## v11.315321.3 - Merged [#139](https://github.com/thatlonelybugbear/automated-conditions-5e/pull/139) - Italian translation. Thanks to @GregoryWarn. ## v11.315321.2 - Closes [#137](https://github.com/thatlonelybugbear/automated-conditions-5e/issues/137) - Exhaustion for Death Saves is always Enabled. ## v11.315321.1 - Just a compatibility bump for 5e 3.2.1 and Foundry v12 - `pt_BR` translation updates by @Kharmans (thanks as always) ## v11.315312.7 - Closes [#125](https://github.com/thatlonelybugbear/automated-conditions-5e/issues/125) - implement checks for non-proficient equipped shields, allowing for these to alter relevant rolls (like Armor already does). ## v11.315312.6 * Closes [#122](https://github.com/thatlonelybugbear/automated-conditions-5e/issues/122) - reinstates compatibility with MidiQOL flags altering rolls (and shows a generic MidiQOL (flags)) in the tooltip. ## v11.315312.5 * Update pt-BR.json by @Kharmans in [#111](https://github.com/thatlonelybugbear/automated-conditions-5e/pull/111) and [#116](https://github.com/thatlonelybugbear/automated-conditions-5e/pull/116) * Closes [#110](https://github.com/thatlonelybugbear/automated-conditions-5e/issues/110) - nearbyFoe calcs no matter options for target enforcement by @thatlonelybugbear in [#113](https://github.com/thatlonelybugbear/automated-conditions-5e/pull/113) * Closes [#112](https://github.com/thatlonelybugbear/automated-conditions-5e/issues/112) - Added some more targetElements querySelectors for RSR by @thatlonelybugbear in [#114](https://github.com/thatlonelybugbear/automated-conditions-5e/pull/114) * Closes [#108](https://github.com/thatlonelybugbear/automated-conditions-5e/issues/108) - Lack of armor proficiency restricts spell casting by @thatlonelybugbear in [#115](https://github.com/thatlonelybugbear/automated-conditions-5e/pull/115) * Closes [#109](https://github.com/thatlonelybugbear/automated-conditions-5e/issues/109) - Respect preexisting objects by @thatlonelybugbear in [#117](https://github.com/thatlonelybugbear/automated-conditions-5e/pull/117) * Closes [#118](https://github.com/thatlonelybugbear/automated-conditions-5e/issues/118) - Add correct targetElements for Core rolling chat messages tooltips by @thatlonelybugbear in [#119](https://github.com/thatlonelybugbear/automated-conditions-5e/pull/119) ## v11.315312.4 * Closes [#94](https://github.com/thatlonelybugbear/automated-conditions-5e/issues/94), adding Dodging and Hiding automation. * Closes [#104](https://github.com/thatlonelybugbear/automated-conditions-5e/issues/104), adding a setting for switching off Nearby Foe automation (also adjusted disposition requirements to be of the opposite type, friendly vs hostile). * Closes [#106](https://github.com/thatlonelybugbear/automated-conditions-5e/issues/106), removing some `eval()` calls. ## v11.315312.3 * Update pt-BR.json by @Kharmans in https://github.com/thatlonelybugbear/automated-conditions-5e/pull/101 * Closes once more #77, fixing the armor issues, once and for all 🤞 ### v11.315312.2.1 - Hotfix for `hasArmor` not being defined. ## v11.315312.2 - Closes [#97](https://github.com/thatlonelybugbear/automated-conditions-5e/issues/97), allowing all equipment type Items to impose Stealth disadvantage. ## v11.315312.1 - Closes [#98](https://github.com/thatlonelybugbear/automated-conditions-5e/issues/98), adding dnd5e v3.1.2 compatibility. ## v11.315311.6 - Closes [#89](https://github.com/thatlonelybugbear/automated-conditions-5e/issues/89), reinstating MidiQOL compatibility. ## v11.315311.5 - Closes [#87](https://github.com/thatlonelybugbear/automated-conditions-5e/issues/87), [#88](https://github.com/thatlonelybugbear/automated-conditions-5e/issues/88), [#92](https://github.com/thatlonelybugbear/automated-conditions-5e/issues/92) - Still investigating [#89](https://github.com/thatlonelybugbear/automated-conditions-5e/issues/89), will rewrite the MidiQOL integration code. ## v11.315311.4 - Closes [#85](https://github.com/thatlonelybugbear/automated-conditions-5e/issues/85). Fixes the fix of the wrong tooltip format... ## v11.315311.3 - Closes [#82](https://github.com/thatlonelybugbear/automated-conditions-5e/issues/82). Fixes wrong tooltip format. ## v11.315311.2 - Added a setting to not show module name in tooltips. Closes [#80](https://github.com/thatlonelybugbear/automated-conditions-5e/issues/80). ## v11.315311.1 - Initial work for compatibility with all main rollers, like MidiQOL [#49](https://github.com/thatlonelybugbear/automated-conditions-5e/issues/49), Ready Set Roll [#50](https://github.com/thatlonelybugbear/automated-conditions-5e/issues/50) and Group Rolls. - Closing [#72](https://github.com/thatlonelybugbear/automated-conditions-5e/issues/72) bug regarding AC calculations error when not set to equipped armor. - Closing [#75](https://github.com/thatlonelybugbear/automated-conditions-5e/issues/75) with settings for AC5e tooltips on Dialogs and generated Chat Messages when available (needs some more tweaks for RSR Item roll chat messages). - Bumping dnd5e max version to 3.1.1 as tested. ## v11.315.310.2 - `pt-BR` translation added by @Kharmans [71](https://github.com/thatlonelybugbear/automated-conditions-5e/pull/71) - small `en` translation edits. ## v11.315.310.1 D&D5e 3.1 compatibility update. - Added `dnd5e.preRollConcentration` Hook to deal with conditions affecting concentration saving throws. - Exhaustion 3-5 applies disadvantage. - Heavy Encumbrance applies disadvantage. - War Caster named Item applies advantage. ## v11.315.304.7 Closes [63](https://github.com/thatlonelybugbear/automated-conditions-5e/issues/63) with a new setting for `AC5e targeting options`.

