#!/bin/bash set -e VERSION="0.01" ## NOTE ## below is setup with the following ## eth0 = LAN ## eth1 = WAN # todo, detect lan, detect interface names. LAN_RANGE="" SSH_LAN_ONLY="yes" # the can be any location, (/root/bin) YOUR_UFW_SCRIPT_LOCATION="/root/bin" RUNDATE="$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S)" CUR_PATH="$(pwd)" DNS_MANUAL="no" # check for root or sudo. if [[ $UID -ne 0 ]]; then echo "exiting now, your not a root user or using sudo" exit 1 fi if [ ! -d "${YOUR_UFW_SCRIPT_LOCATION}" ]; then echo "Error, missing : YOUR_UFW_SCRIPT_LOCATION, or unable to detect the folder." exit 1 fi ## Menu/Help Begin if [ -z "$1" ] || [ "$1" = "-h" ] || [ "$1" = "--help" ]; then echo "This script setup your server firewall settings." echo "usage:" echo " '$0 -h or --help' will print this message." echo " '$0 new' create a basic ufw setup script for you." echo " '$0 reset' reset, back to this scripts defaults." echo " '$0 reload/restart' reload or restart ufw firewall." echo " '$0 show' will show the rules as they are processed." echo " '$0 ipv6' troggle ipv6 on/off, a reload is automaticly done and ipv6 rules are disabled/enabled." echo " '$0 icmpout' enables icmp (ping ipv4 ) in/out. see also: /etc/ufw/before.rules " echo " '$0 nosyslog' sets rsysvol file, /etc/rsyslog.d/20-ufw.conf, to ufw only logging to /var/log/ufw.log" echo " '$0 test' is used to test new functions added in the script." exit 0 fi # if you exstent the list of options add the option here also. ArrayOfOptions=("new" "reset" "reload" "restart" "show" "ipv6" "icmpout" "nosyslog" "test" ) in_array() { local haystack=${1}[@] local needle=${2} for i in ${!haystack}; do if [[ ${i} == ${needle} ]]; then return 0 fi done return 1 } in_array ArrayOfOptions $1 || bash $(basename $0) -h ## Menu/Help END Check_Package_Installed(){ if [ "$(dpkg-query -l "${1}" | grep -c '^.i')" -eq 1 ]; then echo "Package : ${1} was already installed." else apt-get -y install "${1}" fi } Get_NetworkInterfaceInfo(){ # This might need some extra work. IFS=$'\n' SERVER_IFACE_NAMES=("$(ip -o link show | awk '{print $2,$9}' | grep -v lo| cut -d':' -f1)") echo "SERVER_IFACE_NAMES are : $SERVER_IFACE_NAMES" unset IFS # Get Gateway ip adress. SERVER_DEF_GW_IP="$(ip route | grep default | awk '{ print $3 }')" echo "SERVER_DEF_GW_IP is $SERVER_DEF_GW_IP" # Get ip adres base on gateway. SERVER_DEF_IF_IP="$(ip route get ${SERVER_DEF_GW_IP} | awk 'NR==1 {print $NF}')" echo "SERVER_DEF_IF_IP is $SERVER_DEF_IF_IP" } # Restrict ufw logging to only /var/log/ufw.log NoSysLog(){ sed -i "s/#\& stop/\& stop/g" /etc/rsyslog.d/20-ufw.conf systemctl restart rsyslog systemctl status rsyslog } EnablePingOutIPv4(){ sed -i "/# don't delete the 'COMMIT' line or these rules won't be processed/i # Allow icmp code for OUTPUT (ipv4)" /etc/ufw/before.rules # Option 1, allow selected ICMP types. sed -i "/# don't delete the 'COMMIT' line or these rules won't be processed/i -A ufw-before-output -p icmp --icmp-type destination-unreachable -j ACCEPT" /etc/ufw/before.rules sed -i "/# don't delete the 'COMMIT' line or these rules won't be processed/i -A ufw-before-output -p icmp --icmp-type source-quench -j ACCEPT" /etc/ufw/before.rules sed -i "/# don't delete the 'COMMIT' line or these rules won't be processed/i -A ufw-before-output -p icmp --icmp-type time-exceeded -j ACCEPT" /etc/ufw/before.rules sed -i "/# don't delete the 'COMMIT' line or these rules won't be processed/i -A ufw-before-output -p icmp --icmp-type parameter-problem -j ACCEPT" /etc/ufw/before.rules sed -i "/# don't delete the 'COMMIT' line or these rules won't be processed/i -A ufw-before-output -p icmp --icmp-type echo-reply -j ACCEPT" /etc/ufw/before.rules sed -i "/# don't delete the 'COMMIT' line or these rules won't be processed/i -A ufw-before-output -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -j ACCEPT" /etc/ufw/before.rules # Option 2, allow all ICMP types. sed -i "/# don't delete the 'COMMIT' line or these rules won't be processed/i # Optional, allow all icmp types for OUTPUT (ipv4)" /etc/ufw/before.rules