/* Copyright 2015 that_shaman This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See http://www.wtfpl.net/ for more details. */ function sortFunction(a, b) { return a[0] > b[0]; } function toGW2Code(input) { var buffer = ""; for (r = 0; r < input.length; r++) { buffer += String.fromCharCode(input[r]); } return "[&" + btoa(buffer) + "]"; } function idToGW2Code(id) { var A = Math.floor(id / 256); var B = id - (A * 256); return toGW2Code(new Array(2, 1, B, A, 0, 0)); } function RGBtoXYZ(r, g, b) { var var_R = (r / 255); var var_G = (g / 255); var var_B = (b / 255); if (var_R > 0.04045) var_R = Math.pow(((var_R + 0.055) / 1.055), 2.4); else var_R = var_R / 12.92; if (var_G > 0.04045) var_G = Math.pow(((var_G + 0.055) / 1.055), 2.4); else var_G = var_G / 12.92; if (var_B > 0.04045) var_B = Math.pow(((var_B + 0.055) / 1.055), 2.4); else var_B = var_B / 12.92; X = var_R * 0.4124 + var_G * 0.3576 + var_B * 0.1805; Y = var_R * 0.2126 + var_G * 0.7152 + var_B * 0.0722; Z = var_R * 0.0193 + var_G * 0.1192 + var_B * 0.9505; var_X = X / 95.047; var_Y = Y / 100.000; var_Z = Z / 108.883; if (var_X > 0.008856) var_X = Math.pow(var_X, (1 / 3)); else var_X = (7.787 * var_X) + (16 / 116); if (var_Y > 0.008856) var_Y = Math.pow(var_Y, (1 / 3)); else var_Y = (7.787 * var_Y) + (16 / 116); if (var_Z > 0.008856) var_Z = Math.pow(var_Z, (1 / 3)); else var_Z = (7.787 * var_Z) + (16 / 116); return [var_X, var_Y, var_Z]; } function RGBtoLAB(r, g, b) { var var_R = (r / 255); var var_G = (g / 255); var var_B = (b / 255); if (var_R > 0.04045) var_R = Math.pow(((var_R + 0.055) / 1.055), 2.4); else var_R = var_R / 12.92; if (var_G > 0.04045) var_G = Math.pow(((var_G + 0.055) / 1.055), 2.4); else var_G = var_G / 12.92; if (var_B > 0.04045) var_B = Math.pow(((var_B + 0.055) / 1.055), 2.4); else var_B = var_B / 12.92; X = var_R * 0.4124 + var_G * 0.3576 + var_B * 0.1805; Y = var_R * 0.2126 + var_G * 0.7152 + var_B * 0.0722; Z = var_R * 0.0193 + var_G * 0.1192 + var_B * 0.9505; var_X = X / 95.047; var_Y = Y / 100.000; var_Z = Z / 108.883; if (var_X > 0.008856) var_X = Math.pow(var_X, (1 / 3)); else var_X = (7.787 * var_X) + (16 / 116); if (var_Y > 0.008856) var_Y = Math.pow(var_Y, (1 / 3)); else var_Y = (7.787 * var_Y) + (16 / 116); if (var_Z > 0.008856) var_Z = Math.pow(var_Z, (1 / 3)); else var_Z = (7.787 * var_Z) + (16 / 116); L = (116 * var_Y) - 16; a = 500 * (var_X - var_Y); b = 200 * (var_Y - var_Z); return [L, a, b]; } $(document).ready(function () { $("#picker").spectrum({ flat: true, showInput: true, change: function (color) { updateFromColor(jQuery.Color(color.toHexString())); } }); $("#picker").on("dragstop.spectrum", function (e, color) { updateFromColor(jQuery.Color(color.toHexString())); }); updateFromColor(jQuery.Color("#e3b756")); }); function getNearest(target, method) { method = typeof method !