite($hash, qq($arg\r\n), 2); } elsif (lc $cmd eq "flush") { Log3 $name, 2, "$name: user initiated flush of queues"; YeeLight_Flush($hash); } elsif (lc $cmd eq "blink") { return "usage: set $name $cmd [count] [mode] [color] [time]" if ($cnt != 0) && ($cnt != 1) && ($cnt != 4); return "count must be numeric and at least 1" if ($cnt > 0) && (($args[0] < 1) || ($args[0] !~ /^\d?.?\d+$/)); return "choose color_mode from 1 (RGB) or 2 (color temperatur)" if ($cnt > 1) && (($args[1] < 1) || ($args[1] > 2)); return "color in RGB must be numeric, noted in hex and between 000001 - FFFFFF" if ($cnt > 1) && ($args[1] == 1) && (($args[2] !~ /^[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}$/) || ($args[2] eq "000000")); return "color temperature must be numeric and between 1700 - 6500" if ($cnt > 1) && ($args[1] == 2) && (($args[2] !~ /^\d?.?\d+$/) || ($args[2] < 1700) || ($args[2] > 6500)); return "time must be numeric and at least 100" if ($cnt == 4) && (($args[3] !~ /^\d?.?\d+$/) || ($args[3] < 100)); my $count = $args[0] if ($args[0]); my $mode = $args[1] if ($args[1]); my $color; $color = $args[2] if ($args[2]) && ($args[1] == 2); $color = hex($args[2]) if ($args[2]) && ($args[1] == 1); my $time = int($args[3] / 2) if ($args[3]); my $curMode = $hash->{READINGS}{color_mode}{VAL}; my $curPower= $hash->{READINGS}{power}{VAL}; my $curRGBorCT; if ($curMode eq "RGB") { $curMode = 1; $curRGBorCT = hex($hash->{READINGS}{rgb}{VAL}); } elsif ($curMode eq "color temperature") { $curMode = 2; $curRGBorCT = $hash->{READINGS}{ct}{VAL}; } elsif ($curMode eq "HSV") { $curMode = 1; my $hue = $hash->{READINGS}{hue}{VAL} + 0; my $sat = $hash->{READINGS}{sat}{VAL} + 0; my $val = 100; $curRGBorCT = HSVtoRGB($hue,$sat,$val); Log3 $name, 5, "$name: convertet HSV ($hue $sat 100) to RGB ($curRGBorCT)"; } my $sCmd; $sCmd->{'method'} = "start_cf"; # method:start_cf $sCmd->{'params'}->[0] = 6 if ($cnt == 0); # 6 visible changes (3 blink) $sCmd->{'params'}->[0] = 2 * $count if ($count); # 2 * $count visible changes ($count blink) $sCmd->{'params'}->[1] = 0 if ($curPower eq "on"); $sCmd->{'params'}->[1] = 2 if ($curPower eq "off"); my $flow = "500,".$curMode.",".$curRGBorCT.","; $flow = $time.",".$mode.",".$color."," if ($mode); $sCmd->{'params'}->[2] = $flow."100,".$flow."1" if ($curPower eq "on"); $sCmd->{'params'}->[2] = $flow."1,".$flow."100" if ($curPower eq "off"); YeeLight_SendCmd($hash,$sCmd,$cmd); } elsif (lc $cmd eq "circlecolor") { my $sCmd; $sCmd->{'method'} = "set_adjust"; $sCmd->{'params'}->[0] = "circle"; $sCmd->{'params'}->[1] = "color"; } elsif (lc $cmd eq "active_mode") { return "usage: set $name $cmd mode [ramptime]" if ($cnt != 1) && ($cnt != 2); my $sCmd; $sCmd->{'method'} = "set_power"; $sCmd->{'params'}->[0] = "on"; $sCmd->{'params'}->[2] = $args[1] if (defined($args[1])); # ramp time $sCmd->{'params'}->[3] = 1 if lc $args[0] eq "daylight"; $sCmd->{'params'}->[3] = 5 if lc $args[0] eq "nightlight"; YeeLight_SendCmd($hash,$sCmd,$cmd,2); } else { return SetExtensions($hash, $list, $name, $cmd, @args); } return undef; } sub YeeLight_SendCmd { my ($hash,$sCmd,$cmd,$rCnt) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $error = undef; my $bHash = $modules{YeeLightBridge}{defptr}; my $bName = $bHash->{NAME}; my $defaultRamp = 0; $defaultRamp = $attr{$bName}{defaultramp} if (defined($bName) && $attr{$bName}{defaultramp}); $defaultRamp = $attr{$name}{defaultramp} if ($attr{$name}{defaultramp}); if (lc $cmd eq "name" || lc $cmd eq "default" || lc $cmd eq "start_cf" || lc $cmd eq "stop_cf" || lc $cmd eq "dimdown" || lc $cmd eq "dimup" || lc $cmd eq "blink") {} elsif (defined($sCmd->{'params'}->[$rCnt])) { $error = "usage: set $name $cmd [milliseconds]" if ($sCmd->{'params'}->[$rCnt] !