version: 1 title: Ping contributor: summary: Ingest input file lines and echo to output file description: |- Ingests each line in "$in_file" as graph node with property "line". Writes all graph nodes to "$out_file". ingestStreams: - type: FileIngest path: $in_file format: type: CypherLine query: |- MATCH (n) WHERE id(n) = idFrom($that) SET n.line = $that standingQueries: - pattern: type: Cypher query: MATCH (n) RETURN DISTINCT id(n) AS id outputs: output-1: type: CypherQuery query: MATCH (n) WHERE id(n) = $ RETURN properties(n) AS record andThen: type: WriteToFile path: $out_file nodeAppearances: [ ] quickQueries: [ ] sampleQueries: [ ] statusQuery: cypherQuery: MATCH (n) RETURN count(n)