version: 1 title: Harry Potter contributor: summary: Small graph of connected nodes description: |- This Recipe loads a small graph of connected nodes. Before running this Recipe, download the dataset using curl -o harry_potter_data.json ingestStreams: - type: FileIngest path: harry_potter_data.json format: type: CypherJson query: |- MATCH (p) WHERE id(p) = idFrom('name', $ SET p = { name: $, gender: $that.gender, birth_year: $that.birth_year }, p: Person WITH $that.children AS childrenNames, p UNWIND childrenNames AS childName MATCH (c) WHERE id(c) = idFrom('name', childName) CREATE (c)-[:has_parent]->(p) standingQueries: [ ] nodeAppearances: [ ] quickQueries: - quickQuery: name: Adjacent Nodes querySuffix: MATCH (n)--(m) RETURN DISTINCT m queryLanguage: Cypher sort: Node predicate: propertyKeys: [ ] knownValues: { } - quickQuery: name: Siblings querySuffix: >- MATCH (n)-[:has_parent]->(p)<-[:has_parent]-(s) RETURN DISTINCT s queryLanguage: Cypher sort: Node edgeLabel: has sibling predicate: propertyKeys: [ ] knownValues: { } sampleQueries: [ ]