~ /^\d?.?\d+$/); $error = "minimum for milliseconds is 30 or 0 for sudden" if ($sCmd->{'params'}->[$rCnt] < 30) && ($sCmd->{'params'}->[$rCnt] != 0); Log3 $name, 4, "$name: $error" if defined($error); return $error if defined($error); $sCmd->{'params'}->[$rCnt - 1] = "smooth"; # flow $sCmd->{'params'}->[$rCnt] += 0; # force ramp time to be int } elsif ($defaultRamp != 0) { $sCmd->{'params'}->[$rCnt - 1] = "smooth"; # flow $sCmd->{'params'}->[$rCnt] = $defaultRamp + 0; # force default ramp time to be int } elsif ($sCmd->{'method'} eq "set_ct_abx" || $sCmd->{'method'} eq "active_mode") { $sCmd->{'params'}->[$rCnt - 1] = "sudden"; # no flow $sCmd->{'params'}->[$rCnt] = 0; # no flow } YeeLight_IsOn($hash) if (lc $cmd ne "statusrequest") && (lc $cmd ne "on") && (lc $cmd ne "off") && (lc $cmd ne "toggle") && (lc $cmd ne "name") && (lc $cmd ne "active_mode"); $sCmd->{'id'} = YeeLight_Bridge_GetID($hash); my $send = encode_json($sCmd); DevIo_OpenDev($hash, 0,, sub(){ my ($hash, $err) = @_; Log3 $name, 2, "$name: $err" if($err); return "$err" if($err); }) if ($hash->{STATE} ne "opened"); return "$name: Can't send command, if bulb is not connected." if ($hash->{STATE} ne "opened"); Add_SendQue($hash,$send,$sCmd->{'id'}); DevIo_SimpleWrite($hash, qq($send\r\n), 2); Log3 $name, 4, "$name is sending: $send"; return undef; } sub YeeLight_StatusRequest { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $msgID = YeeLight_Bridge_GetID($hash); my $send = '{"id":'.$msgID.',"method":"get_prop","params":["power","bright","ct","rgb","hue","sat","color_mode","flowing","delayoff","flow_params","music_on","name", "active_mode", "nl_br"]}'; DevIo_OpenDev($hash, 0,, sub(){ my ($hash, $err) = @_; Log3 $name, 2, "$name: $err" if($err); return "$err" if($err); }) if ($hash->{STATE} ne "opened"); return "$name: Can't do status request, if bulb is not connected." if ($hash->{STATE} ne "opened"); Add_SendQue($hash,$send,$msgID); DevIo_SimpleWrite($hash, qq($send\r\n), 2); Log3 $name, 4, "$name is sending $send"; return undef; } sub YeeLight_Read { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $buf = DevIo_SimpleRead($hash); return undef if(!defined($buf)); $buf =~ s/\r\n||\n//g; Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Reading raw: $buf"; my $read; my $search = "}{"; my $offset = 0; my $result = index($buf, $search, $offset); if ($result == -1) { Log3 $name, 4, "reading from $name: $buf"; Add_AnsQue($hash,$buf); } else { while ($result != -1) { $read = substr($buf,$offset,($result - $offset + 1)); Log3 $name, 4, "reading from $name: $read"; Add_AnsQue($hash,$read); $offset = index($buf, "{", $result); $result = index($buf, $search, $offset); } $read = substr($buf,$offset,length($buf)); Log3 $name, 4, "reading from $name: $read"; Add_AnsQue($hash,$read); } return undef; } sub Add_SendQue { my ($hash,$send,$id) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; if ($id eq "raw") { my $json; eval { $json = decode_json($send); }; if ($@) { my $ret = $id.': '.$send; Log3 $name, 1, "$name ErrorQueue: added send command $ret (not a valid json string). Error: $@"; push(@{$hash->{helper}->{ErrQue}},"not valid json: ".