== 'undefined' ? method : "combo"; var targetRes = []; var targetLab = RGBtoLAB(target.red(), target.green(), target.blue()); var targetXyz = RGBtoXYZ(target.red(), target.green(), target.blue()); $('#outputDiv').children().remove(); $.each(colors, function (key, value) { var color = jQuery.Color(colors[key].metal.rgb); var val = new Array(); if (method == "hsl") { var _h = (target.hue() - color.hue()) / 360; var _s = target.saturation() - color.saturation(); var _l = target.lightness() - color.lightness(); if (_h < 0) _h *= -1; if (_s < 0) _s *= -1; if (_l < 0) _l *= -1; val[0] = (_h * 0.475) + (_l * 0.2875) + (_s * 0.2375); } else if (method == "rgb") { val[0] = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((target.red() - color.red()), 2) + Math.pow((target.green() - color.green()), 2) + Math.pow((target.blue() - color.blue()), 2)); } else if (method == "lab") { var lab = RGBtoLAB(color.red(), color.green(), color.blue()); val[0] = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(lab[0] - targetLab[0], 2) + Math.pow(lab[1] - targetLab[1], 2) + Math.pow(lab[2] - targetLab[2], 2)); } else if (method == "combo") { var lab = RGBtoLAB(color.red(), color.green(), color.blue()); val[0] = 0; val[0] += Math.sqrt(Math.pow((target.red() - color.red()), 2) + Math.pow((target.green() - color.green()), 2) + Math.pow((target.blue() - color.blue()), 2)); val[0] += Math.sqrt(Math.pow(lab[0] - targetLab[0], 2) + Math.pow(lab[1] - targetLab[1], 2) + Math.pow(lab[2] - targetLab[2], 2)) * 11.3; } else if (method == "xyz") { var xyz = RGBtoXYZ(color.red(), color.green(), color.blue()); val[0] = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(xyz[0] - targetXyz[0], 2) + Math.pow(xyz[1] - targetXyz[1], 2) + Math.pow(xyz[2] - targetXyz[2], 2)); } val[1] = key; targetRes.push(val); }); targetRes.sort(function (a, b) { return a[0] - b[0]; }); return targetRes; } function updateFromColor(color) { var base = getNearest(color); var p = 1.0 / 256.0; var comp = getNearest(color.hue("-=180").lightness(1 - color.lightness())); for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) { var div = $('
', { html: " " + colors[base[i][1]].name + "
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20449, "Gunmetal": 20450, "Oil Slick": 20451, "Summer Sky": 20452, "Bold": 20453, "Peach": 20454, "Denim": 20455, "Brandywine": 20456, "Country Teal": 20457, "Eucalyptus": 20458, "Frosted Sea": 20459, "Night Iris": 20460, "Shy Blue": 20461, "Moss": 20464, "Pumpkin": 20465, "Remembrance": 20466, "Warmth": 20467, "Butter": 20468, "Honey": 20469, "Green Apple": 20470, "Crisp Mint": 20471, "Grass": 20472, "Key Lime": 20473, "Spearmint": 20474, "Antique Gold": 20476, "Brass": 20477, "Burnished Steel": 20478, "Copper Penny": 20479, "Gold": 20480, "Iron": 20481, "Mudmetal": 20482, "Old Penny": 20483, "Midnight Purple": 20484, "Silt": 20485, "Chalkboard": 20486, "Cinnamon": 20487, "Mushroom": 20488, "Wintergreen": 20489, "Lipstick": 20490, "White Gold": 20491, "Avocado": 20492, "Green Shade": 20493, "Pink Tint": 20494, "Wine Shade": 20495, "Burgundy": 20496, "Brick": 20497, "Grape Gum": 20498, "Steel": 20499, "Midnight Gold": 20500, "Midnight Sky": 20501, "Tarnish": 20502, "Far Mountain": 20503, "Lemon Tint": 20504, "Olive Tint": 20505, "Rose Shade": 20506, "Truffle": 20507, "Pine": 20508, "Indigo": 20509, "Scarlet": 20510, "Lime": 20511, "Sea Green": 20512, "Periwinkle": 20513, "Caramel": 20514, "Rust": 20515, "Midnight Fire": 20517, "Midnight Ice": 20518, "Midnight Rose": 20519, "Midnight Violet": 20520, "Khaki": 20521, "Blue Shade": 20522, "Cream Shade": 20523, "Frosting": 20524, "Hint": 20525, "Olive Shade": 20527, "Pale": 20528, "Refresh": 20529, "Sage": 20530, "Whisper": 20532, "Grape Leaf": 20533, "Orange": 20534, "Sunset": 20535, "Pink": 20537, "Fuchsia": 