sed -i "/# don't delete the 'COMMIT' line or these rules won't be processed/i #-A ufw-before-output -p icmp -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT" /etc/ufw/before.rules sed -i "/# don't delete the 'COMMIT' line or these rules won't be processed/i #-A ufw-before-output -p icmp -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT" /etc/ufw/before.rules echo "Ping out is enabled, please review /etc/ufw/before.rules, it starts at # Allow icmp code for OUTPUT (ipv4)" } EnableDisableIPv6(){ # set ipv6 on/off if [ -e /etc/default/ufw ]; then # use (import) the setting from /etc/default/ufw . /etc/default/ufw if [ "$IPV6" = "yes" ]; then sed -i 's/IPV6=yes/IPV6=no/g' /etc/default/ufw else sed -i 's/IPV6=no/IPV6=yes/g' /etc/default/ufw fi else echo "Warning: function EnableDisableIPv6, missing /etc/default/ufw" fi } ## Menu/Help END Get_nameserver_ips(){ if [ $(grep -n "nameserver" /etc/resolv.conf | grep "127.0." |wc -l ) -ge 1 ]; then DNS_MANUAL="yes" echo "Warning: possible caching/forwarind nameserver detected." echo "Warning: you might need to set the nameservers manualy please review /etc/ufw/personal-script" echo "DNS is set to allow out to any port 53." else DNS_MANUAL="no" # Try to Detect your nameservers. IFS=$'\n' NAMESERVERARRAY="$(grep -n "nameserver" /etc/resolv.conf | awk '{ print $NF }')" unset IFS fi } Get_DomainControlerNames(){ # check for the needed packages before running commands. Check_Package_Installed dnsutils sleep 0.1 IFS=$'\n' DCS_ARRAY_NAMES=("$(host -t SRV _kerberos._udp.$(hostname -d)| awk '{ print $NF }')") unset IFS echo "Your DC names are : ${DCS_ARRAY_NAMES}" } Get_DomainMXserver(){ # check for the needed packages before running commands. Check_Package_Installed dnsutils sleep 0.1 IFS=$'\n' MX_ARRAY_NAMES=("$(host -t MX $(hostname -d)| awk '{ print $NF }')") unset IFS echo "Your MX names are : ${MX_ARRAY_NAMES}" } Ufw_create_personalscript(){ local COUNTER=0 if [ ! -e /etc/ufw/personal-script ]; then echo "Error, the personal script file was not create yet." echo "Please edit /etc/ufw/personal-script and add your commands." echo "Some basics are already added for you then re-run this script again." echo " " # Create basic script echo "#!/bin/bin/bash -e" > /etc/ufw/personal-script echo " " >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "# The ssh rule is ALWAYS the first rull, this may prevent a lockout when you enable ufw." >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "# Protect ssh from bruteforce attacks by using the limiting traffic. " >> /etc/ufw/personal-script if [ "${SSH_LAN_ONLY}" = "no" ] then echo "# The line below allows ssh from anywhere." >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "ufw limit SSH comment 'Limit SSH (22/tcp)'" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script else echo "# The line below allows ssh only from primary lan." >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "ufw limit in on eth0 from ${LAN_RANGE} to any proto tcp port 22 comment 'Limit SSH from RTD lan (22/tcp)'" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script fi echo " " >> /etc/ufw/personal-script # DEFAULTS. echo "# Restrict the firewall and deny in/out/forward by default." >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "# Options are : default allow|deny|reject incoming|outgoing|routed" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "ufw default deny incoming" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "ufw default deny outgoing" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "ufw default deny routed" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo " " >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "# Reduce ufw logging. (options on/off, low medium high" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "# Testing new rules, set it to high and tail -f /var/log/ufw.log and/or /var/log/syslog." >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "ufw logging low" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo " " >> /etc/ufw/personal-script # DNS: Get the nameserver