#!/bin/bash # Created : 2018-04-13 By Louis van Belle # Apache2 (2.4) tested on Debian Stretch. # # This script creates the apache default for a clean server. # You can use this on a already in production server. # What... What does this script do exactly. # - It lookup you running ipnumbers and it create vhosts based on the IP. # A normal visistor uses names not ips. # - It makes sure your "default" vhosts are correctly set. # - It creates, based on the primary domainname of the server, # the www.domain.tld ( with alias domain.tld ) vhost # And it creates a mail.domain.tld vhost. # # - It setup ip and namebase vhost after running the script you should # check this with : apache2ctl -S ### User Defined Variables # Define your primary domain. # The default is what you have set at install of your server. PRIMARY_DOMAIN="$(hostname -d)" # Define the wanted subdomains, redefined are www. and mail. # (optional) We redirect all traffic for "domain.tld" do www.domain.tld. SUB_DOMAIN="www mail" # Enable default redirect. # This add the line Redirect permanent / https://www.${PRIMARY_DOMAIN}/ # to the default IP domains, preffered yes for the internet ip's. # Default "no" ENABLE_REDIRECT="yes" ################################################ # General Variables. IPS_DOMAINS="$(hostname -I)" COUNTER=0 # First we disable the Debian supplied defaults. a2dissite 000-default a2dissite default-ssl IpNumberCounter(){ # count the total ipnumbers. for ips in $IPS_DOMAINS do IPNRCOUNTER="$(echo $IPS_DOMAINS | awk -F'[ \t]+' '{print NF}')" done } setupDefaultVhostForIPnumbers(){ if [ -d /var/www/html ] then if [ ! -f /var/www/html/index.html.debian ] then mv /var/www/html/index.html{,.debian} cat > /var/www/html/index.html << EOF Site: IP

You should use a hostname and not an ipaddress to access this server!

EOF fi fi local SUB_DOMAIN="default-vhost-ips" # if not exists. for ips in ${IPS_DOMAINS} do if [ ! -f /etc/apache2/sites-available/00"${COUNTER}"-"${SUB_DOMAIN}".conf ] then # Create per IP a vhost config based on the 000-default.conf. # This is the PRIMARY (default) vhost for this ip. ( see apache2ctl -S ) # Any misconfigured vhost, will end up in default and (optional) redirect to www. # The primary (default) domain does not use ServerAlias! sed "s/VirtualHost \*:80/VirtualHost ${ips}:80/g" < /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf | \ sed "s/#ServerName www.example.com/ServerName ${ips}/g" | \ sed "/#/d" | \ sed "s/LOG_DIR}\//LOG_DIR}\/${SUB_DOMAIN}-${COUNTER}-/g" > /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-"${SUB_DOMAIN}"-"${COUNTER}".conf if [ "${ENABLE_REDIRECT}" = "yes" ] then if [ "$(grep -c "Redirect permanent" /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-"${SUB_DOMAIN}"-"${COUNTER}".conf)" -eq 0 ] then sed -i "/DocumentRoot/a\\\n\\tRedirect permanent / https://www.${PRIMARY_DOMAIN}/" /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-"${SUB_DOMAIN}"-"${COUNTER}".conf fi fi a2ensite 000-"${SUB_DOMAIN}"-"${COUNTER}" else echo "This config file already exists: /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-"${SUB_DOMAIN}"-"${COUNTER}".conf" fi COUNTER="$((COUNTER + 1))" done COUNTER=0 } setupDefaultVhostForPrimaryDomain(){ for subDomains in ${SUB_DOMAIN} do if [ ! -f /etc/apache2/sites-available/00"${COUNTER}"-"${subDomains}"."${PRIMARY_DOMAIN}".conf ] then sed "s/#ServerName www.example.com/ServerName ${subDomains}.${PRIMARY_DOMAIN}/g" < /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf | \ sed "s/LOG_DIR}\//LOG_DIR}\/${subDomains}.${PRIMARY_DOMAIN}-/g" | \ sed "/#/d" > /etc/apache2/sites-available/00"${COUNTER}"-"${subDomains}"."${PRIMARY_DOMAIN}".conf if [ "$(grep -c "${ips}:80}" /etc/apache2/sites-available/00"${COUNTER}"-"${subDomains}"."${PRIMARY_DOMAIN}".conf)" -eq 0 ] then IpNumberCounter for ips in $IPS_DOMAINS do if [ "${IPNRCOUNTER}" -ge 2 ] then sed -i "s/*:80/${ips}:80 *:80/g" /etc/apache2/sites-available/00"${COUNTER}"-"${subDomains}"."${PRIMARY_DOMAIN}".conf else sed -i "s/*:80/${ips}:80/g" /etc/apache2/sites-available/00"${COUNTER}"-"${subDomains}"."${PRIMARY_DOMAIN}".conf fi IPNRCOUNTER="$(($IPNRCOUNTER - 1))" done fi if [ "${subDomains}" = "www" ] then # add domain alias sed -i "/ServerName ${subDomains}.${PRIMARY_DOMAIN}/a\\\tServerAlias ${PRIMARY_DOMAIN}" /etc/apache2/sites-available/00"${COUNTER}"-"${subDomains}"."${PRIMARY_DOMAIN}".conf fi a2ensite 00"${COUNTER}"-"${subDomains}"."${PRIMARY_DOMAIN}" else echo "This config file already exists: /etc/apache2/sites-available/00${COUNTER}-${subDomains}.${PRIMARY_DOMAIN}".conf fi COUNTER="$((COUNTER + 1))" done } setupDefaultVhostLocalHost(){ # Create Dir + index.html if [ ! -d /var/www/localhost ]; then mkdir -p /var/www/localhost cat > /var/www/localhost/index.html << EOF Site: Localhost

This is the site running on localhost

EOF fi #Create apache config if [ ! -f /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-localhost.conf ] then cat > /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-localhost.conf << EOF # Default ipv4 localhost # Default ip vhost for localhost ipv4 and ipv6 ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost ServerName DocumentRoot /var/www/localhost ErrorLog \${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/localhost-error.log CustomLog \${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/localhost-access.log combined # # Vhost example for localhost. # # IP Based Virtual Host examples. # Both ipv4 and ipv6 localhost # or # # # Only ipv6 localhost # # or # # # Only ipv4 localhost # # # Name Based Virtual Host # ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost ServerName # For the Aliases, check you "/etc/hosts" file and make sure you have all in here. # Default ipv4+ipv6 ServerAlias localhost [::1] localhost-ip6 ip6-loopback localhost.localdomain DocumentRoot /var/www/localhost ErrorLog \${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/localhost-error.log CustomLog \${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/localhost-access.log combined AllowOverride None Require all denied AllowOverride None Require all denied AllowOverride None Require all granted SetHandler server-status Require host localhost EOF else echo "This config file already exists: /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-localhost.conf" fi # enable localhost a2ensite 000-localhost } setupDefaultVhostLocalHost setupDefaultVhostForIPnumbers setupDefaultVhostForPrimaryDomain echo echo "Run apache2ctl -S to see you apache server structure" echo "When it look ok, reload apache."