20538, "Evergreen": 20539, "Wasabi": 20540, "Spruce": 20542, "Iris": 20543, "Wine": 20544, "Plum": 20545, "Lemon": 20546, "Pewter": 20547, "Silver": 20548, "Swamp Grass": 20549, "Tungsten": 20550, "Midnight Blue": 20551, "Midnight Fuchsia": 20552, "Midnight Green": 20553, "Midnight Olive": 20554, "Midnight Red": 20555, "Midnight Rust": 20556, "Midnight Teal": 20557, "Midnight Yew": 20558, "Chartreuse": 20559, "Patina": 20560, "Aqua Tint": 20561, "Blue Tint": 20562, "Cream": 20563, "Dusk": 20564, "Frost": 20565, "Grape Shade": 20566, "Green Tint": 20567, "Lemon Shade": 20568, "Malt": 20569, "Mint Frost": 20570, "Night Shade": 20571, "Olive Silk": 20572, "Orange Shade": 20573, "Peach Tint": 20574, "Purple Tint": 20575, "Riverbed": 20576, "Rose Tint": 20577, "Shy Violet": 20578, "Silver Lead": 20579, "Tea Shade": 20580, "Violet Tint": 20581, "White": 20582, "Olive": 20583, "Olive Oil": 20584, "Olive Yew": 20585, "Creamsicle": 20587, "Grapevine": 20588, "Iris Blush": 20589, "Thistle": 20590, "Coral": 20591, "Ruby": 20592, "Cotton Candy": 20593, "Hot Pink": 20594, "Maroon": 20595, "Sprout": 20597, "Cantaloupe": 20599, "Sherbert": 20600, "Seafoam": 20601, "Turquoise": 20602, "Violet": 20603, "Lilac": 20604, "Royal Purple": 20605, "Grape": 20606, "Morning Glory": 20607, "Butterscotch": 20608, "Harvest Gold": 20609, "Lemonade": 20610, "Zest": 20611, "Envy": 20612, "Afternoon": 20613, "Brook": 20614, "Cherry": 20615, "Dark Chocolate": 20616, "Evening Red": 20617, "Evening Wine": 20618, "Grapefruit": 20619, "Hazel": 20620, "Heather": 20621, "Honey Ice": 20622, "Lifesblood": 20623, "Mint": 20624, "Mint Ice": 20625, "Mullberry": 20626, "Nectar": 20627, "Nickel": 20628, "Nightsong": 20629, "Pastel Blue": 20630, "Pastel Citrus": 20631, "Pastel Lime": 20632, "Pastel Wine": 20633, "Pastel Winter": 20634, "Purple": 20635, "Purple Ice": 20636, "Rich Grape": 20637, "Sea Frost": 20638, "Sour Apple": 20639, "Sprig": 20640, "Sunrise Breeze": 20641, "Teal": 20642, "Violet Breeze": 20643, "Viridian": 20644, "Wine Breeze": 20645, "Winter Ice": 20646, "Ancient Silver": 20647, "Black Cherry": 20648, "Blue Sky": 20649, "Cobalt": 20650, "Deep Lilac": 20651, "Evening Grass": 20652, "Lead": 20653, "Primrose": 20654, "Purple Breeze": 20655, "Regal": 20656, "Spring Grass": 20657, "Tarnished Silver": 20658, "Adobe Sunset": 20659, "Banana": 20660, "Blue Ice": 20661, "Blurple": 20662, "Chestnut": 20663, "Citrus Breeze": 20664, "Citrus": 20665, "Citrus Ice": 20666, "Cucumber": 20667, "Daffodil": 20668, "Dark Olive": 20669, "Deep Pine": 20671, "Deep Teal": 20672, "Fluff": 20673, "Fog": 20674, "Fresh Green": 20675, "Freshen": 20676, "Frost Breeze": 20677, "Green": 20679, "Heliotrope": 20680, "Honeybutter": 20681, "Honeysuckle": 20682, "Humiliation": 20683, "Hydrangea": 20684, "Lavender": 20685, "Lemon Ice": 20686, "Lime Breeze": 20687, "Lime Ice": 20688, "Melon": 20690, "Midday": 20691, "Mint Breeze": 20692, "Mintay": 20693, "Morning Sea": 20694, "Old Nickel": 20695, "Olive Ice": 20696, "Orangespring": 20697, "Papaya": 20698, "Pastel Honey": 20699, "Pastel Lemon": 20700, "Pastel Mint": 20701, "Pastel Olive": 20702, "Pastel Peach": 20703, "Pastel Pink": 20704, "Pastel Purple": 20705, "Pastel Rose": 20706, "Pastel Sea": 20707, "Pastel Spring": 20708, "Pastel Violet": 20709, "Peach Ice": 