ips, and use them in the firewall" Get_nameserver_ips COUNTER=0 echo "# DNS is not restricted to udp, if the udp package is to big it will retry on tcp." >> /etc/ufw/personal-script if [ "${DNS_MANUAL}" = "yes" ] then echo "ufw allow out to any port 53 comment 'Allow out to (manual) DNS (port 53)'" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script else for setdns in $NAMESERVERARRAY; do COUNTER=$((COUNTER +1)) echo "ufw allow out to ${setdns} port 53 comment 'Allow out to (detected from resolv.conf) DNS-${COUNTER} (port 53)'" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script done fi # # NTP: Get the DC hostnames, get the ip numbers and use ip in the firewall rules. Get_DomainControlerNames for setntp in $DCS_ARRAY_NAMES; do # The assigned ports list includes 123/tcp as NTP as well as 123/udp but the tcp port is not used by ntpd) HOSTIP=$(host $setntp | awk '{ print $NF }') echo "ufw allow out to ${HOSTIP} port 123 comment 'Allow out to (detected from script, AD-DC) NTP (port 123)'" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script done for setdcs in $DCS_ARRAY_NAMES; do # The assigned ports needed to query the DC, kerberos ldap ldaps GlobalCatalog ports. HOSTIP=$(host $setdcs | awk '{ print $NF }') # AD DC DNS. echo "ufw allow out to ${HOSTIP} port 53 comment 'Allow out to ADDC-DNS-${COUNTER} (port 53)'" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script # Kerberos echo "ufw allow out to ${HOSTIP} port 88 comment 'Allow out to (detected from script, AD-DC) Kerberos (port 88)'" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "ufw allow out to ${HOSTIP} port 464 comment 'Allow out to (detected from script, AD-DC) Kerberos kpasswd (port 464)'" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script # Ldap(s) echo "ufw allow out to ${HOSTIP} port 389 comment 'Allow out to (detected from script, AD-DC) LDAP (port 389)'" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "ufw allow out to ${HOSTIP} port 636 comment 'Allow out to (detected from script, AD-DC) LDAPS (port 636)'" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script # Global Catalog echo "ufw allow out to ${HOSTIP} port 3268 comment 'Allow out to (detected from script, AD-DC) GC (non-ssl) (port 3268)'" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "ufw allow out to ${HOSTIP} port 3269 comment 'Allow out to (detected from script, AD-DC) GC (ssl) (port 3269)'" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script # Samba/SMB/CIFS... etc. echo "ufw allow out to ${HOSTIP} proto tcp port 135 comment 'Allow out to (detected from script, AD-DC) DCE/RPC Locator Service (port 135/tcp)'" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "ufw allow out to ${HOSTIP} proto udp port 137 comment 'Allow out to (detected from script, AD-DC) NetBIOS Name Service (port 137/udp)'" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "ufw allow out to ${HOSTIP} proto udp port 138 comment 'Allow out to (detected from script, AD-DC) NetBIOS Datagram (port 138/udp)'" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "ufw allow out to ${HOSTIP} proto tcp port 139 comment 'Allow out to (detected from script, AD-DC) NetBIOS Session (port 139/tcp)'" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "ufw allow out to ${HOSTIP} proto tcp port 445 comment 'Allow out to (detected from script, AD-DC) SMB over TCP (port 445/tcp)'" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "ufw allow out to ${HOSTIP} proto tcp port 49152:65535 comment 'Allow out to (detected from script, AD-DC) Dynamic RPC Ports (port 49152:65535/tcp)'" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "ufw allow in on eth0 proto tcp from ${HOSTIP} port 445 to ${THIS_SERVER_IP} port 49152:65535 comment 'Allow in to (detected from script, AD-DC) Dynamic RPC Ports (port 49152:65535/tcp)'" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script done # MX: Get the MX names within you LAN and allow OUT to these ipnumbers. # Asumption: this is a "mail relay" host. (Internet < port 25 > This_Host Internal mail server.) Get_DomainMXserver for