version: 1 title: Apache Log Analytics contributor: summary: '' description: '' ingestStreams: - type: FileIngest path: $in_file format: type: CypherLine query: |- WITH text.regexFirstMatch($that, '(\\S+)\\s+\\S+\\s+(\\S+)\\s+\\[(.+)\\]\\s+\"(.*)\\s+(.*)\\s+(.*)\"\\s+([0-9]+)\\s+(\\S+)\\s+\"(.*)\"\\s+\"(.*)\"') AS r CREATE ({ sourceIp: r[1], user: r[2], time: datetime(r[3], 'dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss Z'), verb: r[4], path: r[5], httpVersion: r[6], status: r[7], size: r[8], referrer: r[9], agent: r[10], type: 'log' }) standingQueries: - pattern: type: Cypher query: MATCH (l) WHERE l.type = 'log' RETURN DISTINCT id(l) AS id mode: DistinctId outputs: verb: type: CypherQuery query: |- MATCH (l) WHERE id(l) = $ MATCH (v) WHERE id(v) = idFrom('verb', l.verb) SET v.type = 'verb', v.verb = l.verb CREATE (l)-[:verb]->(v) nodeAppearances: [ ] quickQueries: [ ] sampleQueries: - name: Count HTTP GET Requests query: >- MATCH (l)-[rel:verb]->(v) WHERE l.type = 'log' AND v.type = 'verb' AND v.verb = 'GET' RETURN count(rel) AS get_count statusQuery: cypherQuery: >- MATCH (l)-[rel:verb]->(v) WHERE l.type = 'log' AND v.type = 'verb' AND v.verb = 'GET' RETURN count(rel) AS get_count