20710, "Persephone": 20711, "Phlox": 20712, "Pink Ice": 20713, "Red": 20714, "River": 20715, "Root": 20716, "Rose Breeze": 20717, "Rose Ice": 20718, "Sea Breeze": 20720, "Sea Ice": 20721, "Shy Lilac": 20722, "Shylac": 20723, "Sienna": 20724, "Sour": 20725, "Spring Breeze": 20726, "Spring Dew": 20727, "Spring Ice": 20728, "Spring Leaf": 20729, "Spring Moss": 20730, "Spring Tide": 20731, "Stem": 20732, "Strawberry Breeze": 20733, "Strawberry": 20734, "Summer Thistle": 20736, "Tulip": 20737, "Umber": 20738, "Veronica": 20739, "Violet Ice": 20740, "Winter Breeze": 20741, "Winter Frost": 20742, "Buttercream": 20743, "Cornsilk": 20744, "Mountain Sky": 20745, "Wine Ice": 20746, "Heirloom": 20747, "Wrath": 20748, "Sincerity": 20749, "Mischief": 20750, "Blood": 20751, "Redemption": 20752, "Illumination": 20753, "Spitfire": 20754, "Lava": 20755, "Spite": 20756, "Forgiveness": 20757, "Pride": 20758, "Arrogance": 20759, "Deep Glacial Teal": 41746, "Glacial Teal": 41747, "Shiver Sea": 41748, "Deep Glacial Sky": 41749, "Glacial Sky": 41750, "Shiver Sky": 41751, "Flame": 41752, "Molten": 41753, "Pyre": 41754, "Flare": 41755, "Cinders": 41756, "Charred": 41757, "Swampblack": 47901, "Caustic": 47902, "Toxin": 47903, "Algae": 47904, "Acid": 47905, "Acrid": 47906, "Blacklight": 48924, "Cobolt": 48925, "Cyanide": 48926, "Limonite": 48927, "Vincent": 48928, "Violite": 48929, "Amenity": 49525, "Fling": 49526, "Onset": 49527, "Perseverance": 49528, "Prosperity": 49529, "Recall": 49530, "Enameled Legacy": 64198, "Enameled Sky": 64199, "Enameled Reign": 64200, "Enameled Jungle": 64201, "Enameled Crimson": 64202, "Enameled Emblaze": 64203 }; var colors = { "668": { "name": "Pink Ice", "base_rgb": [ 128, 26, 26 ], "cloth": { "brightness": 50, "contrast": 1.36719, "hue": 8, "saturation": 0.351563, "lightness": 1.36719, "rgb": [ 216, 172, 164 ] }, "leather": { "brightness": 47, "contrast": 1.71875, "hue": 8, "saturation": 0.234375, "lightness": 1.71875, "rgb": [ 207, 170, 163 ] }, "metal": { "brightness": 47, "contrast": 1.64063, "hue": 8, "saturation": 0.429688, "lightness": 1.48438, "rgb": [ 211, 145, 134 ] } }, "657": { "name": "Pastel Pink", "base_rgb": [ 128, 26, 26 ], "cloth": { "brightness": 52, "contrast": 1.40625, "hue": 8, "saturation": 0.585938, "lightness": 1.40625, "rgb": [ 247, 170, 157 ] }, "leather": { "brightness": 52, "contrast": 1.40625, "hue": 8, "saturation": 0.546875, "lightness": 1.40625, "rgb": [ 243, 172, 159 ] }, "metal": { "brightness": 47, "contrast": 1.5625, "hue": 8, "saturation": 0.546875, "lightness": 1.40625, "rgb": [ 220, 141, 126 ] } }, "699": { "name": "Strawberry Breeze", "base_rgb": [ 128, 26, 26 ], "cloth": { "brightness": 44, "contrast": 1.17188, "hue": 5, "saturation": 0.78125, "lightness": 1.32813, "rgb": [ 243, 154, 145 ] }, "leather": { "brightness": 47, "contrast": 1.36719, "hue": 5, "saturation": 0.585938, "lightness": 1.40625, "rgb": [ 235, 158, 150 ] }, "metal": { "brightness": 35, "contrast": 1.48438, "hue": 5, "saturation": 0.585938, "lightness": 1.40625, "rgb": [ 195, 111, 102 ] } }, "669": { "name": "Primrose", "base_rgb": [ 128, 26, 26 ], "cloth": { "brightness": 37, "contrast": 1.17188, "hue": 5, "saturation": 0.859375, "lightness": 1.28906, "rgb": [ 225, 128, 118 ] }, "leather": { "brightness": 37, "contrast": 1.17188, "hue": 