setMX in $MX_ARRAY_NAMES; do MXIP=$(host $setMX | awk '{ print $NF }') echo "ufw allow out on eth0 to ${MXIP} proto tcp port 25 comment 'Allow out to (detected from script, MAIL) LAN MX (port 25/tcp)'" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script done echo "## ALLOW-OUT: Some needed rules to make apt-get update work for example." >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "# Ftp/http/https" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "ufw allow out 21,80,443/tcp comment 'Allow out ftp/http/https (21,80,443/tcp)'" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "# Allow whois" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "ufw allow out 43/tcp comment 'Allow out whois to any (43/tcp)'" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "# Allow Spammassin Razor/Pyzor/DCC." >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "ufw allow out from any to any proto tcp port 2703 comment 'Allow out Spammassassin/Razor (dport 2703/tcp)'" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "ufw allow out from any proto tcp port 7 to any comment 'Allow out Spammassassin/Razor (sport 7/tcp)'" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "ufw allow out from any to any proto any port 24441 comment 'Allow out Spammassassin/Pyzor (dport 24441)'" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "ufw allow out from any proto udp port 6277 to any comment 'Allow out Spammassassin/DCC (sport 6277/udp)'" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "# Allow Clamav-unofficial Sigs (rsync (873/tcp)/curl443/tcp)" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "ufw allow out from any to any proto tcp port 873 comment 'Allow out Rsync-Clamav-unofficial-sigs (dport 873/tcp)'" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo " " >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "# Allow Out, restriced/lan only." >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "# Ssh" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "ufw allow out on eth0 from any to ${LAN_RANGE} proto tcp port 22 comment 'Limit SSH To RTD lan (22/tcp)'" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "# NFS" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "ufw allow out from any to ${LAN_RANGE} port 111 comment 'Allow out NFS to RTD lan (111)'" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "ufw allow out from any to ${LAN_RANGE} port 2049 comment 'Allow out NFS to RTD lan (2049)'" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "# MYSQL/MariaDB" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "# Allow MySQL/MariaDB to mail server, for shared spamassassin/bayes database, hosted on mail server." >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "#ufw allow out on eth0 from any to Add_Your_SQL_IP_Here proto tcp port 3306 comment 'Allow out MySql/MariaDB (port 3306/tcp)'" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "# Samba" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "ufw allow out on eth0 from any to ${LAN_RANGE} proto tcp port 135 comment 'Allow out to (detected from script, AD-DC) DCE/RPC Locator Service (port 135/tcp)'" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "ufw allow out on eth0 from any to ${LAN_RANGE} proto udp port 137 comment 'Allow out to (detected from script, AD-DC) NetBIOS Name Service (port 137/udp)'" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "ufw allow out on eth0 from any to ${LAN_RANGE} proto udp port 138 comment 'Allow out to (detected from script, AD-DC) NetBIOS Datagram (port 138/udp)'" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "ufw allow out on eth0 from any to ${LAN_RANGE} proto tcp port 139 comment 'Allow out to (detected from script, AD-DC) NetBIOS Session (port 139/tcp)'" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "ufw allow out on eth0 from any to ${LAN_RANGE} proto tcp port 445 comment 'Allow out to (detected from script, AD-DC) SMB over TCP (port 445/tcp)'" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo " " >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "## ALLOW