When 0 or more than 1 targets are selected, AC5e will not be able by default to calculate correctly advantageMode/damageMode as this is done based on the first of the `game.user.targets` only. There is now a setting for the GM to decide how AC5e will deal with targeting and rolling an Attack or Damage, or try to Use an Item that has an attack and Target any of the Individual target options in its details tab. The options are as follows: * `From Source Only`: The advantageMode/damageMode will be calculated based on effects/conditions etc on the Source actor only (___default option___), * `Do nothing`: No calculations whatsoever will take place, * `Enforce targeting`: Will cancel the incoming Roll or Item use, and display a warning for the user to target `1 Target` (___Use with caution___). ## v11.315.304.6.8 * Fix bug when rolling an attack and automated encumbrance is true. ## v11.315.304.6.7 * Default settings fix. * Tooltips on * Armor automation off * Range automation off * Exhaustion automation on * Encumbrance automation off (will need also dnd5e system setting to be set to Variant option too). ## v11.315.304.6.6 * Fixes typos * Closing [43](https://github.com/thatlonelybugbear/automated-conditions-5e/issues/43) (encumbrance automation). * Closing [57](https://github.com/thatlonelybugbear/automated-conditions-5e/issues/57) (more translations about attack/damage rolls and targets selected). * Closing [58](https://github.com/thatlonelybugbear/automated-conditions-5e/issues/58) (bail out of attack/damage rolls suggestions, if no targets selected). ## v11.315.304.6.3 * Closes [53](https://github.com/thatlonelybugbear/automated-conditions-5e/issues/53) ## v11.315.304.6.2 * 51- fix saves advantage mode when not proficient with the armor ## v11.315.304.6.1 * Finally fix attackrolls issue in https://github.com/thatlonelybugbear/automated-conditions-5e/pull/48 * Closes #44 ## v11.315.304.6 * Closes https://github.com/thatlonelybugbear/automated-conditions-5e/issues/44 * Add lang file by in https://github.com/thatlonelybugbear/automated-conditions-5e/pull/47 * Fixed Armor automation issues and tooltips. ## v11.315.304.5.4 - Added a setting for automating Exhaustion 5e rules or not. Closing: - Should allow for compatibility with modules offering alternative rules for exhaustion (will add the dndOne rules as an option soon). ## v11.315.304.5.1 and v11.315.304.5.2 - Some typos - Sharpshooter: limit to only `rwak` ## v11.315.304.5 - Use game.i18n.translations as a first step in - Add helpers for disposition and checking nearby tokens - Prone fix and nearby foes for ranged attacks check - Dialog tooltip show/hide settings - Settings and logic for armor and range automation - Armor automation (default off) - Ability Checks, Saves and Attack Rolls for (STR || DEX) based rolls, if the Actor is not proficient in the equipped suit of Armor. - Imposes disadvantage on Stealth checks when the relevant property of the Armor is selected. - Range automation (default off) - Attacking with a ranged weapon at long range imposes disadvantage on the roll (Long Range). - Attacking with a ranged weapon, when an enemy is adjacent, imposes disadvantage on the roll (Nearby Foe). - Attacking with a ranged weapon at a distance longer than the long range, imposes a fail on the roll (Out of Range). - Crossbow Expert: Ignores Nearby Foes with - A flag on the Actor `flags.automated-conditions-5e.crossbowExpert | Override | 1` or - An Item named `Crossbow Expert`. - Sharpshooter: No disadvantage when shooting at long range with - A flag on the Actor `flags.automated-conditions-5e.sharpShooter | Override | 1` or - An Item named `Sharpshooter`. - Show/hide roll dialog tooltips (default on) ## v11.315.304.1 - Move to dnd5e v3.x. - For dnd5e v3.x, use manifest: - For dnd5e v2.x, use manifest: - Added tooltips on roll dialogs to indicate the reasons why AC5E suggests the specific roll. - Moved to using the `Actor5e#statuses` ## v11.11.2 - Make sure that `config.parts:` - Use falsy checks for `!Array.length` ## v11.11.1 - Bump for v11 only branch and some small additions. More things to come :) ## v11.0.11 - Hotfix for v10. ## v11.0.10 - Version bump that will be the last v10 compatible one. ## v11.0.1 - Compatibility bump for Foundry v11.300 and make system dnd5e required with minimum version 2.0.1. ## v11.0.0 - Compatibility bump for Foundry v11. ## v10.0.3 - Quick fix for unlinked tokens. ## v10.0.2 - Closing https://github.com/thatlonelybugbear/automated-conditions-5e/issues/3: Melee attacks on Prone targets will have advantage when distance <=5, and disadvantage otherwise. - Closing https://github.com/thatlonelybugbear/automated-conditions-5e/issues/4: Added RollDeathSaves. Exhaustion levels 3-5 will grant disadvantage of death Saves. ## v10.0.1 - Closing https://github.com/thatlonelybugbear/automated-conditions-5e/issues/1: Using `CONFIG.DND5E.conditionTypes` to fetch effect labels. - `_getMinimumDistanceBetweenTokens` should respect diagonal movement types (will make sense in the future) ## v10.0.0 - Initial commit