5, "saturation": 0.703125, "lightness": 1.28906, "rgb": [ 213, 133, 125 ] }, "metal": { "brightness": 32, "contrast": 1.40625, "hue": 5, "saturation": 0.703125, "lightness": 1.28906, "rgb": [ 191, 95, 85 ] } }, "121": { "name": "Pink", "base_rgb": [ 128, 26, 26 ], "cloth": { "brightness": 27, "contrast": 1.28906, "hue": 355, "saturation": 0.703125, "lightness": 1.40625, "rgb": [ 194, 97, 106 ] }, "leather": { "brightness": 32, "contrast": 1.36719, "hue": 355, "saturation": 0.664063, "lightness": 1.52344, "rgb": [ 212, 115, 124 ] }, "metal": { "brightness": 22, "contrast": 1.32813, "hue": 355, "saturation": 0.78125, "lightness": 1.40625, "rgb": [ 185, 74, 85 ] } }, "120": { "name": "Coral", "base_rgb": [ 128, 26, 26 ], "cloth": { "brightness": 22, "contrast": 1.19531, "hue": 358, "saturation": 0.78125, "lightness": 1.17188, "rgb": [ 169, 72, 76 ] }, "leather": { "brightness": 22, "contrast": 1.19531, "hue": 358, "saturation": 0.742188, "lightness": 1.17188, "rgb": [ 166, 74, 77 ] }, "metal": { "brightness": 20, "contrast": 1.36719, "hue": 358, "saturation": 0.859375, "lightness": 1.28906, "rgb": [ 176, 54, 59 ] } }, "698": { "name": "Strawberry", "base_rgb": [ 128, 26, 26 ], "cloth": { "brightness": 10, "contrast": 1.0625, "hue": 356, "saturation": 1.09375, "lightness": 1.07813, "rgb": [ 160, 37, 47 ] }, "leather": { "brightness": 7, "contrast": 1.09375, "hue": 356, "saturation": 0.9375, "lightness": 1.07813, "rgb": [ 142, 33, 42 ] }, "metal": { "brightness": 14, "contrast": 1.36719, "hue": 356, "saturation": 0.898438, "lightness": 1.25, "rgb": [ 162, 32, 42 ] } }, "673": { "name": "Red", "base_rgb": [ 128, 26, 26 ], "cloth": { "brightness": -3, "contrast": 1.0625, "hue": 356, "saturation": 1.21094, "lightness": 0.976563, "rgb": [ 135, 0, 10 ] }, "leather": { "brightness": -3, "contrast": 1.0625, "hue": 356, "saturation": 0.859375, "lightness": 1.09375, "rgb": [ 116, 19, 27 ] }, "metal": { "brightness": 7, "contrast": 1.28906, "hue": 356, "saturation": 1.09375, "lightness": 1.09375, "rgb": [ 155, 5, 17 ] } }, "592": { "name": "Cherry", "base_rgb": [ 128, 26, 26 ], "cloth": { "brightness": -10, "contrast": 1.01563, "hue": 356, "saturation": 1.21094, "lightness": 0.921875, "rgb": [ 119, 0, 0 ] }, "leather": { "brightness": -5, "contrast": 1.01563, "hue": 356, "saturation": 0.898438, "lightness": 1.05469, "rgb": [ 113, 16, 24 ] }, "metal": { "brightness": -5, "contrast": 1.13281, "hue": 356, "saturation": 1.17188, "lightness": 1.05469, "rgb": [ 133, 0, 3 ] } }, "123": { "name": "Scarlet", "base_rgb": [ 128, 26, 26 ], "cloth": { "brightness": -10, "contrast": 1, "hue": 356, "saturation": 0.976563, "lightness": 0.898438, "rgb": [ 102, 0, 6 ] }, "leather": { "brightness": -8, "contrast": 1, "hue": 356, "saturation": 0.78125, "lightness": 0.976563, "rgb": [ 95, 13, 19 ] }, "metal": { "brightness": -13, "contrast": 1.01563, "hue": 356, "saturation": 1.21094, "lightness": 1.09375, "rgb": [ 119, 0, 0 ] } }, "629": { "name": "Lifesblood", "base_rgb": [ 128, 26, 26 ], "cloth": { "brightness": -16, "contrast": 1, "hue": 356, "saturation": 0.976563, "lightness": 0.859375, "rgb": [ 90, 0, 0 ] }, "leather": { "brightness": -13, "contrast": 1, "hue": 356, "saturation": 0.820313, "lightness": 0.898438, "rgb": [ 86, 0, 6 ] }, "metal": { "brightness": -28, "contrast": 