$ret); } else { $id = $json->{'id'} if (defined($json->{'id'})); $hash->{helper}->{SendQue}->{$id} = $send; Log3 $name, 5, "$name SendQueue: added $hash->{helper}->{SendQue}->{$id} with id:$id"; } } else { $hash->{helper}->{SendQue}->{$id} = $send; Log3 $name, 5, "$name SendQueue: added $hash->{helper}->{SendQue}->{$id} with id:$id"; } my $bHash = $modules{YeeLightBridge}{defptr}; my $bName = $bHash->{NAME}; my $timeout = 3; $timeout = $attr{$bName}{timeout} if (defined($bName) && $attr{$bName}{timeout}); $timeout = $attr{$name}{timeout} if ($attr{$name}{timeout}); if ($timeout != 0) { RemoveInternalTimer($hash,"YeeLight_IsReachable"); InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + $timeout,"YeeLight_IsReachable",$hash); } return undef; } sub Add_AnsQue { my ($hash,$ans) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $json; eval { $json = decode_json($ans); }; if ($@ && $ans !~ /error/) { my $ret = RepairJson($hash,$ans); Log3 $name, 1, "$name ErrorQueue: added answer \"$ans\" (not a valid json string). Error: $@"; push(@{$hash->{helper}->{ErrQue}},"not valid json: ".$ans); } else { push(@{$hash->{helper}->{AnsQue}},$ans); my $length = @{$hash->{helper}->{AnsQue}}; Log3 $name, 5, "$name AnswerQueue: added $hash->{helper}->{AnsQue}[($length - 1)]"; Do_AnsQue($hash); } return undef; } sub Do_AnsQue { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $i = 0; foreach my $ans (@{$hash->{helper}->{AnsQue}}) { if ($ans =~ /\"id\"\:\(null\)/) { Log3 $name, 1, "$name ErrorQueue: received answer with unknown id ($ans)"; push(@{$hash->{helper}->{ErrQue}},"unknown id: ".$ans); Log3 $name, 5, "$name AnswerQueue: deleted $ans"; splice(@{$hash->{helper}->{AnsQue}}, $i, 1); } else { my $jsonAns = decode_json($ans); if (defined($jsonAns->{'method'}) && $jsonAns->{'method'} eq "props") { Log3 $name, 4, "$name: detected notification broadcast ($ans)"; YeeLight_Parse($hash,$jsonAns); Log3 $name, 5, "$name AnswerQueue: deleted $ans"; splice(@{$hash->{helper}->{AnsQue}}, $i, 1); } elsif (defined($jsonAns->{'id'})) { if (defined($hash->{helper}->{SendQue}->{$jsonAns->{'id'}})) { my $send = $hash->{helper}->{SendQue}->{$jsonAns->{'id'}}; my $jsonSend = decode_json($send); if ((defined($jsonAns->{'result'})) && ($jsonAns->{'result'}->[0] eq "ok")) { Log3 $name, 3, "$name success sending $jsonSend->{'id'}: $send"; Log3 $name, 5, "$name SendQueue: deleted $send"; delete $hash->{helper}->{SendQue}->{$jsonAns->{'id'}}; } elsif ($ans =~ /error/) { Log3 $name, 1, "$name error sending $jsonSend->{'id'}: $send"; Log3 $name, 5, "$name SendQueue deleted $send"; delete $hash->{helper}->{SendQue}->{$jsonAns->{'id'}}; } elsif (defined($jsonAns->{'result'}) && defined($jsonAns->{'result'}->[11])) { YeeLight_ParseStatusRequest($hash,$jsonAns); Log3 $name, 5, "$name SendQueue: deleted $send"; delete $hash->{helper}->{SendQue}->{$jsonAns->{'id'}}; } else { Log3 $name, 1, "$name SendQueue: couldn't match answer ($ans)"; } Log3 $name, 5, "$name AnswerQueue: deleted $ans"; splice(@{$hash->{helper}->{AnsQue}}, $i, 1); } } $i++; } } return undef; } sub YeeLight_Parse { my ($hash,$json) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $rgb = undef; my $hexrgb = undef; my $b = undef; my $g = undef; my $r = undef; if (defined($json->{'params'}->{'rgb'})) { $rgb = $json->{'params'}->{'rgb'}; $hexrgb = sprintf("%06X",$rgb); $b = $rgb % 256; $g = (($rgb - $b) / 256) % 256; $r = ($rgb - $b - ($g * 256)) / (256 * 256); } my $colormode = undef; my $colorflow = undef; my $musicmode = undef; my $activemode = undef; if (defined($json->{'params'}->{'color_mode'})) { $colormode = "RGB" if ($json->{'params'}->{'color_mode'} eq 1); $colormode = "color temperature" if ($json->{'params'}->{'color_mode'} eq 2); $colormode = "HSV" if ($json->{'params'}->{'color_mode'} eq 3); } if (defined($json->{'params'}->{'flowing'})) { $colorflow = "off" if ($json->{'params'}->{'flowing'} eq 0); $colorflow = "on" if ($json->{'params'}->{'flowing'} eq 1); } if (defined($json->{'params'}->{'music_on'})) { $musicmode = "off" if ($json->{'params'}->{'music_on'} eq 0); $musicmode = "on" if ($json->{'params'}->{'music_on'} eq 1); } if (defined($json->{'params'}->{'active_mode'})) { $activemode = "daylight" if ($json->{'params'}->{'active_mode'} eq 0); $activemode = "nightlight" if ($json->{'params'}->{'active_mode'} eq 1); } readingsBeginUpdate($hash); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"power",$json->{'params'}->{'power'}) if defined($json->{'params'}->{'power'}); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"bright",$json->{'params'}->{'bright'}) if defined($json->{'params'}->{'bright'}); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"ct",$json->{'params'}->{'ct'}) if defined($json->{'params'}->{'ct'}); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"rgb",$hexrgb) if defined($hexrgb); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"rgb_blue",$b) if defined($b); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"rgb_green",$g) if defined($g); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"rgb_red",$r) if defined($r); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"hue",$json->{'params'}->{'hue'}) if defined($json->{'params'}->{'hue'}); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"sat",$json->{'params'}->{'sat'}) if defined($json->{'params'}->{'sat'}); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"color_mode",$colormode) if defined($colormode); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"color_flow",$colorflow) if defined($colorflow); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"sleeptimer",$json->{'params'}->{'delayoff'}) if defined($json->{'params'}->{'delayoff'}); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"flow_params",$json->{'params'}->{'flow_params'}) if defined($json->{'params'}->{'flow_params'}); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"music_mode",$musicmode) if defined($musicmode); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"name",$json->{'params'}->{'name'}) if defined($json->{'params'}->{'name'}); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"active_mode", $activemode) if defined($activemode); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"nl_br", $json->{'params'}->{'nl_br'}) if defined($json->{'params'}->{'nl_br'}); readingsEndUpdate($hash,1); Log3 $name, 3, "$name updated readings."; return undef; } sub YeeLight_ParseStatusRequest { my ($hash,$answer) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $rgb = $answer->{'result'}->[3]; my $hexrgb; my $b; my $g; my $r; if ($rgb ne "") { $hexrgb = sprintf("%06x",$rgb); $b = $rgb % 256; $g = (($rgb - $b) / 256) % 256; $r = ($rgb - $b - ($g * 256)) / (256 * 256); } my $colormode; my $colorflow; my $musicmode; my $activemode; $colormode = "RGB" if ($answer->{'result'}->[6] eq 1); $colormode = "color temperature" if ($answer->{'result'}->[6] eq 2); $colormode = "HSV" if ($answer->{'result'}->[6] eq 3); $colorflow = "off" if ($answer->{'result'}->[7] eq 0); $colorflow = "on" if ($answer->{'result'}->[7] eq 1); $musicmode = "off" if ($answer->{'result'}->[10] eq 0); $musicmode = "on" if ($answer->{'result'}->[10] eq 1); $activemode = "daylight" if ($answer->{'result'}->[12] eq 0); $activemode = "nightlight" if ($answer->{'result'}->[12] eq 1); if ($answer) { readingsBeginUpdate($hash); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"power",$answer->{'result'}->[0]); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"bright",$answer->{'result'}->[1]); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"ct",$answer->{'result'}->[2]); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"rgb",$hexrgb); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"rgb_blue",$b); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"rgb_green",$g); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"rgb_red",$r); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"hue",$answer->{'result'}->[4]); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"sat",$answer->{'result'}->[5]); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"color_mode",$colormode); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"color_flow",$colorflow); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"sleeptimer",$answer->{'result'}->[8]); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"flow_params",$answer->{'result'}->[9]); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"music_mode",$musicmode); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"name",$answer->{'result'}->[11]); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"active_mode", $activemode); readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"nl_br", $answer->{'result'}->[13]); readingsEndUpdate($hash,1); Log3 $name, 3, "$name full statusrequest"; } return undef; } sub YeeLight_Get { return undef; } sub YeeLight_Attr { my ($cmd,$name,$attrName,$attrVal) = @_; if ($cmd eq "set") { if ($attrName eq "defaultramp") { return "Invalid parameter for $attrName. $attrName must be numeric and at least 30." if ($attrVal !~ /^\d?.?\d+$/) || ($attrVal < 30); } elsif ($attrName eq "updateIP") { return "Invalid parameter for $attrName. Choose \"0\" (don't update IP) or \"1\" (update IP)." if ($attrVal != 0) && ($attrVal != 1); } elsif ($attrName eq "timeout") { return "Invalid parameter for $attrName. $attrName must be numeric." if ($attrVal !~ /^\d?.?\d+$/); } elsif ($attrName eq "keepAlive") { return "Invalid parameter for $attrName. $attrName must be numeric and at least 60 or 0." if ($attrVal !~ /^\d?.?\d+$/) || (($attrVal < 60) && ($attrVal != 0)); } elsif ($attrName =~ /userScene[0-9]/) { } } return undef; } sub YeeLight_Init { return undef; } sub YeeLight_Flush { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $ret = ""; my $answer = ""; my $send = ""; my $error = ""; my $ans; while(@{$hash->{helper}->{AnsQue}} != 0) { $ans = shift(@{$hash->{helper}->{AnsQue}}); $answer .= " $ans\n"; } $answer .= "AnswerQueue:\n".$answer if ($answer ne ""); foreach my $s(sort keys %{$hash->{helper}->{SendQue}}) { $send .= $hash->{helper}->{SendQue}->{$s}."\n"; delete $hash->{helper}->{SendQue}->{$s}; } $send .= "SendQueue:\n".$send if ($send ne ""); my $err; while (@{$hash->{helper}->{ErrQue}} != 0) { $err = shift(@{$hash->{helper}->{ErrQue}}); $error .= " $err\n"; } $error .= "ErrorQueue:\n".$error if ($error ne ""); $ret .= $send if ($send ne ""); $ret .= $answer if ($answer ne ""); $ret .= $error if ($error ne ""); if ($ret ne "") { $ret = "$name: doing flush:\n".$ret; } else { $ret .