IN" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "# Web server settings" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "ufw allow in on eth0 from any to any port 80 comment 'Allow in on eth0 to Web ports ( 80/tcp)'" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "ufw allow in on eth0 from any to any port 443 comment 'Allow in on eth0 to Web ports ( 443/tcp)'" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "# Proxy (squid)" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "#ufw allow in on eth0 from any to any port 3128 comment 'Allow in on eth0 to Squid (port 3128/tcp)'" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "#or use : ufw allow in on eth0 from any to any app Squid" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "#ufw allow in on eth0 proto tcp from any to any port 80,443 comment 'Allow in webtraffic (port 80,443/tcp)'" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "#ufw allow in on eth0 proto tcp from any to any port 3128,8080 comment 'Allow in webtraffic Proxy (port 3128,8080/tcp)'" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "#ufw allow in on eth0 proto tcp from any to any port 3129 comment 'Allow in SSL webtraffic redirect to Proxy (port 3128,8080/tcp)'" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "# Spamassassin (Pyzor/DCC)" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "ufw allow in from any port 24441 comment 'Allow in Spammassassin/Pyzor (port 24441)'" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "ufw allow in from any proto udp port 6277 to any comment 'Allow in Spammassassin/DCC (sport 6277/udp)'" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo " " >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo " " >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "# # mail settings (Kopano)" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "# ufw allow in 236/tcp comment 'Allow in Kopano insecure (236/tcp)'" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "# ufw allow in 237/tcp comment 'Allow in Kopano secure (237/tcp)'" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "# # Generic mail settings" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "# ufw allow in Postfix comment 'Allow in Postfix (25/tcp)'" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "# ufw allow in POP3 comment 'Allow in pop insecure (110/tcp)'" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "# ufw allow in POP3S comment 'Allow in pop secure (995/tcp)'" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "# ufw allow in IMAP comment 'Allow in imap insecure (143/tcp)'" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "# ufw allow in IMAPS comment 'Allow in imaps secure (993/tcp)'" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo " " >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "# Lan related settings last, add your own here." >> /etc/ufw/personal-script echo "# ufw allow 25,587,465/tcp comment 'Allow in, mailservers, (25,587,465/tcp)'" >> /etc/ufw/personal-script # #### UFW FIREWALL SETTINGS ENDS HERE else echo "file: /etc/ufw/personal-script already exist, not changing anything." echo "type: bash /etc/ufw/personal-script to enable all new rules." fi # remove variable leftovers. unset setdns unset setntp unset setMX } ## if [ "$1" == "reset" ]; then ufw --force reset if [ -e /etc/ufw/personal-script ]; then cp /etc/ufw/personal-script{,.${RUNDATE}} rm /etc/ufw/personal-script fi ufw --force disable Ufw_create_personalscript sleep 0.1 bash /etc/ufw/personal-script ufw --force enable fi if [ "$1" == "restart" ]; then ufw --force disable sleep 0.1 ufw --force enable fi if [ "$1" == "reload" ]; then ufw --force reload fi if [ "$1" == "show" ]; then echo "Ufw by default does not show the order of rules, but here you go." ufw verbose numbered fi if [ "$1" == "ipv6" ]; then EnableDisableIPv6 ufw --force reload fi if [ "$1" == "icmpout" ]; then EnablePingOutIPv4 ufw --force reload fi if [ "$1" == "nosyslog" ]; then NoSysLog fi if [ "$1" == "test" ]; then # test your new functions here. Get_DomainMXserver fi