1, "hue": 356, "saturation": 1.36719, "lightness": 1.05469, "rgb": [ 96, 0, 0 ] } }, "122": { "name": "Ruby", "base_rgb": [ 128, 26, 26 ], "cloth": { "brightness": -18, "contrast": 1, "hue": 350, "saturation": 0.78125, "lightness": 0.78125, "rgb": [ 71, 0, 0 ] }, "leather": { "brightness": -13, "contrast": 1, "hue": 350, "saturation": 0.703125, "lightness": 0.859375, "rgb": [ 76, 0, 12 ] }, "metal": { "brightness": -33, "contrast": 1.09375, "hue": 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"hue": 18, "saturation": 0.820313, "lightness": 1.09375, "rgb": [ 144, 58, 18 ] } }, "616": { "name": "Grapefruit", "base_rgb": [ 128, 26, 26 ], "cloth": { "brightness": 10, "contrast": 1.25, "hue": 20, "saturation": 0.921875, "lightness": 1.01563, "rgb": [ 137, 50, 3 ] }, "leather": { "brightness": 7, "contrast": 1.25, "hue": 20, "saturation": 0.820313, "lightness": 1.01563, "rgb": [ 123, 45, 4 ] }, "metal": { "brightness": 7, "contrast": 1.25, "hue": 20, "saturation": 0.859375, "lightness": 1.01563, "rgb": [ 126, 45, 1 ] } }, "582": { "name": "Adobe Sunset", "base_rgb": [ 128, 26, 26 ], "cloth": { "brightness": -5, "contrast": 1.17188, "hue": 30, "saturation": 1.21094, "lightness": 0.898438, "rgb": [ 117, 34, 0 ] }, "leather": { "brightness": -5, "contrast": 1.17188, "hue": 30, "saturation": 1.01563, "lightness": 0.898438, "rgb": [ 104, 34, 0 ] }, "metal": { "brightness": -5, "contrast": 1.17188, "hue": 26, "saturation": 1.01563, "lightness": 0.976563, "rgb": [ 110, 31, 0 ] } }, 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[ 224, 174, 115 ] }, "leather": { "brightness": 42, "contrast": 1.28906, "hue": 33, "saturation": 0.664063, "lightness": 1.28906, "rgb": [ 209, 163, 108 ] }, "metal": { "brightness": 47, "contrast": 1.5625, "hue": 33, "saturation": 0.742188, "lightness": 1.5625, "rgb": [ 246, 184, 110 ] } }, "591": { "name": "Buttercream", "base_rgb": [ 128, 26, 26 ], "cloth": { "brightness": 40, "contrast": 1.25, "hue": 30, "saturation": 0.898438, "lightness": 1.28906, "rgb": [ 224, 158, 92 ] }, "leather": { "brightness": 35, "contrast": 1.25, "hue": 30, "saturation": 0.820313, "lightness": 1.28906, "rgb": [ 206, 145, 85 ] }, "metal": { "brightness": 37, "contrast": 1.32813, "hue": 33, "saturation": 0.859375, "lightness": 1.36719, "rgb": [ 217, 156, 83 ] } }, "623": { "name": "Honeysuckle", "base_rgb": [ 128, 26, 26 ], "cloth": { "brightness": 34, "contrast": 1.25, "hue": 30, "saturation": 0.898438, "lightness": 1.25, "rgb": [ 204, 138, 72 ] }, "leather": { "brightness": 35, "contrast": 1.25, "hue": 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"contrast": 1.28906, "hue": 333, "saturation": 0.429688, "lightness": 1.32813, "rgb": [ 172, 106, 136 ] } }, "124": { "name": "Cotton Candy", "base_rgb": [ 128, 26, 26 ], "cloth": { "brightness": 32, "contrast": 1.25, "hue": 336, "saturation": 0.625, "lightness": 1.25, "rgb": [ 182, 90, 128 ] }, "leather": { "brightness": 30, "contrast": 1.28906, "hue": 336, "saturation": 0.507813, "lightness": 1.25, "rgb": [ 166, 89, 120 ] }, "metal": { "brightness": 30, "contrast": 1.28906, "hue": 336, "saturation": 0.429688, "lightness": 1.25, "rgb": [ 159, 94, 121 ] } }, "619": { "name": "Heather", "base_rgb": [ 128, 26, 26 ], "cloth": { "brightness": 24, "contrast": 1.25, "hue": 338, "saturation": 0.703125, "lightness": 