= "$name: Tried to empty queues, but all three were empty."; } Log3 $name, 4, "$ret"; } sub YeeLight_IsOn { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; Log3 $name, 5, "$name: YeeLight_IsOn"; YeeLight_SelectSetCmd($hash,"on") if ($hash->{READINGS}{power}{VAL} eq "off"); return undef; } sub YeeLight_Ready { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; # Versuch eines Verbindungsaufbaus, sofern die Verbindung beendet ist. return DevIo_OpenDev($hash, 1, undef, sub(){ my ($hash, $err) = @_; Log3 $name, 2, "$name: $err" if($err); return "$err" if($err); }) if ( $hash->{STATE} eq "disconnected" ); } sub YeeLight_IsReachable { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; if (%{$hash->{helper}->{SendQue}} != 0) { foreach my $s (keys %{$hash->{helper}->{SendQue}}) { my $send = $hash->{helper}->{SendQue}->{$s}; Log3 $name, 1, "$name ErrorQueue: command wasn't answered in time ($send)"; push(@{$hash->{helper}->{ErrQue}},"not in time: ".$send); Log3 $name, 5, "$name SendQueue: deleted $send"; delete $hash->{helper}->{SendQue}->{$s}; } DevIo_Disconnected($hash); } return undef; } # subroutines for bridge communication sub YeeLightBridge_Parse { my ($io_hash,$incData) = @_; my $name = $io_hash->{NAME}; Log3 $name, 5, "$name (YeeLightBridge): $incData"; my $sHash; if ($incData =~ /NOTIFY/ || $incData =~ /HTTP\/1.1 200 OK/) { foreach my $data (split(/\r\n/,$incData)) { my @d = split(/: /,$data); $sHash->{$d[0]} = $d[1]; } my $updateIP = 1; $updateIP = $attr{$name}{updateIP} if ($attr{$name}{updateIP}); my $host = $sHash->{"Location"}; $host = substr($host,11,length($host)-11); $host = substr($host,0,length($host)-6); my $hash; if ($modules{YeeLight}{defptr}{$sHash->{"id"}}) { $hash = $modules{YeeLight}{defptr}{$sHash->{"id"}}; $updateIP = $attr{$hash->{NAME}}{updateIP} if defined($attr{$hash->{NAME}}{updateIP}); YeeLightBridge_UpdateDev($hash,$sHash,$updateIP); return $hash->{NAME}; } elsif ($modules{YeeLight}{defptr}{$host}) { $hash = $modules{YeeLight}{defptr}{$host}; $updateIP = $attr{$hash->{NAME}}{updateIP} if defined($attr{$hash->{NAME}}{updateIP}); if ($updateIP == 1) # update IP true { $modules{YeeLight}{defptr}{$sHash->{"id"}} = $hash; delete($modules{YeeLight}{defptr}{$host}); } YeeLightBridge_UpdateDev($hash,$sHash,$updateIP); return $hash->{NAME}; } else { foreach my $y (%{$modules{YeeLight}{defptr}}) { $hash = $modules{YeeLight}{defptr}{$y}; if ($hash->{IP} eq $host) { $updateIP = $attr{$hash->{NAME}}{updateIP} if defined($attr{$hash->{NAME}}{updateIP}); if ($updateIP == 1) # update IP true { $modules{YeeLight}{defptr}{$sHash->{"id"}} = $hash; delete($modules{YeeLight}{defptr}{$host}); } YeeLightBridge_UpdateDev($hash,$sHash,$updateIP); return $hash->{NAME}; } } } my $newName = "YeeLight_".$sHash->{"id"}; $newName = "YeeLight_".$sHash->{"name"} if ($sHash->{"name"}); return "UNDEFINED ".$newName." YeeLight ".$sHash->{"model"}." ".$host." ".$sHash->{"id"}; } } sub YeeLightBridge_UpdateDev { my ($hash,$mcHash,$updateIP) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $DeviceName = $mcHash->{"Location"}; $DeviceName = substr($DeviceName,11,length($DeviceName)-11); my $host = substr($DeviceName,0,length($DeviceName)-6); my $port = substr($DeviceName,length($host) + 1); my $id = $mcHash->{"id"}; my $model = $mcHash->{"model"}; my $fw_ver = $mcHash->{"fw_ver"}; my $support = $mcHash->{"support"}; my $power = $mcHash->{"power"}; my $bright = $mcHash->{"bright"}; my $color_mode = $mcHash->{"color_mode"}; $color_mode = "RGB" if ($color_mode eq 1); $color_mode = "color temperature" if ($color_mode eq 2); $color_mode = "HSV" if ($color_mode eq 3); my $ct = $mcHash->{"ct"}; my $rgb = $mcHash->{"rgb"}; my $hexrgb = sprintf("%06x",$rgb); my $b = $rgb % 256; my $g = (($rgb - $b) / 256) % 256; my $r = ($rgb - $b - ($g * 256)) / (256 * 256); my $hue = $mcHash->{"hue"}; my $sat = $mcHash->{"sat"}; my $bulbName = $mcHash->{"name"}; if ($updateIP == 1) # update IP true { $hash->{HOST} = $host if !