1.36719, "rgb": [ 179, 77, 116 ] }, "leather": { "brightness": 22, "contrast": 1.28906, "hue": 338, "saturation": 0.546875, "lightness": 1.36719, "rgb": [ 159, 77, 108 ] }, "metal": { "brightness": 22, "contrast": 1.28906, "hue": 338, "saturation": 0.507813, "lightness": 1.36719, 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-13, "contrast": 1, "hue": 38, "saturation": 0.234375, "lightness": 1.32813, "rgb": [ 57, 47, 30 ] } }, "467": { "name": "Mudmetal", "base_rgb": [ 128, 26, 26 ], "cloth": { "brightness": 2, "contrast": 1, "hue": 38, "saturation": 0.429688, "lightness": 1.28906, "rgb": [ 105, 86, 55 ] }, "leather": { "brightness": 2, "contrast": 1, "hue": 38, "saturation": 0.429688, "lightness": 1.28906, "rgb": [ 105, 86, 55 ] }, "metal": { "brightness": 4, "contrast": 1.13281, "hue": 38, "saturation": 0.429688, "lightness": 1.44531, "rgb": [ 111, 89, 54 ] } }, "469": { "name": "Swamp Grass", "base_rgb": [ 128, 26, 26 ], "cloth": { "brightness": -8, "contrast": 1, "hue": 43, "saturation": 0.390625, "lightness": 1.21094, "rgb": [ 72, 59, 27 ] }, "leather": { "brightness": -8, "contrast": 1, "hue": 43, "saturation": 0.390625, "lightness": 1.21094, "rgb": [ 72, 59, 27 ] }, "metal": { "brightness": -5, "contrast": 1.09375, "hue": 40, "saturation": 0.46875, "lightness": 1.28906, "rgb": [ 82, 62, 23 ] } }, 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90 ] } }, "314": { "name": "Tungsten", "base_rgb": [ 128, 26, 26 ], "cloth": { "brightness": -3, "contrast": 1, "hue": 345, "saturation": 0.078125, "lightness": 1.25, "rgb": [ 72, 63, 66 ] }, "leather": { "brightness": -3, "contrast": 1, "hue": 345, "saturation": 0.078125, "lightness": 1.25, "rgb": [ 72, 63, 66 ] }, "metal": { "brightness": -2, "contrast": 1.13281, "hue": 350, "saturation": 0.101563, "lightness": 1.36719, "rgb": [ 71, 59, 61 ] } }, "1161": { "name": "Mischief", "base_rgb": [ 128, 26, 26 ], "cloth": { "brightness": 7, "contrast": 1.36719, "hue": 0, "saturation": 0.117188, "lightness": 1.5625, "rgb": [ 87, 71, 71 ] }, "leather": { "brightness": 7, "contrast": 1.36719, "hue": 0, "saturation": 0.117188, "lightness": 1.5625, "rgb": [ 87, 71, 71 ] }, "metal": { "brightness": 7, "contrast": 1.36719, "hue": 0, "saturation": 0.117188, "lightness": 1.5625, "rgb": [ 87, 71, 71 ] } }, "1160": { "name": "Arrogance", "base_rgb": [ 128, 26, 26 ], "cloth": { "brightness": 7, 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"rgb": [ 24, 51, 66 ] } }, "1235": { "name": "Deep Glacial Teal", "base_rgb": [ 128, 26, 26 ], "cloth": { "brightness": 17, "contrast": 1.75781, "hue": 175, "saturation": 0.15625, "lightness": 1.5625, "rgb": [ 47, 77, 74 ] }, "leather": { "brightness": 17, "contrast": 1.75781, "hue": 175, "saturation": 0.15625, "lightness": 1.5625, "rgb": [ 47, 77, 74 ] }, "metal": { "brightness": 12, "contrast": 1.83594, "hue": 175, "saturation": 0.195313, "lightness": 1.75781, "rgb": [ 23, 61, 58 ] } }, "1234": { "name": "Shiver Sea", "base_rgb": [ 128, 26, 26 ], "cloth": { "brightness": 42, "contrast": 1.99219, "hue": 175, "saturation": 0.234375, "lightness": 1.5625, "rgb": [ 87, 137, 132 ] }, "leather": { "brightness": 42, "contrast": 1.83594, "hue": 175, "saturation": 0.195313, "lightness": 1.5625, "rgb": [ 111, 150, 146 ] }, "metal": { "brightness": 42, "contrast": 1.99219, "hue": 175, "saturation": 0.195313, "lightness": 1.83594, "rgb": [ 114, 155, 151 ] } }, "1232": { "name": "Glacial Sky", 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"rgb": [ 91, 97, 0 ] }, "leather": { "brightness": 12, "contrast": 1.5625, "hue": 63, "saturation": 0.664063, "lightness": 1.28906, "rgb": [ 91, 97, 0 ] }, "metal": { "brightness": 12, "contrast": 1.71875, "hue": 63, "saturation": 0.664063, "lightness": 1.5625, "rgb": [ 90, 97, 0 ] } }, "1248": { "name": "Algae", "base_rgb": [ 128, 26, 26 ], "cloth": { "brightness": 17, "contrast": 1.75781, "hue": 75, "saturation": 0.703125, "lightness": 1.28906, "rgb": [ 76, 114, 0 ] }, "leather": { "brightness": 17, "contrast": 1.75781, "hue": 75, "saturation": 0.703125, "lightness": 1.28906, "rgb": [ 76, 114, 0 ] }, "metal": { "brightness": 22, "contrast": 1.75781, "hue": 75, "saturation": 0.78125, "lightness": 1.40625, "rgb": [ 97, 139, 0 ] } }, "1246": { "name": "Toxin", "base_rgb": [ 128, 26, 26 ], "cloth": { "brightness": -3, "contrast": 1.32813, "hue": 75, "saturation": 0.703125, "lightness": 1.71875, "rgb": [ 70, 99, 0 ] }, "leather": { "brightness": -3, "contrast": 1.48438, "hue": 70, 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53, 130 ] } }, "1252": { "name": "Cyanide", "base_rgb": [ 128, 26, 26 ], "cloth": { "brightness": -5, "contrast": 1.28906, "hue": 185, "saturation": 1.01563, "lightness": 1.5625, "rgb": [ 0, 85, 98 ] }, "leather": { "brightness": -5, "contrast": 1.28906, "hue": 178, "saturation": 0.78125, "lightness": 1.5625, "rgb": [ 0, 83, 79 ] }, "metal": { "brightness": -3, "contrast": 1.40625, "hue": 178, "saturation": 1.01563, "lightness": 1.5625, "rgb": [ 0, 92, 86 ] } }, "1251": { "name": "Limonite", "base_rgb": [ 128, 26, 26 ], "cloth": { "brightness": 12, "contrast": 1.36719, "hue": 66, "saturation": 0.9375, "lightness": 1.5625, "rgb": [ 127, 143, 5 ] }, "leather": { "brightness": 7, "contrast": 1.28906, "hue": 58, "saturation": 0.9375, "lightness": 1.5625, "rgb": [ 128, 123, 2 ] }, "metal": { "brightness": 7, "contrast": 1.36719, "hue": 55, "saturation": 1.17188, "lightness": 1.5625, "rgb": [ 139, 122, 0 ] } }, "1253": { "name": "Vincent", "base_rgb": [ 128, 26, 26 ], "cloth": { 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0 ] } }, "1271": { "name": "Enameled Legacy", "base_rgb": [ 128, 26, 26 ], "cloth": { "brightness": -8, "contrast": 1.36719, "hue": 52, "saturation": 1.17188, "lightness": 1.5625, "rgb": [ 96, 70, 0 ] }, "leather": { "brightness": -8, "contrast": 1.36719, "hue": 52, "saturation": 1.17188, "lightness": 1.5625, "rgb": [ 96, 70, 0 ] }, "metal": { "brightness": -13, "contrast": 1.36719, "hue": 48, "saturation": 1.17188, "lightness": 1.5625, "rgb": [ 87, 47, 0 ] } }, "1274": { "name": "Enameled Reign", "base_rgb": [ 128, 26, 26 ], "cloth": { "brightness": 7, "contrast": 1.5625, "hue": 300, "saturation": 0.390625, "lightness": 1.5625, "rgb": [ 76, 14, 76 ] }, "leather": { "brightness": 7, "contrast": 1.5625, "hue": 300, "saturation": 0.390625, "lightness": 1.5625, "rgb": [ 76, 14, 76 ] }, "metal": { "brightness": 7, "contrast": 1.5625, "hue": 300, "saturation": 0.390625, "lightness": 1.5625, "rgb": [ 76, 14, 76 ] } }, "1273": { "name": "Enamelled Sky", "base_rgb": [ 128, 26, 26 ], "cloth": { 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