($hash->{HOST}) || ($hash->{HOST} ne $host); $hash->{DeviceName} = $DeviceName if !($hash->{DeviceName}) || ($hash->{DeviceName} ne $DeviceName); $hash->{ID} = $id if !($hash->{ID}) || ($hash->{ID} ne $id); } $hash->{PORT} = $port if !($hash->{PORT}) || ($hash->{PORT} ne $port); $hash->{MODEL} = $model if !($hash->{MODEL}) || ($hash->{MODEL} ne $model); $hash->{FW_VER} = $fw_ver if !($hash->{FW_VER}) || ($hash->{FW_VER} ne $fw_ver); $hash->{helper}->{support} = $support if !($hash->{helper}->{support}) || ($hash->{helper}->{support} ne $support); readingsBeginUpdate($hash); readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash,"power",$power); readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash,"bright",$bright); readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash,"ct",$ct); readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash,"rgb",$hexrgb); readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash,"rgb_blue",$b); readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash,"rgb_green",$g); readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash,"rgb_red",$r); readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash,"hue",$hue); readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash,"sat",$sat); readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash,"color_mode",$color_mode); readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($hash,"name",$bulbName); readingsEndUpdate($hash,1); return undef; } # helper subroutines sub IsValidIP { return $_[0] =~ /^[\d\.]*$/ && inet_aton($_[0]); } sub RepairJson { my ($hash,$json) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $length = length($json); my $oldJson = $json; $json .= "}" if (($length - 1) != rindex($json,"}")); $json = "{".$json if (index($json,"{") != 0); if ($json eq $oldJson && ($length - 2) != rindex($json,"}}")) { $json .= "}"; } if ($json ne $oldJson) { Log3 $name, 1, "$name: Invalid json $oldJson repaired to $json"; my $ret; eval { $ret = encode_json($json); }; if ($@) { Log3 $name, 1, "$name ErrorQueue: added repaired answer \"$json\" (not a valid json string). Error: $@"; push(@{$hash->{helper}->{ErrQue}},$json); } else { push(@{$hash->{helper}->{AnsQue}},$json); my $length = @{$hash->{helper}->{AnsQue}}; Log3 $name, 1, "$name AnswerQueue: added $hash->{helper}->{AnsQue}[($length - 1)] after repair"; Do_AnsQue($hash); } } } sub HSVtoRGB { my ($hue, $sat, $val) = @_; if ($sat == 0) { my $r = int(($val * 2.55) + 0.5); my $g = int(($val * 2.55) + 0.5); my $b = int(($val * 2.55) + 0.5); my $rgb = ($r * 256 * 256) + ($g * 256) + $b; return $rgb; } $hue %= 360; $hue /= 60; $sat /= 100; $val /= 100; my $i = int($hue); my $f = $hue - $i; my $p = $val * (1 - $sat); my $q = $val * (1 - $sat * $f); my $t = $val * (1 - $sat * (1 - $f)); my ($r, $g, $b); if ( $i == 0 ) { ($r, $g, $b) = ($val, $t, $p); } elsif ( $i == 1 ) { ($r, $g, $b) = ($q, $val, $p); } elsif ( $i == 2 ) { ($r, $g, $b) = ($p, $val, $t); } elsif ( $i == 3 ) { ($r, $g, $b) = ($p, $q, $val); } elsif ( $i == 4 ) { ($r, $g, $b) = ($t, $p, $val); } else { ($r, $g, $b) = ($val, $p, $q); } $r = int(($r * 255) + 0.5); $g = int(($g * 255) + 0.5); $b = int(($b * 255) + 0.5); my $rgb = ($r * 256 * 256) + ($g * 256) + $b; return $rgb; } 1;